The difficulty increase is ridiculous



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  • SandeepSSandeepS Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★
    Are there any timescales? Fix before event is over or write off the month and hope for a better one next time?
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    LonM said:

    I just wish Kabam would honestly think sometimes before they act .

    Or test stuff before it goes live
    Maybes we expect too much

    I just want more transparency from Kabam
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  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    Between the meta bg and the terminals with some lines it's not joy but good will end up getting used especially Baron Zemo and the mystical line
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    ESF said:

    I am trying to wrap my mind around this: We are currently collecting 7-star shards, R5 6-stars are now a thing, Kabam has made it so you can become Cavalier in about, what…three months? Maybe four? With a brand new account, if you are focused? And Paragon has been around for a year or more? People are Autofighting lower-tier content, because even brand-new accounts can get a 5-star or two in a few weeks?

    And people are losing their minds because Kabam is actually making it so you actually have to play the game by increasing the difficulty arc because Cavalier difficulty wasn’t exactly designed for R4 6-star Hercules?

    I mean, yeah, OK, it’s more challenging than it was….but nobody could have possibly thought where it was was good for the game itself

    nah fr idek why lower level players are complaining they have crazy rosters with r3s it should be cake even with the difficulty increase.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★

    I haven't touched the MEQ yet, I did one route on the side quest on Threat level 1, using my 5* r3 mystics and they were getting wrecked by the 3*s. I was playing manually, not auto and I ended up using a shed load of health pots and several times two fights to win. That ain't right. I'd normally get through the lowest side quest without much trouble at the lowest SQ difficulty, this was like doing Master.

    max 4*s and r3s 5* but cant clear through 5k pi champs and 1 herc that's 9k? Idk man...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    The Auto Play feature has never been intended to be a substitute for playing the game. There's a reason the AI is skilled in a mediocre way. Originally it was added for small, tedious tasks like Dailies, before Auto Complete was even an option.

    The Auto Play feature is literally a substitute for playing the game.

    There is always a threshold at which a roster may not have sufficient strength to clear content on Auto Play. But there really isn’t any way to argue that Auto Play is anything other than a substitute for actually playing.

    Dr. Zola
    Apparently you seem to be reading that too literally.
    It's never been intended as a substitute for skill development and growth.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Wozzle007 said:

    DrZola said:

    The Auto Play feature has never been intended to be a substitute for playing the game. There's a reason the AI is skilled in a mediocre way. Originally it was added for small, tedious tasks like Dailies, before Auto Complete was even an option.

    The Auto Play feature is literally a substitute for playing the game.

    There is always a threshold at which a roster may not have sufficient strength to clear content on Auto Play. But there really isn’t any way to argue that Auto Play is anything other than a substitute for actually playing.

    Dr. Zola
    Apparently you seem to be reading that too literally.
    It's never been intended as a substitute for skill development and growth.
    Of course it’s a substitute or it wouldn’t exist. The whole point of auto fight is to auto fight and not actively fight. There isn’t anyway to to read it other than literally. No one has argued it’s a substitute for skill development. But it seems like you are saying that Paragon and Thronebreakers don’t already have the requisite skill level and roster growth to be afforded to auto fight Conquerer and most of uncollected like we have since auto fight came into the game. It was added as a Quality of Life mechanic. No one is suggesting we should be able to auto fight Cav and Thronebreaker MEQ difficulty, but surely we can all agree a roster of 5x 6R4 should be able get auto fight through Conquerer and most of uncollected. You can’t be suggesting that we don’t already have the skill set to manually fight at Conquerer level with our 6R3 and 6R4 rosters?
    That's not what I'm saying at all. We've already established that it's been overshot. My issue is with the idea that people farming some Units on Auto is a high priority. That's pretty much a secondary issue. The more pressing issue is whether it's appropriate for people at that stage.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    The Auto Play feature has never been intended to be a substitute for playing the game. There's a reason the AI is skilled in a mediocre way. Originally it was added for small, tedious tasks like Dailies, before Auto Complete was even an option.

    The Auto Play feature is literally a substitute for playing the game.

    There is always a threshold at which a roster may not have sufficient strength to clear content on Auto Play. But there really isn’t any way to argue that Auto Play is anything other than a substitute for actually playing.

    Dr. Zola
    Apparently you seem to be reading that too literally.
    It's never been intended as a substitute for skill development and growth.
    That isn’t what I said. You injected the “skill development and growth” item, presumably upon reflection and realization that Auto Play is, quite literally, a substitute for playing the game.

    Dr. Zola
    I think anyone looking past the words on the screen would understand what I meant.
    Wozzle007 said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    DrZola said:

    The Auto Play feature has never been intended to be a substitute for playing the game. There's a reason the AI is skilled in a mediocre way. Originally it was added for small, tedious tasks like Dailies, before Auto Complete was even an option.

    The Auto Play feature is literally a substitute for playing the game.

    There is always a threshold at which a roster may not have sufficient strength to clear content on Auto Play. But there really isn’t any way to argue that Auto Play is anything other than a substitute for actually playing.

    Dr. Zola
    Apparently you seem to be reading that too literally.
    It's never been intended as a substitute for skill development and growth.
    Of course it’s a substitute or it wouldn’t exist. The whole point of auto fight is to auto fight and not actively fight. There isn’t anyway to to read it other than literally. No one has argued it’s a substitute for skill development. But it seems like you are saying that Paragon and Thronebreakers don’t already have the requisite skill level and roster growth to be afforded to auto fight Conquerer and most of uncollected like we have since auto fight came into the game. It was added as a Quality of Life mechanic. No one is suggesting we should be able to auto fight Cav and Thronebreaker MEQ difficulty, but surely we can all agree a roster of 5x 6R4 should be able get auto fight through Conquerer and most of uncollected. You can’t be suggesting that we don’t already have the skill set to manually fight at Conquerer level with our 6R3 and 6R4 rosters?
    That's not what I'm saying at all. We've already established that it's been overshot. My issue is with the idea that people farming some Units on Auto is a high priority. That's pretty much a secondary issue. The more pressing issue is whether it's appropriate for people at that stage.
    People being able to complete content using auto fight that is relative to their current progression is a priority. I’m not talking about conquerer auto fighting conquerer content here, again we’re talking people with highly ranked 6* rosters that have completed almost every area of the game. It’s a priority because it changes the bar for what lower level players can do. If you make the game to difficult for roster to auto fight it’s going to be to difficult for those who are actually at that level. I don’t understand the argument that the difficulties been set too high, but we still shouldn’t be able to auto fight through it.

    If kabams reasoning for changing the difficulty was to stop auto fighting for people to farm units, I’d personally rather they put the difficulty back to what it was so it’s fair for lower level players and then just disable auto fight altogether. Then we can get into a discussion with Kabam about auto fight as a QOL mechanic as a singular issue and we can see how that one goes. You can’t separate auto fighting with farming for resources.
    This on the other hand, is more than what I meant. I never implied they changed it to prohibit people from doing it. If I'm being totally frank, I'm speaking to the expectation that "I ALWAYS AUTO PLAY IT AND I SHOULD BE ABLE TO.". That's not necessarily the most important thing to look at. Take what you want from that, but that's a bit entitled. We don't NEED to do every Difficulty. There are a number for a reason. Including some that are more appropriate to our own level of progression. That's about it.
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