
  • Chazz34Chazz34 Member Posts: 22
    I am paragon i was enjoying bg but 7* killed My hype in the game chassing champions again is the worst decition ascending 6* to 7* Will be the way
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    I think it would be good if instead of that Ascension thing, after you max out a 6* champ you'll have the option to Evolve them, it'll be like a regular rank up but it'll be hard to get of course, and this will "comvert" your 6* r5 champ into a 7* rank 1 champ.
    I mean, why not?
    That way your 6* champs can truly progress and you wont have to do the same process to the same champ and get him all over again... 7 stars will be obtainable from crystals, but also you will be able to evolve as I said a maxed 6* into a 7* r1 champ and just continue with the same champion...

    That's not going to happen as that would cost kabam a ton of money from players (especially those in prestige battles) trying to obtain high tier or prestige champs they already have and then the sig stones.

    I'm not saying I don't like your idea but I'm telling you that you have a better chance of winning the lottery than kabam taking your suggestion.
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    I'm not asking this in a perspective of "The heck? We have to build our roaster all over again? Now everyone will quit and the game will die"
    But in the perspective of "If they've introduced a new rarity now, then they arent even close to close the game" so I wonder what are your thoughts? They must have plans for so many years, I mean, 7 stars?... wow
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★

    I think it would be good if instead of that Ascension thing, after you max out a 6* champ you'll have the option to Evolve them, it'll be like a regular rank up but it'll be hard to get of course, and this will "comvert" your 6* r5 champ into a 7* rank 1 champ.
    I mean, why not?
    That way your 6* champs can truly progress and you wont have to do the same process to the same champ and get him all over again... 7 stars will be obtainable from crystals, but also you will be able to evolve as I said a maxed 6* into a 7* r1 champ and just continue with the same champion...

    That's not going to happen as that would cost kabam a ton of money from players (especially those in prestige battles) trying to obtain high tier or prestige champs they already have and then the sig stones.

    I'm not saying I don't like your idea but I'm telling you that you have a better chance of winning the lottery than kabam taking your suggestion.
    Nah, ofc, and I didnt really write that thinking they would or even intending for them to see it, just wanna hear the community.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    A lot longer with them than without them.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    My only question is why is this happening when no one has yet even sniffed a rank 5 6-star?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    My only question is why is this happening when no one has yet even sniffed a rank 5 6-star?

    We've seen something similar when 6*s came. It worked out
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★
    Kind of feels too early, considering 6-stars aren't close to being fully ranked yet.

    Having said that, I ... don't really care. As long as 8.1+ story content is not gated behind requiring 7-stars, I will just progress at my own pace.
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 564 ★★★★
    I read the roadmap for why they're adding both relics and 7* and I don't agree with it. They should’ve stuck with one or the other. And the only choice they had here was to only add 7* and not relics as they would be what continued longevity in the game. In my opinion relics will not be balanced in the game modes they are placed in. Too many mechanics to think about especially in battlegrounds to consider when drafting. People got on a misconception that relics would replace 7* when they simply couldn’t and 7* will have much simpler mechanics than relics.
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★
    I highly doubt you can even find a post on the forum asking for 7* to be added. Doesn’t seem to be a very player oriented decision.
  • The_2nd_collectorThe_2nd_collector Member Posts: 93
    With the introduction of 7*s there's a high chance 5* champs will get ban from act 8.4 or act 9 just like what happened with 4*s
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    I don’t have an issue with the seven stars coming in theory. But man the 6 star R5 aren’t even out yet. They couldn’t have spaced this out better? If they waited until a while after 6 star R5 even become obtainable it wouldn’t be that bad but doing it so soon just doesn’t sit well with me.

    TLDR seven stars are cool but they really should have waited until 6 R5 had some time to breathe
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited September 2022
    Ascension sounds interesting. Relics sound like something that will add unnecessary complexity and they seem very likely to multiply bugs and game crashes. Honestly I'm having a hard time just learning to play new champs well with my available time so I don't know how it will be with relics, but time will tell. I don't really have a problem with 7*s. It will be a long time before they take over. Nevertheless I do find the timing a little strange. It's currently a slow process and expensive to R4 a 6*. No one can R5 a 6*. It's not so much chasing after a new rarity that bothers me. I have a lot of 6*s I still want to take to R4 and eventually R5. I don't want to find myself debating whether I should rank up my 6* or save resources for 7*s. I'd rather think about 7*s after I've at least played with a r5 roster for awhile in content that is geared for r5s. Anyway, I'll continue to play the game as long as I enjoy it and I'll evaluate the changes after they happen.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Axew said:

    I highly doubt you can even find a post on the forum asking for 7* to be added. Doesn’t seem to be a very player oriented decision.

    To be fair, no one was asking for 6*s and there was a lot of outcry when they came out as well. In hindsight, do you think the game would be going strong right now if they had just stopped at 5*s? 7*s were inevitable and probably necessary. Are they necessary in the spring of 2023 when we don't even have r5 6*s? Maybe not. But at some point, it will be the new normal and the game will go on.
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 863 ★★★★
    I for one am at least appreciative for the heads up. 7*s were always going to be a thing as long as the game is financially viable to kabam we can expect the star rarity of champs to increase. Genius marketing to announce this well in advance of Black Friday/cyber Monday and the holidays by the way.
  • wheatmannwheatmann Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Opinion on 7 stars?
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★

    I for one am at least appreciative for the heads up. 7*s were always going to be a thing as long as the game is financially viable to kabam we can expect the star rarity of champs to increase. Genius marketing to announce this well in advance of Black Friday/cyber Monday and the holidays by the way.

    It is kind of odd, in that now there could be some buyer paralysis over investing further in 6-stars or just hold out for 7-stars. Spenders at the top are not gonna care, but for the more price-sensitive buyer, it might give them pause.

    For example, on Cyber Monday, why care about a 6-star Nexus Selector (10 champions) if in the back of your mind you know 7-stars are officially coming? T6b and T3a are likely still gonna be valuable for 7-stars, but with the official announcement it slightly depreciates 6-star shards/crystals
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,096 ★★★★★
    I think a lot of the community are still feeling burnt about how 6* were introduced as well as how the live version of the Battlegrounds was introduced. This progression was inevitable and almost a requirement for the longevity of the game.

    That being said, please do not have the initial 7* Pool full of every single champion. Initially keep it the size of the featured, maybe have Kabam choose the first 12 (please not all Groot level unless he’s bugged by then) and the community the other 12. Then let the pool increase over time, every new champion plus 2 from the current 6* basic pool so it grows gradually.

    Either that or we absolutely need wish crystals by the time 7* are available to actually open. Actually can we can road map for wish crystals and masteries 2.0? Been waiting since February 2019 for a mastery update.
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    How you gonna release 7-stars before people can even max out their 6* champs?
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★

    Wozzle007 said:

    I think a lot of the community are still feeling burnt about how 6* were introduced as well as how the live version of the Battlegrounds was introduced. This progression was inevitable and almost a requirement for the longevity of the game.

    That being said, please do not have the initial 7* Pool full of every single champion. Initially keep it the size of the featured, maybe have Kabam choose the first 12 (please not all Groot level unless he’s bugged by then) and the community the other 12. Then let the pool increase over time, every new champion plus 2 from the current 6* basic pool so it grows gradually.

    Either that or we absolutely need wish crystals by the time 7* are available to actually open. Actually can we can road map for wish crystals and masteries 2.0? Been waiting since February 2019 for a mastery update.

    Yeah I think the initial 7*s pool is so important to how well 7*s roll out. There was an awful pool of 6*s originally, to the point where I was hoping I pulled Cap WW2 because he was one of the most valuable alongside pre buff Yellowjacket and Nebula. There definitely needs to be good champions in there, maybe not necessarily Doom, herc right away, but at least like Elsa, Sentinel, Medusa levels where they are actually worthy of consideration amongst our 6* Hercs and Dooms.

    The thing is, if they go too shallow with the pool I feel like that means the number of good champs will go down. I think 24 is definitely the minimum, but I wouldn't mind seeing 36 at the start. Yes it makes it harder to dupe, but it also means the number of good champs at the start could be bumped up a little.
    Thank God they have 230 champs to pick a starting pool from now instead of the roughly 100 they had when 6* came out lol.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    7 stars ugh. But I think the real death is the relics. It’s why realm of champions did not work out as a mobile game. I refuse to pay for equipment to keep
    Up with the game with what I already have spent just upgrading champs.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I'm trying to decide whether to stop opening 6* crystals until November when the dupe gives 7* shards. I hate saving 6* shards but that's probably the way to go.
  • ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 368 ★★★★
    edited September 2022
    So, many moons ago Kabam says that they are making Relics to delay the release of 7-stars and allow the game to live longer without forcing the next progression level of attaining champions of a new rarity.

    Now, Kabam says not only are Relics coming but so are 7-stars.

    Yeah I'm done once this release. Thanks for helping me decide not to even get any Cyber Weekend deals too.

    This game was a fun distraction for 7+ years. Back to something else now.

    No one will care about my post, but I make it because Kabam maybe will figure out that they are not making the right decisions to keep loyal customers.

    Everyone that's excited - happy for you. This isn't for me anymore.
  • Asim38Asim38 Member Posts: 197 ★★
    Considering that we will be fighting 7 stars in November, is there a new difficulty being added to EQ? Thronebreaker difficulty maybe?
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