New Carrina's challenges thoughts?



  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Marvel_G said:

    The new Karina challenges suck. And Kabam can defend them as they please but honestly these so called creators missed the mark big time. And they have to deal with the community wrath because of it. What do they think was going to happen “ oh thank you for making these challenges I had resources and units I needed to waste for these mediocre rewards? Thanks “

    It's optional....
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    I finally got the one shot with fully boosted R4 6* She Hulk. Everything had to go just right with the petrify, slow, etc. I still don’t think the fight is right. You have to get lucky to win it. If AbMan turtles when his healing kicks in while not under petrify, you’re screwed. You just have to hope the AI is willing to attack you. The fight will have to go through a tuning process for the final stage.
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40
    #ZemoGate Lets Ride!!!!!
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Polygon said:

    One thing I think about a lot is how Kabam and now the creators of their challenges say this content isn’t for everyone, it’s designed for a specific subset of people. That’s perfectly fine, make it for the MSDs, the Fintechs, and the KarateMikes. But to say it’s optional and to tell people to just skip it if they don’t want to do it when there might be rewards people want doesn’t seem right.

    The 7* shards are meh for the effort put in (except Lagacy’s, those are nice). But putting exclusive 7* behind this feels rough. Personally, I’m ok with skipping and not getting Spidey 2099, Sparky, or Masacre as a 7* but I know there’s a ton of people where those champs are some of their favorites and they feel so demoralized by not being able to get them. I mean, maybe we’re overreacting and you’ll put them in the basic 7* pool next month. Who knows. We wouldn’t know until it happens. There’s also a 7* R2 gem that would be really nice to have but still not worth it.

    Why not make the rewards for the top 1% of summoners more braggy? Why not give a 7* selector for completing half the challenges and if you complete them all, you can get an exclusive title, emote, or profile pic. Or all 3? I wasn’t around when Grief Incarnate first came out so maybe more rewards were given out to those who completed it, but the only reward I see is 1g and a profile pic. Couldn’t you incorporate that more and still let summoners have a challenge and get some of the nice rewards like exclusive 7* champs instead of gating them for the top 1%? I don’t know, just thoughts running through my head.

    P.S. I may really disagree with Fintech’s and KarateMike’s challenges and would never see myself even attempting it because I personally think it’s not a fun challenge and I don’t want to waste precious resources on ranking champs I’ll never use again, but I think everyone should still be respectful and kinder to them. There’s absolutely no reason for personal attacks and rude comments.


    I suggested something similar in my post below, that Fintechs challenges seem on par with content with rewards of an exclusive profiile pic or title compared to the other 2. (He has yet to even address my post and the one immediately down below mine for the matter)

    The rewards simply dont match the level of effort and cost put in (Even Beroman said this).

    Fin claims each fight with Tigra is soloable, an elitist and grandiose way of telling you that this challenge was designed for the top 500-1000 skilled players or beluga whales of the game.

    If this is the level of difficulty Kabam was referring to in their post that this content would be challenging, then why was it released at the same time as WoW which we know lasts all year ,rendering the "its permanent content" as completely irrelevant since we would want to prioritize WoW , which itself sparked a massive uproar in the community with the precedent that the first fight set.

    Also to quote several players, why weren't we given the rank up resources or signature stones for these champs? Even with the rankup resources one of the objectives essentially requires a 7 star...

    Fin has been only addressing the Tigra objective, but has yet to even comment about the Mojo one. In MSD's stream , he was using a 7 star Mojo and you already know Fin was using the highest ranked Mojo available to him.

    Mojo is still a highly exclusive champ as a 7 star and ideally he wants the dupe. So why such a restrictive challenge? This isn't even about skill anymore.

    Look at Pepe's stream, he's a skilled player but had to use 16 revives with Mojo JUST for the warlock alone. Also its expected to turn willpower off just for that fight which is extremely absurd.

    @DanielRand made a good point in his post that at this rate the top 1% will be the top 20%. This might be an overexaggeration, until you read the first post by Fin on this thread in which he goes on to say that "the word "challenge" has gone stale around the very top of the playerbase."

    Now if like me, you've been reading this thread, you can see that several top level end game players actually have voiced their opinion on this thread and were in disagreement with the rewards to difficulty/cost. They mentioned how they've scored in Celestial before or even done the volume 1 carinas with 4 stars.

    If even the top level players are disagreeing with the above quote then who exactly is that quote aimed at? Or was the original post just a subtle way of showboating skills? Either way, the problem that many are having with these Carina challenges is regarding a disconnect between the playerbase and the CCP.

    If the CCP is composed of players with a vision that this is whats considered "challenging content" then doesn't it beg the question, that maybe the makeup itself of the CCP should be considered looking into? Or maybe instead, the design of challenge content shouldn't be made from only just the top 500-1000 players of the game?

    @Kabam Crashed i apologize for the ping, but i didn't want this post to get burried since its the weekend currently. But i strongly suggest reading the posts here that talk about the gap and the disconnect between the CCP and the playerbase. @Fryday and some others on this thread did an excellent job explaining this in their posts. Highly suggest reading them.

    I deeply care about the game as you can tell from how long this post is, and i would hate to see a situation where said gap leads to a gap between Kabam and the playerbase, as then less people spend /play could potentially lose its earnings affecting everyone.

    For the record, i don't have as much of an issue with KarateMike's challenge except for having to rank up and sig up the avenger champs/zemo to r4. I'm Valiant and these resources aren't that hard to get, but it all goes back to my original point regarding the timing of WoW, since ideally wed be prioritizing our rankups for that as we saw how restrictive those tags were, so we would want to prioritize ranking up for that first. And Sure the carinas are "permanent content" , but keep in mind, WoW lasts all year long, and who's to say there wont be another EOP Acceptance style content following it or some other hard content pushed through?

    However once we actually do have those champs ranked up for Mikes objectives, it won't actually be that bad since he depicted a strategy for each of the fights and thoroughly saw it through.

    Fintechs on the otherhand , i just cannot fathom how the greenlight was given, and i made several good points on this above , mainly seeing as the champ required is an exclusive 7 star that you need 400k artifacts or to spend Odins on in the current deal to grab. Kabam commented that in regards to WoW Absorbing Man they acknowledged that the robot fight was a very restrictive challenge, and this is good on them, but approving the Mojo one just contradicts acknowledging the shortcoming of that robot one.

    @Polygon I agree with a lot of what you’ve said. I also had a thought yesterday. They ended up putting 2 7* champ selectors in the rewards. I think a good compromise would have been if you clear 3 of the CCP challenges you get a champ selector and if you complete all 6, you get the other. This would make it so much more accessible to the player base and would still give the community a challenge. I’m actually really interested in KarateMike’s challenge and I would honestly rank up Antman and BW to give it a shot if it was worth it. But a 2* Zemo and 5,000 7* shards ain’t where it’s at. It’s really pointless for me to even try Mike’s challenges because Fintech has gated the good rewards so much. A much better player than me took 45 revives to do the Mojo challenge. No thanks. Hard pass.
    If that were the case, I think I would’ve tried to just get my way through with a team of only 4 Zemos. The revive usage would’ve been worth the 7* Masacre and additional whatever you got from doing 3 challenges.

    As it stands now, I’m going to have to do Avengers challenge first to get the last Zemo, then that challenge, then be stuck on Fin’s until I rank/sig Tigra higher and wait until I get a 7* Jabari and awaken my Mojo. Lots of workings in the matter before I’m even ready to ATTEMPT the challenge, let alone the revive/pot cost it’s going to cost me (mainly Fin’s)
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    gohard123 said:

    xLunatiXx said:

    @Karatemike415 seeing you scramble to justify the challenge just further proves the point that it isn't fun, and you know it isn't fun. If you thought you had truly designed a fun quest you would chill out and give people time to come to that conclusion on their own. Instead you're doing what Kabam asked you to do, damage control.

    Fun content doesn't need force feeding or explanation, it doesn't require pages and pages of convincing people to enjoy it. Fun content is automatically enjoyed, and people flock to it with excitement.

    Even if you think this content is fun, the majority of people who care about the game enough to come to forums do not think it is fun. I'm not even arguing that it is too difficult, it's simply lazy design that added absolutely nothing to the MCOC experience.

    This is hilarious.
    I’m not scrambling over anything - and I most certainly was not asked to do “damage control.”

    And I’m actually very chill currently despite receiving hundreds of comments over the past 48 hours of people calling me a “c*nt” over an optional objective in a mobile video game.

    If you don’t find it fun, that’s fine!
    I’m not your dad and I can’t force you to like or do anything you don’t want to.
    It’s an optional permanent objective geared toward the players who miss this style of content, and it was never going to be received well by “the majority.”

    I had a metric **** ton of fun doing my challenges - probably the most fun I’ve had playing this game so far, tbh.

    This may be a shocking concept, but the primary goal of the challenge objective here wasn’t simply “fun.”
    It was to create a very difficult challenge while still giving the tools to get through it without much item use.

    With skilled play & proper strategy, both of my challenges can be done in under 5 revives.
    Every character on the team has a specific role & counters the fight PERFECTLY.

    You may not like the objective - or be interested in this style of content - but regardless of that fact, the mark was met.

    Calling it “lazy design” is simply a lazy take.
    I do hope you had fun in the challenge you made. Or are you into sm ? 😂
    Fintech said:

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    But they did. They knew what they were doing when they made the challenge and knew it would piss people off. Mike seems like his mistake was mostly in the ranking cost of his champs but Fin seems to have done this maliciously. His comment in the thread and the comments from those who know him seem to prove that he did his challenge that way.
    There’s a huge difference between being malicious and wanting to challenge those who seek an *actual* challenge. As i have said the difficulty level was an intentional decision by me for the purpose of creating an extremely difficult challenge that could still be conquered with skill above all else. I can assure you i did not make it just to annoy or get a reaction out of anyone
    For both of you, remove the 7 star selector, maybe the shards, just leave PFP or emotes and you'd have a much better reception.
    Can't have an event targeted at your friends the 0.1% and have exclusive rewards highly valued by most. Even if you claim it's "optional". That point seems to be ignored.
    You guys open crystals by the hundreds so they may not seem much to you, but they are for the rest of us.
    Cause the way the whole thing was setup plus some of your responses really feel like you're standing on top of your golden palace talking to peasants.
    This is exactly my issue with them saying it's optional. They want to bring back this type of content for people who enjoy doing it? Sure, give them pfps and titles, no big deal.
    You can't however throw a 7* selector in there (with two insane champs btw) and then be like "but you don't have to do it"... Of course I wanna do it, I want that selector.
    Yes they can and they should. LOL has Ultron, Necro has Maestro, Deathless champions are locked behind various challenges. Just because you deem some barriers easy enough to do doesnt mean there shouldnt be harder barriers. A lot of people couldnt get into gladiator's circuit, a lot of people cant get Maestro and a lot of people wont get 7* Sparky, S99 or Masacre. The world wont end neither will your account
    Another genius who missed the whole point of my comments on this thread. I can do the challenges, I have a r5 ascended Zemo and three extra Zemos. I also have a Tigra and a JP I can rank up, the challenges are simply not fun in general.
    This is like the fifth time I've had to dumb it down for the nerds saying "get good". The difficulty isn't the issue, the issue is they feel more like a chore than a challenge, just like WoW Abs Man
    Maybe if you spent less time on the forums and more time practicing these challenges the difficulty wouldn't be too much for you to have them. If you have the champs you aren't gated so you can just skip them.
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40
    KABAM PLEASE READ (Not a negative post!!!)

    I think that what is happening has a lot of players feeling like Kabam is trying to squeeze them for every dollar possible. I have a few suggestions that might help, I will list them below. Before I do that I want to mention that I have been playing for over 9 years and am Valiant but not even close to the top 1%. Also I have to give you credit for changing the things you have since the early days where it felt like Kabam was really squeezing players for money, Nexus crystals and many other things have helped with this.

    I think that Kabam puts too much emphasis on making money through revives/potions/energy/mastery changes/and other items that get players through content. I think that if you put more emphasis on making money through the ways listed below instead of making money when players fail, that the players would feel much better. I also want to add that I have no idea on the internal numbers for Kabams profits and where they come from, im just going off of personal opinion and others in the community.

    But the general idea that Kabam has to make money off players failing in the game I think is misguided. Take Fortnite for example, you can be the Best player in the world and not spend a dollar (or in game resource) on the game just to play, and they make Insane Money!!! It costs nothing to play the game, no energy costs to enter a match, no revive cost if you die ect. Obviously I know that there is a big difference between fortnite and mcoc, and this is a mobile game that is a different style compared to Fortnite, But there are some things that you can take and make your own.

    -make more money from cosmetic items, champion acquisition/rank ups, emotes/flex items/ And make less money from revives/potions/energy ect.

    -top 1% of the player base needs a challenge, so offer flex items like titles/emotes/badges/ect for rewards instead of champion specific selectors and rank up gems. The top 1% already has many rewards that the 99% dont have, look at AQ/AW, Battlegrounds, and other game modes and events that give the top players MASSIVE rewards.

    -make different skins for champions. Players would be very excited for a champion that does exactly the same ability, but has a different outfit/look. (the comics provide many ideas). You can also have rare skins that the top players can flex in battlegrounds

    -do more with relics. relics can give a champion a non gamebreaking boost. Making money off these and adding abilities that players can buy/earn. This is a less specific idea, but there are many things that can be done with relics.

    -look at other games (no just mobile games) and take something that earns money and make it your own in mcoc.

    -ask the mcoc community what type of things they would love to spend money (not have to spend money/game resources on). Take a vote. Have a booth at comic con for suggestions. Use forum polls.

    I love this game and many others do too. Im just saying that Kabam should shift the way they think they have to make money, there are many other ways. Honestly I think this game would survive with revives costing 10% of what they cost now,. And like i said I don't know Kabams internal numbers on the profits, but I know its possible to have a game where it doesn't cost anything to actually play, and make money on optional items/features.

    If anyone else has ideas for Kabam to make money in new interesting ways that show respect to the players please share and post them.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    Hilldar said:

    Many of you should be embarrassed by your behavior. It’s optional content. The deathless piece is easy to get with one of the lags challenges. That’s fair of them to set it up that way.
    The rest of it is up to you. Is it hard? Yes. Are the rewards to difficulty in line? Absolutely not. Are the 7* champs you get at the end amazing, top tier champs? Not in my opinion.
    I did one challenge and I’m done for now. I don’t think the rest is worth it and am saving items and units for 8.4. That’s my choice.
    The whining and crying from a large chunk of this player base is embarrassing. The attacks on the creators is shameful.

    Grow up man.

    So that is the new standard for new content?..
    Base everything on the ability of acquiring a piece of a deathless champ?...Its gonna be a long long 2 years then...
    You only need to complete Lagacys challenge to get deathless groot. It's not hard at all. You can solo it or do it in less than 10 revives if you have average skill.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Guys please do not derail the thread the thread with personal attacks.
    It doesn’t add anything to the discussion, and devalues any valid point the involved forum members have.
    Keep it on giving the useful feedback needed for the game developers 🙂
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Hilldar said:

    Many of you should be embarrassed by your behavior. It’s optional content. The deathless piece is easy to get with one of the lags challenges. That’s fair of them to set it up that way.
    The rest of it is up to you. Is it hard? Yes. Are the rewards to difficulty in line? Absolutely not. Are the 7* champs you get at the end amazing, top tier champs? Not in my opinion.
    I did one challenge and I’m done for now. I don’t think the rest is worth it and am saving items and units for 8.4. That’s my choice.
    The whining and crying from a large chunk of this player base is embarrassing. The attacks on the creators is shameful.

    Grow up man.

    So that is the new standard for new content?..
    Base everything on the ability of acquiring a piece of a deathless champ?...Its gonna be a long long 2 years then...
    You only need to complete Lagacys challenge to get deathless groot. It's not hard at all. You can solo it or do it in less than 10 revives if you have average skill.
    Yeah you obviously don't know how to read...
    Apparently you can't read. You need to complete 1 of the CCP solo objectives to get the King Groot piece. Lagacys is easy. If you can't do that then you need to spend a lot more time improving your skills before attempting.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,504 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    gohard123 said:

    xLunatiXx said:

    @Karatemike415 seeing you scramble to justify the challenge just further proves the point that it isn't fun, and you know it isn't fun. If you thought you had truly designed a fun quest you would chill out and give people time to come to that conclusion on their own. Instead you're doing what Kabam asked you to do, damage control.

    Fun content doesn't need force feeding or explanation, it doesn't require pages and pages of convincing people to enjoy it. Fun content is automatically enjoyed, and people flock to it with excitement.

    Even if you think this content is fun, the majority of people who care about the game enough to come to forums do not think it is fun. I'm not even arguing that it is too difficult, it's simply lazy design that added absolutely nothing to the MCOC experience.

    This is hilarious.
    I’m not scrambling over anything - and I most certainly was not asked to do “damage control.”

    And I’m actually very chill currently despite receiving hundreds of comments over the past 48 hours of people calling me a “c*nt” over an optional objective in a mobile video game.

    If you don’t find it fun, that’s fine!
    I’m not your dad and I can’t force you to like or do anything you don’t want to.
    It’s an optional permanent objective geared toward the players who miss this style of content, and it was never going to be received well by “the majority.”

    I had a metric **** ton of fun doing my challenges - probably the most fun I’ve had playing this game so far, tbh.

    This may be a shocking concept, but the primary goal of the challenge objective here wasn’t simply “fun.”
    It was to create a very difficult challenge while still giving the tools to get through it without much item use.

    With skilled play & proper strategy, both of my challenges can be done in under 5 revives.
    Every character on the team has a specific role & counters the fight PERFECTLY.

    You may not like the objective - or be interested in this style of content - but regardless of that fact, the mark was met.

    Calling it “lazy design” is simply a lazy take.
    I do hope you had fun in the challenge you made. Or are you into sm ? 😂
    Fintech said:

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    But they did. They knew what they were doing when they made the challenge and knew it would piss people off. Mike seems like his mistake was mostly in the ranking cost of his champs but Fin seems to have done this maliciously. His comment in the thread and the comments from those who know him seem to prove that he did his challenge that way.
    There’s a huge difference between being malicious and wanting to challenge those who seek an *actual* challenge. As i have said the difficulty level was an intentional decision by me for the purpose of creating an extremely difficult challenge that could still be conquered with skill above all else. I can assure you i did not make it just to annoy or get a reaction out of anyone
    For both of you, remove the 7 star selector, maybe the shards, just leave PFP or emotes and you'd have a much better reception.
    Can't have an event targeted at your friends the 0.1% and have exclusive rewards highly valued by most. Even if you claim it's "optional". That point seems to be ignored.
    You guys open crystals by the hundreds so they may not seem much to you, but they are for the rest of us.
    Cause the way the whole thing was setup plus some of your responses really feel like you're standing on top of your golden palace talking to peasants.
    This is exactly my issue with them saying it's optional. They want to bring back this type of content for people who enjoy doing it? Sure, give them pfps and titles, no big deal.
    You can't however throw a 7* selector in there (with two insane champs btw) and then be like "but you don't have to do it"... Of course I wanna do it, I want that selector.
    Yes they can and they should. LOL has Ultron, Necro has Maestro, Deathless champions are locked behind various challenges. Just because you deem some barriers easy enough to do doesnt mean there shouldnt be harder barriers. A lot of people couldnt get into gladiator's circuit, a lot of people cant get Maestro and a lot of people wont get 7* Sparky, S99 or Masacre. The world wont end neither will your account
    Another genius who missed the whole point of my comments on this thread. I can do the challenges, I have a r5 ascended Zemo and three extra Zemos. I also have a Tigra and a JP I can rank up, the challenges are simply not fun in general.
    This is like the fifth time I've had to dumb it down for the nerds saying "get good". The difficulty isn't the issue, the issue is they feel more like a chore than a challenge, just like WoW Abs Man
    Maybe if you spent less time on the forums and more time practicing these challenges the difficulty wouldn't be too much for you to have them. If you have the champs you aren't gated so you can just skip them.
    I literally said difficulty is not the issue in the comment you quoted 🤣
    Do you read every comment and go:

    Or just upset about the panties in a bunch situation three weeks ago?
    You don't have to complete the challenge then lol. Skip the content if you don't want to do it. Crying on a forum ain't going to help lol. 😪

    You have the champs and the difficulty isn't an I guess you have no problem with the content lol. So either do it or skip it. Lots of content isn't that fun. Not all content is made for all people. Now put on your big boy pants, wipe the tears off your face and keyboard and skip the content.

    You aren't providing any constructive criticism just cry baby tears and personal attacks against people. Grow up lol.
    Giving constructive criticism isn't really crying. Crying would be calling someone a misogynist because they told you not to get your panties in a bunch 😢

    Are you actually braindead my guy? I've said multiple times my issue with this type of content is it's not fun and the solution isn't "just don't do it". Most people are upset at the fact that they're releasing more challenging unfun content cause for obvious reasons they play the game to have fun, look at this whole thread and all the other threads about WoW Abs Man nobody's actually complaining about difficulty they're complaining about content not being fun... You really just read every comment and go

    Don't you?

    I haven't sent any personal attacks to anyone who didn't deserve it. Do I send a ton of mockery your way? Absolutely and I'm not the only one, that's the only use I and other people have for you cause you're not actually looking for a discussion (unlike most people)... You're a laughing stock who reeks of fake wokeness lol.
    Womp Womp! Content too hard for you so you flood the forum with tears. 😢

    You break forum rules and should be banned.
    So you're not actually going to reply to anything I said just re-release the first album for like the third time today? I know you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed but I expected more, that last reply was just weak and depressing overall.
    The laughing stock is the one spending all day on the forums crying about difficult content that was announced to be really really difficult by Kabam. 😢

    We get it you want the rewards without doing the work for them.
    You keep bringing that up but I've made it very clear that that's not the issue for me so I don't know what kind of response or reaction you are expecting from me. If anything, you're just proving that you are in fact unable to read a wall of text and understand what it means. You should stick to coloring books buddy.
    I'm not the one crying on an internet forum saying I can do the content but I just don't like it. Then why cry about it? Just don't do it. Kabam isn't forcing you. There's a lot of content I haven't enjoyed in the last 9 years but I still do it so theres no point to cry about it. I made the choice to complete it. You can't do it then don't. I already posted my constructive criticism about this topic to Kabam. They don't have to agree with me. But your argument is you have the roster and skill but you don't like it. Who cares what you like. Either do it or don't. Or sit in your room and cry crocodile tears. Choice is yours lil fish.

    "I'm not the one crying" when did I say anyone was crying... Are you 12?

    Uh yeah there is, that's exactly what the forums are for and as you can see there are 17 pages full of complaints as of right now. Do you even know what game forums are for? (Look it up, I don't actually expect you to know the answer to that one lol)

    What do you mean who cares what you like, that's the most important thing when it comes to keeping a game relevant Felicia, what the playerbase likes does matter and as you can see most people aren't happy. I swear it's like this guy was born yesterday 🤣
    Dude no offense but you come out swinging. Chill out a bit and let the discussion happen. This is like the fifth thread you’ve decided to cause problems on. I get you and the other guy have beef but it is literally a mobile game forum, let it go and move on.
    Four things:

    1. I haven't commented on five threads today, only three.

    2. Show me these other four threads I've "caused problems" on cause I don't recall having non-civilized discussions with anyone else besides this guy that's always starting **** with me for no reason lol.

    3. Why don't you tell him instead to not send personal attacks right off the bat cause I didn't start anything. He came in telling me to get good after I said that wasn't my issue, I'm just giving it back.

    4. If I really was causing all that trouble, why haven't I been jailed once in the past 8-10 months? Last ban? Over two years ago.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,163 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Hilldar said:

    Many of you should be embarrassed by your behavior. It’s optional content. The deathless piece is easy to get with one of the lags challenges. That’s fair of them to set it up that way.
    The rest of it is up to you. Is it hard? Yes. Are the rewards to difficulty in line? Absolutely not. Are the 7* champs you get at the end amazing, top tier champs? Not in my opinion.
    I did one challenge and I’m done for now. I don’t think the rest is worth it and am saving items and units for 8.4. That’s my choice.
    The whining and crying from a large chunk of this player base is embarrassing. The attacks on the creators is shameful.

    Grow up man.

    So that is the new standard for new content?..
    Base everything on the ability of acquiring a piece of a deathless champ?...Its gonna be a long long 2 years then...
    You only need to complete Lagacys challenge to get deathless groot. It's not hard at all. You can solo it or do it in less than 10 revives if you have average skill.
    Yeah you obviously don't know how to read...
    Apparently you can't read. You need to complete 1 of the CCP solo objectives to get the King Groot piece. Lagacys is easy. If you can't do that then you need to spend a lot more time improving your skills before attempting.
    ROFL... That's what you got from my post?...
    Where did I say it was impossible to get 1 piece?
    Where did I say they were all difficult?
    You are definitely not the sharpest spoon...
    Let me explain it to you with watermerlons cause apples may still be too complicated for you.
    IF we keep on getting satisfied by just getting a piece of a deathless champion, it means ALL FUTURE CONTENT may be similar. Meaning we are just going to have to get satisfied with the scraps instead of expecting QUALITY CONTENT.
    So far we are missing 6 pieces for 3 other champs... plus the KG deathless pieces. Thats 18+ pieces of content some people may say . "Well.. you only need to do 1 to get the deathless piece... Derp derppppp"...
    Now read it 3 more times before you make a fool out of yourself for a 3rd time answering me

    If all future content is similar and you have to just complete 1 challenge that isn't crazy difficult then so what. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Grind arenas for units stock up on revives and do the easiest one. Not that hard lol. You also can buy the missing pieces with units on a later date. So skip the content and grind arenas and stockpile units for them. Derp Derp lol.

    Now reread this even though you can't comprehend how reasonable that is. I spelled it out for a 1st grader could understand so you still may need help.
    Yeah cause my sole purpose of a game I have been playing for 9 years is a Deathless Champ rofl...
    So you are ok for future content to be terrible and only aimed to the 1% as long as you get a deathless champ? Rofl...
    You know whats funny? In a very short period of time.. they have used the same phrase..
    Necropolis - "It will be the hardest everest content"
    People passed it...
    Then they talked about WoW - "It will be the hardest content"
    Then the Challenges came up "It will be the hardest content"...
    Hardest piece of content doesnt have to be boring, and a resource dump where people have to run around ranking up champs they may use 1 time a year.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    Hilldar said:

    Many of you should be embarrassed by your behavior. It’s optional content. The deathless piece is easy to get with one of the lags challenges. That’s fair of them to set it up that way.
    The rest of it is up to you. Is it hard? Yes. Are the rewards to difficulty in line? Absolutely not. Are the 7* champs you get at the end amazing, top tier champs? Not in my opinion.
    I did one challenge and I’m done for now. I don’t think the rest is worth it and am saving items and units for 8.4. That’s my choice.
    The whining and crying from a large chunk of this player base is embarrassing. The attacks on the creators is shameful.

    Grow up man.

    So that is the new standard for new content?..
    Base everything on the ability of acquiring a piece of a deathless champ?...Its gonna be a long long 2 years then...
    You only need to complete Lagacys challenge to get deathless groot. It's not hard at all. You can solo it or do it in less than 10 revives if you have average skill.
    Yeah you obviously don't know how to read...
    Apparently you can't read. You need to complete 1 of the CCP solo objectives to get the King Groot piece. Lagacys is easy. If you can't do that then you need to spend a lot more time improving your skills before attempting.
    ROFL... That's what you got from my post?...
    Where did I say it was impossible to get 1 piece?
    Where did I say they were all difficult?
    You are definitely not the sharpest spoon...
    Let me explain it to you with watermerlons cause apples may still be too complicated for you.
    IF we keep on getting satisfied by just getting a piece of a deathless champion, it means ALL FUTURE CONTENT may be similar. Meaning we are just going to have to get satisfied with the scraps instead of expecting QUALITY CONTENT.
    So far we are missing 6 pieces for 3 other champs... plus the KG deathless pieces. Thats 18+ pieces of content some people may say . "Well.. you only need to do 1 to get the deathless piece... Derp derppppp"...
    Now read it 3 more times before you make a fool out of yourself for a 3rd time answering me

    If all future content is similar and you have to just complete 1 challenge that isn't crazy difficult then so what. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. Grind arenas for units stock up on revives and do the easiest one. Not that hard lol. You also can buy the missing pieces with units on a later date. So skip the content and grind arenas and stockpile units for them. Derp Derp lol.

    Now reread this even though you can't comprehend how reasonable that is. I spelled it out for a 1st grader could understand so you still may need help.
    Yeah cause my sole purpose of a game I have been playing for 9 years is a Deathless Champ rofl...
    So you are ok for future content to be terrible and only aimed to the 1% as long as you get a deathless champ? Rofl...
    You know whats funny? In a very short period of time.. they have used the same phrase..
    Necropolis - "It will be the hardest everest content"
    People passed it...
    Then they talked about WoW - "It will be the hardest content"
    Then the Challenges came up "It will be the hardest content"...
    Hardest piece of content doesnt have to be boring, and a resource dump where people have to run around ranking up champs they may use 1 time a year.
    I'm 100% fine with content being difficult especially if they aren't going away. I can always clear it later if I want. I never did Carina 1. I didn't want to use 4*s again in LOL. I did it 1x didn't enjoy it so skipped it. Those rewards aren't worth going back in so I chose not to. I gave constructive feedback on my thoughts on this challenge. I think Kabam should provide the champs and resources from 1 challenge to the next. They can listen to it or refuse it just like I can do the challenges or not. But I'm not gonna cry about my feewing about what they put out. It's their game I just play it.
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40
    Motorola said:

    KABAM PLEASE READ (Not a negative post!!!)

    I think that what is happening has a lot of players feeling like Kabam is trying to squeeze them for every dollar possible. I have a few suggestions that might help, I will list them below. Before I do that I want to mention that I have been playing for over 9 years and am Valiant but not even close to the top 1%. Also I have to give you credit for changing the things you have since the early days where it felt like Kabam was really squeezing players for money, Nexus crystals and many other things have helped with this.

    I think that Kabam puts too much emphasis on making money through revives/potions/energy/mastery changes/and other items that get players through content. I think that if you put more emphasis on making money through the ways listed below instead of making money when players fail, that the players would feel much better. I also want to add that I have no idea on the internal numbers for Kabams profits and where they come from, im just going off of personal opinion and others in the community.

    But the general idea that Kabam has to make money off players failing in the game I think is misguided. Take Fortnite for example, you can be the Best player in the world and not spend a dollar (or in game resource) on the game just to play, and they make Insane Money!!! It costs nothing to play the game, no energy costs to enter a match, no revive cost if you die ect. Obviously I know that there is a big difference between fortnite and mcoc, and this is a mobile game that is a different style compared to Fortnite, But there are some things that you can take and make your own.

    -make more money from cosmetic items, champion acquisition/rank ups, emotes/flex items/ And make less money from revives/potions/energy ect.

    -top 1% of the player base needs a challenge, so offer flex items like titles/emotes/badges/ect for rewards instead of champion specific selectors and rank up gems. The top 1% already has many rewards that the 99% dont have, look at AQ/AW, Battlegrounds, and other game modes and events that give the top players MASSIVE rewards.

    -make different skins for champions. Players would be very excited for a champion that does exactly the same ability, but has a different outfit/look. (the comics provide many ideas). You can also have rare skins that the top players can flex in battlegrounds

    -do more with relics. relics can give a champion a non gamebreaking boost. Making money off these and adding abilities that players can buy/earn. This is a less specific idea, but there are many things that can be done with relics.

    -look at other games (no just mobile games) and take something that earns money and make it your own in mcoc.

    -ask the mcoc community what type of things they would love to spend money (not have to spend money/game resources on). Take a vote. Have a booth at comic con for suggestions. Use forum polls.

    I love this game and many others do too. Im just saying that Kabam should shift the way they think they have to make money, there are many other ways. Honestly I think this game would survive with revives costing 10% of what they cost now,. And like i said I don't know Kabams internal numbers on the profits, but I know its possible to have a game where it doesn't cost anything to actually play, and make money on optional items/features.

    If anyone else has ideas for Kabam to make money in new interesting ways that show respect to the players please share and post them.

    -another idea is different/exclusive champion profile art. Meaning you can earn/buy different pictures for your champs, so when you look at your roster its the same champ but a different look.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,278 ★★★★★
    Nah I like the challanges except zemo.
    For someone who have nothing to do in game, who just logs in to use energy and do 3 rounds of BG every 2 days, these challanges gave somthing to work towards.

    NAGASE just posted a Zemo run with 6r3 + 5*R5.
    @nagase you're the man 👊💪

    I'm gonna follow through with the same. Finally, I'm not obliged to r4 overhype good for nothing Baromid Zemidmo. Yay
    My resources will happily go to OGBW, cause I wanted to. Not because someone was compensating for overhyping a champ then forcing them to use.
    I'll gladly spend extra units on revives for this.

    This made me a bit relieved, shows not everyone want to waste resources on champs they don't like. Upgrading a champ to r3 is not even problematic anymore. All my champs I'm going to use in mike Avengers challange r3 except ogbw.
    I have plenty absolutely obsolete 7*s, the kings and queens of mid tier, wouldnt have minded pulling a 7* Hawkeye ngl 😆. He definitely comes handy.
    Thats another point I mentioned in some chat was that gauntlet is pre 6r3 content. Many players used 5*s back then. It can be done. With Revives, boosts, masteries, even class boosts. Planning is key.

    *Bad word with f* Zemo. Hurrrray.🎉🥳
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40
    One example is the early access champion sales that give you the newest 6/5 star. I bet those bring in a lot of money. I know it couldn't happen overnight, but if the mindset changed at Kabam I think they could come up with cool ways to make more money and not even need the revives/energy/potions/ect to make money, The base idea is when you want the player to fail because you make more money, and if you change that way of thinking, then only good things can follow.
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★

    Hilldar said:

    Many of you should be embarrassed by your behavior. It’s optional content. The deathless piece is easy to get with one of the lags challenges. That’s fair of them to set it up that way.
    The rest of it is up to you. Is it hard? Yes. Are the rewards to difficulty in line? Absolutely not. Are the 7* champs you get at the end amazing, top tier champs? Not in my opinion.
    I did one challenge and I’m done for now. I don’t think the rest is worth it and am saving items and units for 8.4. That’s my choice.
    The whining and crying from a large chunk of this player base is embarrassing. The attacks on the creators is shameful.

    Grow up man.

    So that is the new standard for new content?..
    Base everything on the ability of acquiring a piece of a deathless champ?...Its gonna be a long long 2 years then...
    But why do a lot of ppl here think they have to complete all those unfun challenges? Let's say Kabam fails to deliver the fun aspect this time, I do agree with that though then okay just choose the easiest challenge and grab the deathless piece and ignore the rest. Constructive criticisms are welcome, which can be done in 1 or 2 comments but many ppl here choose to spend all day complaining walls and walls of words. I mean is it really that serious, don't they don't have anything else more important to do? This is just a mobile game, this challenge is completely optional, if it's not fun then don't play it.
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