Rank Down Tickets



  • Lambda1Lambda1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Marvel2289 wrote: »
    Lambda1 wrote: »

    Where is it written that Spidey (or Ultron, NC, BW,...) can evade 2 hits at the same time?

    Where is it written that Spidey's evade (same with Ultron, NC, BW,...) causes Drax's pushback?

    Answer : NOWHERE.

    Conclusion : It's a nerf. Do your homework. My turn to laugh.

    Lol u want my homework here it is

    So it says Mordo can evade all non special attacks now let's look at this hmmm is a double hit an special attack answer no so therefore it DOES say he can evade it so like I said you got an F on your homework do urself a favor and read carefully ROTFLMAO


    What do you think about X-23's and AA's Heavies? They both by-pass Astral Evade though...

    And once again : I don't care about Mordo. He's easy fight. Drax has been nerfed against all evaders.

    Sorry for your homework but you failed.
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    borntohula wrote: »
    The idea that they only make changes that benefit them has been debunked many times before, so there's no need to again here.

    Well, well. You just piqued my interest there. Can you please point out a few examples, e.g. forum posts that substantiate this particular statement. I apparently missed them, which is only human, I guess, so I would love to play catch up. Given the (apparently) multitude of debunks out in the wild, I suppose that would be fairly easy to do, so shouldn’t be too much of a hassle. Thanks in advance!

    Forum examples, I'm not really going to give because I don't have much time to hunt. However, some things take more time to resolve than others. That's just how it works.
    Rewards are server-side. That can be addressed easier than mechanics that need rework or redesigns. When you have valuable resources leaking into the game, that's a priority. Same with exploitable situations. That's not exclusive to this game. Most games would consider exploits a high priority.
    In fact, there have been many things that have benefited Players that weren't resolved until they became a much larger problem, which is exactly what we're looking at here. It's the opposite of the implication, really.
    It has very little to do with what benefits who, and more to do with the overall functioning of the game. The perception may be that they only fix things that help people, but the reality is exploitable situations and Reward leaks don't help anyone. They break the game and force them to come up with an immediate solution. The Gold glitch nearly broke the in-game economy, for example.
    They don't want bugs in the game any more than we do. Some things they have more immediate control over others, and some situations force them to come up with a quick solution before damage compounds.

    Of course you cannot list any. You making up facts and pretend that everything you say is true 😂

    I must say that this has got to be one of the lengthiest posts I've ever read that contains only 1 sentence that is a semi-specific(I'm feeling generous) example that directly relates to the game this forum is intended for, which is MCoC. The remainder of it could be an ambiguous copy/paste statement that could easily describe a bunch of other games on the market.

    Come on folks, I get that those of you who want to argue on and on against most topics have your right to do so, and I give respect where its due. But it's comments similar to this one that don't necessarily offer anything substantial to the discussion and tend to cause it to sidetrack into personal argument.

    Hence my request the other day for some hearty specifics as to why, what, where, when associated with the thread topic itself.

    Some may view this topic of AA, Drax, general champ changes as it relates to RDT's as trivial, but I believe there are many including myself that consider this quite an important area that needs to be addressed by official word from Kabam regarding what their intentions were and are going forward when it comes to providing players a game that is constantly in flux from the periodic changes. To me, being in constant flux is basically the opposite of "being in balance" and that is what has driven me further away from a game which I truly enjoyed in the past. I would like to enjoy playing it again tbh.

    So please, open a thread of your own if you'd like to continue discussion relating to ambiguous statements and how to make it work for your debate and I will gladly humor you there.

    But I beg of you to please refrain from it here. I will do the same because I'm not innocent of similar comments now and again myself.
  • Noname54Noname54 Member Posts: 58
    We all want 3 rankdown tickets (5* champs) minimal for theses 3 changes who are coming : Aw - MD - dexterity.
    Thank you kabam
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Lambda1 wrote: »
    Marvel2289 wrote: »
    Lambda1 wrote: »

    Where is it written that Spidey (or Ultron, NC, BW,...) can evade 2 hits at the same time?

    Where is it written that Spidey's evade (same with Ultron, NC, BW,...) causes Drax's pushback?

    Answer : NOWHERE.

    Conclusion : It's a nerf. Do your homework. My turn to laugh.

    Lol u want my homework here it is

    So it says Mordo can evade all non special attacks now let's look at this hmmm is a double hit an special attack answer no so therefore it DOES say he can evade it so like I said you got an F on your homework do urself a favor and read carefully ROTFLMAO


    What do you think about X-23's and AA's Heavies? They both by-pass Astral Evade though...

    And once again : I don't care about Mordo. He's easy fight. Drax has been nerfed against all evaders.

    Sorry for your homework but you failed.

    Lol u really don't understand logic
    1 All evaders are easy to fight
    2 Just because other champs do it doesn't mean it isn't a bug
    3 Nothing in that post was wrong which does an double hit fall under a special attack, or all other attacks
    4 Kabam already stated when Mordo was first released that Drax was bugged so the decision to rank him because of a bug as kabam called it was on you
    5 Doesn't matter how much you argue kabam already said no rank down tickets so whaaaa
    6 Don't Tell me no one cares about Mordo that's how this whole thing freaking started because he was and I quote "useless against Mordo now"

    Now go learn logic before making dumb arguments
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    OK so let's keep this on topic. rdts are needed for both AA and Drax.
  • AbusementParkAbusementPark Member Posts: 164
    What's the long face, what's all the crying for
    Didn't you expect it when you opened your door
    To the man with the long coat and the long list of victims
    Everybody watching knows he's the one keeping score
    >from where she sits, everyone stands in judgement
    People watching as the curtain falls down
    See the lights do a long slow fade...

    The show goes on, and the sad-eyed sisters go walking on
    Everyone watching all along
    The show goes on, as the autumn's coming
    And the summer's all gone
    Still without you, the show goes on

    Some say she's alright, some say she'll never learn
    Some rush into things, some stand and wait their turn
    I've been here all along standing here all this time
    But you never noticed, just let the same tired flames burn
    >from where she sits, everyone stands in judgement
    People watching as the curtain falls down
    See the lights do a long slow fade

    The show goes on, and the sad-eyed sisters go walking on
    Everyone watching all along
    The show goes on, as the autumn's coming
    And the summer's all gone
    Still without you, the show goes on

    Time is passing, slowly passing you by
    You better try to find it before it passes you by
    As I watch you walking to another cold dawn
    And you keep on walking
    And they keep on talking
    Talking all along

    >from where she sits, everyone stands in judgement
    People watching as the curtain falls down
    See the lights do a long slow fade
    The show goes on, and the sad-eyed sisters go walking on
    Everyone watching all along
    The show goes on, as the autumn's coming
    And the summer's all gone
    Still without you, the show goes on
  • Lambda1Lambda1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Marvel2289 wrote: »

    Lol u really don't understand logic
    1 All evaders are easy to fight
    2 Just because other champs do it doesn't mean it isn't a bug
    3 Nothing in that post was wrong which does an double hit fall under a special attack, or all other attacks
    4 Kabam already stated when Mordo was first released that Drax was bugged so the decision to rank him because of a bug as kabam called it was on you
    5 Doesn't matter how much you argue kabam already said no rank down tickets so whaaaa
    6 Don't Tell me no one cares about Mordo that's how this whole thing freaking started because he was and I quote "useless against Mordo now"

    Now go learn logic before making dumb arguments

    1. OK. Please upload a video of you beating OG Ultron in 5.4.6 (I did it, big part with Drax)
    2. It wasn't a bug.
    3. Kabam Miike clarified that mechanic 2 years ago
    4. Not true. They never stated it was a bug
    5. Wrong again. They told us no rdt except for big modifications. Drax has been deeply modified. It's a fact.
    6. I repeat : even Drax isn't a counter to AE anymore, I don't care about it cause Mordo isn't a big deal.

  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    in 12.0, 3 champs were changed and rank downs were given.

    Now every mystic champ and any champ that was ranked solely for diversity has been changed and no rank downs. My math isn't that good but I'm pretty sure these new changes affect a lot more than 3 champs.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Lambda1 wrote: »
    Marvel2289 wrote: »

    Lol u really don't understand logic
    1 All evaders are easy to fight
    2 Just because other champs do it doesn't mean it isn't a bug
    3 Nothing in that post was wrong which does an double hit fall under a special attack, or all other attacks
    4 Kabam already stated when Mordo was first released that Drax was bugged so the decision to rank him because of a bug as kabam called it was on you
    5 Doesn't matter how much you argue kabam already said no rank down tickets so whaaaa
    6 Don't Tell me no one cares about Mordo that's how this whole thing freaking started because he was and I quote "useless against Mordo now"

    Now go learn logic before making dumb arguments

    1. OK. Please upload a video of you beating OG Ultron in 5.4.6 (I did it, big part with Drax)
    2. It wasn't a bug.
    3. Kabam Miike clarified that mechanic 2 years ago
    4. Not true. They never stated it was a bug
    5. Wrong again. They told us no rdt except for big modifications. Drax has been deeply modified. It's a fact.
    6. I repeat : even Drax isn't a counter to AE anymore, I don't care about it cause Mordo isn't a big deal.


    But the fact is that it was never stated in draxs abilities that he can counter evade, so kabam can claim it as a bug fix and does not have to give out rdts, nor should they
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Rank down tickets wont happen again, they opened a box and can't shut, truth is they will change this game when ever they feel like they can make more money. wether its adding silly boosted nodes or making it so you face 10 medusa, imiw, domino. It all increases the bottom line and makes you spend. No matter how they package it. The only thing that makes a different is to use your voice, on social media reach out to apple and contact marvel. No matter what they will change any character that gives the player an upper hand, like drax and aa recently. You need to do more than just talk on forums if you want anything to be done.
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  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    NDK13 wrote: »
    People were already ranking up medusa

    Not 10 of them per bg. This guy is right, the way to win in the proposed setup is to have the most recently released paid defenders.
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  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,597 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    NDK13 wrote: »
    People were already ranking up medusa

    We have people who would have ranked Medusa, but decided to play within Kabam's system. Now they wish they had ranked Medusa.

    EDIT: But as I have said in other posts. I agree with you. RDT do not solve the bigger problem.
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  • Hello69Hello69 Member Posts: 15
    You will see it anyways lol
  • hope4tghope4tg Member Posts: 149
    You cannot just introduce a super important variable to AW, keep it for months and then just remove it in the name of "meta changes". The meta of the game do change but its dynamic nature is a result of the game itself. Thats why its called META. It refers to itself. By removing diversity you are not shifting/changing meta, you are re-writing the rules and saying "F you!" to all your playerbase (except whales I guess?)

    This has to be one of the most scummy moves I have ever seen in the video game industry ever.

    With or without rankdown tickets the aw defenses will be flooded with the best defenders (medusa, imiw, classic spidey, dormammu, nightcrawler you name it).

    The correct solution to this debacle is to revert the change and keep diversity as a smaller variable to aw score.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    seriously though medusa is the best cosmic over all. everyone who has her is going to rank her up. not just for defense. she's dynamic. can be used for both.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Everyone in my ally has already ranked their Medusas, Dorms, Magiks, etc.

    The only thing that has changed is that with the elimination of diversity, we'll see more of them in every war.
  • Lambda1Lambda1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Marvel2289 wrote: »
    But the fact is that it was never stated in draxs abilities that he can counter evade, so kabam can claim it as a bug fix and does not have to give out rdts, nor should they

    Nope. The fact is : Drax had a six-hits combo with first double medium and that medium had a better chance to land against evaders.

    Second fact : Evaders now evade further against Drax than against any champs and Drax steps back while they're evading.

    That. Is. Called. A. Nerf.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    i agree with this, rdt will help us to level up the properly attackers, but the problem is deeper... i think that diversity must return, and forget this pathetic 24 hours

    No, never forget it. We can’t just let it go, I think.
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  • AspareAspare Member Posts: 76
    Rank down tickets are not the solution we should be asking for
    Sure we can fix some of our roster but I would much rather keep AW diversity to continue to have fun in AW and it not become something I dread because I have to fight the same annoying champion over and over much like with AQ
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  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    if there will be rdt, we will see 10 medusas, 10 dormammus and 10 spidermans for Battlegroup

    Then adapt. All of these champions can be countered. Heck, Quake alone can beat any of these champs. My alliance leader ranked up his Colosuss to 4/55 for diversity. What is he supposed to do with him now?
  • MaidrilMaidril Member Posts: 288
    I’d disagree with the OP’s assertion. Many of the best defenders (Medusa, dormammu, Magik, mephisto, iceman) have utility elsewhere and would have been ranked. And in general people will rank top defenders regardless diversity.
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