We noticed a number of the Spring of Sorrow objectives aren't working properly, we are investigating and currently working on a potential solution.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



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    Heikomat2000Heikomat2000 Posts: 11
    Happened also to our alliance- we were promoted to expert, but alliance quest started in normal bracket. Severe problems going on at Kabam.
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    2nd_Att3mpt2nd_Att3mpt Posts: 12
    Youve got to laugh... Nodes 4 and 8 in map 5 have incoming buffs but no way of clearing them. Come on guys. Wake up and smell the coffee. This aq has been a disaster.. RESTART IT!!!
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    SeetheevilSeetheevil Posts: 66
    We should send some informative letter to kabam owner about the game. In old days this game was very good and how this game become full of errors i believe that there are some wrong employees that made this game trash. And we should also suggest recruiting some new mods because current mods’ capbilities are just investigating and closing the issues :) they never bring solutions. İ cAnt believe how this wanderful game is being damaged like this!
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    PrinceIndiaPrinceIndia Posts: 49
    V19 AQ my alliance moved from expert tier to normal , why?
    Kabam - Could you please explain?
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    2nd_Att3mpt2nd_Att3mpt Posts: 12
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    ZachAttack06ZachAttack06 Posts: 74
    Node 20 clears them.

    Youve got to laugh... Nodes 4 and 8 in map 5 have incoming buffs but no way of clearing them. Come on guys. Wake up and smell the coffee. This aq has been a disaster.. RESTART IT!!!

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    AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Posts: 217
    Same for my alliance, dropped from expert to normal, did we skip advance and hit every branch on the way down. Ill add this to my list of STILL pending issues and compensations thread
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    ODEKAODEKA Posts: 59
    30 minute timers all week and free for the rest of the week would be nice.
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    Adamdrt2006Adamdrt2006 Posts: 429
    I'm confused about this post was you expecting to keep building up points week after week because it goes back to zero when a new aq starts always has
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    JohndeeperJohndeeper Posts: 33
    Totally unacceptable, I demand my usual rewards and more.
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    adramelchadramelch Posts: 98
    You really need to understand why people are raging all the time against you. Too many issues popping up one after another and yet you don't seem to acknowledge that all this people are upset because they love this game and just want to be able to play it. Most of us don't care about compensation packages, we just want the game to be fun and playable again so that we can earn our rewards. Just one more thing, please stop sending 2* champs as gifts, it's really insulting when we are all trying to get 6* champs
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    Simple solution is to shut down and restart it tomorrow with everything restored. Allow the players to keep anything acquired before shutting down. Refund any map costs and start from scratch. If you managed to use a health pot (outside of a glitch kicking you out mid fight) you probably shouldn't be in the map you are. Otherwise, it's early enough to stop this before it goes any further. Clearly everyone was effected so just shut it down before this becomes a bigger issue that's gonna be that much harder to manage. Less mess in stopping it and restarting with everything restored tomorrow. I can't imagine anyone being upset by this AQ being shut down and restarted fresh tomorrow. Anyone disagree????

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit Many have suggested this already. This will give you ample time to fix this without being hounded for updates. Sometimes it's the simple solution that's the most effective. Hopefully this suggestion made by many will be used. Will also show that Kabam is listening and willing to work with the community.
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    BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Posts: 357 ★★
    Dag the bad PR just keeps coming lol
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    M1MM1M Posts: 22
    Just reporting that this happened to my alliance as well. We were really excited to stay at expert level last week despite the server down time and are now so crestfallen to see this issue.
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    Adamdrt2006Adamdrt2006 Posts: 429
    It's because the removed brackets for the new peak milestones and when it got delayed it put everyone in beginner bracket
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    Imthatdamnbad82Imthatdamnbad82 Posts: 181
    edited July 2018
    We went from Expert to Normal, and our guy did not catch the Map 2 instead of 5. He was wondering how he made that mistake...

    We also did not drop last AQ, we stayed within Expert.
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    PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Posts: 762 ★★★
    Kabam needs a solid month of having no new contents and champions to start fixing basic game play and bugs. Compensations are nice but as far as I can tell they have a high chance to screw that up too. I just want to see a working game again...
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    OdapoltronaOdapoltrona Posts: 11
    How could Kabam do something like that without explain to us about this **** change
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    OdapoltronaOdapoltrona Posts: 11
    I think they are joking because the changes in update said 11 july not today
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    Sampad13184Sampad13184 Posts: 15
    edited July 2018
    In Last AQ we just got promoted from Advance to Expert tire.. But now we are in Normal bracket..2 tire down from where we should be

    Alliance Tag - syjn
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    We dropped from expert to normal, hopefully this can be taken care of
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    Jank39Jank39 Posts: 139
    Same here. I feel for everyone who decided to take a little break from AQ thinking there were no tiers this week and only to find theyve dropped to normal. How will this be addressed?
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    BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Posts: 578 ★★★
    Jank39 wrote: »
    Same here. I feel for everyone who decided to take a little break from AQ thinking there were no tiers this week and only to find theyve dropped to normal. How will this be addressed?

    Even alliances that did not take a break got dropped to Normal, it seems every alliance in the game is now in Normal
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