"We're going to continue to keep a close eye on all Mystic Champions" after MD changes
Hey @Kabam Miike , in August you said:
You then added:
So the question is... Did you watch Dormammu? Did you watch Juggernaut? What are the results after monitoring these champions for over 3 months? Still no RDT, no compensation, just a NERF???
"We're going to continue to keep a close eye on all Mystic Champions after this change, and Dormammu in particular, as this change goes out into the wild".
You then added:
"We have discussed the possibility of Rank Down Tickets, and have not decided for or against them. We're not going to give them out for this change independently of seeing how it actually affects these Champions. While we didn't see any significant/noticeable drops in performance in the Beta, we're going to keep an eye on this now that it will be out in the wild.
The threshold will always vary, and there is no "set" answer that we can give here. We always look at what the impact of the change will be, and examine our data on the topic. I can say that they are not for Meta Shifts. Those are things that will always happen, and are good for the game and need to continue to happen. Those are much more natural and something that we should always expect. This doesn't mean that you should always be wary of where/when you're spending your resources, but remember that what may be the top of the top right now, may not be in a few months or a year.
What we monitor will vary from situation to situation. For example, when looking at the effectiveness of Mystic Dispersion on a Defender, how often does it trigger? On a Defender in general, what is their win rate? How much HP do they end a fight with in comparison to how much they started with (Damage dealt vs Damage taken)? How long are their fights? For an attacker with Mystic Dispersion, how often are they able to make use of it? How often can they get their special attacks off? This is not a one size fits all solution. In an even more general sense, it will include usage rates, and which nodes they are placed on. For instance, are they being used more or less on a Boss Node or a Miniboss node? We have a lot of data collected on the effectiveness of these Champions in the old MD world, and will be comparing the two.
And we are definitely not just going to watch Dormammu! Juggernaut is one that you guys have mentioned, and we're going to make sure he's also very closely monitored. We're going to be watching all of our Mystic Champions in this new MD world!"
So the question is... Did you watch Dormammu? Did you watch Juggernaut? What are the results after monitoring these champions for over 3 months? Still no RDT, no compensation, just a NERF???
Was it needed to balance the class specific masteries. (Yes, couldn't agree more)
But y'all waited over 2 years to do it and many player ranked Juggy, Dorm, Mephisto, and many other mystics because of MD.
Over 2 years it was fine and boom change. This was major nerf and crippled the mystic class. Now y'all said you were going to watch it. Have you? Now I never have to worry about dying to over usage of dex , it's saved me tons of units.<----
Rank down tickets would be awesome but either way please just hold to your word, and don't fill us with junk.
The reason there probably aren't RDT's for Dormammu is because he's still an effective defender? He's just not oppressively effective as he used to be.
Not true, Juggs is easier than ever. Hold block or play keep away while he’s Unstoppable and nerfed dexterity makes him an easy fight. As for Dormammu my 4/55 sig 80+ hasn’t gotten a kill in tier 4 AW for months. Before the MD/dexterity nerf he averaged 2-3+ kills in tier 2 AW.
Don't bother please.
We need some confirmation on this from the game team.
Worked better. Definition of an enhancement. Their basic functionality doesn't depend on MD. It gave more Kills. That's why people used it with them. Tickets weren't needed because nothing was changed at all with the Champs themselves. Sure, people Ranked them for Defense. For years they used it because it was an overpowered mechanic. Now it's changed to be more manageable. Doesn't mean people are owed Tickets to switch to another overpowered strategy. If that's the case, then the Rewards earned with them should be turned in as well.
This. I don't want RDTs, Variant Difficulty content takes stacked rosters within every single champion class. I want people to stay true to their word.
By changing MD they changed these champs and their value in the game. That alone warrants a rank down ticket for each and every mystic champion owned and ranked.
The thread was started....clearly waiting for a response. Why stop by and add this meaningless dribble?
OP I hope you get a response because I too am eager to hear the refusal of RDT’s 😂
I'd caution speaking in these kinds of absolutes. Kabam already stated their stance, as shown in the OP of this thread:
"We have discussed the possibility of Rank Down Tickets, and have not decided for or against them. We're not going to give them out for this change independently of seeing how it actually affects these Champions. While we didn't see any significant/noticeable drops in performance in the Beta, we're going to keep an eye on this now that it will be out in the wild."
For all we know mystic defenders' effectiveness as AW defenders has not been significantly impacted on a large scale. Individual accounts including my own aren't enough to determine what is or is not warranted. That's what data is for.
My Mordo and Juggs received zero kills, even with this last season’s bleed immunity and a MD mastery of 4. I ranked these champs specifically for defense, now they nothing but bench warmers.
I understand that it sucks, as end game rank up materials csn still be tough to acquire. But I feel like at this point, still complaining for RDT's isn't going to get you anywhere. The best you can probably do at this point is hope they give out some RDT's for Christmas again this year, like they did last year
For me, this isn’t about complaining. This is about a game mechanic that was changed and in-turn reduced the functionality or value of the characters it was used with and players should be given the opportunity to rank down those champs in the interest of fairness. The only reason not to had our RDT’s is the short term effect of reducing sales of rank up materials.
It happened. It will happen again. You will be unhappy again. Just stop the crying.
So are you one of those people who are still crying about the AA changes also?
Or Drax changes?
Also maybe your guys arent getting kills because most people are still running the holy trinity in AW attack which shuts down your defenders?
I have a r5/65 magik and you dont here me crying
In fact, even if I well know RDT will not be granted for the MD changes (probably we'll get some for Christmas), what is important for me now is to have answers. I mean, they released a statement announcing a very close monitoring of those champions, and if you release a statement then go ahead and show us data, results, tell us something.
It would be awesome to read a "we were wrong about MD, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused". At least... It's nothing for us anyway, but still better than your silence.
You say arguably, yet the reality is mine got zero kills in an entire season. This was a massive downgrade for him.
I don't disagree that it was overpowered. Broken? Not really, it was "working as intended" according to all the information players had.
When I ranked my 5* Juggs to rank 4, Mystic Dispersion was not scheduled to be changed. My decision to utilize my scarce resource was based upon how the game was and had been. Had I known that MD would be altered later, I would've used my t2as somewhere else.
Overall, I think it was a good change, but I also think that certain heroes had their functionality significantly impaired by this. As there was no reason to expect this change, I do believe that those rare resources should be made recoverable if the players choose to do so. Seems fair IMO.