Kabam! Is the balance program scrapped?

Where is the balance update on Dust and Iron Heart? How long should one wait for the balance update?
It was said in the Balance update post that data collection takes 3 months, then balance update info will be given to us and then 3 more months to implement the changes to the champs and final changes are released in the game (6 months after their release)
For Feb champs this 3 months finished in May, so the balance update info should have come out in the start of June, we are in July end now, in a week it will be August. This means the balace update info is getting delayed by almost 2 months now. Kabam did the same with Bullseye and White Tiger as well, their balance update info should have come out in May, we can cross check that with Abs man and Zemo update who were also Jan champs.
We need some explanation from Kabam why this is getting delayed? Or is this program being removed now?
It was said in the Balance update post that data collection takes 3 months, then balance update info will be given to us and then 3 more months to implement the changes to the champs and final changes are released in the game (6 months after their release)
For Feb champs this 3 months finished in May, so the balance update info should have come out in the start of June, we are in July end now, in a week it will be August. This means the balace update info is getting delayed by almost 2 months now. Kabam did the same with Bullseye and White Tiger as well, their balance update info should have come out in May, we can cross check that with Abs man and Zemo update who were also Jan champs.
We need some explanation from Kabam why this is getting delayed? Or is this program being removed now?
You can check this, how they said the balance update will happen. So they did set in stone certain amount of time that they felt was sufficient. 2 months delay is too much and this get worse with next champs, we need explanation from Kabam.
The timeline they laid out was an ideal scenario where everything was optimally on the dot to the day
Like this here https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/357197/gladiator-and-iron-man-balance-update. Balance update info will be released first and then the changes will be implemented and tested and then released.
June 19 (Month 6) - balance update for them came
Chill it will be out I don't know why but your comments seems aggressive.
The data on dust and IronHeart is probably less as many don't use Ironheart that much compared to other champs & in-case of Dust many devices have lag issue when sand storm activates or her special. so data is on device specific so it's hard to say what kabam expected vs how she is performing.
(If u are concerned read both champ test the champs make a video - give your drawbacks & what can make the champ descent & unique)
You don't count the release month cause not many have or use them in that month, so from Feb to April (3 months) will be the data colection and then balance info was released in May whether they are meeting their expectations and briefly give info on where they need improvement or nerf. So there is 1.5 month delay in Bullseye and White Tiger info as well. This didn't happen suddenly with Dust and IH and that is what is concerning me, because this delay will keep on increasing.
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So if it just got delayed so what chill it will be out of the info about 🤦🤦🤷🤷.
on June 19 I remember someone did the same thing Asking he want ans on bullseye rebalance & he was holding back but the rebalance info went live later that day 🤷
It’s better for the company to release champs that underperform then over preform as if they under perform people are not likely to rank the champs up until news of rebalancing. However if they are op then everyone is gonna want to get the champ and rank them up and when kabam inevitably has to go and nerf them it then causes a lot of frustration within the community, especially if the nerf makes them unworthy of the rank people put them in.
This year has definitely been questionable for the attacker aspect, but if the data shows they’re under preforming then that means kabam will take that into consideration for future champs. And because the process of making a champ takes a while it means peoples expectation has to be lowered that these issue would be fixed next month as most champs are probably designed 7-8 months before their release. Probably even longer than that.
Granted SF6 character models, moves, specials are MUCH more complex, but I count my blessings that we get 20-ish new characters in this game a year, from 2015 onwards, which is quite frankly, astonishing.
Especially since this year, TWO of the four new champs in Street Fighter are guest characters that I really wish weren't being added to the game. At least with MCOC, if there's a few duds or characters I couldn't care less about, theres still always more on the way (I myself can't wait till November - fingers crossed for Dazzler and Spiral!)
There's no way, NO WAY that someone in team played Sable for more than 2 times and said, "Yup, good damage, let's go"
Saw YouTube vids of Leader? Not very fun either as you have to play in middle of map 24/7 😃 dog damage except for particular power gain regen matchups.
After mike and jax left, I sure am getting vibes that MCoC is in it's final phase, less mod activity here, forums are deserted expect few usual thread closing, no information to share, balance taking 6+ months, relics are non-existent, bugs after bugs, war tag defender bug still might not be fixed, BG ranking bug, horrible AI, double hit parry still will.
Internal team conflicts really is hurting the team and Kabam and netmarbles are just gathering whatever they can now.