6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • FAL7ENFAL7EN Member Posts: 297
    DD2 wrote: »
    Kabam, can you tell me the difference between a 3*, 4*, 5*, and 6* Ultron? Why are we having our rosters defiled arbitrarily so we can rank up the same version of the champ we just had defiled?

    They are not being defiled. They are just as valuable as they have always been, but now there will be another version that is more powerful that will give you an advantage in later content that is more difficult (way down the line), or current content that is tuned for current rosters.
    Why not just implement a character shard system in the first place?
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    PlasmaKing wrote: »
    Repeating the same **** and sticking a 6* on it doesn't make it enjoyable kabam. The game has become boring, the content is repetitive you have lost creativity and gone we will just rinse and repeat. I can tell you your 'dedicated and long term players' many of which have financed many kabam children through college are waiting to see what this actually means but are in the main ready to walk away as progress is rewarded by them funding later players who will progress faster and cheaper than they did but will continually bleat about champs being overpowered and needing a nerf because they can't play the game due to the ease of champ progression they have achieved. You haven't said you will triple the inventory capacity for items which we will need definately, nor that you will reduce the cost of items or 3 and 4* crystals as they are now worth so much less, you haven't really explained how non dup 6* shards will come from but we are guessing they will be as slow as 5* now but none of us are really seriously thinking of spending 2000 units on the new phc crystal to just get the same number of 1* we used to from the current phc crystals but now they are 3*. Do we look that stupid? There was much more interesting things you could have done rather than this nonsense and if your creative team can't hack it do what other products do and ask your players to tell you and we'll get a better creation than what you have put up

    ^What he said!
  • sneakylasersneakylaser Member Posts: 6
    At 2/5 for a 5* and 4/5 for a 4*, you need several tier 2 cc. Those are hard to get without riding the coattails of people in a huge alliance. I hate to see what we will need to even upgrade 6* even once. 10 t4cc? Useless to those not mooching off others or paying a water bills worth of $ for one t4cc.
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Trust me when I say, there will be 7* coming 1.5/2 years after 6*'s are released.

    You say that like anyone is trying to argue the reverse. Not even Kabam would disclaim that - I suspect they would say "we currently have no plans" which is the usual game developer non-statement, but off the record I'm sure the devs know that if the game lasts long enough there will eventually be a 7* and an 8* and a 9* champion. And if not that literally, a conceptual analog to that.

    I hope the lesson you learned was not that Kabam is especially wrong about this. I hope the lesson you learned is all progressional games are like this. Be careful about all of them, not just the ones Kabam makes. WoW players have had Blizzard set fire to their end game loot at least four separate times. I honestly hope that players do not spend money on things that will disappoint them, and if you believe you are buying a permanent value thing in any online game please think twice.

    I've met game developers, I've been friends with game developers, I am reasonably certain that most or all of the Kabam developers would rather people not spend money on the game unless that's what they really want to do and know what they are getting out of it. The devs don't get a cut of the merch. As long as the game makes money, they don't care how much money. They don't need to squeeze every last dollar out of every last player. This is not the first time MCOC has reduced the relative value of an in-game item. This will not be the last time. The game devs probably can't post this directly, but I'm sure most of them would say don't spend if you think you are getting something permanent. They don't want you to believe you wasted your money.

    Maybe not the monetization guy. But everyone else.

    you lost all credibility in saying they dont care how much money they make. REALLY? bro, last time i checked money makes the world go round. They absolutely want to squeeze every dollar you have out of you, and so does every other company in existence that is a for-profit business. Sure you will have companies that focus on extra humanitarian efforts, but how do you think they fund those things, with revenues generated from consumer sales.

    For example, an easy theory to obtain from kabam is that, if there is a bug that affects players into spending more moeny, we seem to have a hard time getting a fix for. If there is a bug that helps the player base in some way ie. inflated pi values ill be damned if that bug is not fixed within hours.

    To further my point, i guarantee you when the money guys at kabam see a dip in profits they arent just saying oh well, they are investigating within the teams of people that work for them ie. the dev team etc.. , maybe someone is even replaced, if that isnt motivation for an employee to maximize the companies profits then they prob wont have a job long.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,972 ★★★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    No rank down tickets please. Kabam we dont need that. People will just rank 4 all the feature 5 stars and this will debalance the game!

    I hate to say it but for probably the first time, I agree with you.

  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,972 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    I would really like to see T4cc made more available for solo and low tier alliance players.

    And no to increasing the item cap.
  • vrtovrto Member, Content Creators Posts: 218 Content Creator
    phillgreen wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    No rank down tickets please. Kabam we dont need that. People will just rank 4 all the feature 5 stars and this will debalance the game!

    I hate to say it but for probably the first time, I agree with you.

    I don't see how the suggested 4* derank tickets would allow that...
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    vrto wrote: »
    phillgreen wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    No rank down tickets please. Kabam we dont need that. People will just rank 4 all the feature 5 stars and this will debalance the game!

    I hate to say it but for probably the first time, I agree with you.

    I don't see how the suggested 4* derank tickets would allow that...

    4 stars rank down tickets i am ok with. Indeed it will be a good treat.

    I dont agree with 5 stars rank down tickets
  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    So with the introduction of 6 stars do that mean the amount of health we gain from aq pots/revives will be increased to match the growing health of these new champs?
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Flazinator wrote: »
    So with the introduction of 6 stars do that mean the amount of health we gain from aq pots/revives will be increased to match the growing health of these new champs?

    No mate. You will need to use rank 4 5 stars unless you want to use lots of items
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,368 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Trust me when I say, there will be 7* coming 1.5/2 years after 6*'s are released.

    You say that like anyone is trying to argue the reverse. Not even Kabam would disclaim that - I suspect they would say "we currently have no plans" which is the usual game developer non-statement, but off the record I'm sure the devs know that if the game lasts long enough there will eventually be a 7* and an 8* and a 9* champion. And if not that literally, a conceptual analog to that.

    I hope the lesson you learned was not that Kabam is especially wrong about this. I hope the lesson you learned is all progressional games are like this. Be careful about all of them, not just the ones Kabam makes. WoW players have had Blizzard set fire to their end game loot at least four separate times. I honestly hope that players do not spend money on things that will disappoint them, and if you believe you are buying a permanent value thing in any online game please think twice.

    I've met game developers, I've been friends with game developers, I am reasonably certain that most or all of the Kabam developers would rather people not spend money on the game unless that's what they really want to do and know what they are getting out of it. The devs don't get a cut of the merch. As long as the game makes money, they don't care how much money. They don't need to squeeze every last dollar out of every last player. This is not the first time MCOC has reduced the relative value of an in-game item. This will not be the last time. The game devs probably can't post this directly, but I'm sure most of them would say don't spend if you think you are getting something permanent. They don't want you to believe you wasted your money.

    Maybe not the monetization guy. But everyone else.

    you lost all credibility in saying they dont care how much money they make. REALLY? bro, last time i checked money makes the world go round. They absolutely want to squeeze every dollar you have out of you, and so does every other company in existence that is a for-profit business. Sure you will have companies that focus on extra humanitarian efforts, but how do you think they fund those things, with revenues generated from consumer sales.

    I run a business. I'm a business owner of a for-profit business. I'm aware there exist businesses that prioritize squeezing every last penny out of their customers. We call them "revenue stream-focused consultants" in my field. But rarely if ever does that attitude extend to the rank and file employees of the company.

    If my post causes me to lose credibility with you, that's unfortunate. I'm actually someone that believes in credibility. However, I value integrity more that credibility. Knowing it costs credibility doesn't change my opinions.
    For example, an easy theory to obtain from kabam is that, if there is a bug that affects players into spending more moeny, we seem to have a hard time getting a fix for. If there is a bug that helps the player base in some way ie. inflated pi values ill be damned if that bug is not fixed within hours.

    As to your statement about "profitable bugs" that's a different topic, one I've addressed before, and suffice to say a lot of people state this as if it is obviously true, but when the rubber meets the road they can't actually demonstrate it objectively. In fact, recently there was a small kerfuffle about the devs fixing UC in LoL after a long time being broken in the players' favor. The problem is that when the devs do eventually fix a bug that operates in the players' favor, they people complain that since it has persisted for a while they shouldn't change it at all.
    To further my point, i guarantee you when the money guys at kabam see a dip in profits they arent just saying oh well, they are investigating within the teams of people that work for them ie. the dev team etc.. , maybe someone is even replaced, if that isnt motivation for an employee to maximize the companies profits then they prob wont have a job long.

    That would be an interesting point, if I was inclined to disagree. The "money guys" job is to maximize profits within certain parameters. It is their job to focus on the money. So of course they care how much money the company makes. But I guarantee you exactly zero of them are game developers in the normal sense of that description, with one exception: the developers who specialize in monetization design. Who I explicitly mentioned as an exception.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    vrto wrote: »
    phillgreen wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    No rank down tickets please. Kabam we dont need that. People will just rank 4 all the feature 5 stars and this will debalance the game!

    I hate to say it but for probably the first time, I agree with you.

    I don't see how the suggested 4* derank tickets would allow that...

    4 stars rank down tickets i am ok with. Indeed it will be a good treat.

    I dont agree with 5 stars rank down tickets

    4 star RDTs are what I want to see.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Flazinator wrote: »
    So with the introduction of 6 stars do that mean the amount of health we gain from aq pots/revives will be increased to match the growing health of these new champs?

    This. This has been a problem for as long as I can remember. Flat HP potions are a horrible idea. Why can't you convert pots into % hp like every other game? 250 and 1650 pots helps nobody. It should be more along the lines of:

    L1 pot - 5% L1 revive - 10%
    L2 pot - 10% L2 revive - 25%
    L3 pot - 15% L3 revive - 40%
    L4 pot - 20% L4 revive - 60%
    L5 pot - 25% L5 revive - 75%
    L6 pot - 50% (future release) L6 revive - 100%

    I mean, maybe not those exact figures, but something like this should be implemented.
  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    Please can anyone specify how 4 stars will be more accessible, I started 1 and a half months ago and have 2 4 stars. I would like to know more about how we can get 4 stars easier after this update. I would definitely like to advance my account.
  • EFloFoShoEFloFoSho Member Posts: 4
    So I have been following this since the announcement and I'm yet to read the actual costs to rank up a 6* from rank 1 to 2. It might not be known as of now or too early to release the info but it would be nice to know what is going to be needed so we can make educated decisions about what we should currently rank up. 5 months is a long time to sit on all of our resources and people want to keep progressing their rosters for the current content.

    So my question is... what resources will be needed to rank a 6* from rank 1 to rank 2?
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    EFloFoSho wrote: »
    So I have been following this since the announcement and I'm yet to read the actual costs to rank up a 6* from rank 1 to 2. It might not be known as of now or too early to release the info but it would be nice to know what is going to be needed so we can make educated decisions about what we should currently rank up. 5 months is a long time to sit on all of our resources and people want to keep progressing their rosters for the current content.

    So my question is... what resources will be needed to rank a 6* from rank 1 to rank 2?

    T8bs and T9ccs both of which are earnable from bases which is coming soon.
  • SignumSignum Member Posts: 133
    I just want to say, I think the release of 6 star heros is too soon. The average player is finally getting a decent 5 star roster...and by decent I mean 2 or 3 good ones. Why add a new level of heros. I think the gameplay is what needs changing. AQ and AW are stale, can we get some innovative new game mode instead?
  • Harry_71Harry_71 Member Posts: 84
    I'm still for rank up tickets...from 4* to 5*...
  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    Please can someone explain how 4 stars will be more accessible because I am a beginner want to try to get 4 stars???
  • Magus OGMagus OG Member Posts: 7
    Kabam, you have entirely lost the plot. Give us base wars or something innovative, slapping on another star to a champ is just pure laziness and a money grab. Agree completely with Big Bient. Listen to what he has written... many of us will leave on the release of 6 stars.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    WarBros23 wrote: »
    Please can someone explain how 4 stars will be more accessible because I am a beginner want to try to get 4 stars???

    They have been starting to add more 4*/5* shards as rewards for Event quests, and are likely to continue having shards of some kind on the monthly calendars. So shard acquisition rate should increase over time, leading to more 4* champs.
  • VerygootVerygoot Member Posts: 17
    Here is my three cents, you be like, what about two cents, at this stage phuck the two cents.

    Kabam, you should be lucky to even hear player’s opinion. Take that as a constructive criticisms. Majority of the game makers out there will only get the Tap & Hold for 2 seconds, then the “X”. No time for the bullshits baby.

    Your game, your call, we play, we decide, very simple logic please don’t let the community down.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Amonthir wrote: »
    WarBros23 wrote: »
    Please can someone explain how 4 stars will be more accessible because I am a beginner want to try to get 4 stars???

    They have been starting to add more 4*/5* shards as rewards for Event quests, and are likely to continue having shards of some kind on the monthly calendars. So shard acquisition rate should increase over time, leading to more 4* champs.
    Morgan wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Trust me when I say, there will be 7* coming 1.5/2 years after 6*'s are released.

    giving me 2000 5* shards as event prize instad of 1000 aint gonna get me nowhere near to the grind needed to be up to par in october. NOWHERE near it. Expecially considering it's useless giving me more 5* if the resources needed to rank them up wll be available only to the top 5% of the players. That's what adds injury to insult.

    Unless we can gather 5* about as half fast as we do gather 4* right now, and the resources will be as fat to gather as tbc and t4bs we farm now for 4*, this is going to rebound WAAAAY far off the playing field.

    I understand the frustration between the timeframe for the higher material release and the release of 6*, and the slow pace of gathering what will 'soon' be 'mid-level' resources (t4b, t4cc, etc). I think there should be a longer timeframe between the materials becoming more available/available at all, and when the champs are released.
    But I was responding to someone newer who just wanted to know how things were changing to get him 4* champs more quickly, not mid-to-high level players frustrated at the slow pace of higher end resources ;)
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★

    I feel like we are mostly arguing about degrees of difference here.

    It's a pretty simple equation: reduced value of rewards (whether perceived or real) will almost always translate into reduced effort to obtain those rewards. In addition, reduced rewards will cause some people to simply leave off completely from trying for those rewards in the first place. I'm sure there will be tens of thousands of players who will still play arena even after 4*'s are effectively downgraded. Many of the tens of thousands of players who play the basic and featured arenas today with no chance at either grand prize do so simply to get shards and units. If those prizes remain the same, there may still be tens of thousands of players grinding, but the PHC milestone shards (if left unchanged) and the 4* shards awarded as rank prizes will have been significantly devalued by the game team's decision. Devaluation of those prizes certainly won't inspire players to put up higher scores, nor will it inspire greater 4* arena participation--and I can only imagine what happens to the 3* arena. Sure, some players grind for 3* champs now--but that likely isn't an endgame for them. The goal, as Kabam wants us to believe, is progression. And progression isn't racking up 3* champs. Once 5*'s are more available and 6*'s enter the contest, the same can be said about 4* champs.

    I don't doubt that 5* champs will remain viable for the immediate future--that much is clear and the availability of 5* shards looks like it will increase as well, making them more prevalent. I didn't mean that players wouldn't grind to get 5* shards--they do and they will. But, as a result, I don't think you will see top players grind for 4*'s anywhere near they way they did, and players who are growing their accounts will hardly be satisfied with 4* champs when 5* availability increases. Just look at the forums--do you see people clamoring for more ways to obtain 3* champs today? Do you see players who are satisfied with lower/average rewards? The norm here is complaint after complaint for more stuff, partly because that is human nature and partly because that is consistent with the game system Kabam has designed.

    I understand your basic point. But I think we simply disagree as to degrees of viability for a 4* arena moving forward. I don't think 4* arenas will be more than a way to nab some easy units and shards for a lot of players who were playing it regularly just a week ago--Kabam's decision was a blow to the rationale for the very existence of those arenas in the game.

    Dr. Zola

  • Harry_71Harry_71 Member Posts: 84
    We can write here what we want. Kabam will not react on it.

    They react on money....and their main sponsors...I guess everybody knows which alliances I mean with sponsors...

    These sponsors want something new because of the following reasons:
    - They already have a nearly complete and duped 5* roster
    - Nobody looks jealous anymore on their accounts
    - And they are bored of course

    And I guess that they told them to reduce their payments or quit the game, when they do not get more powerful champs...Deadline is beginning next year.

    It's only guessing, but I still try to find an evident reason for this 6* bullsh...

    Kabam this is my last post on this topic...so no shitstorm anymore from my side
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Keep in mind that the same way that it took quite some time to be able to Rank Up 5-Stars compared to 4-Stars, it will be similar for 6-Stars. You'll still want to have a strong Roster of 5-Star and 4-Star Champions, because you'll need them to earn the materials required to obtain and rank up 6-Stars.

    @Kabam Miike Did you read this before posting, We CANT RANK UP 5*, it's not a matter of time. It's a matter of resources that you haven't given us the opportunity to earn. Unless of course we open the wallets. This single statement shows how far removed you and your team are from the player base.

    How much has the team at Marvel been involved? As Im sure their social media accounts are hearing about this. It's just a bad idea to soon. Wondering how the ratings are doing. I know where my vote is.

  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Harry_71 wrote: »
    We can write here what we want. Kabam will not react on it.

    They react on money....and their main sponsors...I guess everybody knows which alliances I mean with sponsors...

    These sponsors want something new because of the following reasons:
    - They already have a nearly complete and duped 5* roster
    - Nobody looks jealous anymore on their accounts
    - And they are bored of course

    And I guess that they told them to reduce their payments or quit the game, when they do not get more powerful champs...Deadline is beginning next year.

    It's only guessing, but I still try to find an evident reason for this 6* bullsh...

    Kabam this is my last post on this topic...so no shitstorm anymore from my side

    Problem is the Big dogs don't want it, no matter how many threads Kabam closes on the forums from them speaking out.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    We don't need 6*s. No one's asking for 6*s. Most players barely get their hands on rank 5 4 stars.

    Every year you guys throws us back at the starting line and for no other reason than money. This game has no room for 6*s at this point. Your wallets would benefit if our rosters were nerfed back a point, but this game doesn't need it.

    You can't force progression in this game. We don't even have T5Bs. Most high level players in very solid but not top tier alliances have 10 or so 5*s and they're all trash. Mostly unduped. Mostly at rank 2. T4Cs are very rare. T2As even more so. T1As are starting to disappear.

    The bottom 90% have to save for 6 months to be able to rank 5 a 4 star.

    Feeding us 6*s when can't even grasp 5*s benefits no one. All our rosters just got thrown in the trash again. No one likes this, not even the top 100 alliances but they'll spend their money anyway and be drowning in 6*s in months anyway, increasing their already giant lead in the prestige race.

    No one wants this **** that you're giving us. Jesus Christ Kabam, pay attention!
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