15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



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  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    @Mcord11758 I feel you on that man, I'm still playing cuz of my alliance. Don't wanna just leave and cut em off.
  • SHIELDSHIELD Member Posts: 90
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    It's true some alliances sell 2*s and 3*s, rating isn't everything but it is a good indicator, it's broken right now as it's supposed to be diversity across all battle groups not within each bttle group, after that is fixed, and people have the hang of placing every champ they have, wins will be down to which alliance haS the rarest and newest champs,

    It will actually come down to who has Kang/Thanos/and LOL Ultron. I would assume most higher ranked alliances have at least a 2* version of every champ somewhere within the 30 members. If the max champs right now is 105? (Somewhere around there) than the alliances that got Kang/Thanos/Ultron have a 375 advantage. To make that up in Defender rating (the only place other points you can gain on your opponent if ypu both 100% explore) you need to place 3 champs that have a total pi of 187,500. Lol.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    With matchmaking going down tonight... Should we expect some changes/tweaks when it's back up?

    Is there a set timetable for reviewing aw 2.0 and deciding on changes?
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Unless skill and actually defeating the enemy in battle is what decides the outcome, the setup isn't correct. Idc whether it's diversity or rating or a combination of both, that's a very bad thing.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Balm82 wrote: »
    As it stand a 4* Magik & 5* magik count as 2.

    No they don't they count as 1
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  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★
    Way to delete threads that offer constructive criticism. Bang up job Kabam. Rather than listen to your players, you remove threads that offer suggestions and speak the truth.
  • edited September 2017
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  • scottstevenson86scottstevenson86 Member Posts: 152
    Sigh I like some of the changes but i don't like the idea of portals like how do they work can they just telport to boss or the back nodes then just kill them, adding 5 mini boses, taking out points for defender kills just seems like you're trying to give the edge to spending alliances and craping on those who don't spend.

    Now there's no penalty to stop them from chucking money at the war to kill our defenders and bosses which happens enough as it is now you're rewarding them.

    You say it's because of defeat and i call bs i say it's revenue since you're encouraging spending since there's still no reliable way to get potions or revives ( which are overpriced) in the game without spending money or precious glory or loyalty.

    You need to upgrade rewards, add more attackers and add more defenders otherwise I can see this not working an getting severely criticised by your player base which is already less than thrilled at you in the first place and some of this really ticked off more of them.

    Making sweeping changes without fixing your game and just ignoring us isn't a really good idea and will likely come back to haunt you

  • scottstevenson86scottstevenson86 Member Posts: 152
    Boycott war dont place defenders and items and units wont be spent use 2* defenders
  • scottstevenson86scottstevenson86 Member Posts: 152
    Rise up against kabaams oppressive overlords at kaScam
  • Ksawyer90Ksawyer90 Member Posts: 1
    rwhack wrote: »
    Roughly translated, we want you to keep spending after you die. Dance monkey dance.

    Absolutely terrible decision. Instead of AW maybe we can all just do a credit card swipe and whoever has the highest amount wins.

    You ruined the game, give yourself a pat on the back
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    AW can now be 100% explored with barely any health lost to the point where the ONLY factor is defender diversity is utterly ridiculous!
    My alliance lost the first 2 wars due to diversity and after we learned our lesson we are now winning thanks to diversity.
    My point is where is the challenge and where is the fun???
    Feel free to not care about answering kabam. We all know what you think (money) and you're not going to do anything about it.
  • ПуccалейПуccалей Member Posts: 19
    No sense, No fun
    No interest.
    Thanks, Kabam.
  • King_turd123King_turd123 Member Posts: 156
    What's the harm in saying Hey, we've changed a.w. and will do a test run for one week starting. ...
    And then go back to the previous version and await feedback?
    Think of a chef with a signature dish, tries a new take on it one day, and destroys the original recipe before serving it.
  • FAL7ENFAL7EN Member Posts: 297
    Nope don't convert back I like it now.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    DJSergy wrote: »
    Not sure if this was posted already but I just realized it is imposible to win a war if you are one memeber down... we used to win wars one player and sometimes 28/30.... Yeah we were at a disadvantage but we could make it up with skill and strategy.

    Guess thats another flaw with this new system. If your alliance is one member down, you can kiss goodbye the win. Not even worth trying you gonna lose diversity points.

    I also finally realized what kabam was trying to do with this new update. There is truly no way with this new diversity thing to estimate if you are going to win or lose. So they want you to finish everything, use items regardles you have a chance to win. With the old system you could guestimate based on defender kills and exploration if it was worth to keep trying. That was a great part of war and alliance strategy, and it was actually fun.

    Please kabam, revert AW to its previous version. Don't do this to your players. We've come along way since the v12 boycott. Lets keep working toghether. Thanks

    I was thinking about this as well. With 9 lanes and no defender kills everyone has to clear their lane if they want to have a chance to win.

    Hey Kabam, was it worth it?
  • CantstopwontstopCantstopwontstop Member Posts: 15
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Would it be possible to save diversity for bases?
    DJSergy wrote: »
    Not sure if this was posted already but I just realized it is imposible to win a war if you are one memeber down... we used to win wars one player and sometimes 28/30.... Yeah we were at a disadvantage but we could make it up with skill and strategy.

    Guess thats another flaw with this new system. If your alliance is one member down, you can kiss goodbye the win. Not even worth trying you gonna lose diversity points.

    I also finally realized what kabam was trying to do with this new update. There is truly no way with this new diversity thing to estimate if you are going to win or lose. So they want you to finish everything, use items regardles you have a chance to win. With the old system you could guestimate based on defender kills and exploration if it was worth to keep trying. That was a great part of war and alliance strategy, and it was actually fun.

    Please kabam, revert AW to its previous version. Don't do this to your players. We've come along way since the v12 boycott. Lets keep working toghether. Thanks

    I was thinking about this as well. With 9 lanes and no defender kills everyone has to clear their lane if they want to have a chance to win.

    Hey Kabam, was it worth it?
    that gives us too many options, kabam doesn't like options

  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    They had a good thing going with 1.0.

    There's no real way of introducing champ diversity without nerfing the mystic class, and why would they? People have spent a fortune in time and or money on them, and to throw them in the trash because leeches and whiners complain about facing mystics is ridiculous.

    And if you nerf the mystics, AW will be flooded with the next best thing anyway so facing the same fighters all over again will always persist. There's always going to be a #1 champ that players will always choose over the 2nd best. You can't mess with this unless you make them equal with every other champ (like you've done with 2.0), and ruin your game in the process.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I lost a total of half health for one champ in this war. Took out a mini boss and the boss.. Tier 2. Shouldn't be this simple, but that's what diversity gets us.

    (and I only lost half health bc my champ rushed forward all on his own while I was holding block)
  • AB_SB6AB_SB6 Member Posts: 4
    I'm struggling to find a single person across multiple chats that was actually requesting for changes to be made to the old AW format. Why would you completely rework something that wasn't even broken? Every war we've been in since the new AW started has seen all bgs on both sides easily get to 100%. A poor attempt at this diversity scoring system has many of us scratching our heads with confusion. Skill is not even a factor in this new format whatsoever. Is that really what you were after? Do you have any pride in your work? Obviously I'm frustrated with the direction of this game. I'm completely disappointed and I hardly expect you to even respond.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    linux wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Balm82 wrote: »
    As it stand a 4* Magik & 5* magik count as 2.

    No they don't they count as 1

    If they're in the same BG, they do -- per discussion and also a limited amount of testing we did the second day. If they're in different BGs, they don't. Kabam has said they were going to fix the latter "issue".

    No they don't, 2 magik in 1 bg counts as 1 champ for diversity. Diversity goes per bg at the moment(bug) so you can have 1magik in bg 1, bg2 and bg3 but you can't have 2 magiks in 1 bg.

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,675 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    DD2 wrote: »
    Diversity is for simpletons who want to give an advantage to their competitors by placing weaker champs.

    I welcome it! If my opponent's are dumb enough to place weak champs, let'em do it but DON`T PUNISH ME FOR PLAYING SMARTER!

    @DD2 we lost the last war on diversity and won this war on diversity. I think it's stupid but when both sides 100% the map diversity is everything right now. To ignore it would be being a simpleton, as you put it.

  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    It's scenarios like the one above and if someone in your alliance doesn't place or leaves before placing that can make it impossible to win. I know they have tried their best to make wars more interesting and challenging, but if we wanted to do mathenstical gymnastics we would play trig Scrabble. We want to win based on skill, and lose based on skill. Put defender kills back in the mix. Wars shouldn't be pre determined.
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