Big Changes Coming to Act 6 this June!



  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 334 ★★★
    That's awesome!
  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 296 ★★★
    Best pro-player change yet. I rarely compliment Kabam and had largely lost interest in Story Quests because of Act 6. I had decided to just play as a Cavalier as long as I could and then retire when the game advanced too far beyond me. I had no desire to deal with all of the nonsense in Act 6. This announcement has re-energized me and I am hopeful that after the changes go live I will be able to enjoy Story Quest content again and resume my progression in the game. Bravo, Kabam!
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,104 ★★★★★

    Groooka said:

    Hello all
    After i see that you gona remove carrinas, in this case REVOLUTION challenge... Does that mean i Will not get My rewards for exploring Carinas V2.
    I didnt do REVOLUTION challenge becouse you need to have THOR RAG, KORG AND GLAD HULK.. I didnt had Glad hulk and waiting him 2 months now you gona do this?

    The Objective is only being temporarily disabled, starting in the 35.1 update. We will work to get it back up as soon as possible afterward, though this will still require going through normal testing processes first.
    Since we don’t have guidance as to what temporary means, I’d humbly suggest doing all the updates then just leaving the choice node off those 6 levels until testing is done. Keeps the challenges live and the players still get 95% of what they expected.
  • LnZiLnZi Member Posts: 6
    VikRafa said:

    OGAvenger said:

    Nobody needs any compensation. This is a necessary change…coming from someone who 100% act 6 a long time ago and couldn’t be affected any less on this change.

    Act 6.2 shouldn’t be harder and more roster restricting than act 8

    Huh? So because you happen to be now entitled to easier content those of us who completed it whilst it was actually significantly more challenging are to just sit whilst we grinded and burnt though half of the resources you will have to?
    Act 6 should be harder than act 7 as Act 7 is the outcome of the difficulty of Act 6, It's more of a calm and easier piece of content to do after you finally got the highest title in the game being thronebreaker. Maybe if people stopped crying so much and just did the content they were offered we wouldn't be in such a standstill.
    LMFAO so Act 1 should be the hardest in the game? Because every other chapter is the reward after grinding out those horrible challenges that Act1 proposes... Every other chapter is the reward for clearing such difficult content in the game, in fact they should be FREE based on how hard the previous one was.

    That's how stupid your argument of "6 should be harder than 7" is.
  • RunamokUSARunamokUSA Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Very pleased with the change, thanks Kabam
  • IconofSinIconofSin Member Posts: 7
    Not getting an answer then. Im not relying on assumptions of what might or not happen. Are we supposed to just guess? Is it a surprise to log in and be back at the start of act 6? If that happens after asking several times then Im done with this
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★★

    Groooka said:

    Hello all
    After i see that you gona remove carrinas, in this case REVOLUTION challenge... Does that mean i Will not get My rewards for exploring Carinas V2.
    I didnt do REVOLUTION challenge becouse you need to have THOR RAG, KORG AND GLAD HULK.. I didnt had Glad hulk and waiting him 2 months now you gona do this?

    The Objective is only being temporarily disabled, starting in the 35.1 update. We will work to get it back up as soon as possible afterward, though this will still require going through normal testing processes first.
    Surely the timescale is to get these back duing the same month? There's a lot of rank4 mats there that could be the difference to get to paragon for (presumably) the parago July 4th deals
  • Jazz_MessengerJazz_Messenger Member Posts: 167
    I like the upcoming changes as Act 6 was harder than it needed to be. But I have to question timing of the changes. Why now? Kabam wasn’t doing anything about Act 6. So I was slowly exploring Act 6 as resources became available. I put off 6.2 last (along with 6.4.6) as it is the most restrictive content and the Champion is not an easy boss. I spent quite a bit of resources to explore 6.2 just THIS YEAR, and only have 6.4.6 to explore. While I’m happy for others who haven’t done Act 6, I’m upset that the changes are now implemented when many voiced issues about Act 6 for a long time.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,104 ★★★★★
    I really wish Kabam would just left the choice nodes off those 6 quests until they could fix the issue. I know the answer is determined by when the fix is ready but do we have any idea at all what to expect? A week? Month? Year?
  • HavanaknightHavanaknight Member Posts: 482 ★★★
    SCP1504 said:

    Ayo, where is the energy cost reduction?

    June 8. I thought the same thing…
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    SCP1504 said:

    Ayo, where is the energy cost reduction?

    June 8th
  • Chief_WiggumChief_Wiggum Member Posts: 86
    It's the 8th...only the 6.2.6 Champion has goot3n the changes?
  • techgrappletechgrapple Member Posts: 37

    Wow, quite perplexed by the reaction here.

    I understand that everybody has different opinions on Act 6, and that most of us tackled it when it was first available years ago. But those players that hit it right away also had several years to build their skills, masteries, and Rosters. The fact of the matter is that we have tons of new players entering the Contest daily, and many of them are getting stuck in Act 6, and we want to change that.

    Act 6 may have been intended to be difficult when it was released, but as you all know, we took a very different turn in how we approach Act content after Act 6, as evidenced by Act 7 and the Act 8.1 Beta. Most of you will agree that Act 6 was more difficult than Act 7, and many of you (myself included) have explored much more of Act 7 than we have of Act 6.

    On the topic of Difficult content, this should no longer be part of that equation. There is other content to satisfy that itch, whether that's Abyss, Carina's Challenges, Eternity of Pain, or other unannounced content that we're working on. Nobody (well, maybe a few people) is going back to Act 6 to complete more paths because they want difficult content.

    We made these changes for all of those that are stuck on Act 6 right now, and those that will face it in the future. If you are unsatisfied with the direction or supply of other content, that is no reason to take it out on player-friendly changes that will make this game more accessible to more players.

    And while the content will be easier now, it doesn't mean it will be easy for those that are getting to Act 6 now, just less seemingly impossible.

    If I had to run 100 miles to be nominated as a champion, seeing others running just 10 miles for the same trophy hurts.

    You may have added milestone kind of stuff that doing this way, give you this rewards, and the easier way gives lesser rewards.

    Well, finding a job was a little easier back then, but it's not the same now. Considering that you guys have employees to feed, so making these changes. These changes will help new and less skilled players, clear those quests and push through Carina challenge and Abyss. It should eventually pour money for Kabam as they buy units and deals to compete with Prestige.

    It's all good 😊

    Yes, but just don't pretend that you are doing this for players only.
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    Has there been any clarification as to whether the changes went live as intended? I’m not sure how the entire act changed but one fight I looked at was the Agent Venom in 6.1.1. His HP rose about 50% while his attack rose a little less than 20%. Not sure if I made a mistake, but I was under the impression that the values would be decreased across the board instead of increased, unless I misunderstood something.
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 281 ★★

    Pre nerf

    Post nerf

    Why is the health pool bigger?
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Thiartc said:

    Pre nerf

    Post nerf

    Why is the health pool bigger?

    It’s in the original message. They have a target health pool per lane. Which means in long lanes the health per fight went down, in very short lanes it went up.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Lovejoy72 said:

    Thiartc said:

    Pre nerf

    Post nerf

    Why is the health pool bigger?

    It’s in the original message. They have a target health pool per lane. Which means in long lanes the health per fight went down, in very short lanes it went up.
    But shouldn't it only affect the lanes & not the boss ??
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 281 ★★
    I read that pools would be adjusted, but up, for a “nerf” 🤔
  • CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    So I think I kinda understand why health values were increased in some quests (maybe), but why were attack values increased as well? The initial post stated that attack values were to be returned to be more forgiving. Doesn’t that mean attack values should’ve gone down & not up?
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,487 ★★★★
    This is amazing . Thank you so much . Although I got lucky and found the Champion fight quite easy ( still don’t know how I did it so easily considering my mediocre skills ) I found 6.4 so frustrating I have pretty much given up on actually finishing it . But today ? I went easily through 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 and barley had to use revives two three times and if I had paid more attention I probably could have done it without revives at all . If I push myself I could probably become thronebreaker in a single day while before I didn’t think it was going to happens t all without massive annoyances .

    So thanks . I am now really curious about the Grandmaster fight . Now I can see myself actually teaching it :)

    Will also be interesting to see the Thronebreaker rewards for July 4th. Oh foes that thing where if we became a thronebreaker during the event you could get both Cav and thronebreaker awards still working ? That will be nice
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