Recent Ghost phasing intercept bug?



  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28
    Mike12867 said:

    Try this guys:

    1. Start fight - Phase 3 misses retaliate
    2. Phase - 1 miss retaliate
    3. Phase - 2 miss retaliate
    4. Phase - Dont miss but parry and retaliate

    Try to get the AI scrambled and see if that changes things. I will be practicing this and putting out a vid soon. This is the reason why in my guide I mentioned mixup between 4-hit phase / 2-hit phase etc. to keep the AI scrambled

    Thanks for the suggestion. But one of the video my shows at 2. Phase - 1 retaliate = parry
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★

    I’ve another video proving that even after only one miss will also be blocked and parried. So my question to kabam is how do we ghost players counter after these changes to AI? One miss, two miss or three? There must be a logic to it so that we can train for it, not randomly the AI can do what they like and we are helpless against it. So we are in a fight or luck now rather than skills?
    Please answer this @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★

    Thanks for the suggestion. But one of the video my shows at 2. Phase - 1 retaliate = parry
    YEa i saw that. I think we need to scramble the AI. They might have changed the coding where 'if attack dealt no damage, parry/dex' So maybe we might need to start off with parry. Ill do some testing and see how to get around it
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Skynet 1, Ghost 0
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28
    Mike12867 said:

    YEa i saw that. I think we need to scramble the AI. They might have changed the coding where 'if attack dealt no damage, parry/dex' So maybe we might need to start off with parry. Ill do some testing and see how to get around it
    Thks bro, hopefully there’s a way around it if not it becomes a game of luck and not skill. But ghost doing parry after phasing sounds too stupid. Lol
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★

    Thks bro, hopefully there’s a way around it if not it becomes a game of luck and not skill. But ghost doing parry after phasing sounds too stupid. Lol
    I know but it might just be some bug or weird AI interaction. If you start with parry, AI might think this is normal champion and not Ghost so yea that could help. I will test and see what works. But for the most part, we need to shuffle everything
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    There has defiantly been an AI change, have noticed in AQ with the sentinels as well, VERY defensive now. Have noticed timing issues with ghost also and some issues with specials being blocked or parried when the AI has no right to. Wouldn’t mind some clarification from the mods on this
  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    edited March 2019
    I've got the same "issue" too. It looks like they have extraordinary reflexes and often they can make Ghost's Life very hard. I'm making a video with all those strange meccanica where the AI is too advanced imo. I'm scared of war... How Can I play with that? I will got parried for sure. @Kabam Miike please give us some news about it, now Ghost is unplayable and it's very very frustrating.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Ive not noticed this using Ghost.

    I have, however, noticed an AI change. IMIW is seemingly more annoying then before. I hadnt died to him in war in ages, didnt think twice when he popped up. All of a sudden he wont bait specials or heavies and I get wrecked.

    Also noticed Medusa AI has changed. She seems to bait L1 much easier now, Ive actually found her easier as war boss since the AI updated .

    We will simply have to adapt n git gud with this change.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★

    I notice that nick fury hit me while phasing

    yes. he can do that.
  • NilpoNilpo Member Posts: 19
    I've also noticed a change in how she plays. Her timings are all off now.
  • Night_OwlNight_Owl Member, Content Creators Posts: 72 Content Creator
    Pretty sure that something has changed the interaction when phasing. It’s a silent nerf I guess.
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I feel that the AI behaviour has changed overall
  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    I got the same Problems..
  • БарысБарыс Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2019
    Mine too...😭😭😭😭😭Ghost isn't Ghost anymore, she is a regular girl now!!!
  • SilentKissSilentKiss Member Posts: 138
    I have noticed now that the ai is dashing back more and waiting til phasing is over. Not a big deal because of intercepting. I do not think they will call this a Nerf as much as a change in AI behavior. But it seems to mainly target Ghost. Kabam made these champs and are trying to kill their power. Cg loses too sinister and havok. AI behavior change hurts Ghost. Rewriting of Domino(which I prefer her this way with taunt). My guess is Omega will be next.
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  • DioniusDionius Member Posts: 21
    Mike12867 said:

    Try this guys:

    1. Start fight - Phase 3 misses retaliate
    2. Phase - 1 miss retaliate
    3. Phase - 2 miss retaliate
    4. Phase - Dont miss but parry and retaliate

    Try to get the AI scrambled and see if that changes things. I will be practicing this and putting out a vid soon. This is the reason why in my guide I mentioned mixup between 4-hit phase / 2-hit phase etc. to keep the AI scrambled

    I use ghost a lot. Especially love her for stun immune. Depending on phase timer and when defender attacks, I’ve always been able to allow the defender to swing and miss 1-2 times and retaliate consistently. Now after 2 misses I’m getting parried/blocked more consistently than being able to land a hit. So parrying isn’t an option in these fights which was a major utility role she filled if you’re not a consistent interceptor.
  • Davis66Davis66 Member Posts: 3
    Since their are over 140 champions i dont have her yet so can kabam send me a free duped 5* one and take back that awful 2* man hating capitan marvel i didnt need thanks your in Christ- glass joe
  • edited March 2019
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  • QueqqueeQueqquee Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2019
    Yes the AI is certainly meddled with. It gets extremely obvious when playing uncollected eq and the AI either dex back or blocks very much quicker.

    A regular mcoc player without ghost may not notice the bug but you cannot lie to a seasoned ghost user.

    Put it this way, the AI in any game can be quick and difficult but to tweak them to way beyond human reflexes is simply too much.
  • eGurumieGurumi Member Posts: 6
    I have been experiencing this as well - the opponent managing to dash back or block after I phase intercept them. They can say they didn’t do anything to Ghost, so it wasn’t her nerf, but it’s BS - she can’t be played as she could be played before and on which premise they were making money enticing people to spend units or cash to buy crystals and offers with shards, etc. and then use precious rank up materials on this champion because of what she supposedly could do. It definitely warrants a rank down ticket because I wouldn’t have taken her to R5 if I knew this was coming just around the corner.

    In general, it seems it’s Kabam’s approach. Somewhat wing it when releasing new champs, and then 3 or 4 months later try to bring them to the average - once the whales have ripped all the benefits, and once the average players can finally get their hands on the champion.
  • CΛSTLECΛSTLE Member Posts: 3
    I also noticed this during the new EQ, the AI is blocking or swiping back almost instantly when I try to intercept one of their misses. Hopefully it’s just a bug that gets rectified ASAP
  • Mac_Mac_ Member Posts: 23
    I thought I’m going crazy with this new update ! When the opponent hits twice into you while in phased state , if you try and intercept as per normal they either very quick to parry or dash back. There is definitely a change in the ai and definitely affects ghost .
  • smonicesmonice Member Posts: 10
    It seems to only be an issue in the EQ. I have tested ROL and LOL and Ghost is working as usual.
  • Huskers327Huskers327 Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2019
    I have ghost at 5* R4 and have experienced the same timing issues since updating to 22.0 on iOS. I use ghost for map 6 aq and enemies evading out after one or 2 hits has cost me several revives and potions today since the update.
  • PFunkPFunk Member Posts: 111
    I’ve noticed this as well, and just thought it was me... I’ve also noticed the AI dashing back on the intercept causing it to miss a lot more. Personally I haven’t been parried by it yet though. Also another potential issue I found was against Korg. At the start of the fight when you intercept with lights and try and do 4 lights to start removing his stacks, then try and dash back ghost won’t move. I came across this in aq yesterday, and did some dueling and it happened every time. I used to be able to get 4 lights in, then immediately dash back to phase(using right hand to dash back) and the input never registered a single time, so ghost just stood there taking a fun and interactive rock fisting to the face...
  • mfleurymfleury Member Posts: 100
    As a 5/65 ghost player, I felt the difference as well. Seems like before the AI considered the miss hit as they were actually hitting ghost and the kept going. Now, after 1 or 2 missed hits they just dash back or block.

    Ghost used to be a high skill and high reward champ but now it seems like they want to play her as any other champ, just perrying or intercepting.
  • InsaneocrabInsaneocrab Member Posts: 8
    I noticed the exact same thing too. I got wrecked in aq yesterday. At the start of the fight the defender would go in and attack once and then stand there. If I decided to attack, I would get intercepted or they would dex and then attack.
  • CsuttonCsutton Member Posts: 231 ★★
    It is without a doubt that Ghost mechanics have changed with respect to:
    1. Phase intercept timing and opponent being able to throw up block whole mid combo.
    2. How opponents attack into you, even tho you aren’t blocking or anything. Just phased and they won’t attack or only throw 1 attack delay and throw another- not as a combo - never seen before.
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