Cyber Weekend Sales Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • TheycallmeKevinTheycallmeKevin Member Posts: 8
    After waiting for this event for months. Waiting to get items I need to help with my 6* characters to get the Thronebreaker title. I made a couple of purchases. Not as much as in the past because the options weren’t great this year. No Cat5 of any kind which was weird...
    Then I see what Thronebreaker summoners are offered and I’m upset. After playing for 5 years I’m having a difficult time reasoning why I should stay. Those of us that are Cavalier you didn’t give us a reason to want to continue. I’ll give Kabam until it’s birthday in December to fix this and make it right for Cavaliers.
  • DOCTOR_d00bDOCTOR_d00b Member Posts: 9
    Rookiie said:

    There's so much good feedback in here but I can't imagine Kabam recovering from this.
    Even if they do give out a free 10% T5CC selector to all Cavs, I suspect a large majority of them will no longer spend units or money on offers.

    You are right, I always get the Summoner Sigil and the monthly unit deal but after this I won't be getting that and going strictly FtP.
  • YemeyYemey Member Posts: 4
    My 2 cents (or actually ~450 dollars worth since that's what doing this would have gained Kabam from me). Last year I was uncollected and wanted to be Cavalier. I spent a couple hundred on the Black Friday sale as Uncollected in order to make the progression and then spent a couple hundred on the Cavalier deals. I had a great year playing as Cavalier and now I'm in the same boat a year later with wanting to progress to Thronebreaker and was in the same position to spend this weekend to make this happen. And like every other Cavalier looking at these deals I'm thinking if spending for progression is off the table this year then what the heck is my motivation to spend anything to keep having fun doing what I'm ALREADY having fun doing? Kabam seems to have gone out of their way to ensure that every deal is worthless to the person who has been Cavalier for awhile and ready for the next step. We already have the 5* rosters to beat the necessary content we just need that R3 6 star. So I don't get why they thought that population will spend on these deals and I also don't get why they thought that population was small enough to ignore. I wouldn't be surprised if that's most of their player base that spends significantly at holidays but doesn't whale out on a daily basis.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,204 ★★★★★

    OK EVERYONE, AS THE PERSON WHO STARTED THIS THREAD, I AM AS UPSET AS ANYONE, BUT I THINK THAT WE SHOULD WORK TOGETHER TO BUILD UP THE OFFERS WE WOULD'VE LIKED TO HAVE SEEN (within reason) btw sorry for shouting but at the moment it’s just a lot of voices not working together!

    Easy - take the Fourth of July offer structure (choosing between a 5-star focus and a 6-star focus) and make them about 10% better. Add a few percents to the t5cc, extra shards or whatever.

    Even the sig stones in this deal were worse because the singles have to be used immediately while +5 can be saved.
  • SupermancaSupermanca Member Posts: 225
    A lot of cavalier players who have already completed act 6 will be taking a break from this game. These offers are an insult.
  • Sasuke15Sasuke15 Member Posts: 5
    Kabam showed middle finger to all those cavalier who inspire to throne breaker title....their thrust for money is reaching new heights everyday..there r also games like dragon Ball legends which is based on rng ..but they never screwed their FTP players the way kabam did on this cyber weekend .....I wasted my 15000 units on **** deals got shafted badly... They did not gave me a single 5* champ whom I can take to r5 forget about 6*.....I opened 3 6* and it was far worse mordo, invisible woman n beyond beyond god tier Terrax......I want to use many adjectives to kabam but then I control myself for the sake of language we should be using while criticising...
  • Sushiman1811Sushiman1811 Member Posts: 1
    Sorry kabam, but you really really screwed up big time with these cavalier cyber weekend deals. If anything you will make less money because it’s not easy to achieve thronebreaker title. I personally know about 50 people that did not and won’t get the cavalier deals...that’s about $30, imagine how many more people decided not to get the cavalier deals. Kabam, you just told us you don’t care about cavalier players and don’t want our money which is perfectly fine with me because I just saved around $600. We don’t know exactly how many people play mcoc globally, but let’s say 1,000 people wouldn’t get the cavalier would really hurt if my company loses over half a million $$$. You just gave one more reason to all these players that use game mods, buy illegal units or look for mercs so they could get through content, to keep doing so and I wouldn’t blame them, kabam. Just keep in mind that all that money you are losing right now, a lot of mercs are getting it instead. That’s just my personal thought. We’re all ears to what you have to say, kabam...
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,873 ★★★★★
    Thanks for the extra thread on this topic. Exactly what we needed.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Speak only for yourself.

    I find the deals very underwhelming, doesn't mean I'm taking a break
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,459 ★★★★★

    We’re all ears to what you have to say, kabam...

    I think we're already (not) hearing it. Hiding and hoping things blow over doesn't make sounds. To be fair, that might be drowned out by TB guys in LINE chats and my alliance complaining about T5CC going to stash and how few great champs they got from each of their absurd number of 6 star openings.
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★

    A lot of cavalier players who have already completed act 6 will be taking a break from this game. These offers are an insult.

    Whilst I agree that the difference between Cav and TB deals was too wide and Cav players should have had access to more T5CC and 6* shards, calling then an insult and suggesting this as a reason for taking a break is way out of perspective.

    You still get the extra items with the units so the value of that unit pack is already greatly enhanced and Kabam have no obligation to offer any form of deal.

    If you don’t like them then don’t buy them, if your sick of the game then take a break/stop playing but to suggest that “A lot” of others will stop playing with this as the sole rationale is pretty spurious argument
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Would be fun to eavesdrop to the guy at kabam hq trying to reason the bad number with the pandemic ... people don't have the spare money. 😂
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    For me Kabam has dropped the uncollectable .. How do you want to have a 6r3 if you give me 0% for the riders after this difficult year I find it .. i have no word.. uncollected are forgot by Kabam .. Thank’s You ...
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,611 ★★★★★
    Yes there’s where’s good for thronebreaker but not for cavalier
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,534 ★★★★★
    Uninspired was the term someone used for this year’s offers. That’s pretty spot on.

    I’ll add an out-of-the-box package that could have caused me to take a second look: a 4* rankup/max sig offer aimed at Cavs for the 4* Challenge solo objectives.

    I’ve got tons of max 4*’s—most of which are oldish—and I hate wasting any resources on 4* in general unless it’s to top off for Level Up milestones. While 4/40 4* are usually more than enough to knock out the 4* Cav EQ challenge objectives, in some cases having a more current 4* at 5/50 or even 4/40 would provide better counters than an older 4*.

    It’s not game breaking or something I’d drop a lot of cash or units on, but inclusion of thoughtful offers in that vein would at least suggest some level of understanding of how many veteran/Cav/higher end Summoners play the game.

    With all the available game data and plenty of feedback online (some useful and lots not so much), formulating useful, profitable in-game deals shouldn’t be difficult.

    Dr. Zola
  • SupermancaSupermanca Member Posts: 225
    Seems that you guys are so far away from being throne breakers. I don’t blame you for saying what you are saying. Everyone’s situation is different and everyone has completed different content.
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  • Little_Crocodili29Little_Crocodili29 Member Posts: 352 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    Uninspired was the term someone used for this year’s offers. That’s pretty spot on.

    I’ll add an out-of-the-box package that could have caused me to take a second look: a 4* rankup/max sig offer aimed at Cavs for the 4* Challenge solo objectives.

    I’ve got tons of max 4*’s—most of which are oldish—and I hate wasting any resources on 4* in general unless it’s to top off for Level Up milestones. While 4/40 4* are usually more than enough to knock out the 4* Cav EQ challenge objectives, in some cases having a more current 4* at 5/50 or even 4/40 would provide better counters than an older 4*.

    It’s not game breaking or something I’d drop a lot of cash or units on, but inclusion of thoughtful offers in that vein would at least suggest some level of understanding of how many veteran/Cav/higher end Summoners play the game.

    With all the available game data and plenty of feedback online (some useful and lots not so much), formulating useful, profitable in-game deals shouldn’t be difficult.

    Dr. Zola


    Whist I understand your reasoning in this request I think it's an extremely dangerous thing to be asking.

    It's clear as day what they think of Cavs now. We don't need them tailoring deals or rewards to us in form of 4* resources buddy! With the excuse of that solo Objective in mind.

    Personally I've skipped 2 out of 3 of those so far so I'd be reeeeeally pissed to be getting more 4* focused things than we already get.

    Again, I understand where you're coming from but kbm would be highly unlikely to throw this as an addition on top of things we dedperately need. Rather they'd make this part of the focus.
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