Kyllak11 ★
If you look in game you will see captain marvel and captain marvel classic or labeled differently same way with scarlet witch(sigil) and OG design scarlet witch
Sounds like a deathless champion to me
He is bugged currently
And prof X
He is bugged against Emma frost as he still gets reverse control @"Kabam Miike" @kabam
He has always still damaged those that were immune
So was it gross when Stan Lee got a title that just came out of nowhere???
If you remember correctly black panther cw is chadwhick and kabam even acknowledged this
Can we send a ticket to get crystal back
<blockquote class="Quote" can we send a ticket if we open already
Most ppl have hence why we asking these questions
Send the word here
@"Kabam Lyra"
lol they can take my champion back and give me a crystal
Yeah just did the same with my mystic crystal
Lol this happens to me a lot
Seems like a great time for those coming soon masteries and masteries 2.0
I will come back and give my results…I did a Legend run this month for the first time and started our with Corvus, herc, hitmonkey, and hulk…did a 3hr48min run…started using Corvus, bud switched to herc cause his damage was still good when hitting into the block or just a parry heavy
A bunch of Debbie Downers each champion has its use damage isn’t everything if you learn a champion kit and stop whinnying all the time you will learn to appreciate a champion for their unique abilities and skill sets, no not every champion has to come out broken or super op or would y’all like another 12.0 situation
They don’t care we might as well keep pushing
Not even a team is aware of this issue message so it most definitely doesn’t seem to be a issue
I’ve just given up on getting clarification on the issue honestly
Guess sending a help ticket wouldn’t matter either
I’m assuming kabam isn’t really caring about this issue unless we were spending money cause all the other threads have been combined in some type of way
Can we get an answer about the summoners that joined a alliance over two weeks ago but have a timer on this event that is preventing them from getting alliance based milestone rewards?
Can you check out the comment I’ve asked about
But I’ve been in my alliance for almost three weeks now so I’m just wondering if this is a visual bug or something cause I don’t wanna go all out and not be able to claim a single reward
Hi Cat follow all your content