This October: Trick or Treat throughout the Spotted Dimension Rifts!



  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Every run so far for me has been candy. I believe that is .9^24 which is only like an 8% chance but hopefully I get something other than candy or the garbage 6* sig stone path before it is over.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,095 ★★★★★
    3 non-candy runs so far. Beating the average I guess
  • XmsXms Member Posts: 8
    that pain I had this just the other day champ standing still mid combo and taking slaps. I seem to have many issues lately block also fails intercept fails ai launches specials while you are nid combo on them I also have an auto evade bug champs when you try and intercept them hit you instead I'm also an apple user…
  • Serpent_King98Serpent_King98 Member Posts: 56
    Should just call this Daily Candy rifts! Nothing but candy and I see everyone else getting luck! Might hoard until the next to last day to see my chances...
  • migue_hmigue_h Member Posts: 2
    Kabam Jax said:

    Event TL;DR

    Complete daily objectives against mystery opponents to earn Spot’s spots. Then, use spots to be placed on a random path in the Spotted Dimension, win fights against buffed opponents and collect Candy, Candy Crystal Shards or other on-path goodies. Lastly, spend your Candy in the Candy Shop for those sweet, sweet rewards!

    Spotted Dimension Rifts

    Starts: October 5th, 2022

    End: November 9th, 2022

    Happy Halloween, Summoners! Spot has joined the battlerealm and immediately stolen Deadpool’s stash of candy. Help DP chase Spot down using Spot’s Spots to enter the Spotted Dimension where, hopefully, you can spot and stop Spot. Still with us? Good! Spot has enlisted the help of a whole gaggle of villains, so we’re going to need you to play hero!


    • Defeat mystery opponents to earn Spot’s spots from daily releasing Solo Objectives, a key to access the Spotted Dimension Rifts
    • 4 difficulty levels 
    • 7 paths with 3 fights and a boss fight, per path
    • Randomized opponents on final boss node and on candy paths
    • 1 energy per step
    • Collect Candy and other goodies from paths
    • 1-2% chance to land on a path with non-Candy goodies
    • Beware: Paths with Awakening Gem/Awakening Gem Crystals will be champ gated; Summoners must have a champ with equal rarity to the gem/crystal on their squad
      • If you cannot pass the rarity gate, you can choose any other reward path
    • Path rewards are refreshed, and spots are consumed, with every entry

    Side Quest Rewards

    Candy Shop

    Start Date: 10/05/2022 @ 17:00 UTC

    End Date: 11/16/2022 @ 18:00 UTC

    Solo Events:

    Start Date: 10/05/2022 @ 17:00 UTC

    End Date: 11/09/2022 @ 18:00 UTC

    Week 1 - 10/05 @ 17:00 UTC to 10/12 @ 17:00 UTC

    Week 2 - 10/12 @ 17:00 UTC to 10/19 @ 17:00 UTC

    Week 3 - 10/19 @ 17:00 UTC to 10/26 @ 17:00 UTC

    Week 4 - 10/26 @ 17:00 UTC to 11/02 @ 17:00 UTC

    Week 5 - 11/02 @ 17:00 UTC to 11/09 @ 18:00 UTC

    How to get points (same for each Solo Event):

    • Win a fight against a 1-Star #Villain Champion - 50 PTS

    • Win a fight against a 2-Star #Villain Champion - 75 PTS

    • Win a fight against a 3-Star #Villain Champion - 100 PTS

    • Win a fight against a 4-Star #Villain Champion - 150 PTS

    • Win a fight against a 5-Star #Villain Champion - 200 PTS

    • Win a fight against a 6-Star #Villain Champion - 250 PTS

    • Use a #Hero Champion to Win a fight against a 1-Star #Villain Champion - 100 PTS

    • Use a #Hero Champion to Win a fight against a 2-Star #Villain Champion - 150 PTS

    • Use a #Hero Champion to Win a fight against a 3-Star #Villain Champion - 200 PTS

    • Use a #Hero Champion to Win a fight against a 4-Star #Villain Champion - 300 PTS

    • Use a #Hero Champion to Win a fight against a 5-Star #Villain Champion - 400 PTS

    • Use a #Hero Champion to Win a fight against a 6-Star #Villain Champion - 500 PTS

    Milestones and Rewards (same for each Solo Event):

    • 1,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 2,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 3,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 4,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 5,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 6,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 8,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards
    • 10,000 PTS - 250x Candy Crystal Shards

    Thronebreaker+ Solo Objectives

    Start Date: 10/05/2022 @ 17:00 UTC

    End Date: 11/09/2022 @ 18:00 UTC

    Candy Crystal Champ Pool

    Open Candy Crystals between 10/05/2022 @ 17:00 UTC and 11/16/2022 @ 18:00 UTC for your chance to add the following champs to your roster.

    Annihilus, Anti-Venom, Apocalypse, Black Panther, Blade, Cable, Captain America (Sam Wilson), Captain Britain, Darkhawk, Doctor Voodoo, Dragon Man, Gamora, Hulk, Human Torch, Jubilee, Knull, Korg, Mister Negative, Misty Knight, Mysterio, Night Thrasher, Purgatory, Red Goblin, Rintrah, Rocket Raccoon, Sersi, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Storm (Pyramid X), Tigra, Vulture.

    Of all these, only one I did not touch candies!!!, they are the best company that motivates their users to continue playing, they are the best, this world fits them wonderful boy
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    1 AG, 20k shards, 2M gold. Rest Candy.
  • Bee_Rock6Bee_Rock6 Member Posts: 3
    Lets face it, dimension rifts will end in 7 days and all we got are candies.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I finally landed on 1 non-candy path with all the entries far. I got the T5CC.
  • TrizoneTrizone Member Posts: 1
    I liek MCOC
  • LensKING1LensKING1 Member Posts: 1
  • JonarcJonarc Member Posts: 116
    Just did a count in my alliance (consisting mainly of Paragons and TBreakers with 2 Cavs players) 10 out of the 30 players have not landed on the Awakening Gem path with 5 days left in the side quest. Which equates to about 33.3%, 1/3 of an alliance. Everyone has done all their available Spot's daily entries. Kabam's RNG is absolutely ridiculous and screwing it up in the case of a side quest that's considered a free gift of resources. How unfair to give the most coveted Gem to some and not others is absolutely appalling!!!
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    4 non candy paths so far.
    - 6* AG
    - Gold
    - Gold
    - 6* Sig Stones

    Not complaining, but wouldn‘t have complained about all candy either. I think the store is not bad.
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Jonarc said:

    Just did a count in my alliance (consisting mainly of Paragons and TBreakers with 2 Cavs players) 10 out of the 30 players have not landed on the Awakening Gem path with 5 days left in the side quest. Which equates to about 33.3%, 1/3 of an alliance. Everyone has done all their available Spot's daily entries. Kabam's RNG is absolutely ridiculous and screwing it up in the case of a side quest that's considered a free gift of resources. How unfair to give the most coveted Gem to some and not others is absolutely appalling!!!

    To be fair, 66% of the alliance having landed on the AG is quite good…
  • DeewillDeewill Member Posts: 84
    Well it’s almost over, and all I’ve gotten is candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. 30 sum days of candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. nothing left in the store weeks ago.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy.. Candy Candy Candy..
  • Dude17Dude17 Member Posts: 133 ★★
    Jonarc said:

    Just did a count in my alliance (consisting mainly of Paragons and TBreakers with 2 Cavs players) 10 out of the 30 players have not landed on the Awakening Gem path with 5 days left in the side quest. Which equates to about 33.3%, 1/3 of an alliance. Everyone has done all their available Spot's daily entries. Kabam's RNG is absolutely ridiculous and screwing it up in the case of a side quest that's considered a free gift of resources. How unfair to give the most coveted Gem to some and not others is absolutely appalling!!!

    Google “probability of independent events”. Once I brushed up on my high school math, I realized there’s no RNGesus pulling fair/unfair levers.
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  • DeewillDeewill Member Posts: 84
    Candy candy candy again today lol.. all I wanted was one awakening gem mystic and I would have been satisfied.. but I noticed from the beginning how my game was going that day I did 5 of them in a row and they went str8 to candy.. I knew my fate was candy the whole month.. and with two days left I think it is I’m almost right.. candy candy candy.. I have everything you could possibly want with candy already.. I’ll just lose the other pieces of candy.. plus I’ve quit a couple times I saw candy..
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,297 ★★★★★
    How much candy do I need to buy everything? I surely missed it
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,095 ★★★★★

    How much candy do I need to buy everything? I surely missed it

    You can’t buy anywhere close to everything this time
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,297 ★★★★★

    How much candy do I need to buy everything? I surely missed it

    You can’t buy anywhere close to everything this time
    Thank you mate. What a joyful event :smile:
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    I have only landed on 1 path that wasn't candy so far and it was a T5CC (which I'm not complaining about). Would have been nice to have 1 or 2 more paths that weren't candy (as long as it wasn't the sig stone path).

    I am not commenting personally on if I feel this was a good or bad event but would just like to point out, on the super off chance Kabam is reading this and cares, that even if the items we can get from the store with all, or mostly all candy, are good and/or on par with a usual month's SQ that the way the event is designed and makes players feel is also an important part of things. I have seen many people on here and have many in my alliance who keep saying there is no point in playing the SQ anymore and who even quit out of it every time they enter and get the candy path.

    I don't think that's a great way to approach this but it is partly on Kabam for designing something that would lead to the players feeling like doing something like that. I'm not really sure what could have been done to improve this because I don't know the info Kabam has on the game's resources available or in the possession of players and what their goals are around that but just from the general feel I get from some other players around this event I would say the design was somewhat of a failure. Having people quiting the event on a daily basis doesn't seem like a desirable outcome.
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    With today's entry I got my 2nd non-candy path. Unfortunately it was the path I absolutely didn't want. I landed on the 6* sig stone path which according to what I recall of DNA's analysis is actually worse than the candy path value wise so I'm not happy about that at all.
  • Magicman20Magicman20 Member Posts: 5
    Still haven’t hit anything but candy all day everyday. I haven’t wanted anything in the store since like day 4. Worst special event in the 4 years I’ve played and that’s embarrassing with the big bump to rewards these days. There was one guy in my alliance to land on the 6* ag. Guess he pushed the button better than I did.
    Another one had 9 different days without candy lol. Bad luck shouldn’t cost you progress. Here’s a random about make something more difficult and make everyone good enough to beat it get the good rewards instead of just boring fights with nothing but luck involved??? This game has fallen so far imo
  • PemulaPemula Member Posts: 60
    tried 6 tickets. each time it landed on candy >> end game, restart >> all 6 landed on candy. lol.
  • HopeithooksHopeithooks Member Posts: 3
    Why is it my sons account has gotten a rare path 7 times since the start yet I have gotten it once? Is the RNG this messed up or what?
  • dynamikedynamike Member Posts: 2
    I just won gold twice😂 that’s a ridiculous casino, sorry
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,594 ★★★★★
    So happy those rifts are over.
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