Do you enjoy the Rift style of Side Quests?

GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,961 ★★★★★
I find them to RNG based and much prefer the other kinds. Especially last months side quest I found really fun. The rewards could have been higher but the fights were cool

Do you enjoy the Rift style of Side Quests? 344 votes

Yes I enjoy rifts
GroundedWisdomDL864DeeparviSnizzbarBitterSteel2StarKingTendersquadJadedDragonfeiWakandas_FinestTristanMaverick75ShaggyMRichTheManFitnesscwFrankWhiteck87_captaincushCropDusterShadowstrike 95 votes
No I don’t enjoy rifts
DrZolaLeNoirFaineantRaganatorSpity68FrostyVceeCarnage313OzzieontmmmbanyasEaglesFlyHighJinxesaxeLuciusVorenussmy168CondemnedToeTheVyrusphillgreenJAsummonarSundance_2099Perfect_jabthanks4playing 140 votes
I absolutely despise rifts
Crine60the_eradicatorbenshbAce_03buffajrCristalmanMongoPawnChovnerFeeney234MSRDLDImpalerTerrayossPwf57causticKiptonadeSandeepSShajamMoosetiptronicSaske97 75 votes
No opinion
World Eaterheruheru511zuffySceptilemaniacSyndicatedGodrohrThunderstruck77Lucky7LucianoAckbar67Wicket329joke1004Malreck0410or_StrongGrootman1294etgddhjjRookiiekiller7703PikoluJollyHawkWhoDaPoo 34 votes


  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 996 ★★★★
    No opinion
    It's okay, giving out rewards based on RNG isn't the most ideal, but at least they gave us keys to pick rewards on occassion.
  • NoobdaNoobda Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    Yes I enjoy rifts
    I honestly enjoy it.
  • EtherionGodEtherionGod Member Posts: 270 ★★
    No I don’t enjoy rifts
    I've only done 3 runs on legendary and got the 6* shards each time but rng based rewards is lame cause you can easily get screwed.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★
    I'll enjoy rifts when there is a Jackpot to be won. Like when they had featured 5* crystals in the rifts a few years ago. This one just feels kinda lame ngl. Could just be the gambling addict in me speaking tho...
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  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    No opinion
    depends on the rewards. No big jackpots this time so idc
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,103 ★★★★★
    Yes I enjoy rifts
    I like them. They come around once in a while, and it's fun to test your luck. Besides, they give us the ability to have what we want sometimes.
  • Noise72Noise72 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    I absolutely despise rifts
    Much rather have guaranteed rewards to look forward too. Not just hoping to get what I need.
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  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,041 ★★★★
    Yes I enjoy rifts
    I like Rifts - I don't mind the chance element because there are rift keys or whatever you can earn so everyone can (in theory) get a minimum of the special items. Rewards are a bit trimmed down this time though.
  • 318Chubz318Chubz Member Posts: 121 ★★
    I absolutely despise rifts

    I'll enjoy rifts when there is a Jackpot to be won. Like when they had featured 5* crystals in the rifts a few years ago. This one just feels kinda lame ngl. Could just be the gambling addict in me speaking tho...


    A whole featured 5*… a 5* generic 💎… 2,500 6* Shards… etc
  • BollandBolland Member Posts: 75 ★★★
    I absolutely despise rifts
    RNG rewards aren't my preferred type of SQ.

    What really bugs me is that it's costing energy to run through it.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    No I don’t enjoy rifts
    I think that for me as TB, the RNG really needs to be on my side for me to consider it even close to worth it. The rewards in the EQ and SQ are already way beneath my needs and adding an RNG aspect to them where I can get absolute trash on any given run is not particularly exciting.

    I wish there were something super duper exciting in there, but it just isn't given where I'm at in the game. When I was cavalier, there was stuff that I was really hoping that I'd land on and that I would absolutely use my keys on. Nowadays, there's decent stuff and stuff that I would be disappointed in. That makes it hard to be thrilled about it.

    I'm not too bummed by it since we just got 7.4 last month and I still have some of that to do, but I do feel a bit disconnected from the SQ this month.
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  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Yes I enjoy rifts
    It's super easy and short the rewards are nothing special but like I said super easy not gonna complain.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,393 ★★★★★
    No I don’t enjoy rifts
    If I put in the same work as someone else, I want the same rewards for both of us.

    The rift selector thing is an ok compromise
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