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Strikers - New Feature Feedback Thread



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    Crine60Crine60 Posts: 1,401 ★★★★
    As others have mentioned here and elsewhere it doesn't seem like decreasing my enemies' AA should impact the striker bonus effect from activating if my AA is normal. I can't get the unblockable on my Medusa when I have armor shattered Nebula. This doesn't seem reasonable.

    The button placement is poor for all of the previously mentioned reasons.

    The biggest problem for me is that a lot of the time (and I can't figure out why it is an inconsistent thing) by the time I am given back control of my champion the enemy has gotten up and is pummeling me. I can't tell if they are recovering at inconsistent speeds compared to me getting control back or if the distance between us is different but I should never be in a position where I am getting attacked by the enemy before I can block or dodge if I have finished my combo and then activated the striker which hits the enemy and knocks them down.
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    ĆŁÜTČHĆŁÜTČH Posts: 11
    In my opinion I think kabam did a good job with strikers
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    OMLOML Posts: 10
    I liked the striker counter feature. Adds a new element. Couple things to consider tho. I pushed the blue button by accident. Not sure if current location of the button is the best place. Also, I got clobbered a couple times coming out of the Colossus striker. Maybe add a “miss” feature similar to after Masacre tosses his sp2 into the opponent’s block. Overall I really enjoyed the new feature! Nice work!
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    People saying it's a useless addition need to understand that this is the first implementation of it designed to test and collect feedback/data from it.

    The game needs some additions once in a while to keep things fresh although I would not like this to be present everywhere.
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,766 ★★★★★
    I really like this new feature, it's a great job done. After doing 1 path I have some questions/concerns tho:

    1) if I have dexterity precision, does it apply on the Striker? It doesn't expire but the critrate seems higher. Idk

    2) I find it kinda hard to block after striker vanishes. It is a matter of my getting used to, the game has no flaw in this direction. But it's a part of feedback
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    I found a bug where if you chain magneto's heavy straight into a striker you get a permanent unstoppable buff but i don't know if this is just a problem I faced
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    PathanSalarPathanSalar Posts: 24

    Not seem this mentioned anywhere but when I used striker with corvus glaive, all his hits were critical. But not so with other champs
    But after glaive charges got over no hit crit

    Use him with cgrs fury, cruelty and precision, hits hard.
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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
    Loved it. Made the side quest a lot more fun.
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    Nomercy9Nomercy9 Posts: 48
    One of the coolest features we had in a while. Would love to see it again.
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    StueyoneStueyone Posts: 18
    Like the feature, but agree with those requesting a change of button placement. It's too close to the special button.

    How about having it at the other end of the special meter on the same line, and instead of it having it's own fill meter, the button itself actually fills and turns blue when available? That way it's in the same eyeline as the specials meter?
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    TheCoverGirlTheCoverGirl Posts: 78
    I absolutely LOVE strikers.. It adds so much to the gameplay and I beg you to add it to regular everyday play. Possibly even add additional selectable striker options so we can customize choices.
    This just brings a whole new element to the game and I can't say I've been this excited in years.
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    DiablordDiablord Posts: 529 ★★★
    One nice thing to note, that i did was to get to neary 2 bars of power, then do a 5hit combo then use striker and then use sp2, works on other specials as welll.
    Best ones to do it with are ghost while phasing and corvus
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    vicmasterrvicmasterr Posts: 33
    edited January 2022
    This feature looks good but the button position is not convenient. In order to prevent speculations when people can say that I only complain, let me elaborate a bit. I experience 2 issues with it:

    - I either miss it when I want to launch Striker and tap somewhere else => then I get an incoming hit and, hence, lose health (if not the entire fight);
    - or I tap on SP buttons instead of the Striker button and launch SP attack when I don't want to. That destroys the whole tactic of a battle.

    In most cases, I need to explicitly look at that area to tap on the correct button but that distracts from a fight, especially when it's not an easy fight. I agree that it's probably a matter of time to develop that motor skill habit with a new UI control. But it won't mitigate all false taps because the left bottom corner is overcrowded by buttons, especially on smaller screens.

    I've been testing mobile applications for almost 8 years, including UI/UX, and I can understand why it's made and released like that. But the feature definitely requires more A/B testing before releasing it to the general audience
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    Skiddy212Skiddy212 Posts: 1,101 ★★★★

    People saying it's a useless addition need to understand that this is the first implementation of it designed to test and collect feedback/data from it.

    The game needs some additions once in a while to keep things fresh although I would not like this to be present everywhere.

    I agree with the not have it everywhere portion, but having it here and there, in a chapter or two, would definitely keep things fresh. So the addition is appreciated
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    Xmen171Xmen171 Posts: 18
    edited January 2022
    I love this new feature. I would additionally love the ability to choose the specific striker. But, the unblockable boost after the Colossus striker attack is amazing. Nice work on this one! As a side note: I had zero issues with the button placement. But, as a quick caveat, I use an iPad with my thumbs on the far edges so I have quite a bit of screen real estate to work with.
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    Xmen171Xmen171 Posts: 18

    I never accidentally hit the SP or Striker buttons because of where I place my thumbs.
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    Crys23Crys23 Posts: 779 ★★★★
    Used it once or twice, I dont like it. Button placement is annoying.
    I really hope this isnt added to regular content. Or if it is, we have the choice to deactivate it.
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    Xmen171Xmen171 Posts: 18
    Just checked my iPhone too. Button placement is not an issue for me there either. It appears to me that Kabam put a lot of thought into this and was mindful of creating finger space.

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    Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Posts: 598 ★★★
    Just more fine tuning IMO ( which is what this thread is for anyway)

    1) agree on the button placement. Needs to be elsewhere

    2) striker choice IMO is essential. When putting together a team for a quest there should be an option to select a specific striker

    3) related to the above. This should work with synergies. The striker and/or their attack should receive all synergy bonuses. Someone mentioned ant man’s bonus synergies etc and it’s a good example
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    Cr7ms7rs7Cr7ms7rs7 Posts: 52
    This is giving me jojo vibes lol!!! ZA WAARUDO
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    WadeWattsWadeWatts Posts: 51
    I love this new feature. The placement if the trigger is a little problematic since I accidentally hit sp a few times. It would also be great if we could pick what champs jump in, like either from our roster or a multi choice option.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Xmen171 said:

    Just checked my iPhone too. Button placement is not an issue for me there either. It appears to me that Kabam put a lot of thought into this and was mindful of creating finger space.

    That's not the thing. I've had an occasion where I pressed striker but actually threw my special instead
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    Deadpool87Deadpool87 Posts: 573 ★★★
    This would be a good thing to add to champions that are max sig 6 stars. It unlocks once a 6 star champ reaches sig 200 and would be a prefight selection where you can choose from a list of champions that champion has a synergy with or a "striker" list if you want to limit which champions could be classified as strikers.

    This would give an incentive for those that have max sig 6 stars since they don't get extra shards/max sig crystals.
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    TrenzaloreTrenzalore Posts: 182 ★★★
    The button placement is very problematic as that is where I usually tap to strike. Am I the only one that’s having this problem?
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    Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Posts: 598 ★★★

    The button placement is very problematic as that is where I usually tap to strike. Am I the only one that’s having this problem?

    90 some odd comments. 85 have been about button placement

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    ThomildoThomildo Posts: 473 ★★★
    One more!
    I find it pretty pointless so far, but not the most challenging content. Then again, i’ve just pressed it by accident most of the times..
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    rabbitt88rabbitt88 Posts: 20
    just when Im about to quit the game this feature makes the game more fun so its difficult to quit if this Strikers feature is included in all the content of the game. that would be great!
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