Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,104 ★★★★★
    Therein lies the problem with having a reasonable discussion on the subject. People don't like the answer, they ignore the response. LOL. SMH
  • DjmagsDjmags Member Posts: 115
    Kabam I was looking forward to ranking my 4 star doctor Vodoo to rank 5. Now you have announced that 4 stars can’t play ACt 6, exactly what is the point? I only have 10 rank 5/50 4 stars and wanted to rank up at least 5 more, but please tell my why I would do this now?
  • StrStr Member Posts: 547 ★★
    I was very disappointed by the lack of 4*s in this. Its another barrier. I feel all the years i have spent playing and buying into my 4* roster are effectively worthless. Then get told act 4 now takes less energy and will get better rewards... but as i have done it ages ago i wont qualify. Then get a 4* rank up offer.

    I applaud most of the new nodes, healthpool sizes and aim to challenge players but having a 4* ban on content really frustrates me. My blade is effectively useless on a lot of fights as i lack 5* synergy team. If you are doing this kabam at least bring back the old style featured crystal with a 1/5 chance of a champ pull.

    Still havent seen a satisfactory response to this issue.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,321 ★★★★★
    If everything could be beat with 4*s then what is the point of having 5 and 6 or even higher star champs?
  • plpkokplpkok Member Posts: 152
    The content has been released. I highly doubt at this point they will reverse the decision on 4 stars. Personally I couldn't care less as I, against the opinions of the vast majority of the community sold and still will sell 4 star champs and do not have any past rank 1. Everyone has choices they can make on the matter, you can continue to play as you have, be it F2P or P2P, or no longer play. It is what it is, move on or move out.
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    The idea that only whales benefit from this crystal is insane. It is the BEST unit value in the game. I grind about 1k units a week from arena. Every unit i get goes to cavaliers until further notice.

    If you made your goal of completing act 6 with a new account and 4* were allowed, it could take 4 months? And then the people complaining about RNG would really have something to complain about when a sub 6 month account got lucky and has more 6* then them.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    Str said:

    Still havent seen a satisfactory response to this issue.

    And you're not going to. For many players, such a thing doesn't exist. If I was going to implement a gate like this, it would probably be for reasons similar to the ones Kabam specified, and there would be no other reason I could give, so anyone who disagreed with them would be someone for whom it would be impossible to give a satisfactory explanation

    The fact that many people keep saying that they don't just disagree with the reasons, but that they are so incomprehensible that Kabam must be lying about them only tells me that there exist people for whom no explanation would be satisfactory. That goes beyond simply disliking or disagreeing with the gate, and enters the realm of no discussion being meaningful.

    People keep comparing this situation to 12.0. I remember 12.0. I remember people flagging my posts and calling me naive for repeatedly trying to explain to players what challenge rating was actually doing in the game, and trying to convince people that challenge rating was just a number in the DR equation, that it wasn't breaking parry nor could it, that it wasn't causing criticals to break (that was crit resistance), that it didn't make 3* and 4* champs completely worthless to use, and everything else that was being blamed on it. I have a feeling this will be something like that. No one is really going to change their minds publicly, but eventually, and it will take a lot of time, people will simply stop talking about it, and after an even longer period of time people will wonder why anyone was so animated about it.

    I had to think long and hard about posting even this, because I think the best statement I can make about this topic now is to mostly check out of it.
  • plpkokplpkok Member Posts: 152
    @DNA3000 exactly. It is no different than trying to explain to people how war rating works when they insist the size of an alliance's avg member rating should matter. Matter of fact those are probably the same people upset about the 4 star ban.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    MikeHock said:

    I can give real examples of how 4* restrictions will cause me to suffer, since the node list has been published on reddit:
    -Biohazard, Safeguard gwenpool. My 4* iceman would melt her, but now I gotta resort to using a r2 5* nebula, my only double immune 5* (yes I know this is possible with a bleed immune but I don’t wanna throw units at it with no retreat and safeguard up)
    - Aggression Regeneration Omega red- usually my 4* vision would have this no problem, as spores stack up on him slowly. No retreat means I can’t completely avoid spore damage, so I will be throwing units at this one.
    - Tenacity killmonger- this killmonger has a 70% chance to shrug debuffs, and when he does, he regens 4% health. However, this only works when his armour is active, and this would be no problem to deal with if not for no retreat. So I gotta use my 4* medusa right? Nope.

    Other examples where I luckily have the specific counter:
    -evading moon knight, I have a 5*r4 archangel
    -fire of hades Mephisto, I have a 5*r4 quake
    - sabertooth boss, again I have archangel, but anyone without a good high level heal block champ as a 5* will struggle

    This is why people are complaining about the lack of 4*s. Im sure there are other examples I missed, and a lot of people will have to spend a lot more units or grind a lot more arena/buy fgmcs to get past these fights, when a 4* could have just been used. And this list is just 6.1.1, forget the rest of the chapter (I’m looking at those ultron and sentinel bosses that 4* Medusa probably could of shut down).

    Here is the thing about your post, while you have a 4* counter for each of these that are “God Tier” and more preferred, there are tons of other champs that could counter every one of the champs you listed.

    One thing is you only have Nebula at R2, that was your choice to keep her at R2. While Kabam did not give advance warning of the 4* restriction, it was obvious with the release of 6* that 4*’s were the new 3*’s. You relied on 4*’s due to personal choice, as it didn’t require arena grinding for 5* shards.

    There are many like me that spent the last year bringing 5*’s and focused on ranking 5*’s. The writing was on the wall that 4* days were numbered in AW and for the game. My only concerns are the 6* gates. They have not been out long enough to even consider a gate of that magnitude.

    I already finished completion of 6.1 (not exploration) with my 5* roster of Blade, Spark, Magik, Omega Red and Corvus. In fact, Corvus was my main character despite not being a great counter for most of the nodes. The only issue I will have is not being able to 100% with my current roster. So, I will have to wait.

    Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient. They want to clear everything the day it is released. Like LOL and Variant, not everything is meant to be cleared immediately. Kabam has been stating that. Sure, you can still attempt it, but it will cost you money. That is a personal choice. Most people have enough champs to do 1 run of chapter 1. 100% will take a very diverse roster. Now you know to focus on 5* ranking (which you should have been for the past year).

    You simply were ranking on current content and not paying attention to how the game was expanding. Kabam hinted at gates and * restriction with Gwenpool Goes to the Movie. It was 100% unexpected that eventually they may do this. They want to slow down progression instead of 20-30% of the player base completing content within days and demanding more while complaining they are bored. Now they have something to challenge them and to build towards.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Oh really? What a ridiculous blanket statement. I am not going to pretend to speak for others , but I just want to use the heroes I’ve earned.
    You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement... And you are not guaranteed to use any specific champ on all content. If the restriction was on existing content your moaning would be more valid. People complained on restrictions on 5* arenas when they first released.

    This is new content with a new focus. It is intended (like Variant) to use other champs outside of your coveted “god tier” or wait until you have said champs. Don’t blame me because your are either impatient or unskilled to use other champs that are less coveted but can do the job.

    Most of the global nodes can be beat with adjusting play style. Even Korg can be beat with Original BP. Yes, there are specific champs that make content easier, but Kabam has been trying to challenge players (especially end game). They have stated they wanted people to use a more diverse roster instead of relying on a coveted few.

    It was the reason they added diversity in AW, added global nodes like bleed immune... you thought that was only for AW? It was regarding the Contest as a whole. Based on their announcement, Chapter 6 is the end of this specific story mode, and they are using the ante and trying to make it last and be a challenge.

    And just because you earned something doesn’t mean you can use it whenever and where ever you want. Kabam has made it clear, and frankly their intent on restrictions has been event if you read the release notes of content and adjustments to AW or the past year.

    Anyway, cheers and enjoy.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    You serious ?

    first off 85 5*’s and 11 6* and you spend money on the game. Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.
    You don't care for the restriction because it has very little affect on you, maybe it might of caused a slight annoyance because you lost a synergy or two, but seriously. Then in the same post you are berating people because they want to use their 4* you state they should of seen it coming and changed their game play, you say you are worried about the 6* restriction. Why are you worried because you only got 11 ? The restrictions and possible match ups mean you won't have counters ? well dam maybe you should change your style of play and stop relying on 5*

    I have been playing for over 4 years and most 4*’s I won via arena, not spending... please check your facts before you comment. F2P could have about the same roster if they grinded arena. Most of my shards come from dups.

    Do I spend on the game, yes... but No where near what you assume. And there is no written rule that F2P need have the same roster. Don’t forget, the spenders are the ones that keep your F2P experience going. And that is a fact.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    . Also, 4*s could easily accomplish this, and the fact they are banned is ridiculous.

    It is exactly why they banned them. It could 100% it easily. The reason they did it was to provide players a challenge and think out of the box.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    Bidzy7 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    You serious ?

    first off 85 5*’s and 11 6* and you spend money on the game. Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.
    You don't care for the restriction because it has very little affect on you, maybe it might of caused a slight annoyance because you lost a synergy or two, but seriously. Then in the same post you are berating people because they want to use their 4* you state they should of seen it coming and changed their game play, you say you are worried about the 6* restriction. Why are you worried because you only got 11 ? The restrictions and possible match ups mean you won't have counters ? well dam maybe you should change your style of play and stop relying on 5*

    I have been playing for over 4 years and most 4*’s I won via arena, not spending... please check your facts before you comment. F2P could have about the same roster if they grinded arena. Most of my shards come from dups.

    Do I spend on the game, yes... but No where near what you assume. And there is no written rule that F2P need have the same roster. Don’t forget, the spenders are the ones that keep your F2P experience going. And that is a fact.
    that's great but 6* was introduced last year. Uncollected introduced last year.
    don't really care about 4* you won as i never mentioned them. so irrelevant to mention them.
    what facts do i need to check ? i used exactly what you said in my post. Did i make something up ?

    I didn't assume or insinuate you spent loads, i simply stated you're a spender which you mentioned. You are the one who threw in the comparison with COW so the fact you did implies that you must spend a reasonable amount, or at least enough to mention you spend on the game. even those that say they are F2P have probably spent $5 or $10 on the game over the years they been playing, but wouldn't consider themselves a spender.

    Where did i bemoan that spenders shouldn't be allowed to have better rosters and we must have the same rosters. Everyone knows you pay to get ahead or speed up stuff, but everything is still accessible to you as a f2p you just have to work/grind for it.

    You honestly think a f2p who doesn't earn his living by playing the game and making YouTube videos can match your roster ? OK THEN :expressionless:

    Did i say anything against people spending for you to mention that last sentence ? No
    Maybe you should remember that it isn't just the spenders who keep the game going. If the game can not keep the f2p engaged then they have no reason to continue and then the community dies and then the spenders go find another game. It is a balance of keeping all parties happy and engaged that determine the longevity of a game.

  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    You serious ?

    first off 85 5*’s and 11 6* and you spend money on the game. Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.
    You don't care for the restriction because it has very little affect on you, maybe it might of caused a slight annoyance because you lost a synergy or two, but seriously. Then in the same post you are berating people because they want to use their 4* you state they should of seen it coming and changed their game play, you say you are worried about the 6* restriction. Why are you worried because you only got 11 ? The restrictions and possible match ups mean you won't have counters ? well dam maybe you should change your style of play and stop relying on 5*

    I have been playing for over 4 years and most 4*’s I won via arena, not spending... please check your facts before you comment. F2P could have about the same roster if they grinded arena. Most of my shards come from dups.

    Do I spend on the game, yes... but No where near what you assume. And there is no written rule that F2P need have the same roster. Don’t forget, the spenders are the ones that keep your F2P experience going. And that is a fact.
    that's great but 6* was introduced last year. Uncollected introduced last year.
    don't really care about 4* you won as i never mentioned them. so irrelevant to mention them.
    what facts do i need to check ? i used exactly what you said in my post. Did i make something up ?

    I didn't assume or insinuate you spent loads, i simply stated you're a spender which you mentioned. You are the one who threw in the comparison with COW so the fact you did implies that you must spend a reasonable amount, or at least enough to mention you spend on the game. even those that say they are F2P have probably spent $5 or $10 on the game over the years they been playing, but wouldn't consider themselves a spender.

    Where did i bemoan that spenders shouldn't be allowed to have better rosters and we must have the same rosters. Everyone knows you pay to get ahead or speed up stuff, but everything is still accessible to you as a f2p you just have to work/grind for it.

    You honestly think a f2p who doesn't earn his living by playing the game and making YouTube videos can match your roster ? OK THEN :expressionless:

    You are right, a F2P like you will never catch up because you failed to realize what I was saying about 4*’s... I got almost all my 4* for the first 3 years from Basic Arena. Hours and days spent grinding.

    Then when AW awards and content provided me 4*s the DUPS gave me tons of 5* shards. The increase in 4*’s in turn escalated the rate of 5*s everyone got. Most of my roster was from hours I spent everyday grinding.

    You are too blinded by your own dilemma of not putting in that type of work. Instead you play a hypocrite card and blanket statement alluding that I am a whale with little to no knowledge of the work I put in.

    And you bemoaned spenders by saying F2P couldn’t clear the content. Instead of saying, we can not clear it yet (as Kabam Miike said... it is permenant content). You have to be patient if you are not skilled enough or lack the roster.

    I waited over a year to tackle LOL because I wanted to keep my spending down. Sorry you are having to make that decision to... but you will not get my sympathy at your whining,

  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    You serious ?

    first off 85 5*’s and 11 6* and you spend money on the game. Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.
    You don't care for the restriction because it has very little affect on you, maybe it might of caused a slight annoyance because you lost a synergy or two, but seriously. Then in the same post you are berating people because they want to use their 4* you state they should of seen it coming and changed their game play, you say you are worried about the 6* restriction. Why are you worried because you only got 11 ? The restrictions and possible match ups mean you won't have counters ? well dam maybe you should change your style of play and stop relying on 5*

    I have been playing for over 4 years and most 4*’s I won via arena, not spending... please check your facts before you comment. F2P could have about the same roster if they grinded arena. Most of my shards come from dups.

    Do I spend on the game, yes... but No where near what you assume. And there is no written rule that F2P need have the same roster. Don’t forget, the spenders are the ones that keep your F2P experience going. And that is a fact.
    that's great but 6* was introduced last year. Uncollected introduced last year.
    don't really care about 4* you won as i never mentioned them. so irrelevant to mention them.
    what facts do i need to check ? i used exactly what you said in my post. Did i make something up ?

    I didn't assume or insinuate you spent loads, i simply stated you're a spender which you mentioned. You are the one who threw in the comparison with COW so the fact you did implies that you must spend a reasonable amount, or at least enough to mention you spend on the game. even those that say they are F2P have probably spent $5 or $10 on the game over the years they been playing, but wouldn't consider themselves a spender.

    Where did i bemoan that spenders shouldn't be allowed to have better rosters and we must have the same rosters. Everyone knows you pay to get ahead or speed up stuff, but everything is still accessible to you as a f2p you just have to work/grind for it.

    You honestly think a f2p who doesn't earn his living by playing the game and making YouTube videos can match your roster ? OK THEN :expressionless:

    Did i say anything against people spending for you to mention that last sentence ? No
    Maybe you should remember that it isn't just the spenders who keep the game going. If the game can not keep the f2p engaged then they have no reason to continue and then the community dies and then the spenders go find another game. It is a balance of keeping all parties happy and engaged that determine the longevity of a game.

    You bemoaned when you said this, “Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.“

    The assumption is clear as day on your behalf. Check yourself again.

    I grinded hours for almost all my 4*’s. Three years in basic arena grinding. And every dup feed into my 5* shards. Even Prof Hoff speaks of how to grind 5* shards for free. However, I started over 4 years, so I know the grind and time it takes to build a roster.

    So, yes this comment of yours is a huge assumption that I don’t know the work it takes.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Aleor said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    so as you're not affected with 4* ban, it's ok, but 5* ban will hurt you and so you don't like it?
    also any champ bans are bad imo. if someone can do content with 2*, let him do it
    You left out the fact that I said 6* coupled with class is what I am seriously concerned about. 6* are not as prevalent. They combination of the 2 may make it very problematic for everyone. It seems a very high rate of increase so fast within one act. I see the progression going there eventually... but within the same act seems too soon.

    If they did, I would grind like everyone else. I grinded and waited for the right 5*s to do LOL I’m order to keep cost down. I am extremely patient. The difference is, I am not going to declare a boycott or rate the game 1* because it seems a little aggressive.

    Instead I posted my concerns. I don’t have plans on 100% Act 6... and completing 1 path is not as bad as most think that are complaining on this thread. They are just upset they can not clear it without spending by using their 4*’s. It isn’t they are unable to even access the content... most can, but don’t like they have to use “subpar” champs in their eyes.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    so i dont like the restriction, i dont agree with it either,
    but that being said it is wat it is.

    i have only done 6.1.1 once so far but found it alot easier than anticipated.
    3/45 AA was my mvp there

    i like the no retreat node TBH.

    as you cant double dash back, alot of heavy attacks require you to dash back and evade the first part and then intercept the second.
    so it can be annoying but it is very skill based and a great training tool IMO.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    You serious ?

    first off 85 5*’s and 11 6* and you spend money on the game. Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.
    You don't care for the restriction because it has very little affect on you, maybe it might of caused a slight annoyance because you lost a synergy or two, but seriously. Then in the same post you are berating people because they want to use their 4* you state they should of seen it coming and changed their game play, you say you are worried about the 6* restriction. Why are you worried because you only got 11 ? The restrictions and possible match ups mean you won't have counters ? well dam maybe you should change your style of play and stop relying on 5*

    I have been playing for over 4 years and most 4*’s I won via arena, not spending... please check your facts before you comment. F2P could have about the same roster if they grinded arena. Most of my shards come from dups.

    Do I spend on the game, yes... but No where near what you assume. And there is no written rule that F2P need have the same roster. Don’t forget, the spenders are the ones that keep your F2P experience going. And that is a fact.
    that's great but 6* was introduced last year. Uncollected introduced last year.
    don't really care about 4* you won as i never mentioned them. so irrelevant to mention them.
    what facts do i need to check ? i used exactly what you said in my post. Did i make something up ?

    I didn't assume or insinuate you spent loads, i simply stated you're a spender which you mentioned. You are the one who threw in the comparison with COW so the fact you did implies that you must spend a reasonable amount, or at least enough to mention you spend on the game. even those that say they are F2P have probably spent $5 or $10 on the game over the years they been playing, but wouldn't consider themselves a spender.

    Where did i bemoan that spenders shouldn't be allowed to have better rosters and we must have the same rosters. Everyone knows you pay to get ahead or speed up stuff, but everything is still accessible to you as a f2p you just have to work/grind for it.

    You honestly think a f2p who doesn't earn his living by playing the game and making YouTube videos can match your roster ? OK THEN :expressionless:

    Did i say anything against people spending for you to mention that last sentence ? No
    Maybe you should remember that it isn't just the spenders who keep the game going. If the game can not keep the f2p engaged then they have no reason to continue and then the community dies and then the spenders go find another game. It is a balance of keeping all parties happy and engaged that determine the longevity of a game.

    You bemoaned when you said this, “Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.“

    The assumption is clear as day on your behalf. Check yourself again.

    I grinded hours for almost all my 4*’s. Three years in basic arena grinding. And every dup feed into my 5* shards. Even Prof Hoff speaks of how to grind 5* shards for free. However, I started over 4 years, so I know the grind and time it takes to build a roster.

    So, yes this comment of yours is a huge assumption that I don’t know the work it takes.
    fair enough i did assume you have never grinded so don't know that struggle. so i apologize on that.

    But to suggest a person who is not making youtube videos from playing the game as a living to match your roster as a f2p is still ridiculous.

    easy to tell people to adapt and get on with it when you are speaking from your position.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    xNig said:

    Awfully silent here.

    A little too much over-reaction in the first place? 😂😂

    Nope, still angry. Even more so when I was able to play it. How long will it take to get all of the champions needed for exploration? Several years as I refuse to spend any more money on the game due to them ignoring & angering the community on 3 different topics in the last week! I believe I could fully explore it with my 4* champions, and one suggestion made by several other people before was quite good there: Keep the restrictions for the initial run if you really have to, but allow Cavaliers (which you can track) to use 4* champions in Act 6.1 afterwards. They can easily take on every single opponent, Kabam just wants to restrict our utility so that we spend more money on FGMCs. But guess what: I´m done with that!
    However: You, xNig, have prooven something: You are a troll, you want the community to be angry. You want us to rant about a topic. Otherwise, you would be happy that people are getting silent, but no: You basically demand us to come back and write down out opinion about the restrictions.
    Well, from the sharp decline of angry posts once 6.1 was released, I was wondering whether the bulk of people who were posting angrily here felt that they have over reacted in the first place.

    If you have read my previous posts, I have been telling everyone to look at the rationale behind Kabam’s reasoning, chill, and comment AFTER the act drops, not before.
    Yeah, I have commented after Act 6.1 dropped. And I´m still angry. So, what? I still don´t see any reason why we cannot bring in 4* champions apart from making money
    You might wanna read Midknight007's post above.

    Being angry solves nothing. If you still don't see any reason, look back at all the posts that arguments and rationales were put forth and think, without being so blindsided by your rage.
    I have read it. Just because I don´t comment on something doesn´t mean I don´t read it.

    There are no reasons why 4*s are banned from Act 6. If there were any reasons, this discussion would not have over 70 pages!
    Actually, there are reasons... you are unwilling to accept them.

    There is a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is borderline ignorance on your behalf. I am using the correct term too, as you are ignoring Kabam’s response on any and all levels. They made it 100% clear, but 90% of the 70 pages are “I can’t use this 4* or that 4*” or “I ranked this 4* or that 4*”. Those choices were on existing content and AQ/AW. This is new content with a different perspective that does fit with your previous style of gameplay.

    Instead of adjust and working towards something, which I have since the release of 6*’s... you simply want Kabam to change to your old-style play of relying on 4*. Kabam stated when they released Gwenpool Goes to the Movie that they were seeing people bring the same champs. They also stated with Variant they placed restrictions on chapters to highlight champs people do not use often and have viable alternatives to nodes.

    It should have come as no surprise that a restriction might go the opposite way and restrict lower rarity champs. This forces players to either wait or look for alternatives within their current roster.

    I have a ton of possible counters to several paths and I only have 85 5*’s (most being 2015 and 2016). The thing I am concerned about is 6* gates. I only have 11... I am in a Gold 1 alliance (though we might place in Gold 2 due to what tanking may have done to the tilts this time around) and I don’t spend like COW. The 6* restriction is the one we should be worried about, especially if they stagger a class restriction on the mission.
    You serious ?

    first off 85 5*’s and 11 6* and you spend money on the game. Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.
    You don't care for the restriction because it has very little affect on you, maybe it might of caused a slight annoyance because you lost a synergy or two, but seriously. Then in the same post you are berating people because they want to use their 4* you state they should of seen it coming and changed their game play, you say you are worried about the 6* restriction. Why are you worried because you only got 11 ? The restrictions and possible match ups mean you won't have counters ? well dam maybe you should change your style of play and stop relying on 5*

    I have been playing for over 4 years and most 4*’s I won via arena, not spending... please check your facts before you comment. F2P could have about the same roster if they grinded arena. Most of my shards come from dups.

    Do I spend on the game, yes... but No where near what you assume. And there is no written rule that F2P need have the same roster. Don’t forget, the spenders are the ones that keep your F2P experience going. And that is a fact.
    that's great but 6* was introduced last year. Uncollected introduced last year.
    don't really care about 4* you won as i never mentioned them. so irrelevant to mention them.
    what facts do i need to check ? i used exactly what you said in my post. Did i make something up ?

    I didn't assume or insinuate you spent loads, i simply stated you're a spender which you mentioned. You are the one who threw in the comparison with COW so the fact you did implies that you must spend a reasonable amount, or at least enough to mention you spend on the game. even those that say they are F2P have probably spent $5 or $10 on the game over the years they been playing, but wouldn't consider themselves a spender.

    Where did i bemoan that spenders shouldn't be allowed to have better rosters and we must have the same rosters. Everyone knows you pay to get ahead or speed up stuff, but everything is still accessible to you as a f2p you just have to work/grind for it.

    You honestly think a f2p who doesn't earn his living by playing the game and making YouTube videos can match your roster ? OK THEN :expressionless:

    Did i say anything against people spending for you to mention that last sentence ? No
    Maybe you should remember that it isn't just the spenders who keep the game going. If the game can not keep the f2p engaged then they have no reason to continue and then the community dies and then the spenders go find another game. It is a balance of keeping all parties happy and engaged that determine the longevity of a game.

    You bemoaned when you said this, “Of course you understand where the f2p players are coming from. All us measly pheasants who have to grind are lucky if we even have half of that roster.“

    The assumption is clear as day on your behalf. Check yourself again.

    I grinded hours for almost all my 4*’s. Three years in basic arena grinding. And every dup feed into my 5* shards. Even Prof Hoff speaks of how to grind 5* shards for free. However, I started over 4 years, so I know the grind and time it takes to build a roster.

    So, yes this comment of yours is a huge assumption that I don’t know the work it takes.
    fair enough i did assume you have never grinded so don't know that struggle. so i apologize on that.

    But to suggest a person who is not making youtube videos from playing the game as a living to match your roster as a f2p is still ridiculous.

    easy to tell people to adapt and get on with it when you are speaking from your position.
    It is all good. I was not saying F2P need to match my roster... but that it takes time to develop one. My post about 85 5* also included that most are from 2015-2016 (and most are non-God Tier) champs. I have had some lucky pulls (Spark, GR unduped, Iceman unduped)... but I have lots of uncoveted champs (many of them duped). Hawkeye (great power drain and bleed), original BP (max sig naturally - pulled 6 times in my first 8 5* gems ever), Storm, Howard, Venompool, Netflix DD, Iron Fist....

    I have more “duds” according to charts and popular opinion. I have some great champs too.

    It is one of the reasons I asked Miike if we can get the old featured crystals with a 20% chance at a 5* champ. It would be nice to have a basic 5* arena and maybe introduce a 6* arena. Increase milestone awards and rewards in general (expand 5* to include top 800 and increase the 5* and 6* shards).

    This is needed especially with the 6* gates (especially if the stagger class restrictions).
  • Arham1Arham1 Member Posts: 435 ★★

    How do I block you?

    Go to full site and option where you edit your profile image, you can put him in the Ignore list located at the bottom of the menu.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,852 ★★★★★

    MikeHock said:

    I can give real examples of how 4* restrictions will cause me to suffer, since the node list has been published on reddit:
    -Biohazard, Safeguard gwenpool. My 4* iceman would melt her, but now I gotta resort to using a r2 5* nebula, my only double immune 5* (yes I know this is possible with a bleed immune but I don’t wanna throw units at it with no retreat and safeguard up)
    - Aggression Regeneration Omega red- usually my 4* vision would have this no problem, as spores stack up on him slowly. No retreat means I can’t completely avoid spore damage, so I will be throwing units at this one.
    - Tenacity killmonger- this killmonger has a 70% chance to shrug debuffs, and when he does, he regens 4% health. However, this only works when his armour is active, and this would be no problem to deal with if not for no retreat. So I gotta use my 4* medusa right? Nope.

    Other examples where I luckily have the specific counter:
    -evading moon knight, I have a 5*r4 archangel
    -fire of hades Mephisto, I have a 5*r4 quake
    - sabertooth boss, again I have archangel, but anyone without a good high level heal block champ as a 5* will struggle

    This is why people are complaining about the lack of 4*s. Im sure there are other examples I missed, and a lot of people will have to spend a lot more units or grind a lot more arena/buy fgmcs to get past these fights, when a 4* could have just been used. And this list is just 6.1.1, forget the rest of the chapter (I’m looking at those ultron and sentinel bosses that 4* Medusa probably could of shut down).

    Here is the thing about your post, while you have a 4* counter for each of these that are “God Tier” and more preferred, there are tons of other champs that could counter every one of the champs you listed.

    One thing is you only have Nebula at R2, that was your choice to keep her at R2. While Kabam did not give advance warning of the 4* restriction, it was obvious with the release of 6* that 4*’s were the new 3*’s. You relied on 4*’s due to personal choice, as it didn’t require arena grinding for 5* shards.

    There are many like me that spent the last year bringing 5*’s and focused on ranking 5*’s. The writing was on the wall that 4* days were numbered in AW and for the game. My only concerns are the 6* gates. They have not been out long enough to even consider a gate of that magnitude.

    I already finished completion of 6.1 (not exploration) with my 5* roster of Blade, Spark, Magik, Omega Red and Corvus. In fact, Corvus was my main character despite not being a great counter for most of the nodes. The only issue I will have is not being able to 100% with my current roster. So, I will have to wait.

    Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient. They want to clear everything the day it is released. Like LOL and Variant, not everything is meant to be cleared immediately. Kabam has been stating that. Sure, you can still attempt it, but it will cost you money. That is a personal choice. Most people have enough champs to do 1 run of chapter 1. 100% will take a very diverse roster. Now you know to focus on 5* ranking (which you should have been for the past year).

    You simply were ranking on current content and not paying attention to how the game was expanding. Kabam hinted at gates and * restriction with Gwenpool Goes to the Movie. It was 100% unexpected that eventually they may do this. They want to slow down progression instead of 20-30% of the player base completing content within days and demanding more while complaining they are bored. Now they have something to challenge them and to build towards.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Oh really? What a ridiculous blanket statement. I am not going to pretend to speak for others , but I just want to use the heroes I’ve earned.
    You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement... And you are not guaranteed to use any specific champ on all content. If the restriction was on existing content your moaning would be more valid. People complained on restrictions on 5* arenas when they first released.

    This is new content with a new focus. It is intended (like Variant) to use other champs outside of your coveted “god tier” or wait until you have said champs. Don’t blame me because your are either impatient or unskilled to use other champs that are less coveted but can do the job.

    Most of the global nodes can be beat with adjusting play style. Even Korg can be beat with Original BP. Yes, there are specific champs that make content easier, but Kabam has been trying to challenge players (especially end game). They have stated they wanted people to use a more diverse roster instead of relying on a coveted few.

    It was the reason they added diversity in AW, added global nodes like bleed immune... you thought that was only for AW? It was regarding the Contest as a whole. Based on their announcement, Chapter 6 is the end of this specific story mode, and they are using the ante and trying to make it last and be a challenge.

    And just because you earned something doesn’t mean you can use it whenever and where ever you want. Kabam has made it clear, and frankly their intent on restrictions has been event if you read the release notes of content and adjustments to AW or the past year.

    Anyway, cheers and enjoy.
    “You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement..”

    Get back to me when you have evidence to back up such a ridiculous claim .

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,104 ★★★★★
    Dshu said:

    I said many, many pages before. When all reasoning fails, look to the Rewards. Look at some of the drop results. If you're giving access to Crystals with those rates to Rosters that aren't far enough along, you're upsetting the balance of game play itself. It doesn't matter if people below a certain point CAN do it. It's about balance among progression levels.
    People probably won't like it, but no one likes being excluded from something. Doesn't mean it's not necessary.

    The drop rate just adds a 1% chance at a 6* why you feel the need to keep lecturing people on content you still are nowhere near entering is just a cry for attention. When you get to the point in the game where you are capable of entering act 6 feel free to throw in your two cents until then keep worrying about arena fights being too hard
    I'm sorry, did I lecture anyone?
    You get a 1% chance at a 6*, a larger chance at a 5*, in half the time as the Grandmaster Crystal. As we've seen from the results shared, it's quite an accelerated access. There are reasons it's only available for a certain demographic.
    As I told you in my Thread on it, I was not complaining about the difficulty of the Arena, but you didn't hear that. I have been a Grinder since I started, with over 80k PVP Wins. I can handle the Arena. I asked why the Matches were coming up all Hard Level in the Infinite, instead of the usual Medium with a few Hard. Nowhere did I say it was too hard, or I couldn't handle it. That's the problem with following one's own narrative. Reasoning is seldom heard.
  • edited March 2019
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    How will balance of the game be affected? It’s not as though the Cavalier crystals give infinite number of rank up materials to bring your 5/6*s up to R5/R3.

    If you have 6 6*s and 5 R4s, compared to a guy who has 100 6*s, both you and him are still only able to bring 3 for AW Attack, 5 for AW Defence and 3 for AQ.

    What upsets the balance of the game isn’t the breadth of rosters when the champs obtainable aren’t of the maxed available rank, but rank up materials.

    Just imagine what would happen if Kabam releases a Cavalier Resource Crystal that is only purchasable not obtainable, and grants T2A and T5B.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    So by now the general consensus is that 4* bc of their synergies would make this way easier and less frustrating, so @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious when are we expected to see the 4* ban removed?
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    Rodstein said:

    So by now the general consensus is that 4* bc of their synergies would make this way easier and less frustrating, so @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious when are we expected to see the 4* ban removed?

    We are not going to change the requirements for Act 6 Ch 1.
    It that case you can use the feedback of the community and remove restrictions for Act 6.2-6.4. Nobody liked the decision, there were people who did not care, but nobody said "I think they are great! I´m happy that I cannot use my 4* champions!"
    After my completion run through act 6.1
    Im personally glad I didnt have the option to use 4*s as in many cases they would have just been mostly useless. The only reason anyone wants 4*s for act 6 is for synergies.
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