True Focus



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★
    Kabam just trying to change the meta from evade and miss to utilizing champion in another way
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Might be over-thinking this. Kabam needs us to stay interested in new champs, because they're an income source, so making us less able to use existing champs like Ghost or whatever is a business decision. By this time next yar, Herc, or Shang-chi, or Kitty Pryde -- one or all of those will have counters or nodes that reduce their abilities to a point where you want to use someone else. This is how it has been for a while now.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★

    Might be over-thinking this. Kabam needs us to stay interested in new champs, because they're an income source, so making us less able to use existing champs like Ghost or whatever is a business decision. By this time next yar, Herc, or Shang-chi, or Kitty Pryde -- one or all of those will have counters or nodes that reduce their abilities to a point where you want to use someone else. This is how it has been for a while now.

    Yes, but we would also like to enjoy some other miss/evade champs and use them for some endgame content. Their value decreases with each new piece of content kabam drops due to true sense. Everyone agrees ghost and quake should be used less but, it’s gotten out of hand where really it affects other champs more than it does ghost at this point, as she can still solo a lot of content kabam didn’t intend for her to, whereas champs like prof x are much more greatly impacted.
  • HenriqueSCCPHenriqueSCCP Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    edited September 2021
    Mauled said:

    Don't know how to use other champions besides Ghost and Quake?

    Obviously, but this is up there with making a buffed up path that has to be completed by Red Guardian. It’s short sighted and doesn’t just impact the two best champions in the game, champions which a huge proportion of the community have actively targeted in crystals - earned or purchased and saved their catalysts, AGs and sig stones for, but others two.

    The issue is is this is Kabam saying woops these champions are too good, sorry you can’t use them. These are the champions that players have ranked up because they are good and because they cover very important pieces of utility. If that’s the case maybe more effort needs to be put into balance at the outset rather than wait 3 years and just be like nah, you’ve dodged enough special attacks now.
    Ghost and Quake break the game, Scarlet Witch a kabam had to nerf. In order not to nerf Ghost and Quake, and to be boycotted, the kabam had to create a knot that makes it difficult for them, even if you can use Ghost with the True Focus knot.
    In AW, the Ghost with a return of power in the specials, the defender is defeated in a few hits, it's an absurd appeal.
  • HenriqueSCCPHenriqueSCCP Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    Seraphion said:

    Don't know how to use other champions besides Ghost and Quake?

    Yes ofc.
    We only know how to play the hardest champs in the game 🤦‍♂️
    So what's the use of kabam bringing new events, if Ghost and Quake are answers to almost everything.
    Kabam is right, she wants them to use other champions as well and not just two.
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    Why not release Quake as a 6* when she becomes more and more obsolete regarding new content?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    armor break and caltrops

    job done.
  • goingtobeuncollectedgoingtobeuncollected Member Posts: 151

    Feel free to disagree bomb me. Personally, I support a quake nerf. I feel she's awfully powerful and is more or less an answer to everything in game. Kabam could spend weeks designing something-say this Shang-Chi challenge. And in 2 hours, half the community would've quaked it. A Ghost nerf, I don't necessarily support, but don't mind, seeing as she's also powerful but nowhere near quake imo. But the way Kabam is handling this is poor. Throwing on true focus is horrible, and makes too many champions useless. And then releasing a champ to counter true focus, that's just kinda trash. In a perfect world, kabam would give us a 1 months heads up that they would be nerfing quake and ghost and show us where they'd make changes. Then offer rank down tickets. But that would never happen. I also don't see them moving away from true focus, seeing how they just released a champ who is powerful, but is designed in part around true focus.

    I partially agree with you
    But as some good friends over at the forums suggested we should have champions that have natural abilities to counter those champs . Just like there is sinister, maw to counter corvus
    You cannot put a node and just spoil like a whole ability !
    Imagine having a node like this for every op ability
    The game would be ruined
    I don't mind if you disagree with me this is just my opinion
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    I’m so glad I don’t use quake or ghost that much or rely on them, 90% of the time they’re not in my lineup.

    It’s not just them. Kabam just said screw it, if quake and ghost are too powerful, let’s punish every miss/evade champ for it. Ebony maw, masacre, tigra, maw, miles, elsa, mister negative, ultron, hood, silver surfer, vulture, spider gwen, spider ham, mister fantastic, invis woman, taskmaster, and now even kitty pryde, are all affected by ghost and quake existing. Honestly mind boggling to me how powerful they are in comparison to champs like dormmamu, sentry, mangog, odin, etc. Node ruins a lot of fun champs for me, not liking the direction kabam is going with it. Delete ghost and quake if they have to, shine the light on other champs, and since they are the most powerful champs in the game, that can easily be compensated for a champion selector for each rarity they’ve been deleted, or preferably nerfed and get rank down tickets. True focus is probably the laziest solution there is.
    Idk about ultron not being useable he’s still definitely useable as I just used him to oneshot aw boss with ease.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    This wouldn't be an issue if the playerbase didn't completely meltdown every time anything about any champ is changed that doesn't benefit the player. Ghost and Quake could have been rebalanced ages ago like they should have and this never would have come up.

    they cant because many people ranked them up for their ability to smash many contents. i totally disagree with a nerf and also with this bs node. we can use any champ we want. people saying both should get a nerf are people who doesnt have them/use them. both require a high skill to demolish contents. it's not like they are very easy to play and everyone can master them. so cut the **** about nerfing them and remove this bs node already. instead introduce some new ways to make room for other champions aswell
    It's impossible to create challenging content at this stage in the game, and still allow people to use whoever they want. Creating limits is what adds that challenge.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★

    I’m so glad I don’t use quake or ghost that much or rely on them, 90% of the time they’re not in my lineup.

    It’s not just them. Kabam just said screw it, if quake and ghost are too powerful, let’s punish every miss/evade champ for it. Ebony maw, masacre, tigra, maw, miles, elsa, mister negative, ultron, hood, silver surfer, vulture, spider gwen, spider ham, mister fantastic, invis woman, taskmaster, and now even kitty pryde, are all affected by ghost and quake existing. Honestly mind boggling to me how powerful they are in comparison to champs like dormmamu, sentry, mangog, odin, etc. Node ruins a lot of fun champs for me, not liking the direction kabam is going with it. Delete ghost and quake if they have to, shine the light on other champs, and since they are the most powerful champs in the game, that can easily be compensated for a champion selector for each rarity they’ve been deleted, or preferably nerfed and get rank down tickets. True focus is probably the laziest solution there is.
    Idk about ultron not being useable he’s still definitely useable as I just used him to oneshot aw boss with ease.
    I use it to dex annoying specials at times when i time it right, but point being he’s getting effected by true sense, but ghost is still totally fine without unlike some of the champs I’ve listed, which is crazy because the node is meant to be against ghost specifically. Of course he’s still really good without it.
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Instead of using tigra for apoc bosses, we use ghost with hazard shift and a tech boost. True focus success right there, goal achieved in diverting ghost and quake usage.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    This wouldn't be an issue if the playerbase didn't completely meltdown every time anything about any champ is changed that doesn't benefit the player. Ghost and Quake could have been rebalanced ages ago like they should have and this never would have come up.

    they cant because many people ranked them up for their ability to smash many contents. i totally disagree with a nerf and also with this bs node. we can use any champ we want. people saying both should get a nerf are people who doesnt have them/use them. both require a high skill to demolish contents. it's not like they are very easy to play and everyone can master them. so cut the **** about nerfing them and remove this bs node already. instead introduce some new ways to make room for other champions aswell
    It's impossible to create challenging content at this stage in the game, and still allow people to use whoever they want. Creating limits is what adds that challenge.
    it's not?? yeah limits is what that adds challenge but adding a node that disable many utlities from many good and useful champions. they can still create challenging contents without true focus!!!!
    It doesn't disable many utilities. It disables Evade and Miss.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★

    The thing which is hurting the most that all other champs are also getting pissed.
    Why you even release the champs with miss and evade mechanic when we can't use them.
    Better make a seperate tag for Quake and Ghost and leave other champs in peace.
    Still it's a matter of time when we see other champs dominating the meta and then they will try to nerf them.
    It's just ridiculous to see these type of changes.
    And if you are going to same route,provide people rank down resources they invested in those champs.

    I don't use either to any significant degree, but it isn't just ghost. Quake synergies aren't so bad, but think that people may have chose to raise wasp or worse ant man over another due to ghost.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    This wouldn't be an issue if the playerbase didn't completely meltdown every time anything about any champ is changed that doesn't benefit the player. Ghost and Quake could have been rebalanced ages ago like they should have and this never would have come up.

    they cant because many people ranked them up for their ability to smash many contents. i totally disagree with a nerf and also with this bs node. we can use any champ we want. people saying both should get a nerf are people who doesnt have them/use them. both require a high skill to demolish contents. it's not like they are very easy to play and everyone can master them. so cut the **** about nerfing them and remove this bs node already. instead introduce some new ways to make room for other champions aswell
    It's impossible to create challenging content at this stage in the game, and still allow people to use whoever they want. Creating limits is what adds that challenge.
    it's not?? yeah limits is what that adds challenge but adding a node that disable many utlities from many good and useful champions. they can still create challenging contents without true focus!!!!
    It doesn't disable many utilities. It disables Evade and Miss.
    Yes, you’re right from a black and white point of view. But as a result from that, it does disable many utilities.
    It disables those Abilities. Unless the overall usefulness of the Champs rely heavily on those, it's not that drastic. Elsa for example, she works just fine without the Evade.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    This wouldn't be an issue if the playerbase didn't completely meltdown every time anything about any champ is changed that doesn't benefit the player. Ghost and Quake could have been rebalanced ages ago like they should have and this never would have come up.

    they cant because many people ranked them up for their ability to smash many contents. i totally disagree with a nerf and also with this bs node. we can use any champ we want. people saying both should get a nerf are people who doesnt have them/use them. both require a high skill to demolish contents. it's not like they are very easy to play and everyone can master them. so cut the **** about nerfing them and remove this bs node already. instead introduce some new ways to make room for other champions aswell
    It's impossible to create challenging content at this stage in the game, and still allow people to use whoever they want. Creating limits is what adds that challenge.
    it's not?? yeah limits is what that adds challenge but adding a node that disable many utlities from many good and useful champions. they can still create challenging contents without true focus!!!!
    It doesn't disable many utilities. It disables Evade and Miss.
    Yes, you’re right from a black and white point of view. But as a result from that, it does disable many utilities.
    It disables those Abilities. Unless the overall usefulness of the Champs rely heavily on those, it's not that drastic. Elsa for example, she works just fine without the Evade.
    What about someone like Miles. Who’s majority of utility revolves around missing unblockable attacks.

    What about Mr Negative, who relies on evade for more than 50% of his damage, and more than half of his utility. (He can’t get more than 10 degens out of 21 max, and can’t get more than 1 petrify out of 2 max, plus he can’t evade counter to get openings)?

    What about tigra, who is used for the utility of avoiding projectile attacks from Apoc, P2099, Cable to name a few.

    Those are all utilities that are gone due to miss and evade being countered.
    Reading back my comment I want to clarify that tigra is not only used for that utility, but it is a huge utility in those match ups
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