Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    nOux said:

    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    Thank you for your feedback, we are reading every comment. Please keep your messages constructive; most of you have so far, thank you for that.

    Based on the feedback in this thread, we have started internal discussions around adjusting revive/potion inventory caps. This is not a guaranteed change, but is what is most prominently being discussed.

    These conversations will continue to take place behind the scenes and could grow to include other potential adjustments as well.

    We will use this thread to provide updates if/when we have news to share.

    You’re not reading every comment. I was inactive for weeks only to find myself shadow banned without cause upon my return without having received ANY notice as to why. No warning, no removed posts, just an off button on my account
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Didn't u become Paragon like 2 weeks ago? Why are u talking about progression as if u whaled out the first year it was available?
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    Page 11
    Thank you sir. I didn’t expect so many comments
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  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    KABAM specifically mentioned higher tiered players gathering too many revives. Then why not base the availability on progression, like you do in stores.
    As Cav, it costs me WAY MORE to buy items, than Thronebreaker.
    Can’t you reverse that when it comes to farming, based on progression?
    Just make it tougher as you progress. That seems logical and fair.

    Lol so the highest has harder access to revives, while attempting harder content?
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    That’s such a dumb take. Everest content is literally impossible to do reviveless for most people. Carina challenges force you to use champs in non ideal matchups and most good players spent around 40 revives per path if they don’t have Hercules. The game issues also completely invalidate any skill that a player has, so unless you think every player is MSD, this isn’t happening.

    But yeah, just say “gEt GoOd” as if that’s the problem here. Revive farming helps f2p players do the content without spending what units they’ve saved up. This isn’t a matter of skill, it’s a matter of having a Hercules and revive spamming through the rest of the content, even if you’re that good.

    Yes, it is a bad change. Players need these revives for content like this and it was a good avenue for f2p players.
    Yep, you are right, and the game shouldnt be "Use Hercules and spam revives", thats why the change is good.

    And again, if you do Everest content should be because you are in the group of top players of the game, the fact that people with not big enough roster or not enough skills tries to do it spamming revives doesnt mean that that Everest Content is meant for them, same with Carina's Challenges.

    And I repeat once again, since no one likes to read this part, the CHANGE ITSELF is GOOD, the MOMENT THEY WANT TO APPLY IT is BAD, since the game is completely bugged and people use more revives to overcome those bugs than anything else.
  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve died in the last few months because the game has been broken and not by my own fault. The input controls have never truly been fixed, we’ve all just had to live with it and push through. So now we are punished even further for it. At least we could spend our time to try and farm some to try an balance it out.
    I’ve gone through my receipts and while I’m not a whale I’ve spent enough on this “game” to purchase a brand new car sadly. I’m done with that now. I’m not a cow that can be milked for every cent while problems continue to get brushed into the closet over and over and this is where the teams focus is. At this point the closet door is about to burst open.
  • Hauntedbullet24Hauntedbullet24 Member Posts: 23
    Also commenting on my original post… isn’t it a coincidence that when it’s a “loophole”, “exploit” ETC for the player… IT MUST BE INSTANTLY TAKEN DOWN AND PATCHED… but when it’s bugs that are causing the game strife and hurting the player base.. kabam responses with, “that’s just the game” “it’s the players fault”.
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

  • Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Member Posts: 329 ★★
    i would agree with this change if they also remove items cap or at least make it 100 revives cap. or maybe we can fight another game to play then
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    After almost 9 years of this game, people understand that spending is what keeps this game alive. That’s why people are angrier than expected because they are painting it as “we just want to limit farming cause of the content” but still not limiting how many revives we can buy with units. Why not make similar limitations with units as well? 10 revives per week with units? Imagine if we all were complaining that we need a 6* quake, and their reply is “we are working on other champs right now, but we will get on that soon”. It would be complete B.S. it’s true they are occupied with other champs design but that’s not the real reason we don’t have a 6* quake. That’s what the post feels like.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★

    Also commenting on my original post… isn’t it a coincidence that when it’s a “loophole”, “exploit” ETC for the player… IT MUST BE INSTANTLY TAKEN DOWN AND PATCHED… but when it’s bugs that are causing the game strife and hurting the player base.. kabam responses with, “that’s just the game” “it’s the players fault”.

    Lmao I stated this on another post and I got completely told off
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    Because that discourages revive spamming… from whales who are buying them. Despite the claims, they dont want content where you can’t infinitely use revives, they just want to make sure that spending is the only means to do so
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    Limit the number of revives. THATS how you stop revive spamming. Then tune the difficulty of said content so that its not impossible to beat within those confines
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★

    I’d rather they just make content where you can only use a limited number of resources before you are forced to start over.

    They would first have to fix input issues. And as that makes them money that be well. NEVER
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    From your comments I can tell you haven’t done carina or any hard content. And definitely not recently. So tell us oh wise one. How is 2 revives. And mind you it’s not a guarantee a day. It’s again rng. Which they say they trying to get away from gonna do the hard content?
    I know perfectly how hard that content is, farming for a quest and a mission 2 single revives that will take you a little amount of time everyday for 14 days to do a good run for EoP I think its pretty fair from Kabam, not mentioning the RNG revives you could get on the quests and on daily crystals, so you could use at least 15 revives + 28 stash revives, you dont think 43 revives are enough for a player that is doing the content meant for him? Then that means that you are not talking about the people that the content is meant for, you are talking about everyone like everyone should be able to do EoP or Carinas Challenges or Gauntlet, etc, that content is CHALLENGING content for the BEST PLAYERS.

    Not gonna change my mind, the only problem with this is that the game is completely bugged so they should wait till they fix the game to apply this changes.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    I know perfectly how hard that content is, farming for a quest and a mission 2 single revives that will take you a little amount of time everyday for 14 days to do a good run for EoP I think its pretty fair from Kabam, not mentioning the RNG revives you could get on the quests and on daily crystals, so you could use at least 15 revives + 28 stash revives, you dont think 43 revives are enough for a player that is doing the content meant for him? Then that means that you are not talking about the people that the content is meant for, you are talking about everyone like everyone should be able to do EoP or Carinas Challenges or Gauntlet, etc, that content is CHALLENGING content for the BEST PLAYERS.

    Not gonna change my mind, the only problem with this is that the game is completely bugged so they should wait till they fix the game to apply this changes.
    So what part of 1% and 5% didn’t you read? Considering that’s the DROP RATE FOR THOSE REVIVES
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