When 7*s drop, what will be the cause of community frustration?

Whether it’s as simple as possiblly pulling Groot as your 1st, or a seemingly nefarious plan to sell “good” champs in a featured pool that is only accessible at 1st behind a paywall during spring cleaning… we all must have some sorta fear derived from trust issues that somehow, something is about to go terribly wrong. Keep it clean but sound off on your fears!
When 7*s drop, what will be the cause of community frustration? 197 votes
7* champs have a unique feature (like adrenaline but different) that is either OP or inadequate
Input issues
Lack of response from Kabam on the above
2. 7* R2 > 6* R5 so it will make sense for it to require more rankup resources.
3. I doubt people will complain about the new mechanic unless it's very annoying on defense.
4. Basic pool consisting bad champs is also somewhat expected but it will definitely leave people salty. IMO the base pool should have an optimum mix of top tier, mid tier & meme tier champs....May be a 2:4:4 ratio would be appropriate
5. There is no reason for 7* to cost more than 10000 shards. If it happens then it'll just be an arbitrary inflation & it will be justified for players to get mad about it.
I'm sure they'll be mad about how many shards 1 crystal it is if it's not 10k.
I'm sure they'll be mad about how much ISO a dupe is.
I'm sure they'll be mad there isn't a max sig crystal right away.
I'm sure they'll be mad about the champion pool.
The one thing we can always count on with this community, is it will always be mad about something.
Fixed it.
Is the community really "mad" about all of these things or are a hefty chunk of them the customer feedback that Kabam needs and asks for (perhaps delivered poorly) and minor annoyances that get categorized as entitled rage ravings by the secondary complainer?
The outdated - non buffed champ is smth I'm 70% sure will happen, but I hope at least It'll have some interesting options, not just groots and iron patriots
There's literally no reason to think that given the current information (6* dupes give 275 shards)
Another item to look at is that people have pointed out that 3 and 4* costs the same, then the price jumps for 5 and 6*. If this pattern continues, then we will see an increase for 7* shards.
No one should say that it is going to be 10k for certain because there isn’t really enough evidence to support that theory the same as there is not enough to support it increasing.