Alliance War Season-30 rewards.



  • TonyViegas1990TonyViegas1990 Member Posts: 72

    So, so they just reduced the war points, no multiplication by tier, because those 76660 you talk about are the ones you won from war # 10. Lmao.. Nice maths from kabam

    Nice catch.. didn’t even notice the regular war points… so yeah they just reduced the points from war 10 w/o the tier/multiplier in place… 🤦‍♂️

    Seems that was kabam do.. only reduce war points, instead with tier multiply.. and I verify here too
  • Demps928Demps928 Member Posts: 27
    I’m not really sure what the solution is going to be here but it will be pretty lame if alliances that should have been plat 1 but due to terrible math end up with the same rewards as alliances that should have been in masters and received incorrect lower rewards. A lot of effort goes into a season. It would be nice to see some effort go into making it mean something
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    It’s simple gentleman. They’ll have to rerank correctly and reissue. Double rewards kinda. Not too shabby. Happy Holidays.
  • TonyViegas1990TonyViegas1990 Member Posts: 72
    Xk9 suppose to be in Top2 master, and still p1 because of math issue from kabam.. they need to fix this.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    So after a week of adjusting, you guys did nothing...? War 10 was not supposed to count and we didn't put any effort into the war that was cancelled. Those points were clearly added into the Season 30 totals that are currently showing. We were #14 overall in Masters with 12,842,080 points when the 3rd week end but we have 13+ million points now and have dropped to Plat 1 #4 (#24 overall - lost 10 spots) . We CANNOT GO UP in points after week #9 when you appropriately adjust the points...

    Here is our war #10 - which we just said 'no' to after the announcement was made that it would not count.

    After War #9 - our final season points total was 12,842,080

    War #10 points should have never been added to that, which were 613,280. Even if you added those together we would be at 13,455,360 points. But we currently show 13,378,700, a random 76,660 difference... This is pretty frustrating that after a week, simple elementary mathematics of subtraction cannot be done and adjust scores appropiately. When can we expect to see the real finalized leaderboard and our real rewards @Kabam Miike ?
    You're seeing what I'm seeing. If I add up our first nine wars by hand, I get 2792388. Our leaderboard score shows 2920683 which is too high and suggests they didn't subtract war 10. But when I add war 10 I get 3063233. That's 142550 too high. 142550 is our exact raw score for war 10.

    Our war 10 was fought at 1.9 multiplier. Our leaderboard score is exactly equal to our score for the first nine wars plus 1.0x war 10. It is as if war 10 was added, and then when it was subtracted the game didn't subtract 142550 x 1.9, it subtracted 142550 x 0.9.

    My current theory is that the game or the correction scripts mistakenly treated our war multiplier as "+0.9x" - like 0.9x bonus points - rather than "x1.9" total points, and incorrectly subtracted "bonus points" and not "total points." This "leaves behind" exactly the raw original points of war 10 still included in the score.

    I do not know how many other alliances this theory matches, but yours is the first I've seen where the numbers work out exactly the same as ours do but with much higher multiplier.

  • The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Rewards seems messed up
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  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★


    The team is looking into this. We’re not going to take any rewards away from anybody, and will be working to ensure that anybody that missed out on any rewards because of this mistake will get the rewards they should have.

    I’ve been sitting on this to get more info, but I think it’s important to get out now. I’m trying to confirm how this affects summoners changing alliances but I don’t have that info yet.

    We’ll share more information as soon as we get it.

    EDIT: We have confirmed that Summoners are free to change alliances now and any compensation we have to make will still reach them.

    Please remember that the rewards include the titles... We been working hard and finally got a "Masters" rank. It's my first one and no, it's not under the most ideal circumstances but to just give difference in season rewards would be insufficient. Please adjust the leaderboard appropiately.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★


    The team is looking into this. We’re not going to take any rewards away from anybody, and will be working to ensure that anybody that missed out on any rewards because of this mistake will get the rewards they should have.

    I’ve been sitting on this to get more info, but I think it’s important to get out now. I’m trying to confirm how this affects summoners changing alliances but I don’t have that info yet.

    We’ll share more information as soon as we get it.

    EDIT: We have confirmed that Summoners are free to change alliances now and any compensation we have to make will still reach them.

    This isn’t as easy as saying anyone who missed out on rewards will get them . Some alliance have benefited from this by getting rewards they wouldn’t have gotten.

    In the spirit of the so called fairness how will that be addressed .

    How do you suppose they take them back? By the time people get them, Champs will be Ranked, Crystals opened.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,071 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    Getting just what you should have gotten really isn’t good enough if people in your tier are getting more than they should have gotten.

    Sure, it’s been done this way in the past. Doesn’t make it right, especially in what the team touts as its major competitive mode.

    Dr. Zola

    Yeah this is something im concerned about. We worked to p2, and we got bumped down to p3 due the kabam mistake. Sure, we will get the difference and get p2 rewards, but those p3 alliances enjoying p2 rewards? This gets worse as you go up, Top ranked teams that actually shouldnt? how is that going to be addressed here?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    There is no perfect solution in a situation that isn't perfect. If people get the Rewards they are due, that should be enough. Let's be honest here. It wasn't their fault either, and you're just creating more work to try and reverse them. It's not the end of the world that they got more. We're not talking exponential here. For the record, I wasn't affected. I just think well enough is well enough.
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Have they stopped giving out ANY rewards? Just curious because I haven't received anything on either of my 2 accounts, thanks!
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★


    The team is looking into this. We’re not going to take any rewards away from anybody, and will be working to ensure that anybody that missed out on any rewards because of this mistake will get the rewards they should have.

    I’ve been sitting on this to get more info, but I think it’s important to get out now. I’m trying to confirm how this affects summoners changing alliances but I don’t have that info yet.

    We’ll share more information as soon as we get it.

    EDIT: We have confirmed that Summoners are free to change alliances now and any compensation we have to make will still reach them.

    So if you didn’t get rewards you should have you can sort of double dip. If you got rewards you shouldn’t have you keep them. If you got rewards you should have you keep them. This means that those in the third group get the least when you “fix it”. LOL.

    Just rerank and double up.
  • LpooLpoo Member Posts: 2,230 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Getting just what you should have gotten really isn’t good enough if people in your tier are getting more than they should have gotten.

    Sure, it’s been done this way in the past. Doesn’t make it right, especially in what the team touts as its major competitive mode.

    Dr. Zola

    In this scenario, someone who should have gotten Gold 2 rewards, but ended up with Gold 3 rewards, will end up with both sets of rewards.
    We got Gold 2 rewards and our rank wasn’t affected since we were safe enough. So we just get one set of rewards?
  • KyriosRaisKyriosRais Member Posts: 65
    now just please let us know the exact action of your HQ team. Do not use any confusing language. Just a clear one,
    Reward getting re-roll based on corrected rank for ALL allies (means double AW reward) or your team will give compensation to us?? which one ??
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    Jmille85 said:

    All I know is before war 10 we were Gold 2… I don’t understand how after 5 days of Kabam “fixing the math” you all still got it wrong and we ended up Gold 3. I guess it’s a good thing that at this point with the previous game problems that have been going on recently I did not trust Kabam to do the calculations correctly so I took screenshots of our total before war 10 which we were told would not count but still somehow did…

    I REALLY hope you make this right… I’m so over the mess ups in this broken game…

    You shouldn’t have to take screenshots because you’re worried about the game recording your correct war ranking.

    Dr. Zola

    There is no perfect solution in a situation that isn't perfect. If people get the Rewards they are due, that should be enough. Let's be honest here. It wasn't their fault either, and you're just creating more work to try and reverse them. It's not the end of the world that they got more. We're not talking exponential here. For the record, I wasn't affected. I just think well enough is well enough.

    100% disagree. The effort at high levels of AW to hit the next tier is significant and is rarely F2P. I doubt alliances who pushed to hit Master or Platinum ranks and missed because of the error will be as willing to say “eh, bygones.”

    In a competitive mode (one which the team makes a big deal out of), I’m amazed that anyone would conclude it’s fine to dump on the adversely affected players simply for lack of a perfect solution or some extra work.

    Dr. Zola
    This is already a complex enough situation as it is. It is just plain overboard to worry about people who inadvertently got more. People are due the Rewards they earned. Turning it into a process of weeks to manually revert everything is just plain sour.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    rwhack said:

    DrZola said:

    Jmille85 said:

    All I know is before war 10 we were Gold 2… I don’t understand how after 5 days of Kabam “fixing the math” you all still got it wrong and we ended up Gold 3. I guess it’s a good thing that at this point with the previous game problems that have been going on recently I did not trust Kabam to do the calculations correctly so I took screenshots of our total before war 10 which we were told would not count but still somehow did…

    I REALLY hope you make this right… I’m so over the mess ups in this broken game…

    You shouldn’t have to take screenshots because you’re worried about the game recording your correct war ranking.

    Dr. Zola

    There is no perfect solution in a situation that isn't perfect. If people get the Rewards they are due, that should be enough. Let's be honest here. It wasn't their fault either, and you're just creating more work to try and reverse them. It's not the end of the world that they got more. We're not talking exponential here. For the record, I wasn't affected. I just think well enough is well enough.

    100% disagree. The effort at high levels of AW to hit the next tier is significant and is rarely F2P. I doubt alliances who pushed to hit Master or Platinum ranks and missed because of the error will be as willing to say “eh, bygones.”

    In a competitive mode (one which the team makes a big deal out of), I’m amazed that anyone would conclude it’s fine to dump on the adversely affected players simply for lack of a perfect solution or some extra work.

    Dr. Zola
    This is already a complex enough situation as it is. It is just plain overboard to worry about people who inadvertently got more. People are due the Rewards they earned. Turning it into a process of weeks to manually revert everything is just plain sour.

    It could be done in hours at worst.
    We waited days for a score change. You think they're going to manually Rank down Champs and remove Crystal spoils in hours? Hmm...
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    It appears war ratings are still incorrect as well, we still have the same rating as we did after we lost war 10.
  • Legend300Legend300 Member Posts: 42
    I know my rewards are the same no matter what but our rank should change. From what I understand kabaam wasn’t supposed to count last war. But our rank changed 3x. We ranked 135
    Plat 4 before the chaos. Lost to a war that wasn’t suppose to count . But then today was ranked 169 instead of staying at 135 🤦‍♂️🤔. This needs to be adjusted. And can I suggest something things happening on the weekend maybe have someone that can somehow reply to summoners instead of leaving them in the dark until Monday. Having things go haywire on a weekend should have someone to assist and not wait till Monday to get a reply imo.
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