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  • jaydubjaydub Member Posts: 41
    Cavalier and uncollected aren't the same, they are for day 1 but day 2 for UC is energy refills, day 2 for Cavalier is signature stones.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★

    IOSJasoN said:

    I recall you got Cavalier a while ago. Have you stopped working on your 5* roster?

    The average Cavalier player hasn't fully explored Act 6 and is just parked until they can get a lucky pull to become Thronebreaker. The average Cavalier player is probably still working through Act 6. And Act 6 still has some roster checks in it, although they've been reduced somewhat. Both 5* champs and 6* champs work in Act 6, but 5* champs are easier to rank up, easier to awaken, and easier to sig up. So while the people who complain about rewards disproportionately reach for the highest possible rewards, I'm not convinced that a 6* champ helps them more than a 5* champ. And we aren't talking about swapping a 5* champ for a 6* champ either: we're almost certainly talking about the difference between 5k 5* shards and some much lower quantity of 6* shards, something between 1k and 2.5k. Let's say 2.5k. In this case, the difference in value is about two to one. Saying 2.5k 6* shards is worth more than 5k 5* shards is tantamount to saying one 6* champ is worth more than two 5* champs.

    For me, it would be. But that's because I have almost all of the 5* champs. For a progressing player still working through Act 6, I doubt it. For the highest Cavaliers, probably. For the mid tier and lower Cavs, probably not.

    @DNA3000 usually I can agree with most of what you say but I disagree with this..
    I'd say I'm low Cavalier (very low Cavalier)

    (Quick flex lol) but take a look at that pic who's my highest champ? That's a r1 level 1 6* and the others are r2 5*s to get them to r2 has cost me gold, iso, 5x t1a, 3x t3c, 2x t4b each.. but the 6* is still higher if I leveled the 6* it would cost me nothing but gold and iso at max level the 6* would be equivalent to a unwakened r4 5* so to say the 5* is more valuable to a low cav player is nonsense when considering the other resources needed to get them to r4 I'd have been a lot happier with 2.5k 6* shards or even 2k 6* instead of the 5k 5* shards as a 6* is useful straight out of the box..
    (Not sure what happened to my comment Quoting went insane)

    Your first cavalier account screenshot looks very sus. Unless unit man was involved heavily.
    No i learnt along time ago unit man is too high maintenance to have around lol.. This is my 6th ac I wasn't going to keep playing it but I've had too much luck with the champs pulled got no choice but to carry it on now..
    This ac has been reported countless times I hang around global in free time helping newer players as best I can..
    Which one looks sus the uc pic? Or cav pic? both pics are the same ac just at different milestones..
    Kabam gave out compo a few months back used the boosts from it.. charged cmm dead nick on team 15% attack 25% health 30% attack and health boosts 4 single revives and the collector was down (should have been 3 but he went unstoppable as I intercepted him didn't end well for me lol) as for cav run that duped Ægon did most of the heavy lifting just got to hold a combo (and be sure to have banked over 100 hits before going against dot champs)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,292 Guardian
    IOSJasoN said:

    @DNA3000 usually I can agree with most of what you say but I disagree with this..
    I'd say I'm low Cavalier (very low Cavalier)

    (Quick flex lol) but take a look at that pic who's my highest champ? That's a r1 level 1 6* and the others are r2 5*s to get them to r2 has cost me gold, iso, 5x t1a, 3x t3c, 2x t4b each.. but the 6* is still higher if I leveled the 6* it would cost me nothing but gold and iso at max level the 6* would be equivalent to a unwakened r4 5* so to say the 5* is more valuable to a low cav player is nonsense when considering the other resources needed to get them to r4 I'd have been a lot happier with 2.5k 6* shards or even 2k 6* instead of the 5k 5* shards as a 6* is useful straight out of the box..
    (Not sure what happened to my comment Quoting went insane)

    When we talk about comparing 5* champs to 6* champs and which ones would be more useful to a player of a certain progress level, we're normally talking about the relative leveling costs of each. But your profile suggests your account is full of almost completely unleveled champs. You're basically not leveling anything, so of course a 6* champ that you are spending nothing to level is going to be better than a 5* champ that you are spending nothing to level.

    Maybe that's something you can get away with if you're a veteran player piloting an alt account. But for most Cavalier players playing their first play-through, the presumption is that things like rank up costs, awakening difficulty, and for many champs signature levels are all part of the equation. Moreover, just the sheer number of pulls matters. Both 5* and 6* champs will get you through Act 6, but for most players many paths require strong roster counters. This means you have to open enough champion crystals to increase the odds of getting sufficiently strong counters to various paths. More 5* champs is better than fewer 6* champs in that case, because you're increasing the odds of getting more different champs that can cover a wider set of fights.

    So as I said, it isn't just a question of whether a 6* champ is better than a 5* champ, because that's not the trade being discussed. The question is whether much fewer 6* shards is better than much more 5* shards, and for the mid to lower Cav players their roster is probably not super wide yet, and having more champs period of the 5*/6* tier is better in general. Having fewer high rarity champs is only better than having more lower rarity champs when you literally no longer have a progressional need for any of those lower tier champs. But if you're looking for one of a specific set of champs to do a specific path in Act 6, having more shots at that champ is going to help your progress more.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,484 ★★★★★
    Yeah 77k getting Cavalier sounds more like a situation of other things. Either the content is too easy, access to OP Champs is too high, it's an Alt (which has very little to do with the natural rate of progression), or questionable factors. Not to imply anything.
    TL:DR - Hitting Cav that quickly shouldn't be a thing IMO.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    @GroundedWisdom I already stated "this is my 6th ac" I get bored and start a new one to keep me entertained.. Underdog fights keep me going (example; When loads of players was complaining about the mephisto in boss rush way back I took him down with a r3 3* Rulk to show it could be done) Tbh you're living in the past buddy champs nowadays are nothing like the basic stuff we used to have.. Give it a try start a new ac and you'll get it things that used to be very difficult is very easy to pass with updated champs..
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    @DNA3000 I can agree with about 90% of that.. I'd never advise new players to go through with champs like that (unless they like punishment lol) I'm just using that ac to highlight the benefits of a 6* vs 5* to a progressing Cavalier player..
    Yes 5*s are easier then a 6* to rank..
    Yes 5*s are easier to awaken and sig up..
    Yes 5*s are easier to get..
    But heres the kick a lot of newer champs don't require the awakened ability (its nice to have but not a must)
    To rank a single 5* to r4 requires a lot of resources (yes they are easier to come by nowadays but still can be a real pain) On that ac I opened 20 t4c crystals and out of them not a single mystic t4c that was all I needed just 1 and out of 20 chances didn't get it..
    To take a r1 6* upto max level (equal to a r4 5*) requires nothing but gold and iso which is available to all players of all level/progression this makes a huge difference.. Even if that 6* is rubbish if there's a fight on the path you know is going to be a pain having that extra champ to sacrifice to that fight helps a great deal.. Clearly on this point we'll have to agree to disagree personally I believe the 6* shards would have been a greater help then the 5* ones..
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,484 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Yeah 77k getting Cavalier sounds more like a situation of other things. Either the content is too easy, access to OP Champs is too high, it's an Alt (which has very little to do with the natural rate of progression), or questionable factors. Not to imply anything.
    TL:DR - Hitting Cav that quickly shouldn't be a thing IMO.

    Then you don't have to worry about the reward being les if you think you're not at the level of cavalier
    I'm not at that level. Someone else shared their Account with 77k, and hitting Cav shouldn't really happen that early into progression.
    IOSJasoN said:

    @GroundedWisdom I already stated "this is my 6th ac" I get bored and start a new one to keep me entertained.. Underdog fights keep me going (example; When loads of players was complaining about the mephisto in boss rush way back I took him down with a r3 3* Rulk to show it could be done) Tbh you're living in the past buddy champs nowadays are nothing like the basic stuff we used to have.. Give it a try start a new ac and you'll get it things that used to be very difficult is very easy to pass with updated champs..

    I have one Account. I'm fine with that. I don't have the time for multiple. The point I was making is progress isn't the same for someone who is new as it is for someone starting out a new Account. Generally, people take longer to learn. Making Alts isn't an accurate representation of natural progress.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,292 Guardian
    IOSJasoN said:

    Even if that 6* is rubbish if there's a fight on the path you know is going to be a pain having that extra champ to sacrifice to that fight helps a great deal.

    That's probably the largest differentiator between the situation you're describing and the typical situation in Act 6. Most players cannot afford to run Act 6 with rubbish champs. They need a full team of at least useful champs. Even if it costs them more to rank a 5* to r4 than a 6* to 1/25, a useful 5* at r4 is way more than twice as valuable as a rubbish 6* they automatically get to 1/25 without catalysts.

    I agree that there are many cases where all things being equal a 6* version of a 5* champ is more valuable - when it doesn't need to be awakened, when the sig ability is not terribly useful, etc. Or the case where a veteran player can make anything work but is starved for rank up materials. But again, that's not the comparison I'm making. The comparison is between having *more* 5* champs or fewer 6* champs, and when you're pulling more you are almost certainly not, in the long run, going to be comparing rubbish 5s to rubbish 6s, or even useful 5s to useful 6s. You've going to be comparing useful 5s to rubbish 6s, or god-tier 5s to semi-useful 6s, because that's what having more pulls does when the crystals are random.

    If dual class 6* crystals existed, I think the equation changes a bit. With more ability to target, I'd be more inclined to think that it would at least be a tie, if not slightly favoring fewer 6* shards over more 5* shards, up to a point.
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