Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Class skill
    Medium attack, medium health, High critical rate, low critical damage

    Passive: Combat Master
    Taskmaster analyses his opponent's fight pattern and uses it against them. Apply a concussion on the opponent everytime he successfully baits a special attack. (Block or not get hit or evade) Concussion lasts for 6 seconds and stack infinitely.(80% ability accuracy reduction)

    Passive: Precision charge: Next attack is an assured critical hit.Except SP3 of course

    When attacked: 5% chance to evade all incoming attacks. Increases by 10% based on lost health. Gain a charge of precision for each full bar of power on a successful evade.(Dexterity counts too)

    Well timed blocks: Gain a charge of precision for each full bar of power.

    Special 1: 100% attack bleed over 4 seconds
    Special 2: True strike.100% attack rating Bleed
    Special 3: Paralyse for 4 seconds.Bleed 200% attack rating bleed.

    Signature Ability: Combat Genius

    As blows are traded Taskmaster understands and counters his opponents fighting style. For every hit in the combo meter, Taskmaster's critical damage increases by X% (Same % as star lord)

    Taskmaster's Sig. Ability works just like star lords. Instead of element gun, block proficiency and fury, he has bleed and concussion.
    Precision charge allows him strike as many crits as possible to maximize his Sig abilitiy's potential

  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    The concussion is applied if you bait the attack
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Also let the concussion be passive, He armour breaks bleed immune champs like Elektra does
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Class: Mutant

    High Crit Rate, Low Crit damage, Low Attack, Medium Health

    Passive: Sabretooth's healing factor allows him to shrug off damaging debuffs 40% faster
    Passive: Fury
    Sabretooth has a permanent Fury Buff which increases his attack rating by 10%. This Increases to 20% against skill champions and to 30% against bleed immune champions. If nullified it refreshes itself after 15 seconds.

    When the opponent activates a special And When activating a special:
    Regenarate Health based on which SP is activated
    4% at SP1
    8% at SP2
    12% at SP3
    Over 4 seconds
    ( Not based on Power)

    Critical Hit
    40% chance to bleed the opponent dealing 50% of sabretooth's attack over 5 seconds.
    Chance increses by 10% for every Instance of bleed on the opponent. Caps at 90%

    SP 1 : 40% chance for it to leave an open wound when any bleed applied during the attack bleed expires.(Like Punisher's)

    SP2 : 60% chance for it to leave an open wound when any bleed applied during the attack bleed expires.(Like Punisher's)

    SP 3 :Bleed dealing 100% of Sabretooth's attack over 10 seconds. 80% chance for it to leave an open wound when the bleed expires.

    Open Wounds stack.

    Signature Ability: Feral
    All attacks : Fixed 18% chance to Gain a Fury Buff for every Instance of bleed on the opponent.
    Fury Buffs last for 6 seconds and increase attack rating by 65%.

    Sabretooth's bleeds may seem weak but they last long, increasing his chance to inflict more bleeds.
    When Awakened his Fury Buffs Can Increase his Bleed Damage to insane levels.
    Against Bleed Immune Champions his fury helps him hit harder than usual.

  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    1.silver surfer,cosmic
    2.fantastic four , all cosmic
    3.domino , mutant
    5.appoclyipse, mutant
    6.nick fury,skill goblin, science
    9.jessica jones, skill
    10.emma frost, mutant

    If any of these turn into characters thanks heaps

    Jessica Jones ain't a skill but a science
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    TKal wrote: »
    1.silver surfer,cosmic
    2.fantastic four , all cosmic
    3.domino , mutant
    5.appoclyipse, mutant
    6.nick fury,skill goblin, science
    9.jessica jones, skill
    10.emma frost, mutant

    If any of these turn into characters thanks heaps

    Jessica Jones ain't a skill but a science, ans fantastic four would be mystic not cosmic i guess

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 5,826 ★★★★★
    I'd love to see this pair in the Contest.


    There is a series currently filming, set to air next year. My suggestions:


    Cloak is a Science champion with medium-level damage and resilience, and low critical rate and critical damage.

    Hunger - Cloak generates Hunger charges every ten seconds, to a maximum of three. Each charge increases his attack by 20%, but reduces his critical rate by 20% as well. If Cloak suffers any Power drain/burn or Life Steal effect, this also generates a Hunger charge. Any effective Life Steal effect by Cloak removes all of his Hunger charges.

    Passive: Energy attacks have a base 3% chance to be harmlessly absorbed into Cloak's dark dimension, increasing by 6% when blocking, and by 3% per Hunger charge. Cloak does not gain any power from energy attacks absorbed in this way, and absorbed attacks have -100% offensive ability accuracy.

    Passive: Cloak is a teleporter, and cannot be stuck when dodging back.

    Specials: Cloak's Special attacks suffer -20% attack and -20% ability accuracy against demonic or robotic characters.

    Special 1: (Whiplash attack) 80% chance to cause Weakness; causing -30% attack for 4 seconds.

    Special 2: (Multiple strikes from cloak) has 100% chance to inflict Weakness (-40% Attack for 6 seconds), and a 20% chance per Hunger charge to Power Drain and Life Steal: Drain 15% Power and steal 12% of Special damage per Hunger charge.

    Special 3: (A trip through Cloaks dark dimension) 100% chance this causes Weakness (-50%/10 seconds) and Dazes the opponent (-70% ability accuracy for 20 seconds) and has a 30% chance per Hunger charge to Power Drain and Life Steal: Drain 25% Power and steal 20% of Special damage per Hunger charge.

    Signature Ability: Cloak gains the ability to steal up to 60% of any Power he drains, with a chance of 30% per Hunger charge. Additionally, his chance to harmlessly absorb energy increases by half.


    Dagger is a Science champion with Medium damage and critical rate/damage; but low resilience

    Passive: Dagger's light energy makes her immune to poison, and grants 60% resistance to degeneration.

    Light daggers cause Energy damage.
    Light daggers track their opponent and so are not subject to evasion or dexterity.
    Light daggers gain +20% attack and Ability Accuracy against any demonic characters (currently Hood, Dormammu, Ghost Rider).
    Light daggers have -40% attack and -40% ability accuracy against robotic characters.

    Light daggers : Each light dagger will Nullify up to one Fury buff, and remove one Hunger or Pacifism charges (as both are a kind of stored-up Fury).

    Heavy attacks: One light dagger, 40% chance to inflict concussion for 4s (-80% ability accuracy).

    Special 1: One light dagger, 60% chance to Stun for 2.5s.

    Special 2: Three light daggers. 70% chance to Nullify any 'Rage' effect* and any Poison effects in her opponent (for 8s if permanent). 65% chance to Stun opponents for 3s.

    Special 3: Five light daggers. 80% chance to Nullify any 'Rage' effect* and any Poison effects in her opponent (nullifying either for 12s if permanent). 80% chance to Stun opponent for 4s.

    *Dagger's ability to Nullify 'Rage' applies to the passive/signature abilities of Hulk, Joe Fixit, Agent Venom and Venompool. Less helpfully, her light blasts can sometimes remove the negative impact of poisons such as Liquid Courage from her opponents.

    Signature Ability: Dagger's surges of light energy additionally have up to a 70% chance to inflict a Power Burn for 5% power per strike. If a Power Burn occurs alongside a Stun or concussion effect, the duration increases by 50%.

    Synergies (both same):
    Unique: Cloak's Hunger causes him only -10% critical rate per charge.
    Unique: Dagger receives +8% Power Gain.
    They both also have 'friend' synergies with Spider-Man, and Classic Daredevil; and 'enemy' with Iron Patriot.

    Unique Battle effects:
    If they cross paths in Battlerealm, Dagger is immune to Cloak's Weakness effect, and suffers 25% less damage from his special attacks. Cloak is immune to Dagger's Power Burn effect, and suffers 25% less damage from her light daggers, although they do sate his Hunger.
  • FR3SH22FR3SH22 Member Posts: 6
    You guys should add Stan Lee. His weapon could be pencil and then he draws a machine gun or a sword for his specials. He could be the marvel version of green lantern.
  • PhoenixKingPhoenixKing Member Posts: 76
    I really want to see Wiccan in the contest of champions. That would make the game so cool I seriously won't stop playing.
  • DavidHokeDavidHoke Member Posts: 22
    Cavalier wrote: »
    DavidHoke wrote: »
    Wishlist Update:

    SKILL: Black Cat, Blade, Boomerang, Bullseye, Corsair, Ka-Zar, Misty Knight, Nick Fury (two versions: 1 based on original comic book appearance & 1 based on MCU), Night Thrasher, Paladin, Rawhide Kid, Shang-Chi, Shanna the She-Devil, Shatterstar, Silver Sable, Viper, Wong

    I would think Blade would be Mystic being a vampire, but I can go with Skill.
    Shatterstar on the other hand I have to disagree with you. His mother is Dazzler a Mutant, and he is from the Mojo Universe/Dimension. So I would class him as Mutant or Cosmic.

    Blade is half-vampire, but as I've stated one's class should be how they fight. Blade rarely relies on vampiric abilities but on the martial arts he studied.

    As for Shatterstar, he has a very complex history and whether or not he's actually a mutant is highly debatable although I would agree he is but, like Namor, only half human-mutant and half whatever the hell Longshot is. We were led to believe that Dazzler and Longshot were his parents but Dazzler lost her child and it was never explained. However, the explanation we did get was that Shatterstar and Longshot are technically both the father of the other due to a time paradox. The Dazzler/Longshot conceiving Shatterstar story turned out to be true although we still never got an explanation for how he came to be when she never gave birth to him (or at least has no recollection of doing so) but rather he just appeared in the Mojoverse and was trained as a gladiatorial warrior that would eventually cross over to the mainstream universe. His genetic information was taken by Arize in the Mojoverse and used as the template for creating Longshot. This means that despite being Longshot's son Shatterstar is also technically his father... I don't know what the hell they were thinking when they came up with this especially considering the 'Benjamin Russell' storyline during 90's X-Force. Anyway, he never actually displayed any type of mutant powers until years later in X-Factor. His other superhuman abilities were stated to be due to being enhanced in the Mojoverse and through severe training in the ring. This is why I would class him as skill over mutant as his fighting prowess and swordsmanship are his main attributes. I don't know how you think the Mojoverse has anything to do with the Cosmic class. They aren't aliens but rather just a different race from an alternate dimension. Many of its inhabitants are actually human and Arize created Longshot to fight for the human rebellion. Because Longshot was created in a lab that's why I had him classed as science and many of the other inhabitants of the Mojoverse are actually people enhanced through scientific means or created by such.
  • DavidHokeDavidHoke Member Posts: 22
    Stonewall wrote: »
    I want the fantastic four, more specifically the Thing (who has been my favorite since childhood).This game has been out for years and still has no mention of them or doctor doom. I think it's pretty sad to disappoint many fans by leaving out such a longtime marvel mainstay. It just doesn't seem right them not being here.
    Other than them I feel that this game is really lacking in villains. I would like to see

    Red Skull
    a Playable Sentinal

    Please get over petty rights disputes and satisfy fans.

    This has nothing to do with disputes as FOX doesn't own the rights to the X-Men and FF for anything other than the movies. This is why we have the X-Men in-game. The reason FF haven't appeared is because Marvel hasn't wanted them to. They probably wouldn't have included the X-Men either if they weren't as profitable. The X-Men films still make a ton of money and have many more projects upcoming in the future and they are also still one of the top selling Marvel comics. The same cannot be said for the FF so Marvel sees no reason to give them further publicity in-game. After all, Marvel Future Fight lacked both the X-Men and FF until recently when the X-Men were introduced. They're too popular that leaving them out would be a financial mistake for Marvel. The same doesn't ring true for the FF, unfortunately because I'd really like to have Doom in the game.
  • The_SQThe_SQ Member Posts: 2
  • GgdudeGgdude Member Posts: 12
    O Noooo there is a lot to read I'm lazy I don't want to read all of this
  • MarKiller001MarKiller001 Member Posts: 3
    Hey, how about Setry, or the Purple man, Dr. Doom, the Fantastic Four or Daredevil (Shadowland)?
  • MarKiller001MarKiller001 Member Posts: 3
    Or the Blob?
  • MarKiller001MarKiller001 Member Posts: 3
    Or Doctor Octopus?
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    Ok guys this is what I predict

    Spot after black widow:Blade/Bullseye/Blackheart
    Spot After Ghost rider:Gladiator Hulk
    Spot after Hawkeye:Hela/Heimdall
    Spot after king groot:Kingpin/Kraven the hunter
    Spot after magneto:Medusa
    Spot before kamala:Mephisto
    Spot after ms marvel:Mister Sinister/Misty Night/Mockingbird
    Spot after Mordo:Mysterio,Namor
    These are my guesses so don't kill me If I missed anything
  • SymbioticGusSymbioticGus Member Posts: 15
    Bender wrote: »

    We know Carnage and Punisher 2099 are coming so that means there are 12 left to come for this year.

    Well, it's alphabetical. There's a spot after all the Spider-Man characters, so that'll be the Homecoming version, or 2099 if we're lucky, but I doubt it. Then, in the bottom row, it lines up perfectly with Vulture. Carnage and Punisher 2099 fill some spots. Then, right after Captain Marvel, there's a gap. Captain Britain? A spot before Moon Knight, so I'd guess MODOK. There's two G guys, and I'd say one is probably Green Goblin. There's an L left, which I'd guess is Lizard, since Kabam continues to adore Spidey. A D is up there, so we might finally see Destroyer. No Fantastic Four, sadly, because Invisible Woman isn't able to fit in, same with Thing. The M spots look like Mephisto (YES!), Mr. Sinister, and Mysterio (YES AGAIN!) for 3 of the 4. Anyway, there it is from what I can see.

    For the H it could be Hobgoblin, I'm hoping we get shocker or scorpion soon
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    Selene(Mutant and Mystic)
    Morgan Le Fay(Mystic)
    Emma Frost(Mutant)
    Lady Deathstrike(Mutant and Tech)
    Black Cat(Skill)
    Typhoid Mary(Skill)
    These are some of the women characters
  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    Guys I'd be ecstatic if the (Marvel Dr Strange 2016 edition) Ancient One came into the Contest!

    1 - She projects her target into astral form power locking and degenerating her defenceless opponent.

    2 - She draws power from tangential dimensions to grant herself invisibility and regen .

    3 - Ancient One manipulates reality to, using the sling ring, teleport Shumagorath and Dormammu into the battlefield to tear apart the opponent. (Weakness, Degenerate, 10% power drain)

    Sig - AO draws power from the dark dimension giving a 10- 60% chance to gain 40 % health on what would be the killing blow. The chance increases based on the amount of power the Ancient one has at the time of death.

    Passive - Charging for 2 seconds splits AO into her astral form gaining invulnerable for 4 secs. Cool down 12 secs

    Heavy Attacks
    These have a 20% chance to fear the opponent preventing them from using heavy attacks

    Teacher: Dr. Strange, Mordo
    Nemesis: Dormammu

    !Animation notes!
    She attacks with her tao Mandalas (basic)
    She teleports the fist of Dormammu for her heavy attacks using a sling ring
    She blocks similarly to Mordo and Dormammu.

    This would be insaaanely cool

  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    Other ideas which I completely agreed with were Pyro , Emma Frost and Hela.
  • FugitorFugitor Member Posts: 46
    But I think the best idea is Thanos' Black Order: Corvus Glaive, Supergiant, Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    I know we have plenty of new tech champs but I would love to see bleeding edge. It would give the crappy stark tech family ( excluding stark enhanced spidy who is awesome) some love and justify iron man's place in the game.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    How about an updated Thor and Hulk with Ragnarok coming out!

    You can make the new Thor all shock damage. Increased damage based on shock charges. Specials can just increase the amount of shock charges or they can wipe them out for big damage or an effect! Awakened can increase the chance for a shock charge or the amount of damage you can do to a shocked opponent.

    Updated Hulk should have a permanent fury buff to go in-line with the fact that he never calms down from being sent to another planet (read world war hulk comic series, sooooo good). World War Hulk also has a chance (or maybe 100%) to shrug off a debuff at the cost of a fury charge. Specials can increase fury charges. Awakened ability could increase potency of fury.
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Iron Man (Bleeding Edge)
    Class tech

    Passive : Experience Charges
    Stark works in tandem with his AI, analysing his opponent's fight patterns and retaliating accordingly.
    Last 12 seconds.Gain upto 9

    Critical Hits (Landing and recieving)
    Gain 1 experience charge

    Passive : Critical Resistance Armour
    Provide 3% critical resistance per armour effect active. Gain upto 9. Last 6 seconds
    (First one gives +3% , second gives +6% ,third one gives +9% and so on. Effectively +135% with 9)

    When Attacked
    21% chance to gain one Critical Resistance Armour per Experience Charge active. Chance is reduced by 15% for 6 seconds if stunned or struck by a heavy attack.(Like AI reboot in SE spidy)

    Passive : Offense charge
    The bleeding edge armour reveals its might, increasing attack by 5% per active charge. Gain upto 9. Last 6 seconds.
    (First one gives +5% , second gives +10% ,third one gives +15% and so on. Effectively +225% with 9)

    When Attacking
    21% chance to gain one offense charge per experience charge active.
    Chance is reduced by 15% for 10 seconds if stunned or struck by a heavy attack.(Like AI reboot in SE spidy)

    Special Attacks and Heavy attacks: Taser (50% chance, flat 5% increase in chance per experience charge active)
    Consumes 1 experience charge
    SP1 Drain 30% of the opponent's max power and shock them for 60% of your damage.
    SP2 Drain 60% of the opponent's max power and shock them for 80% of your damage.
    SP3 Drain 90% of the opponent's max power and shock them for 100% of your damage.
    Heavy attacks : Drain 30% of the opponent's max power and shock them for 60% of your damage.

    Signature Ability : Stark Tech(99)

    Passive : Armour Break Charge
    Apply an armour break on the opponent, reducing enemy armour by 5% per active charge. Gain upto 9. Last 6 seconds.
    (First one gives -5% , second gives -10% ,third one gives -15% and so on. Effectively -225% with 9)

    When attacking
    21% chance to apply one armour break charge per experience charge active.
    Chance is reduced by 20% for 15 seconds if stunned or struck by a heavy attck ( Like AI reboot in SE spidy)

    Passive : Regenerative Armour
    Passively regenerate 2% of any damage received per effect active. Gain upto 9. Last 6 seconds
    (First one gives +2% , second gives +4% ,third one gives +8% and so on. Effectively +90% with 9)

    When Attacked
    21% chance to gain one Regenerative Armour per Experience Charge active. Chance is reduced by 20% for 15 seconds if stunned or struck by a heavy attack.(Like AI reboot in SE spidy)

    Low base attack, Low base health, High base armour (25%?), Medium crit rate, Low critical damage.


    Recommended masteries
    Precision: helps gain experience charges
    Recovery: at max increases his Sig abilitiy's regeneration to 103.5% !!!
    He regenerates more than the damage he takes!

    His strengths are power control and his taser while attacking. After I did the calculations his attack at best should be a little higher than Gwenpool's after her armour break on her SP3.

    His armour breaks allow him to deal massive damage with his shocks.

    While defending, he is an absolute tank as long as he isn't stunned or struck by a heavy attack.
    His armours are not the usual, they reduce critical damage and allow him to regenerate.

    Thank you for reading
    Please please do comment!

  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    As the movie Thor Ragnarok is going to release please add characters like enchantress, hela and valkyiri. And addition to that these are female characters also.
  • HyperduckzHyperduckz Member Posts: 24
    Dr doom, quicksilver, Nick fury, and agent coulson
  • TimETimE Member Posts: 28
    Jessica Jones, Dazzler, Sunspot, Polaris, Wolfsbane, Secret Empire Captain America, Red Skull, Enchantress, Kitty Pride, Molecule Man, Wasp to name a few. Lots of women out there but the majority are Mutants.
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2017
    Mr. Fantastic
    Class: Science/Cosmic

    When attacked: glancing
    Incoming attacks have a 15% chance to glance. (-50 damage, -100 offensive ability accuracy)+30% chance based on lost health

    Incoming special attacks: Chance to glance is doubled.

    All attacks: + 20% block penetration. + 30% chance based on current power.

    Special attacks : block penetration is doubled

    Special attacks : 50% to deal double damage

    Heavy attacks: + 100% attack rating

    Incoming heavy attacks: upto 100% to absorb based on lost heath

    Sig abilitiy

    For each special attack activated gain + 15% block penetration
    Upto max -200%

    For each second you hold block gain +15% block proficiency
    Upto max 95%

    Mr.Fantastic can ignore his opponent's block proficiency to the extent that it becomes negative. Meaning he deals more damage when the opponent blocks!!

    Awesome synergies with rest of the 4

  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Invisible woman
    Class :science/cosmic

    Passive: Force field charge
    Force field charge prevents her from losing more than 5% of her health from a single source.
    Start the fight with 1 force field charge of the opponent has more health than you.

    Passive: Invisible Mode

    Susan Storm becomes invisible. All incoming attacks have a 70% chance to miss. This chance is halved against projectiles. Lasts 8 seconds

    Suffer -20% attack rating during invisible mode.
    Gain +40% critical hit rate during invisibility

    Passive: Telekinesis mode

    Susan storm focuses on offensive telekinetic attacks granting +40% attack rating. Lasts 8 seconds

    Suffer -20% critical hit rate during telekinesis mode
    Gain +40% critical damage during telekinesis mode

    While blocking: Gain +15% perfect block chance for every second you hold block.

    While charging heavy: Damage of the heavy increases by 45% every second it is charged.

    Susan storm switches from invisible mode to telekinesis mode and vice versa by idling for 1 second.( The way SE spidy refreshes taunt)

    Sig ability: force fields

    Every 10 seconds she has a 90% chance to generate a force field charge and 15% power over 3 seconds. If interupted she doesn't gain the charge but still gains the power.
    Only one charge is consumed at a time.

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