When 7*s drop, what will be the cause of community frustration?

TrashPanda69TrashPanda69 Member Posts: 31
Whether it’s as simple as possiblly pulling Groot as your 1st, or a seemingly nefarious plan to sell “good” champs in a featured pool that is only accessible at 1st behind a paywall during spring cleaning… we all must have some sorta fear derived from trust issues that somehow, something is about to go terribly wrong. Keep it clean but sound off on your fears!

When 7*s drop, what will be the cause of community frustration? 197 votes

Basic crystal cost is more than 10,000 shards
Mhd20034SyndicatedyuwKerneasSCP1504FabriciusH3t3rReignkingTWAgent_Valentain689CowabungaBarney_StinsonDotemSalve_maker05VrnilamLicky 15 votes
Basic pool consists of outdated, non- buffed champs
TheJalliDrZolaMr_PlatypusShakyJake743Darkrider05FrankWhiteCassyflip3609sbroSandeepSrockykostonReverend_RuckusNIOBBBAleorRockyshockyColinwhitworth69ScarRealmRockypantherxHector_1475JAATKINGAyden_noah1 42 votes
Combination of 1/2
DL864BigPoppaCBONEMaverick75CropDusterRepto23Logan00Cr7ms7rs7IKONAR48Wu_Bangerz23IvarTheBonelessKappa2g_Sham_PandingoLordSmasherKRANꓘGodfatherspieWhoDaPooEwell65SSS69Bocksarox 47 votes
Event & side quests contain no/ very little 7* shards
tooblazeddjr17spiderbites0196Batman_bruce31AndremlopesAce2319Ali_4243SuhshehshsHeli0sunMknight123 10 votes
Rank up materials needed to r2 are more than 6* to r4
OmedennFerahgoBron1 3 votes
7* champs have a unique feature (like adrenaline but different) that is either OP or inadequate
Nogood22 1 vote
All of the above
SnakeEyes69ADDIS0Nheruheru511SIlverProfessorTristanFeeney234SpeedbumpphillgreenSmokely7TerraShadowstrikeDragonMCOCMentorPHILLYB781MACrazyjack719TylermcbainGogeta91199brandinhoBowTieJohnWebby72 71 votes
BENJI830LilMaddogHTMoosetiptronicPikoluTheGodfather39OakenshieldBazzingaaaMaxwell2454 8 votes


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  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,298 Guardian
    People will find a way to find something to complain about.
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
    That they all get Groot/Drax/superior iron man/iron fist
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I won't be frustrated. I expect the initial pool to be garbage. They will eventually take over and people will chase garbage 7*s for prestige when they will be irrelevant once better champs get added. I won't open a 7* crystal until there are champs I want to rank in the pool.
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  • BazzingaaaBazzingaaa Member Posts: 357 ★★★
    BG bugs
    Input issues
    Lack of response from Kabam on the above
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    All of the above
    I don't think much of adrenaline. I think they added in the nodes in act 7 to give people more of an incentive to rank and use their 6 stars so it will be interesting to see what new feature the 7* champs get and also of there are additional nodes for them in act 8.2 and beyond.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Combination of 1/2
    1. 7* will be the next thing to run after so it makes sense to have limited availability in early days.....less shards in newer content is expected.

    2. 7* R2 > 6* R5 so it will make sense for it to require more rankup resources.

    3. I doubt people will complain about the new mechanic unless it's very annoying on defense.

    4. Basic pool consisting bad champs is also somewhat expected but it will definitely leave people salty. IMO the base pool should have an optimum mix of top tier, mid tier & meme tier champs....May be a 2:4:4 ratio would be appropriate

    5. There is no reason for 7* to cost more than 10000 shards. If it happens then it'll just be an arbitrary inflation & it will be justified for players to get mad about it.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    @Demonzfyre they as in the community? Are you part of this community too? If so, I was asking you what would be something you would be “mad” about how they are introduced.

    The community has already been mad about the color scheme. So much so Kabam is changing it.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how many shards 1 crystal it is if it's not 10k.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how much ISO a dupe is.

    I'm sure they'll be mad there isn't a max sig crystal right away.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about the champion pool.

    The one thing we can always count on with this community, is it will always be mad about something.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    Basic pool consists of outdated, non- buffed champs

    @Demonzfyre they as in the community? Are you part of this community too? If so, I was asking you what would be something you would be “mad” about how they are introduced.

    The community has already been mad about the color scheme. So much so Kabam is changing it.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how many shards 1 crystal it is if it's not 10k.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how much ISO a dupe is.

    I'm sure they'll be mad there isn't a max sig crystal right away.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about the champion pool.

    The one thing we can always count on with this community, is it will always be mad about something.
    Also they will be mad that there's so many polls about 7* champs.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Alliances competing for even less recruits as more people rage quit after bad pulls 😉
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    Combination of 1/2
    I don't see a reason why it should cost more than 10k shards, 5* is 10k and it gives 275 shards for dupe, same as 6* so why it should be different.

    The outdated - non buffed champ is smth I'm 70% sure will happen, but I hope at least It'll have some interesting options, not just groots and iron patriots
  • legalactionlegalaction Member Posts: 182 ★★
    All of the above
    Gotta love the comments saying ppl will complain about anything while complaining about them on this poll
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Basic pool consists of outdated, non- buffed champs
    I will still complain about 3* being in the Cavalier crystals, though…
  • PrinceLennonPrinceLennon Member Posts: 28
  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★
    edited March 2023
    The fact that 7* r1s will be same as 6* r4s with increased power rate. R4s are still quite hard to achieve naturally without spending for r4 mats and just seeing your 3 year old account be worse than a cavalier/uncollected with 3 Lucky pulls will discourage people. On that note I actually WANT initial pool to be hot garbage. Can't imagine sudden injection of god tier r4s into accounts out of nowhere being good for anyone
  • BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 294 ★★★
    Basic pool consists of outdated, non- buffed champs
    Why does everyone have this idea that it's gonna cost more than 10k????

    There's literally no reason to think that given the current information (6* dupes give 275 shards)
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    All of the above
    BigBuster said:

    Why does everyone have this idea that it's gonna cost more than 10k????

    There's literally no reason to think that given the current information (6* dupes give 275 shards)

    And that seems to be the only reason people are saying it’s not gunna be more than 10k. Since they haven’t announced a price and just have a place holder number, while people assume since dupes only give you 275 shards, why is it that it hasn’t been considered for that to also be a placeholder at the moment? Even if that is the real amount, they most likely will stifle acquisition one way or another. It’s complete viable that anything and everything regarding 7*s that we know can change before the actual release.

    Another item to look at is that people have pointed out that 3 and 4* costs the same, then the price jumps for 5 and 6*. If this pattern continues, then we will see an increase for 7* shards.

    No one should say that it is going to be 10k for certain because there isn’t really enough evidence to support that theory the same as there is not enough to support it increasing.
  • FireatwillFireatwill Member Posts: 103

    @Demonzfyre they as in the community? Are you part of this community too? If so, I was asking you what would be something you would be “mad” about how they are introduced.

    The community has already been mad about the color scheme. So much so Kabam is changing it.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how many shards 1 crystal it is if it's not 10k.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how much ISO a dupe is.

    I'm sure they'll be mad there isn't a max sig crystal right away.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about the champion pool.

    The one thing we can always count on with this community, is it will always be mad about something.
    You seem to be forgetting this is not only a predatory gacha game designed to manipulate you out of your money, but it's one that's been completely broken for 2 years. Fix those two things and lot of the people who would have be complaining, will be drawing bad fan art of how cool the 7 star border looks instead... and tattooing the dumb homebrew characters like Guillotine on themselves.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    @Demonzfyre they as in the community? Are you part of this community too? If so, I was asking you what would be something you would be “mad” about how they are introduced.

    The community has already been mad about the color scheme. So much so Kabam is changing it.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how many shards 1 crystal it is if it's not 10k.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about how much ISO a dupe is.

    I'm sure they'll be mad there isn't a max sig crystal right away.

    I'm sure they'll be mad about the champion pool.

    The one thing we can always count on with this community, is it will always be mad about something.
    You seem to be forgetting this is not only a predatory gacha game designed to manipulate you out of your money, but it's one that's been completely broken for 2 years. Fix those two things and lot of the people who would have be complaining, will be drawing bad fan art of how cool the 7 star border looks instead... and tattooing the dumb homebrew characters like Guillotine on themselves.
    Uh no. If you spend money in this game, it's your choice. The game has been messed up for some, but not everyone and at different points but none of that really matters as the community has had this pattern way before input issues.
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