Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Nemo10Nemo10 Member Posts: 19
    Being one of the strongest mutants out there, I have a suggestion to add Santa Claus in game. A powerful champ that can only be used in December.
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2022
    Iron Thor Class:(Tech)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2022
    Iron Man (Mjölnir) Class(Cosmic)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    Iron Man (Earth-X) Class(Science)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    Iron Man (Prehistoric) Class(Skill)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    Iron Ghost Class(Mystic)
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Death Head 2


  • AngryGorillaAngryGorilla Member Posts: 1

    Jimmy Robotface

    Biff Bison

    Emulator (Ember Quade)


  • ACastro3155ACastro3155 Member Posts: 18
    Beta Ray Bill-Maestro- Adam Warlock as playable characters
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    Iron Man + Captain America +Thor Fusion
  • SliferTheSkyDragonSliferTheSkyDragon Member Posts: 1

    What If Ultron

    What if Gamora was Thanos

    What if Peter Parker become The Punisher
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited December 2022


    Shadow King

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Absorbing Man

    Doc Samson

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    She Venom


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited December 2022


    Iron Spider (Aaron Davis)

  • Negativity_1Negativity_1 Member Posts: 61
    edited December 2022
    Guardians of the galaxy
    (Mini Ebony Maw or something like that)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    Captain Spider
  • Ironknight12Ironknight12 Member Posts: 1



    The Unspoken


    Hazmat (Jennifer Takeda)
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,573 ★★★★★

    Let's get some members from Tiger Division. Members include Luna snow and white tiger among others.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    It would be cool to see some uncommon Hulk versions:

    A Bomb (Abomination alike)

    Hulk 2099


    Nul Hulk

    Weapon H


    Some cool mutants; I will only post my favorite one because there are a lot to put here so


    And some cool versions of Ghost Rider and his villains:

    Danny Ketch:

    Red Hulk + Venom + Ghost Rider (so damn cool man):

    Michael Badilino (or something like that):


    Black Heart:


    I think any of those characters would be like really really liked, cmon Kabam, bring us some cool stuff
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Harold Hogan (Earth-616)
    Harold Joseph "Happy" Hogan
    Harry Hoggan,[1] Hap, The Freak,[2] Iron Man,[3] The Living Cobalt Time-Bomb, the Walking Bomb


    Happy Hogan has no powers of his own but they are derived from the Iron Man Armor.

    The Freak possessed superhuman durability. Bullets fired from a short distance inflicted pain but no serious injury.
    Radiation Absorption: The Freak absorbed a large dose of cobalt radiation, making him several times more powerful. In this form, he could discharge blasts of cobalt energy from his hands. Furthermore, he continuously radiated lethal levels of radiation, which threatened to build to a critical mass, resulting in a nuclear explosion.
    Happy Hogan is a former professional boxer. He also has experience in a number of other jobs.

    The Freak possessed limited intellect and went on violent rampages.

    Allergies: Happy was alergic to flowers.[8]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Tyrant (Earth-616)
    Tyrant[citation needed]


    Tyrant possessed enormous cosmic power. He could absorb and channel a tremendous amount of cosmic energy for destructive purposes, including optic beams that have knocked out Silver Surfer and hurt Gladiator. He possessed vast indeterminable levels of superhuman strength, and was incredibly resistant to physical injuries. Being of bio-mechanical properties, Tyrant was effectively immortal. Tyrant also had the ability to psionically control any technology that he came into contact with at will.[citation needed]

    In his original form, Tyrant was as large as Galactus and nearly as powerful if not as powerful. His fight with Galactus had easily destroyed countless Galaxies throughout the Universe. After Tyrant's eventual defeat and depowerement at the hands of Galactus eons ago he was reduced to his lesser modern state. When Tyrant was last seen, he drew on the energy of planetary biospheres and proved capable of feeding on the energy blasts of Galactus.[citation needed]

    In his diminished form, Tyrant's power was initially portrayed as dependent on feeding from containers of superhuman energy, and directly proportional to the amount he had available. When at full power, he proved capable of easily defeating an alliance of super-powered beings which included Silver Surfer, Morg, Terrax, Thanos, Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator, Ganymede, and Jack of Hearts.[citation needed].

    When temporarily denied access to his containers for a prolonged time, Terrax, Ganymede, and Jack of Hearts alone managed to keep Tyrant distracted for a few moments, and Thanos managed to barely survive a fight with Tyrant after empowering himself through one of Tyrant's containers.[citation needed]

    In addition, Tyrant commanded a number of robots who proved powerful enough to incapacitate the likes of Gladiator and Morg. His Fortress had equipment capable of draining and storing the life forces of living beings to power his robots and Fortress.[citation needed]

    Super-Genius Intelligence: Tyrant appears to have vast knowledge of the living universe and cybernetics. [2]

    Tyrant is in possession of cosmic spheres which bare unexplored levels of cosmic energies. These items are obviously of great power as implied by Thanos risking his very existence to obtain one.[citation needed]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Jack Winters (Earth-616)
    Jack Winters [1]
    Living Diamond
    Jack O'Diamonds


    Radiation Resistance: This seems to be his true power, since his other abilities came from exposure to radiation. Since he was able to survive the radiation, he was mutated to gain his other powers.
    Diamond Body: He could transform his entire body into a diamond-like form, much like Emma Frost.
    Telepathy: He had a mild form of telepathy in which he was able to sense people's presences, as well as send out mental suggestions to others to bend their will. He could also use this ability to block other telepathic assaults against him.
    Teleportation: In his first appearance, he had the ability to teleport himself and others short distances through means of separating someone's atoms and then recombining them at their destination.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Carl Burbank (Earth-616)

    Carl Burbank


    Cybernetic Enhancements: Burbank possesses various superhuman physical attributes as a result of various cybernetic enhancements.[32]

    Superhuman Strength: Burbank's limbs have been replaced with advanced cybernetic components, granting him superhuman strength of an unrevealed limit.[32]
    Superhuman Durability: Burbank's body is considerably more resistant to physical injury than that of an ordinary human. Burbank's skin has been replaced with an artificial type of plastic that looks identical to human skin but is much more durable.[32]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Bushwacker's cybernetics/mutation extends not only from his limbs but his whole body.[33] Turning much of which into polymorphic elastoid substance whenever he incurs physical damage enabling him to recover from the most extensive injuries.[20]
    Weapon Transformation: His skin is composed of a malleable plastic that appears human, but can stretch into a variety of shapes around his transformable musculature. Burbank's cybernetic arms conceal a variety of firearms; he prefers to transform only his right arm, but has occasionally changed his left, too, when circumstances dictated the need.[3] It can transform into one of three modes:[32]
    Arm Mode: in arm mode he has a functional human arm.[32]
    Pistol Mode: where his fingers become hollow and can fire small-caliber handgun rounds.[32]
    Machine Gun Mode: is where his forearm resembles an automatic carbine complete with handgrip and stock. In machine gun mode he can rapidly fire armor-piercing bullets from four separate barrels simultaneously.[32]
    Ammunition: Precisely where his body stores ammunition is unknown, but he ejects spent casings in machine gun mode rather than retaining them.[32]
    Bushwacker is a trained covert operative with skills in assassination and espionage.[32]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Amelia Voght (Earth-616)
    Amelia "Amy" C. Voght


    Transubstantiation:[2] Amelia Voght has the power to convert matter into vapor at will, including herself. She is capable of transforming herself or any person or object in her line-of-sight into this state. Loose mist is virtually insubstantial, so Amelia can use this power to avoid injury. She can control the flow of the vapor through the air, allowing her to fly, squeeze herself through tight passages, or move objects about - she could pull a person out from under a mob attacking them by dispersing and reforming them nearby, or steal her opponents' weapons by vaporizing them in their hands and bringing them to her own.

    Teleportation: Voght's mist can also be transported through the astral plane, allowing her to employ her powers for long-range teleportation. She is able to transport herself and anything else she sublimates across the surface of the globe in an instant, or to and from orbit around the planet. She can teleport with cargo, or send objects to a new location within traveling with them, providing she can visualize the new location in her mind. On certain occasions, Voght even demonstrated the ability to summon distant people to herself by teleportation, visualizing wherever the person is at the moment, seeing them converted into mist, and then bringing that mist into her presence to be reformed.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Trevor Hawkins (Earth-616)

    Trevor Hawkins
    "Blüd Shot: The Man with Destructo Eyes!" (intended/dreamed code-name),[2] "400-Eye",[3] "The All-Seeing Mod"[4]

    Trevor is a new mutant activated after the Phoenix dispersion, and has displayed the following mutant powers, with his powers being expanded after being trapped in the Mojoverse:

    Multiple Eyes: Trevor's body is covered by numerous eyes, a total of 57, which allow him to see in multiple directions.[6] Trevor has stated his eyes can't be used for an offensive purpose, but primarily to see "things that no one else can see"[7] including nearly limitless varieties of spectral visions[29]:
    Enhanced Visual Abilities: Trevor has gained special abilities due to his extra eyes such as improved marksmanship and nonverbal communications.[30]
    Microscopic Vision: Eyeboy boasted he could see just about anything no matter how small it was. Once claiming to be able to see dust motes as plain as day.[31]
    Telescopic Vision: With all of his eyes Trevor can also see up to great distances at a time. Supposedly able to see incoming adversaries from miles away.[4]
    X-Ray Vision: Trevor can see around as well as through objects and enemies to get a better view of his surroundings.[32][33]
    Night Vision[34]
    Infrared Vision[34]
    Thermal Vision[34]
    Chemical Detection: Trevor's many eyes can see and track pheromone secretions made from specific human beings.[35]
    Psychological Intuition: Trevor could "read" people via micro expressions, body language and non-verbal cues, no matter how subtle.[29] During his time in the Savage Land, Trevor saw through certain personality traits in other people by noting subtle habits.[30] i.e. Shark Girl's fear of abandonment via hand tremors when yelling, Sprite's longing for peer recognition noting her corner eye twitching, and Glob Herman's fostering secrets gleaned from his quivering jelly body. He was also able to quickly discern the true motives of two new students who were secretly junior S.H.I.E.L.D agents under orders to report the school's activities/dangers to normal human society and shut it down.[36][37]
    Aura Viewing/Tracking: An extension to detecting mental cues, Trevor eventually found he could sense powerful empathetic ties and also track people by following said connections to them (ties of friendship shared between himself and the special class at school for instance).[11][32][34]
    Attack Prediction: Claimed that his psyche evaluating power enabled him to spot the first twinges in one's bodily structure when they're about to throw the first punch.[32][31]
    History Reading: As soon as Mr. Hawkins gets a look at someone he can near instantly ascertain their past altercations and discern their present motivations for doing and being who and what they are.[37] He can also gear his visual acuity to reading and understanding the history of inanimate objects with a glance.[4]
    Oneiric Scrying: When Trevor recedes into REM state, his visual clarity intensifies many times over as he sees into himself. Through this dream sight he can peer into just about everywhere within the world around him, as well as beyond the world with enough focus to see past the veil of false realities.[38]
    Weakness Perception: Can pinpoint weak spots in machines and people, much like the Inhuman Karnak.[11]
    Electric Wave Perception: Able to see electronic wavelengths.[39]
    Microwave Perception: Able to see microwaves with his multiple eyes.[4]
    Illusion Perception: Is able to see past illusions and disguises.[11]
    Magical Wave Perception: Trevor has shown the ability to see magic waves in the air.[7][10]
    He can see emotional connections. [11]
    Shared Vision: Eye-boy found he can pass what he sees onto others in order to share clarity with selected persons. But he has to be physically close enough for it to work.[40]
    Solar Blasts: Through as of yet unknown means, Eye-boy can emit intense bursts of bright yellow energy along a manifesto of consecutive 3D projected images through the act of making symbols via hand gestures.[27]
    Solar Ray Emission: Eye-boy can emit focused beams of extra stellar force that, in his words, can cause sunburns & radiation poisoning.[27]

    Thanks to his powers, Trevor has acquired new abilities:

    He is an expert marksman.[30]
    He is also an expert in nonverbal communication and an exceptional personality perception expert.[33][27]

    Trevor Hawkins (Earth-616) with Magical Lens from A + X Vol 1 9 001.jpg
    Eye Boy's magical lens
    Magical lens: He was given by Doctor Strange a lens enhancing the natural sight and furthermore his mutant abilities. Using it, he can:[10]

    See magic with more details.
    Follow signatures of energy.
    Separate the radiations spectrums and define complex patterns.
    With concentration, he can see through matter.
    "Eye Pad:" A digital pad he used seemingly to check his information about new students he welcomed to the school.[2]

    Laser Weaponry: Eye-Boy often makes use of high powered energized artillery batteries to make better use of his eyesight.[41] An infiltrator from S.H.I.E.L.D once citing his proficiency as a potential assassin while he paces himself using the Danger Room function of the Jean Grey School for shooting practice.[42]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Warp Savant (Earth-616)
    Warp Savant

    Warp Savant was a teenage mutant with reality warping powers. He re-enacted Magneto's attack on Cape Citadel on his eighteenth birthday, and was battled by the X-Men.

    Rather than surrender, he used his powers on himself, seemingly killing or trapping himself into his own limbo.[1]

    Psionic Energy Conversion: Warp Savant had the reality-warping ability to trap objects and beings in a limbo-like landscape inside his subconscious.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Miranda Manuel (Earth-616)

    Miranda Manuel [1]

    Kinetic Energy Dilution: D-Cel has the ability to slow the kinetic motion of physical objects, including living beings. She for example can force an elevator to take an hour to reach the first floor and make confetti take five hours to fall to the ground.[2] She has also used this ability to slow herself down while falling from a great height.[4]

    Telepathic Resistance: A side effect of D-Cel's powers is a high resistance to telepathy.[1]
    D-Cel can tire herself out if she ever overexerts herself when using her powers.[2] She also has trouble focusing her powers when under duress.[4]
  • BadabibidonBadabibidon Member Posts: 91
    Signature ability:
    Scaling with shocker current power level, incoming passive damage effects begin doing less damage, and charge shockers combo meter. At (60-100%) max power, take (10-60%) less damage from passive abilities, and gain (1-3) combo meter every 5 seconds

    Passive: take 90% less damage from shock, passively gain +30% power gain for each shock up to 2

    Critical hits deal guranteed .1% of opponents modified health as energy damage for every 100 his in combo meter (up to 200 hits max)

    Base critical rate is set at 1,234, and is unmodifiable

    Special 1: shocking temper
    This 3 hit attack resembles shang chi's special 2, and deals additional damage based on combo meter, up to+300% at 150 combo, and causes up to three concussion debuffs (40% chance per hit), removing 70% defensive ability accuracy for 15 seconds

    Special 2: game of pain
    This 2 hit area of effect attack resembles hulks sp1 as shocker punches a rock up, and send it hurling toward the opponent in a thousand pieces.
    The first hit cannot be evaded, and the second hit cannot be blocked. For every 100 hits in the combo meter, (up to 500) the critical hit burst energy damage increases by 5% flat for the duration of this special attack.
    If the opponent takes zero damage from this attack, shocker gains 1 unblockable passive and 1 shock passive for 5 seconds.

    Special 3: shocker shows of his grappling skills, pinning his opponent to the ground, and dealing massive amounts of direct energy damage. As the attack ends, both shocker and his opponent are inflicted with 2 shock debuffs and 2 energy vulnerability debuffs. Shocker can dash back and hold block for 3 seconds to remove the vulnerability debuffs and replace them with a power gain buff, each granting 1 bar of power over 10 seconds.

    Spider man (all)
    Debuffs can attack up to 5 times

    Starlord, aegon
    Gain 1 combo shield every 30 seconds by dashing back and holding block for 4 seconds

    Gain +5% damage for every ten hours in combo meter, up to 300%

    Fury becomes indefinite, and can attack up to 5 times

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