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AQ Map (various) Difficulty [Merged Thread]

AstamanianaAstamaniana Posts: 23
edited November 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
That can't be right at day one.. Prestige of all Champs is much too high.
Post edited by Kabam Boo on


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    AstamanianaAstamaniana Posts: 23
    They are all 6* instead of 5* - working as intended?
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    Dob1616Dob1616 Posts: 175
    edited November 2021
    Seems that health pools and attk for day 1 are quite high. Higher than defenders on map 8 from what I’ve seen. Is this correct?
    Post edited by Kabam Boo on
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    hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Posts: 2,195 ★★★★★
    Was there a mix up of some kind, because the points earned per fight for map 8 seem to be low.
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    LpooLpoo Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★
    AQ is more of a chore than it used to be
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    DustinH2ODustinH2O Posts: 12
    We have the same issue. Map8 Defender are lower than Map6 Defender. This can’t be right.
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    BonettiBonetti Posts: 6
    edited November 2021
    @Kabam Miike
    Dob1616 said:

    Seems that health pools and attk for day 1 are quite high. Higher than defenders on map 8 from what I’ve seen. Is this correct?

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    AstamanianaAstamaniana Posts: 23
    Posted this last night.. no response from the team yet.. 🙈🙊🙉
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    DustinH2ODustinH2O Posts: 12
    It’s weekend. I think they will response tomorrow 🙈
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    TreoTreo Posts: 389 ★★
    Well launching new maps … I think it would have been wise to have somebody active on the forums to acknowledge problems even though they cannot fix them. Though in the past that didn’t work out as well for the moderaters thenselves being burned down by the community
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,610 ★★★★
    I understand AQ defender’s stats is based on our prestige as the more we build up our prestige then the more stats we will face, but this is surprised with parry/dexterity timing issue is still active and affecting many players so I don’t really appreciate this “update” at all. Had two timeout because the stats I fought against was too high for my attacker to chip off and add that with them playing smart to go into turtling mode which helped the AQ timer to reach its end. What’s going on!?
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    DiablordDiablord Posts: 535 ★★★
    our prestige went up by a total of 123 between cycles. The PI of champs even on map 4 is 8-9k
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    ThecurlerThecurler Posts: 869 ★★★★
    Second maw mini. Day 1, 18k attack lol.

    What an absolute shambles.
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    Badass84Badass84 Posts: 317 ★★★
    There has been a 41k Doc Ock on Map6 day one. Usually the PI isn't that high on day 5... annoying
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    zbot34zbot34 Posts: 445
    edited November 2021
    My team just finished Day 1 of AQ Map 6. The only change that was mentioned in the forums about this New Season was the Mini Boss change and introduction to the new map 8.

    But there was another change that if you were fighting you did notice but unless you really looked closely you would have over looked very easily.

    We are now facing in Map 6 champions that are Six Stars Rank 4 on Day 1 instead of Five Star Champions Rank 5. I have screenshots to prove it. The screenshot that shows Hela and Mr Sinister are the old season of AQ and clearly show a 5 star rating. The next picture is today with the new AQ Season showing Mephisto and Spider man 2099 as 6 stars.

    This is highly unfair to not divulge this information change for all map 6 players. My Alliance is middle of the pack and only 5 of my teammates even have a Rank 3 unduped Six Star Champ lei alone an awakened one with a high signature. Most in my Alliance have rank 5 Five star champs to do map 6 and that is not cutting it.

    Kabam please look into this and change it back to 5 stars for Map 6. This is ridiculous trying to fight rank 4 Six Stars!!

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra

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