Diversity points



  • PanchittlesPanchittles Member Posts: 14
    Null the war and give us compensation for resources used.
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★

    Same thing happened here, this is really messed up cause the announcement happened AFTER the start of the current war, there was no way for us to change the diversity....seriously just cancel this season already :/

    to be fair the announcement came in around 20 minutes before matchmaking phase started. Then when matchmaking starts there's roughly an hour of time before war actually starts. When matchmaking starts, u can't touch defense anymore. At most u can fix masteries. I understand it was close to impossible to adjust in time because even just reaching out to the people placing duplicate defenders takes time. That said, I don't feel sorry for those who lost due to spamming the op defenders. I had a rough time planning the map because of that and we gave away some deaths to duplicate defenders (me included) so whatever I'd gladly take the win
  • PeregrinusPeregrinus Member Posts: 50
    🫣🫣🫣 lol🫣🫣🫣🤷🤷🤷
  • Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Member Posts: 179
    Our ally dropped 180 spots because of it. Can they even reverse this? I know, I know, we deserved it @pseudosane. No need to post.
  • SeenkSeenk Member Posts: 216 ★★
  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 191 ★★
    They definitely dropped the ball and just need to take the L already. So many L’s this season. Allowing the tactic. The first tune down. Not listening to feedback. The second tune down, and now this as well as the on going placement bug. cancel it. Seriously. Everyone will be happy. Or most at least.

    As far as those who lost due to not placing diversity, you shouldn’t have lost as the changes shouldn’t have taken place. And I do think they will compensate you all. But I’m also laughing because you guys abused an overpowered tactic and paid for it so it’s kinda funny
  • ShivacruxShivacrux Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    edited March 2024

    We lost as well which is bs. The post Kabam made said it was clearly changing for the upcoming war today. This should NOT be a loss.

    While it feels bad for those who lost due to missing members, your case, I do not feel bad at all.
    100 diversity. Punishing opponents with such poopy defender copies, Karma hit hard doesnt it.
    Yeah ok buddy. Not like most allies didn't take advantage of a broken tactic cause Kabam doesn't test them out properly. I'm sure we deserved the loss. It has absolutely nothing to do with Kabam not sticking to what they said in THEIR post. Thank you for your opinion though.
    Yeah those who did, got their just desserts. We didnt do it, we maintained full diversity. I know it feels bad that karma came back to bite your alliance, but maybe dont try to spread the misery around.
    Are you one of the forum knight as well?
  • Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Member Posts: 179
    Everyone keeps saying how they don't feel bad for allies that placed dupes. It's the name of the game. Kabam made a broken tactic and has been putting sticks to stop a river. Just because allies took advantage of it doesn't mean they deserve to lose. We had full diversity till the 2nd and 3rd war, after facing all tactic defenders. So we jumped on the bandwagon to see if it made a diff. It did. Kudos to us for playing smart. Losing this war is because of a Kabam mistake.
  • Pit_0f_MiseryPit_0f_Misery Member Posts: 179
    @PIKESTAIN I can see how it would be funny if it didn't happen to my ally. Lol But at least you see the actual issue. Bravo
  • AüfisolèAüfisolè Member Posts: 1

    We kept full diversity despite everyone else throwing all their bullseyes and zemos on the board and went 3-1 against alliances trying to work the system. Sucks to be y'all, but no sympathy. We'll take the points.

    You are aware that Kabam will fix this eventually, right? Enjoy your points for now but don’t be suprised if they take them away in a few days or when the season ends 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 283 ★★
    edited March 2024

    Came to post the same - based on the old system, we would have won this war. This is entirely the kind of situation that requires compensation.

    *Edit* I said "old system", what I actually meant was, "the system Kabam told us was in place".
  • Cpt_Awesomeo55Cpt_Awesomeo55 Member Posts: 112
    This affects a lot of alliances. Those missing points are significant for season rankings. We planned based on information kabam gave us only for that information to be wrong….again. Cancel season and give rewards one level above current standings.
  • PIKESTAINPIKESTAIN Member Posts: 191 ★★

    @PIKESTAIN I can see how it would be funny if it didn't happen to my ally. Lol But at least you see the actual issue. Bravo

    We won no matter what so I’m just sitting back enjoying
  • SeenkSeenk Member Posts: 216 ★★

  • JJ4JJ4 Member Posts: 46
    would like this changed please
  • kekkolonkekkolon Member Posts: 2

  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★★
  • DragonbaneDragonbane Member Posts: 16
    Us too, lost due to the early point change. 😐
  • DragonbaneDragonbane Member Posts: 16

  • SpacemanSpiffSpacemanSpiff Member Posts: 16

    We kept full diversity despite everyone else throwing all their bullseyes and zemos on the board and went 3-1 against alliances trying to work the system. Sucks to be y'all, but no sympathy. We'll take the points.

    You are aware that Kabam will fix this eventually, right? Enjoy your points for now but don’t be suprised if they take them away in a few days or when the season ends 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Will they though? We won either way, so we're golden this war. I'm just saying I see no reason to dock the points of the alliances not placing ten kingpins across the boss nodes and playing the right way.
  • K1nnyK1nny Member Posts: 46
    edited March 2024

    Well they were partially correct. It is live by/on Friday!
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,078 Guardian
    Today is a Kabam holiday for Easter, so replies from the game team may be only on Monday.
  • Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Member Posts: 726 ★★★★

    We kept full diversity despite everyone else throwing all their bullseyes and zemos on the board and went 3-1 against alliances trying to work the system. Sucks to be y'all, but no sympathy. We'll take the points.

    You are aware that Kabam will fix this eventually, right? Enjoy your points for now but don’t be suprised if they take them away in a few days or when the season ends 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Will they though? We won either way, so we're golden this war. I'm just saying I see no reason to dock the points of the alliances not placing ten kingpins across the boss nodes and playing the right way.
    If there was a “right way” and that was full diversity then the game mode simply wouldn’t allow dupes. Diversity is there as an option and strategy and you are penalized if you don’t have full diversity, and before you assume no we don’t place 10 bullseye per bg
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  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    edited March 2024
    We also lost this war because of diversity. It's stupid especially because we're fighting for Masters. Absolutely insane the way this company runs.
  • RohtagaRohtaga Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2024
    praony said:

    Good evening, I am praony leader of CWIII top team French.

    I am very angry about one of your mistakes impacting our war season once again! In fact you warned us that a change had to be made regarding diversity and that it had to be taken into account FRIDAY!

    Except it was taken into account the same evening! How do you expect us to have had time to modify the defense 45 minutes before the start of matchmaking!

    Your alliance war season is a joke. It would be wise for you to put an end to it in order to fix your bugs!

    Obviously we are waiting for compensation commensurate with our completely failed season due to YOUR multiple bugs!

    Deleted because I don’t want to be sharing personal information
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