The difficulty increase is ridiculous



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,013 ★★★★★
    How is that a priority? People at the Paragon (even TB) level aren't depending on those lower Difficulties for the Rewards to progress. There's easier ways to earn a few Units.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,082 Guardian

    How is that a priority? People at the Paragon (even TB) level aren't depending on those lower Difficulties for the Rewards to progress. There's easier ways to earn a few Units.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,013 ★★★★★
    I'm aware. I do it myself when I have a few spare moments. It's not that lucrative. It takes a great deal of Energy to get all 150, and you still have to pay attention to select Paths. There are easier ways to earn Units.
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    edited January 2023

    I'm aware. I do it myself when I have a few spare moments. It's not that lucrative. It takes a great deal of Energy to get all 150, and you still have to pay attention to select Paths. There are easier ways to earn Units.

    My guess would be time/effort versus engagement. I’ll use the 4 star as an example for arena. You can get 26 units after 2 or 3 rounds. But then it goes up. It probably takes 7 rounds to get the next level. And people find arena Grindy. The lower level MEQ kind of checks QOL boxes while also not being grindy.
  • SkyeBerrySkyeBerry Member Posts: 90

    FYI to those asking: Contender has been nerfed to a global node of +400% attack and health. It was previously separate nodes of attack and health being upped. Not sure what, but I think attack was +500%. Proven has been changed to +400% attack and +600% health, down from 500 and 800 respectively.

    This is going to do literally nothing to let players do the EQ before unlocking the next difficulty
  • PascalGambitPascalGambit Member Posts: 47
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    The Auto Play feature has never been intended to be a substitute for playing the game. There's a reason the AI is skilled in a mediocre way. Originally it was added for small, tedious tasks like Dailies, before Auto Complete was even an option.

    The Auto Play feature is literally a substitute for playing the game.

    There is always a threshold at which a roster may not have sufficient strength to clear content on Auto Play. But there really isn’t any way to argue that Auto Play is anything other than a substitute for actually playing.

    Dr. Zola
    Apparently you seem to be reading that too literally.
    It's never been intended as a substitute for skill development and growth.
    That isn’t what I said. You injected the “skill development and growth” item, presumably upon reflection and realization that Auto Play is, quite literally, a substitute for playing the game.

    Dr. Zola
    (not sure how my post disappeared but apologies if it's a double post)

    "...Visibly despondent, Brandolini slips back into the shadows having failed to add another victim to his growing flock..."

    Years into the game, we're now learning how to play the game and what a certain function's intended purpose is from an entity who submits his own opinion as the appeal to authority. They injected a motte and bailey fallacy into the discussion and when challenged they doubled down and repeatedly reinforced their position with a firehose of falsehoods and gish gallop. The ensuing mindless bickering is there for all to witness.

    I'm loathe to follow the crowd on most occasions however, in this case the consensum gentium is both indisputable and irrefutable. As for the dissenting voices, Occam and his freshly sharpened implement patiently await their pound of flesh..
  • PascalGambitPascalGambit Member Posts: 47
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    Happy to report that changes to EQ and SQ difficulty tuning have been made in-game. As previously mentioned, you will still notice an increase to the difficulty but it should be much more approachable now.

    This is welcome news!

    Has there been any discussion with the team concerning the reduced amount of iso we're receiving per completed path? Garnering iso and units is my primary motivation for playing the lower level EQs..
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    Filling in some details for you all:

    The overall intention when adjusting difficulties:
    "We wanted players' opponents to more closely match the power we (incorrectly) assumed those players had at their disposal. To get an idea of that power, we pulled data on what Rank/Rarity of Champion players were using in Monthly Content based on their PRG vs. The Difficulty they were playing in (Uncollected playing in Cavalier Difficulty vs. Uncollected player in Uncollected Difficulty). There was always the risk this data was overinflated by players sitting in a PRG longer than they were supposed to (especially in Uncollected and Cavalier) but we hadn't estimated how much they were hurting the high volume of players who were fresher to that difficulty."

    This discovery is what lead to the follow up adjustment yesterday. The result was, "threat levels 1-3 had their health tuned down for the [side] Quest, and all difficulties of EQ had their health tuned down, with some attack modifications on Contender, Proven and Conqueror EQ."

    Looking at EQ specifically:
    "The champs in the early quests of some difficulties may have higher attack than they used to. The champs in the later quests though actually have less attack than they used to when looking at the old (December) tuning. We bumped up the baseline a bit but flattened stuff out as the EQ progresses."

    To massively over-simplify... if we were to give each quest a difficulty value between 1-5, previous iterations would have been 1-2-3-4-5, now we're looking closer to 2-2-3-4-4.

    By making chapters 1-5 of story easier to advance players along faster you have created a generation of players who can only defeat content with overwhelming power. These players are the ones arguing that even the nerfed content is too difficult. They have vastly overpowered accounts that lack the basic mechanics to understand how to defeat the current meta you have introduced. It will take a few months now at this level before these players begin to develop the skills to handle this content. Kabam has done this to themselves by nerfing all the early content to allow players to quote "catch up".
  • edited January 2023
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  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Crine60 said:

    Dshu said:

    El_Capo said:

    El_Capo said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    Happy to report that changes to EQ and SQ difficulty tuning have been made in-game. As previously mentioned, you will still notice an increase to the difficulty but it should be much more approachable now.

    The difficulty is the same for uncollected. what a joke and rewards the same... so what's the change here?
    The difficulty isn't the same for Uncollected. It's been taken down a peg.
    I don't know if you are a spoke person for them but you know its still very difficult for the new player and average one and with the same rewards (if the rewards were better then it can be a motivation) its not even worth doing it but if Kabam wanted players to have more challenge they were always welcome to start cavalier, how it always was but at their pace not forcing it like this, it will make players leave the game, its very frustrating when you cant beat something... so with the changes made yesterday this still does not make any sense and they should keep working on finding a better solution to all of this.
    If you don't like the eq don't do it. The increase in lower difficulty is long overdue. New accounts are getting rank 3 5*s before entering act 5. Just because he doesn't agree with you on the difficulty doesn't mean he works for kabam. If lower level players feel it's too hard go do other content there are lots of options available.
    WTH are you talking about? Unless I am missing a difference in forum names you keep posting about how people should just shut up and not do EQ if we can't handle or don't like the unnecessary difficulty increase but then have made multiple posts complaining about wanting Act 6 Story Quest made easier for you. EQ existing difficulties shouldn't have been made harder, especially without an equal buff to rewards (which have actually been nerfed since they keep screwing up the path and chest rewards), because it is what people use to progress their accounts when they get stuck in Story.

    Story is permanent content that people may need to build their accounts further to accomplish, temporary monthly content should just have higher difficulties added to match the higher progression tiers like how Story Quests get harder the higher you go, not making existing lower difficulties harder. Story Quest hasn't been made harder overall (although I do recall discussion about some path fights being made harder that Kabam attempted to justify with the overall Act 6 difficulty decrease) so why make EQ harder? If you reached a certain progression level you should continually be able to run the monthly content designed for that level without it being made harder.

    This whole thing makes no sense and as usual Kabam refuses to explain things. If we do get any explanation later on it will likely just be some PR drafted statement that barely even addresses the actual issue and then a shut down of any further player comments because they somehow missed that this was not the right or fair thing to do but almost never go backwards on bad decisions because of the precedent it would set. I think the more conspiracy sounding posts saying they planned the larger initial difficulty increase just to be able to back it down very slightly to appease the majority who for some reason are then willing to accept it might be right.
    I believe I said it's too different because I can't beat it with my 4*s. It's a joke. If you make it to act 6 you will understand why it's impossible to beat with 4*s. Additionally I tried offering advice about the current eq before they changed it but was attacked by some Uncollected who are arguing for free rewards without putting forth an effort and was scolded by the mods. Figured if all people want to do is complain about content rather than figuring out ways to beat it I may as well complain about difficulty as well. Still waiting for someone to show an act 6 fight takedown with a 4* to prove me wrong when I say it can't be done.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,013 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023

    I'm aware. I do it myself when I have a few spare moments. It's not that lucrative. It takes a great deal of Energy to get all 150, and you still have to pay attention to select Paths. There are easier ways to earn Units.

    Usually I LOL your posts, but this one I actually disagree on. In the first place, there is no easier way to gather units than auto fighting. There are more lucrative ways, but none so convenient for folks with limited time. Yeas, it does take lots of energy, but like lots of people, the energy im using during auto fight is energy that wouldn't get used otherwise. When I run out, I can turn the game off and come back to it after work, when I'll have full energy again to use for real stuff.
    Auto fight is a very important tool for a large group of busy, slow rolling players like me. I understand that you have a lower opinion of its utility, but try to bear this in mind when you post about it as your judgement of it has been posited as broad fact rather than narrow opinion.
    That whole argument about being fact vs. opinion is overused. We're here to discuss our own opinions. That's a given.
    The game rewards game play. Yes, it's nice to grab some Units when we're busy doing other things. We're also able to continue doing that with the most recent iteration. It is by far a necessity to game play. The fact that people think it's something they need to depend on highlights a greater issue of wanting more for doing less, but I won't go into that here.
    My original point, and it still stands, is that Auto isn't a priority. They're not likely looking at these changes as something that can get people, who are well enough advanced to do it on Auto, as many easy Units as possible. If they can, great. If not, that's not the indication that the changes are too far. It's whether or not it's appropriately challenging enough for the people at that stage in the game.
    I like getting some Quests in while working as much as the next guy, but if I'm too busy to play the game, then I'm too busy. That's not something I'm entitled to.
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