Mole-Man true accuracy removed during Frenzy.



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★

    not gonna lie, i can see them monetizing this bug fix, by releasing a new champ later on with a synergy with mole man that allows him to do whatever he can do right now

    And how would that be monetizing it exactly? Not that it would ever happen.
    Because people will go for the character's preview bundles, and cavs to try to get him or her to make mole man great again, easy way for Kabam to make $$$
    If a new champ gave a synergy to MM to be equal to his current big but there wasn't anything else to that champ, no, people won't go crazy like you suggest.

    Kabam has had ample opportunity to do this with many champs and they've not done it. Why would they
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    I remember when Ghost Rider wasn't as advertised in the opposite direction (benefited kabam) and instead of fixing what his ability was supposed to be they just left it. So are we going to revisit him and fix that bug?
  • Corby11Corby11 Member Posts: 185 ★★
    Really disappointed. I ranked him to r3 mainly as a counter to evade champs and always understood rightly or wrongly that you had to enter frenzy mode below 10 monster mass to retain the True accuracy passive. I just don’t understand why after so long change it. I would have maybe r2 him without this mechanic, he has worked the same way since I got him over a year ago.

    Kabam how about an upfront list of all the champs currently in the game that are only good cos they are bugged then we all know not to bother wasting time ranking them. This is a major change to how he works to an aspect that has made him desirable to many players.
  • AldacAldac Member Posts: 478 ★★★

    There is enough backlash here and rationale to show it not only has worked the way it currently is for over a year, but it doesn't break the game at all.

    There's zero reason this "bug" should be fixed rather than just update the description so it states that if Frenzy is activated whilst under 10 Charges, you keep True Sense.

    It's that simple. That would definitely be better optics for Kabam at this point rather than the bad faith they have given us the day before one of their biggest deal weekends of the year.

    Agreed. I made one of the first comments on the thread saying the saying thing. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this is being handled appallingly, at the worst possible possible time vis a vis July 4th sales.

  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Amms90 said:

    I have merged the two threads from @MilitaryJane and @Amms90 in order to keep the conversation in one place. Please remember to keep the ongoing discussion civil and constructive.

    The real info we need is whether or not kabam will consider undoing this "bug fix". What the vast majority of the player base wants (except for groundedwisdom and demonzfire who always have a different opinion from everyone else) is that mole man stays as he is now. Easy enough to correct the ability decription to reflect the way he works right now. Meaning he will lose true accuracy if he reaches 10 monster mass. He will keep it if he stays below 10 monster mass. Whether he enters frenzy or not. Easy fix. No gamebreaking bug here. Not a champ that's unbalanced as is. And you spare us summoners the pain and frustration, the feeling of loss and of being robbed we would get from this nerf. After a year and a half that the champ was untouched with no bug acknowledged by kabam.
    I have yet to see them intentionally undo a bug fix.
    sabertooth furies
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    Amms90 said:

    I have merged the two threads from @MilitaryJane and @Amms90 in order to keep the conversation in one place. Please remember to keep the ongoing discussion civil and constructive.

    The real info we need is whether or not kabam will consider undoing this "bug fix". What the vast majority of the player base wants (except for groundedwisdom and demonzfire who always have a different opinion from everyone else) is that mole man stays as he is now. Easy enough to correct the ability decription to reflect the way he works right now. Meaning he will lose true accuracy if he reaches 10 monster mass. He will keep it if he stays below 10 monster mass. Whether he enters frenzy or not. Easy fix. No gamebreaking bug here. Not a champ that's unbalanced as is. And you spare us summoners the pain and frustration, the feeling of loss and of being robbed we would get from this nerf. After a year and a half that the champ was untouched with no bug acknowledged by kabam.
    I have yet to see them intentionally undo a bug fix.
    sabertooth furies
    I'm not sure how that applies.
  • WfpkstevezillaWfpkstevezilla Member Posts: 121 ★★

    I have merged the two threads from @MilitaryJane and @Amms90 in order to keep the conversation in one place. Please remember to keep the ongoing discussion civil and constructive.

    I saw that a moderator had commented on the thread. Scrolled through to find it hoping for some good news. That this was the comment and there are no others is disappointing to say the least.
    Silence from Kabam has historically been a sign that it doesn't matter the fallout, it's going to happen.
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,958 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners.

    I know you wanted a response sooner, but we need to communicate through a lot of avenues behind the scenes, and until there are new developments, we don't have any information to share.

    That being said, we see how many of you care about this issue, and have a good grasp for the level at which that passion exists. This is a major topic around which the community team will open a dialogue with the dev team.

    Does this mean we'll revert the changes? Not necessarily. But, we'll communicate the sentiment from the player base and go from there. The process isn't as simple as "don't flip that switch," and the change will still exist in the V36.0 update. We'll use this thread to share any meaningful developments that may take place.

    In the meantime, I recommend you all keep the conversation here constructive. Voice your opinions, share your feelings, yes, but being aggressive doesn't better convey the severity of your stance.

    I think the only reason that people are mad is that this one simple change make mole man a Trade utility for damage champ. No one likes those. He could easily have both when he was bugged and yes it was a bug, but it was there for so long that people pretty much considered it in his kit at this point
  • WfpkstevezillaWfpkstevezilla Member Posts: 121 ★★
    For everyone who is upset that it will go live for July, for patches to be placed on android/apple there is lead/lag time involved. The info has probably already been sent out to both platforms and that info will be the July release. It's too late to change that even if they decide to revert which is clearly under debate at best.
  • CampynnCampynn Member Posts: 21
    I did not read this thread so forgive my ignorance. But i did just R3 this guy and one of the biggest reason was the true accuracy during frenzy while maintaining less than 10 mass. It was fun to do and so effective. Very dissapointed in the nerf regardless of if it was never intended or not. I dont come here often so I never knew it was a bug which is on me. But it didnt seem game breaking enough where it cant be part of his kit
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Chomps said:

    Raiderbob said:

    Nerfing a champ after a year plus? Certainly is Kabams right… but folks have ranked up him based on what he CAN do. Now Kabam wants to remove that ability? Fine. Rank down tickets are required then. I just took him to r3 with cats that are extremely rare (for me). I’ll rank him down to r2 in favor of another

    It's not a nerf. It's a bug. Read his kit.
    Does Kabam at least pay you?
    I mean he’s 100% unquestionably correct. Nobody can reasonably dispute that (without lying)
  • IdyslimIdyslim Member Posts: 32
    Keep MoleGod in his current state, this change will severely hurt his unique play style.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    This is taken from both the Spotlight and
    This isn't something new that was added.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    This is taken from both the Spotlight and
    This isn't something new that was added.

    Thank you for adding nothing to the discussion. We have all read this. You might want to try to interact with actual points being made.
    I'm pointing out that there should have been no question about it, really. That's how he was intended to work. People knew it enough to post and ask. They also knew it enough to stop asking. This whole "that's how he has worked" argument is moot. Anyone who used him pre-buff was aware of this. Broken is broken, and we can't pick and choose what bugs get fixed based on how we want to benefit from them.
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    MBogusz said:

    Yeah I’ll take an rank down ticket now please. This has been something he has been able to do for literally years, this completely changes him. I’d like my catalysts back please

    Literally years? No. Since his buff last February. He's been bugged that long. His kit literally states it falls off during frenzy.
    Wrong. It clearly without any doubt states that if you activate frenzy below 10 monstermass and you keep it below 10 monstermass, he will still have true strike.
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