2015 rank up gems [Merged Threads]



  • Edweezy_14Edweezy_14 Member Posts: 40
    Kabam, you talk about balance and a fair playing field but letting this go and not responding after eleven pages of outrage from the community shows otherwise. All we ask is you either reverse the exploit or allow everyone else the same level of resource.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »

    Tried to get a response from several of them on Twitter yesterday... A lot of silence. Pretty disappointing.

    Strange thing is we’re not asking for punishment. Kabam isn’t going to punish anyone for this, but everyone should get the same rewards for finishing the same content.

    The difference between 2015 champs and 2018 champs is staggering and kabam knows it, which is why they wanted to limit us to ranking old champs here.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Another alternative that Kabam can offer... give every player that didn’t use the rank up gem or complete Variant the same number of rank ups the top abuser used to rank up non-2015 champs. Those that ranked a non-2015 get a 2015 rank up gem of the same value that they exploited.

    If people exploited but only did 1 or 2 out of the 3... their punishment is not getting a rank up gem.
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    Kabam tripped over themselves on this one. Wouldn’t it make sense to convert those gems to normal r3-4 gems and push the 2015 restriction to the next permanent content? It saves face on their part and makes everyone pleased until the next hiccup?
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Rektor wrote: »

    Strange thing is we’re not asking for punishment. Kabam isn’t going to punish anyone for this, but everyone should get the same rewards for finishing the same content.

    The difference between 2015 champs and 2018 champs is staggering and kabam knows it, which is why they wanted to limit us to ranking old champs here.

    Self protection mode, engaged. Imo

    It speaks volumes tho. The community supports them in numerous ways, but they're mostly silent in situations like these.
  • CRE4TORCRE4TOR Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2018
    Not that my opinion counts or is even heard, but I’ll leave my 2 cents.

    I believe its unfair to allow these exploits and not correct them as you’ve done occasionally in the past. The ability to rank any top champ over champs that were available from 2015 is a huge advantage. Especially considering Kabam has nerfed many of those champions pre version 12. The more recent champions have greater abilities to counter the expanded content sence the inception of the game. The progress and abilities of newer champs out weights many of the previous champs capabilities. Players in the community have been temporarily banned for far less exploitable offenses and their actions have been reversed.

    Why is this any different?
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »

    Interesting thing is there are youtubers who haven’t even finished this yet that refuse to speak out about the rank ups even though they got screwed over too.

    It’s almost like an alliance is threatening to kick you out if you speak on YouTube about this because they want to keep their 2018 rank ups for defense.

    Dave and Prff made videos. Seatin most likely will. He streamed for like 8 hours yesterday. BG won't because he just doesn't care about anything.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Lack of consistency makes it hard for people to know how to play your game,

    Go to dinner and someone moves you in AQ/AW? Get suspended or even banned and 29 other people are impacted by war rating adjustments. And no one will ever know who caused it.

    Run a quest for rewards on each pass? Banned. Even if you didn't realize it was happening.

    Knowingly use an item in the wrong way? It's cool.

    Where is the consistency? There is none. And Kabam wonders why the forums are the way they are. They wonder why no one trusts them and challenges them on everything. This is a cultural issue that starts from the top down, and it's a culture of make money at all costs and hang the rest. Goodwill means nothing. Community means nothing once Comic-Con is over. Back to the usual do whatever is most profitable and the least effort.

    Did no one at Kabam even test using a single gem? How hard could that have been? Click it, make sure it's restricted. If not, fix it before launch,

    This release now, patch later nonsense on,y gets you in trouble.. especially when people spend hundred or thousands of real currencies to play, progress and support this game.

    It's just a shame, but for nearly 4 years it's been the same. Maybe we are the fools because we accept this over and over.
  • EndymioNEndymioN Member Posts: 64
    edited November 2018
    It is a shame, since this is the first game of this type where i actually spent money on, other then just buy the damn game... I actually went above the "normal" support of a game, but if the treatment of the general public is not the same as the "whales" then what is the point of supporting them anyways. Might as well go back to Path of Exile at least my wallet thanks me.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    chunkyb wrote: »

    Self protection mode, engaged. Imo

    It speaks volumes tho. The community supports them in numerous ways, but they're mostly silent in situations like these.


    Dave and Prff made videos. Seatin most likely will. He streamed for like 8 hours yesterday. BG won't because he just doesn't care about anything.

    Most likely doesn’t help anyone and there’s really no reason to delay anything. He’s not posting anything for the same reason others in his alliance refuse to.
  • D14rockD14rock Member Posts: 31
    ManTyme wrote: »
    80% of the people complaining about this issue don’t even have the capability to clear the content lmao

    But it is end game content... so even if they don't have the ability now, doesn't mean they won't have the ability later.. Would be different if it was monthly. Now, by the time they complete it, all of the 2015 champs will be even further behind all of the new demi-god tier champs, unless they are planning on improving all of the 2015s.
  • EndymioNEndymioN Member Posts: 64
    So ManTyme, i should allow exploits going on in the game i play just because i cant do that part of the content, that makes sense.
  • Archit_Tandon498Archit_Tandon498 Member Posts: 325 ★★
    Rektor wrote: »


    Most likely doesn’t help anyone and there’s really no reason to delay anything. He’s not posting anything for the same reason others in his alliance refuse to.

    You do know that @ContestOfNoobs is in Omni right? That's seatin's alliance mate and probably one of the most vocal about this issue?
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★

    You do know that @ContestOfNoobs is in Omni right? That's seatin's alliance mate and probably one of the most vocal about this issue?

    Yea, I’m aware. Odd to post in a forum thread so vocally yet refuse to address on YouTube.
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Have they even responded to this beyond their initial statement?

    In their defense, can you imagine the amount of work and time to reverse these? Then players freak out because they spent to do this. Now you are talking about refunds for units and/or money. The. They take all the content completion. This much work for the relatively few (compared to the entire MCoC population) who actually pulled this off is simply not worth it from a business standpoint.

    That being said. Kabam, you really screwed up and pissed people off more once again. You’re like a freshman in college who hasn’t ever left home. Get your **** together please.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    ManChild wrote: »
    Have they even responded to this beyond their initial statement?

    In their defense, can you imagine the amount of work and time to reverse these? Then players freak out because they spent to do this. Now you are talking about refunds for units and/or money. The. They take all the content completion. This much work for the relatively few (compared to the entire MCoC population) who actually pulled this off is simply not worth it from a business standpoint.

    That being said. Kabam, you really screwed up and pissed people off more once again. You’re like a freshman in college who hasn’t ever left home. Get your **** together please.

    Really don’t care about who spent to finish faster in order to get rank up gems that they knew were broken. 2015 rank up gems were announced and that’s what everyone knew they were supposed to get.

    Also don’t care how long it would take to reverse it, if that’s the route kabam wants to take.

    In the end, everyone should get the same rewards for doing the same content.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    KDTrippe wrote: »
    The fact that mods have been posting on other threads over the weekend but ignoring this one is disturbing

    Common occurrence on here during bad times.
    And a bad sign tbh
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  • UrrymonsterUrrymonster Member Posts: 69
    What about those players that finished it but didn’t use the rank up gems as they saw it was bugged. You know, in the spirit of the game they chose not to exploit it.

    Instead they must be shaking their heads in disbelief and only encourages players to take advantage of any loophole they find.

    Because now the precedent has been set, just try banning players for an exploit in the future and see what the community thinks.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    KDTrippe wrote: »
    The fact that mods have been posting on other threads over the weekend but ignoring this one is disturbing
    chunkyb wrote: »

    Common occurrence on here during bad times.
    And a bad sign tbh

    What can they say? Someone over their head literally just didn’t want to work this weekend and made the call.

    Nothing they can say until that person gets to the office tomorrow and decides if he still wants to punish paying customers for kabam’s mistake.
  • Rey305Rey305 Member Posts: 12
    Where are kabams mod at ? I wanna hear what they have to say after so many complains , ppl is not happy with this unfair treatment and they should fix it .
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