Developers Thoughts: Improving Alliance Wars Discussion Thread



  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    sbb75 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike Can you clarify an how a global node (Bleed Immune) is not intended increase difficulty?
    Are other Nodes being lowered? Seems to me that one of the major ways to do damage is being turned off and to balance the difficulty part out is ... did I miss it?

    The only thing I see with the difficulty going down is taking off suicides before placing defenders then redoing mastery again....
    No need for people to start listing how Cable and kingpen will be easier to fight...

    In current alliance wars, Prove Yourself nodes already exist. If your alliance can deal with 1 Prove Yourself node easily by bringing in decent champs for that node like they usually would, what difference would it make that the Prove Yourself node becomes global

    Fixed this for you so you can understand a little better.

    That's totally different haha, nothing bypasses prove yourself
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    sbb75 wrote: »
    The buff to Female attackers... SW and BE 4* only. Medusa, Domino, GP you took awake their Bleed... even for Elektra and Gamora. X23
    Angela, CM, and KK she Hulk got a buff...

    I honestly believe Female Attackers as a whole will be less effective in AW with their new buff

    Proxima Midnight: "Hold my beer"
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    sbb75 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike Can you clarify an how a global node (Bleed Immune) is not intended increase difficulty?
    Are other Nodes being lowered? Seems to me that one of the major ways to do damage is being turned off and to balance the difficulty part out is ... did I miss it?

    The only thing I see with the difficulty going down is taking off suicides before placing defenders then redoing mastery again....
    No need for people to start listing how Cable and kingpen will be easier to fight...

    In current alliance wars, Prove Yourself nodes already exist. If your alliance can deal with 1 Prove Yourself node easily by bringing in decent champs for that node like they usually would, what difference would it make that the Prove Yourself node becomes global

    Fixed this for you so you can understand a little better.

    That's totally different haha, nothing bypasses prove yourself

    Except, you know, 15 hits on the combo meter. You can work around that with any champ. You can't say the same with Bleed Immunity.

    Yeah of course, but the 15 hits thing does not affect the champs you would bring in to war.

    You can still work around bleed immune by using other sources of damage like furies, power burn, etc. And blade still gets an attack boost with danger sense + AAR, so it's not like he's completely useless
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    sbb75 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike Can you clarify an how a global node (Bleed Immune) is not intended increase difficulty?
    Are other Nodes being lowered? Seems to me that one of the major ways to do damage is being turned off and to balance the difficulty part out is ... did I miss it?

    The only thing I see with the difficulty going down is taking off suicides before placing defenders then redoing mastery again....
    No need for people to start listing how Cable and kingpen will be easier to fight...

    In current alliance wars, Prove Yourself nodes already exist. If your alliance can deal with 1 Prove Yourself node easily by bringing in decent champs for that node like they usually would, what difference would it make that the Prove Yourself node becomes global

    Fixed this for you so you can understand a little better.

    That's totally different haha, nothing bypasses prove yourself

    Except, you know, 15 hits on the combo meter. You can work around that with any champ. You can't say the same with Bleed Immunity.

    Yeah of course, but the 15 hits thing does not affect the champs you would bring in to war.

    You can still work around bleed immune by using other sources of damage like furies, power burn, etc. And blade still gets an attack boost with danger sense + AAR, so it's not like he's completely useless

    What about gwenpool and aa then?
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    sbb75 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike Can you clarify an how a global node (Bleed Immune) is not intended increase difficulty?
    Are other Nodes being lowered? Seems to me that one of the major ways to do damage is being turned off and to balance the difficulty part out is ... did I miss it?

    The only thing I see with the difficulty going down is taking off suicides before placing defenders then redoing mastery again....
    No need for people to start listing how Cable and kingpen will be easier to fight...

    In current alliance wars, Prove Yourself nodes already exist. If your alliance can deal with 1 Prove Yourself node easily by bringing in decent champs for that node like they usually would, what difference would it make that the Prove Yourself node becomes global

    Fixed this for you so you can understand a little better.

    That's totally different haha, nothing bypasses prove yourself

    Except, you know, 15 hits on the combo meter. You can work around that with any champ. You can't say the same with Bleed Immunity.

    Yeah of course, but the 15 hits thing does not affect the champs you would bring in to war.

    You can still work around bleed immune by using other sources of damage like furies, power burn, etc. And blade still gets an attack boost with danger sense + AAR, so it's not like he's completely useless

    What about gwenpool and aa then?

    yeah, they will be useless, can't do anything about it though. Kabam wants us to be challenged
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    edited October 2018
    There is a simple way to give everyone the opportunity to use their rosters and diversify. Simply turn team synergy back on for AW.

    Make attack teams using 5 champs instead 3. Possibly increase defensive teams to 6. With the right synergy, anything is possible. Even teams you would never attack with would be an option with new synergies on a full team.

    Using a team with Agent Venom, Venom, Carnage, Spidey, and “insert favorite champ” would grant the entire team an incredible boost to attack and health. (Add 5* Venom for +30% attack & +30% health) Any other champ still grants team up to 20-25% overall boost. With unique synergies to boot.

    This would essintily rank your entire team. (2/3 of the way) Nearly all champions, regardless of what teir, increases their base attack and health by 40-50% when ranked. Crit damage, Armor, block resist, etc. remain the same. Abilities could be “ranked” or buffed in the same way. Another way would be to grant any champion placed on Offense/Defense -or both- an instant rank up when used. Increments of one rank, or even up to max rank & level.

  • edited October 2018
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    That's not at all what he said.

    Of course not haha, it's the general community's perception of kabam

    I suppose the expectation goes as follows:
    "Greetings Summoners,
    I just wanted to drop in and let you know I've taken the feedback to the team, and we've decided not to run the Nodes. We understand you haven't even tried it, and we value your feedback. The last thing we would want is for you to try something new. In the future, we hope to run every decision by you before we implement it so you never have to do anything you don't want to do. Thanks for guiding us in designing the game.".
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    That was sarcasm, not impersonation. Just to be clear. Lol. I'm not trying to be rude or stir things up. I'm just displaying the point that I find it a bit disingenuous that it's the second time I've seen that comment paraphrased in the same manner when he is acknowledging peoples' concerns and reaffirming their goals.
  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    BeginthEnd wrote: »
    There is a simple way to give everyone the opportunity to use their rosters and diversify. Simply turn team synergy back on for AW.
    Make attack teams using 5 champs instead 3. Possibly increase defensive teams to 6. With the right synergy, anything is possible. Even teams you would never attack with would be an option with new synergies on a full team.
    So many great ideas in this thread!
    Why these discussions go one way?
    Where is Kabam?
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2018

    Certain changes have been good, but overall you guys are losing business. After every season, spenders and those in top allies are burnt out and dissappointed that we see so many people retiring and gone for good. This is not about piloting or aw season or aq, but about the decisions and handling methods you guys take... neglecting where your $ comes from. I am not saying those who are in the wrong should not be punished. Dont misunderstand. Mayb you guys are lacking marketing strategies for your spending base to keep them excited and have goal to continue.

    If you check every single alliance from gold1 to can immediately see the changes in members and alliances.

    As a game that is in its maturity life cycle or beyond...I would like to remind you that retaining your current playerbase should be your priority, not the other stuff...

    I hope for great changes for upcoming season and one that will encourage fair competition and create excitement to the battlerealm.
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    This game gives me a headache...very soon calling It a day
  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 270
    Buff 1 - Amped Up:
    - Female Champions you bring to this fight receive increased Class Bonus effects. Half of the Attack bonus is always applied. Specific tuning values will be revealed soon
    - Amped up affects the Attacker, so bringing in Female Champions will give your Attack team an offensive boost!
    Buff 2 - Bleed Immunity:
    - Bleed immunity affects Defenders
    - Bringing in Debuff heavy Champions will still be a viable option, but Champions that rely heavily on Bleed will not be as effective this Season.

    @Kabam Miike can you now share more information?
  • AshburnAshburn Member Posts: 270
    In light of the potential changes, who should I rank up? BW sig 99 to r5 or 5* unduped blade to r4?
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Ashburn wrote: »
    In light of the potential changes, who should I rank up? BW sig 99 to r5 or 5* unduped blade to r4?

    Blade 10000000%
  • Red_barronRed_barron Member Posts: 28
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Red_barron wrote: »
    So forget what’s been said and let’s look at the direction this is going, after this season coming bleed champs will be back in and maybe heavy hitters or power control champs are penalized, so we will be back to the same issue but even worse as we’ve spent remorse’s on female champs, to keep moving the goal posts at such short intervals will never give us time to rank up the champs we need so the only way will be use what we have and if your unlucky to have a nerfed champ that series then you will have to use items and pay to play.

    The idea is not to move the goal posts. The idea is to eliminate the goal posts. The notion that there is a goal line is the canonical symptom of the problem.

    That’s where the line is blurred, as a player we see a line every time kabam draw one and when we get near they draw another, they have a long term plan of the direction and ideas but we only see what’s there and this is what causes the problems, maybe if they were telling us now about changes to season 6 it would be less of a huge thing.
  • Red_barronRed_barron Member Posts: 28
    Hey All,

    I want to drop in and let you all know that you've given us A LOT of feedback, and we've made sure that the team is aware of your ideas and concerns. You've given us a lot to think about when we're choosing Rotating Buffs in the future, and even on how we're going to monitor the performance of the Buffs we're implementing this time.

    Like we said in our Blog Post, this is a stepping stone for us to move towards allowing Alliances the agency to choose a Global Buff that they feel best suits their Defense teams. It's both a testing ground and a preview. This isn't something that we're going to be able to implement overnight, or even by the end of the year, but it's something we're actively working on.

    Something that we've seen come up a few times is regarding the availability of Rank Up materials. We've been increasing the availability of rank up materials, like Tier 2 Alphas and T4CCs in modes like Alliance Quests, and even in Seasons rewards. We're not going to stop there, and are always moving forward in increasing rewards and access to resources across The Contest.

    When we said the intention of introducing Rotating Global Buffs was not to find a way to increase difficulty, we truly meant that . The goal is to ensure there is more variety in Alliance Wars, and that we can continually keep the mode fluid, and ever changing.

    We understand that this concept is a little scary, and we are going to monitor this change very closely, and use the data that we collect to continue to improve upon this moving forward, helping to make Alliance Wars a more engaging and lively mode. We also want to assure you that we will provide previews of large scale changes like this moving forward.

    Regarding the “intentions not to increase dificulty”
    You are nerfing bleed champs and buffing female champs ( some of which rely heavily on bleed ) so how many champs will suffer from a nerf and how many from a buff?
    I think you will find the odds are stacked heavily on the nerf side compaired to the buff side, so please explain this @Kabam Miike
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