5-Star Featured Crystal Change Discussion Thread

We've just released some more information on the future of the 5-Star Featured Crystal here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/43300/upcoming-changes-to-5-star-featured-crystal
We know you've got questions, and this is the place to ask and discuss!
Will you announce the pool of 18 each time it changes?
We do plan on sharing the list every time the crystal is updated.
Can you buy the 5 star featured crystal with units or only shards?
This crystal is replacing the currently available 15,000 Shard Featured Hero Crystals.
So does it means that if a new champ comes to the Battle Realm we won't be able to get them as a 5* right away?
You will still be able to get them in the Grandmaster Featured Crystal, but they will not be available in a featured 5-Star Hero Shard Crystal until they are added to this new Crystal. So, this might mean having to wait a little while to get some Champions, but it also gives you a shot at 6 New Champions at a time, as well as a smaller Basic pool.
We've just released some more information on the future of the 5-Star Featured Crystal here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/43300/upcoming-changes-to-5-star-featured-crystal
We know you've got questions, and this is the place to ask and discuss!
Will you announce the pool of 18 each time it changes?
We do plan on sharing the list every time the crystal is updated.
Can you buy the 5 star featured crystal with units or only shards?
This crystal is replacing the currently available 15,000 Shard Featured Hero Crystals.
So does it means that if a new champ comes to the Battle Realm we won't be able to get them as a 5* right away?
You will still be able to get them in the Grandmaster Featured Crystal, but they will not be available in a featured 5-Star Hero Shard Crystal until they are added to this new Crystal. So, this might mean having to wait a little while to get some Champions, but it also gives you a shot at 6 New Champions at a time, as well as a smaller Basic pool.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
Obligatory blade nerf incoming
We do plan on sharing the list every time the crystal is updated.
This crystal is replacing the currently available 15,000 Shard Featured Hero Crystals.
Can you be more specific? What information would you like clarification on?
As well as 18 other Champions that we will announce.
They will be available in both!
Basic crystals SUCK. Roster progression should not be so heavily based on RNG.
You will still be able to get them in the Grandmaster Featured Crystal, but they will not be available in a featured 5-Star Hero Shard Crystal until they are added to this new Crystal. So, this might mean having to wait a little while to get some Champions, but it also gives you a shot at 6 New Champions at a time, as well as a smaller Basic pool.
Old system- featured crystal (featuring Luke Cage)
New system- featured crystal (featuring Luke Cage and several other champs).
So does it means that the last new 5* Feature Crystal will be VOID? (I know it sound like it is explained in the post, just making sure where to use my crystals)
There is no Pattern. They will be chosen by the team, but we're taking extra care to make the Crystals more interesting for you all.
What’s the point? The only way that the new featured crystal is better than the old one is if the old featured crystal had odds worse than 1 in 18 which is what the new one is. I’ve got to say I’m disappointed
Odds are actually now 4.2% since it will be 1 out of 24 if you're going for a specific champ. Nobody had the exact percentage of the current featured but the community tends to agree that the chance was/is 20-25%.