The difficulty increase is ridiculous



  • El_CapoEl_Capo Member Posts: 59
    has Kabam said anything else new about this issue? @Kabam Miike
  • Kennyb2Kennyb2 Member Posts: 31
    Auto fight not working as it’s supposed to again! If only Kabam spent half as much time on fixing the bugs in it’s game as it does on trying to fleece it’s players then this game would be amazing!!!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    ADDIS0N said:

    Honestly, I can understand why many player’s accounts might be way out of balance with their progression. This is purely speculation on my part, but I get the feeling most players just like to have fun with the game. They don’t want it to be stressful and they don’t want to burn through every single item they have saved (and maybe even spend cash on top of that) for a title they don’t really care that much about. And when their account gets strong enough to clear content that “used” to be hard when their rosters were worse, they’ll do that when they’re more than ready … or they just won’t and will continue to grow their account and play when they have time. Many comments in this thread seem to substantiate this.

    My account was basically “frozen in time” over the last two years since I stepped away. I powered through to get the TB title within a few months after it was released and that was a couple years ago.

    As my TB level account stands now in addition to my current skill level, there’s no way I’ll be able to 100% TB this month. I made a single pass through, but it was not fun and cost WAY too many resources for a monthly EQ.

    I’m occasionally trying other lanes to see if full completion is in my future, and many of the fights only take a single mistake before you lose a champ. That Longshot in 3.2 is going to make me bust my iPad over my knee. 😆 A single missed dex and you’re dead. Especially not fun with the dropped inputs issue still happening.

    I finished Cav 100% last night and I’m honestly not sure if I’ll do UC this month. I might, but the rewards don’t seem worth the time, to be honest. At this point, my account is in this weird zone where I’m TB in title only. I have a little skill, a roster that’s frozen in time, and many incredibly complicated champs that im still trying to learn.

    I’m a long way away from 100% TB completion capabilities without a major investment in money or resources. With that said, I’m happy to throw some cash at Kabam here and there during special events, but I refuse to pay just to 100% the monthly event quest.

    Well, it is possible that the higher Accounts have affected the data, as was speculated here, but I would have to know what skew they were taking into account as well so that's an if. In terms of Accounts being out of balance, there's no question that the game has evolved and that earlier Accounts are more advanced than they used to be. That much is inevitable, and it's been the way.
    The game is constantly growing and evolving. Change is really the only constant. Balance is all about maintaining some sort of homeostasis that allows a reasonable pace, which can be a balancing act, but with a game that has a multitude of complex moving parts, it's necessary for the longevity.
    I'm sure some people feel the same way, that they just want to have a light involvement and challenge, and not go too deep into it. However, EQ isn't the same as Story, and it's never been. It's a month-to-month piece of content that has always varied to some degree in terms of challenge. It's evolved, and it will continue to evolve over time to meet the needs of the people at that stage.
    As to whether they're done adjusting, I have a suspicion it will change next month as well, but I don't know for sure. What I suspect more is that the final outcome will probably not look exactly like it did last month, so it's reasonable to expect some form of increase. The amount that's appropriate remains to be seen.
    I see both sides honestly. I see the need for growth, and I also see the need for it to be increased just enough as is necessary and possible for people to adjust to.
    When we're talking about need versus want, need comes first. The need is for the content to be in line with what it should be. The want is for it to stay breezy for the "Auto Club". Which, included myself, to be honest. I'm just less bothered by it. I've been doing content that isn't even at my level anymore, so I could take it or leave it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    *To be clear, I meant some form of increase compared to last month. I suspect they may reduce it more moving forward. Time will tell.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 882 ★★★★
    My only gripe is a lot of the latest content is annoying.
    Not bothered if the difficulty ramps up a bit. I guess Kabam needs to do that as our roster’s get stronger.
    But making fights long and annoying is no fun at all.
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 295 ★★
    Did anyone notice that the units in the 1st sets of difficulties went up to 160 and 165 from 150?
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★

    If people don't want their opinions discussed among others, this isn't the proper place to express them.

    Unfortunately unpopular opinions will get you attacked by keyboard warriors as you are well aware by now.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    7714dtl said:

    So someone who is always saying that they are free to express their opinion is telling people not to express them.

    And you believe that you have some mission to discuss(argue would be the correct term) every opinion that differs from yours just so you can keep repeating the same opinion incessantly throughout a thread.

    You have taken hypocrisy to whole new level
    I don't believe I told anyone not to express their views. I said if the goal is to leave opinions unchallenged, this is the wrong place for it. Anything that's posted is up for discussion. That means you, or I, or anyone else.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,501 Guardian
    djr17 said:

    Reading this sparked something. In their data mining, did they eliminate the people autofighting with 5 & 6*s in their calculations of what the average player brought, or did they not, and that is what caused in the 'bigger increase than intended'
    My understanding of what Kabam did is that they datamined the players partitioned by progress tier, not by which EQ tiers they were doing. Which is to say, the difficulty of Proven is not based on, say, what strength of champs people were bringing to Normal difficulty. Instead, it is based on what people of the Proven progress tier were bringing into content in general, both in EQ and in things like the story Act content. Their data said (for example) that Proven players were bringing champions of roughly CR90 caliber (i.e. 4/40s and 5r2s) or a bit higher on average, and thus the difficulty was tuned for that level of strength.

    Remember: although people are lining up the new difficulty tiers with the old ones based on the rewards they are giving out, there was no Proven difficulty before. It happens to give the same rewards as a previous EQ difficulty tier, but its actual content difficulty is not based on what used to give those rewards but on what they believe Proven people can do today, based on how much stronger they are today than when many of us were Proven years ago.

    If hypothetically there were some Proven players who happened to whale themselves into giant rosters and were autofighting through content, that would have been incorporated into the original difficulty design. The current one which is slightly toned down is (apparently) their way of trying to reduce the difficulty in proportion to the percentage of way outside the norm anomaly players that existed in the data that were atypical. But the majority of the players of the game are probably close to the center of mass for each difficulty tier.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    R_jay0027 said:

    Again you are absolutely free to express you points of view.

    But you are condescending, and repeatedly tell people their points of view are wrong, while quoting them. When they have no interest in a dialogue with you.

    You can simply state what you believe, which we all know is Kabam is bestis ever.
    And not be so combative with people, and then play the victim card when you don't like how you have challenge.

    Have discussions with your friends on here. Express you points of view. But learn and accept most people don't want to discuss or debate with you specifically. Ok

    I don't need permission to discuss anything on here. I don't need people to make personal judgments on my character. I certainly don't need to have anyone turn a discussion into a delitany about me as a person.
    There are Moderators for a reason, and when I say something out of line, they're here to deal with it. I don't need a Kangaroo Court on my participation. The fact is, I stay on topic. I discuss the points that are made, and I share my own perspectives on what's been said. It's not personal. It's a discussion.
    So once again, I'm going to get back to what we're here to discuss. I've had my share of people turning these conversations into a slingfest
    towards me, and I have spent all the reactions I will on it. It's inappropriate. People need to stick to the topic.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,012 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    DNA3000 said:

    My understanding of what Kabam did is that they datamined the players partitioned by progress tier, not by which EQ tiers they were doing. Which is to say, the difficulty of Proven is not based on, say, what strength of champs people were bringing to Normal difficulty. Instead, it is based on what people of the Proven progress tier were bringing into content in general, both in EQ and in things like the story Act content. Their data said (for example) that Proven players were bringing champions of roughly CR90 caliber (i.e. 4/40s and 5r2s) or a bit higher on average, and thus the difficulty was tuned for that level of strength.

    Remember: although people are lining up the new difficulty tiers with the old ones based on the rewards they are giving out, there was no Proven difficulty before. It happens to give the same rewards as a previous EQ difficulty tier, but its actual content difficulty is not based on what used to give those rewards but on what they believe Proven people can do today, based on how much stronger they are today than when many of us were Proven years ago.

    If hypothetically there were some Proven players who happened to whale themselves into giant rosters and were autofighting through content, that would have been incorporated into the original difficulty design. The current one which is slightly toned down is (apparently) their way of trying to reduce the difficulty in proportion to the percentage of way outside the norm anomaly players that existed in the data that were atypical. But the majority of the players of the game are probably close to the center of mass for each difficulty tier.
    Interesting. Thanks for clarifying that. I thought they would be looking at where Players were at as well, but I thought it was a valid point.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    At what point in proven does it become impossible to autoplay?
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    Still nothing was fixed, it's still almost the same as it was. This game is starting to go down hill fast. People are not going to pay to get through a monthly quest. People are not going to do more work for the same rewards. This might not have been as bad if you had bumped the rewards. The difficulty increase wasn't needed or wanted by most players. Most of the whales don't care about uncollected anyways.
  • Dragoon81Dragoon81 Member Posts: 147 ★★
    I know of plenty of players that have 13k+ accounts sitting at Cav still so if the method of rebalance was to use Progression level vs what content they are doing while there are accounts at 11k that are Paragon. I mean.
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