Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion



  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★

    Ok before everyone disagrees let me put out some context. Of course we would all like things to stay as they are but that probably won’t happen but I think I came up with a decent solution.

    What if there was a hard cap on the amount of revives we could have at once?

    No unlimited revive farming into overflow, just a hard cap. I think a fair limit for this cap would be 50 of the t1 revives. That way most people could still do the content without the need for tons of arena or spending and we don’t run into the issue of people trivializing content by saving hundreds of revives.

    Of course you could bypass this cap by spending units on t2 revives which won’t have the cap so if you really need to you can grind arena for those extra revives.

    Again, this is just a proposed solution which I think is a decent compromise so if you guys want to add your voice as well feel free to.

    Nah. No middle ground here. Sorry. This an anti-player move, period.
    Yes but I don’t really see them walking all the way back on this though so middle ground is the best we got
  • edited March 2023
    This content has been removed.
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 391 ★★★

    Ok before everyone disagrees let me put out some context. Of course we would all like things to stay as they are but that probably won’t happen but I think I came up with a decent solution.

    What if there was a hard cap on the amount of revives we could have at once?

    No unlimited revive farming into overflow, just a hard cap. I think a fair limit for this cap would be 50 of the t1 revives. That way most people could still do the content without the need for tons of arena or spending and we don’t run into the issue of people trivializing content by saving hundreds of revives.

    Of course you could bypass this cap by spending units on t2 revives which won’t have the cap so if you really need to you can grind arena for those extra revives.

    Again, this is just a proposed solution which I think is a decent compromise so if you guys want to add your voice as well feel free to.

    Nah. No middle ground here. Sorry. This an anti-player move, period.
    Yes but I don’t really see them walking all the way back on this though so middle ground is the best we got
    Then I as well as many others will be out.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    “The biggest change you’ll see is to revive drop rates across Acts 1 to 3 (Prologue). There are a number of factors that led to the current near certain drop rate of revives in 3.2.6. These drop rates have always been higher than intended.”

    So actually it is a bug that favors the players am i right? It shouldn’t be higher than intended. That’s why they fixed it LOL.

    False, also is this another new account?
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    Who told you this? Players suddenly don’t care about playing better because they can revive farm is such a weird take. It seems like you’re just making stuff up to try and prove some invalid point.

    Just because you can farm revives doesn’t mean that everyone suddenly starts playing sloppily and relying on them completely. I’ve seen most players resort to this for endgame stuff that can’t be done itemless unless you’re some sort of Mcoc master (and even if you are, the 4* Carina challenges are still impossible to do without a lot of revives).
    I see it myself on the forums and on BGs, I see Paragon players not only taking bad drafts a lot of times but losing easy matches, I see posts where people with big enough rosters to go through all the content except Everest one complaining about how Act X or Y is too hard.
    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    That’s such a dumb take. Everest content is literally impossible to do reviveless for most people. Carina challenges force you to use champs in non ideal matchups and most good players spent around 40 revives per path if they don’t have Hercules. The game issues also completely invalidate any skill that a player has, so unless you think every player is MSD, this isn’t happening.

    But yeah, just say “gEt GoOd” as if that’s the problem here. Revive farming helps f2p players do the content without spending what units they’ve saved up. This isn’t a matter of skill, it’s a matter of having a Hercules and revive spamming through the rest of the content, even if you’re that good.

    Yes, it is a bad change. Players need these revives for content like this and it was a good avenue for f2p players.
    Yep, you are right, and the game shouldnt be "Use Hercules and spam revives", thats why the change is good.

    And again, if you do Everest content should be because you are in the group of top players of the game, the fact that people with not big enough roster or not enough skills tries to do it spamming revives doesnt mean that that Everest Content is meant for them, same with Carina's Challenges.

    And I repeat once again, since no one likes to read this part, the CHANGE ITSELF is GOOD, the MOMENT THEY WANT TO APPLY IT is BAD, since the game is completely bugged and people use more revives to overcome those bugs than anything else.
    No, it isn’t a good change. If they want to nerf Herc, there’s better ways to go about it than this mess.

    Roster and skills? Aha seriously? You can have the most developed roster and skill set but that’s still not allowing you to do most of this content without a ton of revives. Stop with the “git gud” angle because it’s not valid here. If you think Everest content can just be conquered with some skills and a good roster, you’re obviously not doing Everest content. This is especially true for Carina volume 1 and 3
    And I didnt say that you dont need revives to do Everest content, I said that you shouldnt be needing 10 revives a day for two weeks to do them, and if you need those revives that means that either your skills or your roster are not good enough for that content.

    I think people still doesnt know for who this Everest content is meant for.

    The big accounts with great skills are the ones that should be doing Carina's Challenges and Everest content, and If you take a look at the videos that are on youtube from some of those, you will see that after doing some tries and learning the fights they dont need more than 42 revives, that is the amount that you get on 3 weeks of farming ONLY the ones from the daily quest and daily mission.

    The fact that people that is not really able to do the Everest content properly needs a ton of revives, that doesnt mean that they SHOULD need them.

    And once again, Im talking about the game if it didnt have all the bugs that it has, since it is the worst moment to make this change.
  • This content has been removed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★

    “The biggest change you’ll see is to revive drop rates across Acts 1 to 3 (Prologue). There are a number of factors that led to the current near certain drop rate of revives in 3.2.6. These drop rates have always been higher than intended.”

    So actually it is a bug that favors the players am i right? It shouldn’t be higher than intended. That’s why they fixed it LOL.

    First of all, there is no such thing as a bug that favors Players. People might think they're getting some kind of benefit, but they're all detrimental.
    Secondly, if that was the case, it's actually an example of the opposite. It's been in existence for years.
    Also, another day, another Account? :wink:
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    I disagreed the moment u said " before you disagree"
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    From your comments I can tell you haven’t done carina or any hard content. And definitely not recently. So tell us oh wise one. How is 2 revives. And mind you it’s not a guarantee a day. It’s again rng. Which they say they trying to get away from gonna do the hard content?
    I know perfectly how hard that content is, farming for a quest and a mission 2 single revives that will take you a little amount of time everyday for 14 days to do a good run for EoP I think its pretty fair from Kabam, not mentioning the RNG revives you could get on the quests and on daily crystals, so you could use at least 15 revives + 28 stash revives, you dont think 43 revives are enough for a player that is doing the content meant for him? Then that means that you are not talking about the people that the content is meant for, you are talking about everyone like everyone should be able to do EoP or Carinas Challenges or Gauntlet, etc, that content is CHALLENGING content for the BEST PLAYERS.

    Not gonna change my mind, the only problem with this is that the game is completely bugged so they should wait till they fix the game to apply this changes.
    So what part of 1% and 5% didn’t you read? Considering that’s the DROP RATE FOR THOSE REVIVES
    Oh my god, you get LVL 1 REVIVE for EXPLORING the HARD DIFFICULTY.
    And you get ANOTHER 1 LVL 1 REVIVE for the 22H DAILY MISSION.

    So 2 revives a day WITHOUT taking account on DAILY CRYSTALS, 1-5% DROP RATES, and also the fact that you can farm UNITS to BUY those REVIVES.

    Seriously, we are getting an AMAZING amount of revives frequently if we want them, and we are using MORE than we should.

    The only thing Kabam should do is wait for at least half the bugs to be fixed and make the caps bigger, and thats it.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    From your comments I can tell you haven’t done carina or any hard content. And definitely not recently. So tell us oh wise one. How is 2 revives. And mind you it’s not a guarantee a day. It’s again rng. Which they say they trying to get away from gonna do the hard content?
    I know perfectly how hard that content is, farming for a quest and a mission 2 single revives that will take you a little amount of time everyday for 14 days to do a good run for EoP I think its pretty fair from Kabam, not mentioning the RNG revives you could get on the quests and on daily crystals, so you could use at least 15 revives + 28 stash revives, you dont think 43 revives are enough for a player that is doing the content meant for him? Then that means that you are not talking about the people that the content is meant for, you are talking about everyone like everyone should be able to do EoP or Carinas Challenges or Gauntlet, etc, that content is CHALLENGING content for the BEST PLAYERS.

    Not gonna change my mind, the only problem with this is that the game is completely bugged so they should wait till they fix the game to apply this changes.
    So what part of 1% and 5% didn’t you read? Considering that’s the DROP RATE FOR THOSE REVIVES
    Oh my god, you get LVL 1 REVIVE for EXPLORING the HARD DIFFICULTY.
    And you get ANOTHER 1 LVL 1 REVIVE for the 22H DAILY MISSION.

    So 2 revives a day WITHOUT taking account on DAILY CRYSTALS, 1-5% DROP RATES, and also the fact that you can farm UNITS to BUY those REVIVES.

    Seriously, we are getting an AMAZING amount of revives frequently if we want them, and we are using MORE than we should.

    The only thing Kabam should do is wait for at least half the bugs to be fixed and make the caps bigger, and thats it.
    Nope. You need to go back and read. You get 1% chance at 20% on on easy and 5% chance at 40% on on hard. It’s not a guarantee
  • Ravens20Ravens20 Member Posts: 77
    I’ve been playing for over 7 years straight and in total easily spent over 8k on this game over the years between cyber Monday and July 4th offers and I must say this will be worst than 12.0 , Kabam should be asking themselves why are people farming revives to beat content and how can we make the content challenging but let taxing( 2 plus million health 10k plus attack n crazy node combo) on players between input issues and the improvements on A.I speed and reaction time and let’s not forget champion acquisitions yes it has gotten better over the years but still not where it should be, if you’re going to be changing revive farming then consider taking a look at overall content because I stay online and watch the best players( YouTubers) in Mcoc farm revive for content so if they’re farming tons revive when u take that away what does the average player that's trying to progress do hmmm oh let me guess there will be more deals for revive $$$$$ , I really hope Kabam reconsider or at lease communicate with players and find a middle ground
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    Bro i dont want to insult you, but u talking about getting better at the game or talking about EoP or Carinas etc. Have u done at least one of the everest content in the game that you are preaching about getting better to other players? “ 2 revives a day is enough for those kind of contents “
    The irony is pretty hilarious when i already know the answer…
    Dude, Im just gonna let this here:

    23 Revives needed

    "Yeah people need a lot of revives for do the content! Even the best ones!"

    You get 28 for sure in 2 weeks, its that not enough? It is, If you need more then you have Daily Crystals and you can farm units on arenas to buy them, if you dont wanna farm then spend money.

    This is a gaming company, not a gaming charity.
  • Wiredawg1Wiredawg1 Member Posts: 504 ★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    From your comments I can tell you haven’t done carina or any hard content. And definitely not recently. So tell us oh wise one. How is 2 revives. And mind you it’s not a guarantee a day. It’s again rng. Which they say they trying to get away from gonna do the hard content?
    I know perfectly how hard that content is, farming for a quest and a mission 2 single revives that will take you a little amount of time everyday for 14 days to do a good run for EoP I think its pretty fair from Kabam, not mentioning the RNG revives you could get on the quests and on daily crystals, so you could use at least 15 revives + 28 stash revives, you dont think 43 revives are enough for a player that is doing the content meant for him? Then that means that you are not talking about the people that the content is meant for, you are talking about everyone like everyone should be able to do EoP or Carinas Challenges or Gauntlet, etc, that content is CHALLENGING content for the BEST PLAYERS.

    Not gonna change my mind, the only problem with this is that the game is completely bugged so they should wait till they fix the game to apply this changes.
    So what part of 1% and 5% didn’t you read? Considering that’s the DROP RATE FOR THOSE REVIVES
    Oh my god, you get LVL 1 REVIVE for EXPLORING the HARD DIFFICULTY.
    And you get ANOTHER 1 LVL 1 REVIVE for the 22H DAILY MISSION.

    So 2 revives a day WITHOUT taking account on DAILY CRYSTALS, 1-5% DROP RATES, and also the fact that you can farm UNITS to BUY those REVIVES.

    Seriously, we are getting an AMAZING amount of revives frequently if we want them, and we are using MORE than we should.

    The only thing Kabam should do is wait for at least half the bugs to be fixed and make the caps bigger, and thats it.
    Nope. You need to go back and read. You get 1% chance at 20% on on easy and 5% chance at 40% on on hard. It’s not a guarantee
    Actually so am I and so are you wrong. You get 1 20% revive a day. Thars it. That’s all that guranteed 1% on easy for 20% and 5% on hard for 40%. Only 1 20% is guaranteed a day. Any more is rng
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Wiredawg1 said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Wiredawg1 said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    From your comments I can tell you haven’t done carina or any hard content. And definitely not recently. So tell us oh wise one. How is 2 revives. And mind you it’s not a guarantee a day. It’s again rng. Which they say they trying to get away from gonna do the hard content?
    I know perfectly how hard that content is, farming for a quest and a mission 2 single revives that will take you a little amount of time everyday for 14 days to do a good run for EoP I think its pretty fair from Kabam, not mentioning the RNG revives you could get on the quests and on daily crystals, so you could use at least 15 revives + 28 stash revives, you dont think 43 revives are enough for a player that is doing the content meant for him? Then that means that you are not talking about the people that the content is meant for, you are talking about everyone like everyone should be able to do EoP or Carinas Challenges or Gauntlet, etc, that content is CHALLENGING content for the BEST PLAYERS.

    Not gonna change my mind, the only problem with this is that the game is completely bugged so they should wait till they fix the game to apply this changes.
    So what part of 1% and 5% didn’t you read? Considering that’s the DROP RATE FOR THOSE REVIVES
    Oh my god, you get LVL 1 REVIVE for EXPLORING the HARD DIFFICULTY.
    And you get ANOTHER 1 LVL 1 REVIVE for the 22H DAILY MISSION.

    So 2 revives a day WITHOUT taking account on DAILY CRYSTALS, 1-5% DROP RATES, and also the fact that you can farm UNITS to BUY those REVIVES.

    Seriously, we are getting an AMAZING amount of revives frequently if we want them, and we are using MORE than we should.

    The only thing Kabam should do is wait for at least half the bugs to be fixed and make the caps bigger, and thats it.
    Nope. You need to go back and read. You get 1% chance at 20% on on easy and 5% chance at 40% on on hard. It’s not a guarantee
    Actually so am I and so are you wrong. You get 1 20% revive a day. Thars it. That’s all that guranteed 1% on easy for 20% and 5% on hard for 40%. Only 1 20% is guaranteed a day. Any more is rng
    Fam please if you respond my comment read it, I said you get 1 from exploring the quest itself and the daily one from the 22h daily solo missions, thats 2 guaranteed.
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    nOux said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    I dont know if anyone already stated this but:

    I fairly think this is one of the best decissions they could make, content is done too easily by people that are not even skilled enough to do it just spamming revives, so this encourages people to try to learn how to really play the game properly, not only this but makes the challenging things challenging, when people is able to do this content the first day it goes out just spamming 60 revives that means that something must be done, If anyone thinks that 2 revives PER DAY is not enough, that only shows how bad people became. Getting revives became way easier than before, so I think is fair to nerf the amount we can get by farming them.

    The main problem I see here, is that they done this in the worst moment possible, since people need more revives because everything in the game is bugged, so they should have waited a little bit more to make this changes until they fixed at least half of the bugs they have currently in game.

    And to be fair with Kabam, this is not a charity, this is a company, we already get almost everything free, I dont think its that bad to have to play more Arenas to get more revives for the hard content, or spending to get them.

    I think its just a bad timing, but a really good decission, I expect a lot of disagrees but sorry fams, I dont think this is about opinions, since I repeat, you dont need more than 2 revives a day, or you shouldnt need them, If you need them then that means you are not playing properly, so you should try to change it, you dont wanna try to improve your skills? Then I think it is fair to pay for the revives then, and I say this being a F2P player.

    Farming disagrees? How will that help your progression?
    You should progress playing better, making your roster bigger, and getting resources playing if you dont want to spend money, but being able to farm the amount of revives you want because the challenges are too challenging for you is just nonsense.

    If im not able to do X content, I shouldnt just spam revives, I should see why and fix it, If its because im not good enough, I improve my skills, if its because I dont have certain champions, I try to farm shards to look for them or grind arena to get those.

    And as I said, I dont think they should make this change NOW, since the game is completely bugged, but it is not a bad change itself.
    Hey buddy, maybe stop talking nonsense about getting better when content like Carina with 4* Starlord exists? Hows that “get better” works out for you in that content?
    Yeah people only spends revives on Carina's Challenges, and spend only the necessary ones right?

    Dude, people farm hundreds of revives just to dont care about playing worse, the thing on Carina's Challenge is to do it with the less amount of revives trying to play the best possible.

    And still, I dont know how the hell people are this annoyed when Kabam still gives you AT LEAST, 2 revives a day, fam, most of the games give much less resources of this kind and try to make you pay most of the times for them.

    I think Kabam made people to get used to easy things, and now that they say "Hey, we were too generous, so we are going to stop" people gets mad, feels like kids when they dont get the PS5 for Xmas and they get clothes instead.

    We are still getting revives for free, if you need more than 2 per day to clear Carina's Challenges, then you shouldnt be trying Carina's Challenges just yet, as easy as that.
    Bro i dont want to insult you, but u talking about getting better at the game or talking about EoP or Carinas etc. Have u done at least one of the everest content in the game that you are preaching about getting better to other players? “ 2 revives a day is enough for those kind of contents “
    The irony is pretty hilarious when i already know the answer…
    Dude, Im just gonna let this here:

    23 Revives needed

    "Yeah people need a lot of revives for do the content! Even the best ones!"

    You get 28 for sure in 2 weeks, its that not enough? It is, If you need more then you have Daily Crystals and you can farm units on arenas to buy them, if you dont wanna farm then spend money.

    This is a gaming company, not a gaming charity.
    Did you just link a video of the easiest carina challenge where you JUST BARELY went under the limit and think it proved your point?
  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    DrZola said:

    Why does the title of this thread keep changing each time it’s merged? To the mod who’s doing this: just name it something like “Revive Farming Change Discussion.” And keep it at that.

    Dr. Zola

    The topic formulary known as 💲
This discussion has been closed.