15.0 Alliance Wars Update Discussion Thread



  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    There is no case where in a war that both alliances max every point, explore, diversity, boss kills, etc... that a winner can be decided.
    And this is in fact the case more often then not.
    But then again her comes defender rating??? To decide who played a btter war? It that was the case then the football team with the best player stats should win every game. That would be their pi. They win. Who cares if they played worse. Their players have higher stats.
  • nuggznuggz Member Posts: 124
    We have followed all the new changes.
    Played our 150 diversity
    Explore 100%
    Max all our champs.

    But yet still lose due to "stats" pi.
    Aka, defender rating
  • XroxfistXroxfist Member Posts: 18
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    nuggz wrote: »
    A controlled variable is something that doesn't change between a series of tests. The only points that change is defender rating. That can be influenced by a nber of things, masteries, ranking, ppl that have the ability to get all the new champs with huge pi's

    The term "controlled variable" is a term used in science to refer to something that can change in a set of experiments but is intended to not change to the best degree possible to allow for comparison and analysis when other variables change.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    nuggz wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    nuggz wrote: »
    I'm not against diveristy.
    But yes all the points are controlled and by that i mean they have a cap. Which if there's a cap then we will hit it. So all points are maxed out with the exception of defender rating. I also don't have a problem with that either. But it shouldn't be the tie breaker in a war. That's just letting the more inflated allaince win. Even if both teams have there very highest maxed out diversified champs placed. There will still be one with a higher/lower rating to determine the outcome. Which leaves no balance in actual game playing abilities, "skill"

    I wouldn't mind if diversity scores were literally a tie breaker. Which is to say that if and only if both sides demonstrate the same skill in exploring the map and explore the same amount of the map and clear the same amount of nodes, then the higher diversity side wins.

    That's not what 15.0 does. In 15.0 we are only going to judge what you do, not how well you do it, and if both sides do the same thing then diversity scores will decide the war. Also, even if both sides aren't tied diversity and rating scores are worth a substantial amount of effort and can decide a war in which even when one side does substantially more the other side can win on diversity points.

    A real tie breaker is ignored until there is a tie. That's the definition of "tie breaker." Diversity points and defender ratings are not tie breakers. Diversity points and defender ratings are straight up scoring points before the war begins. And the absolute magnitude of the diversity and rating points are comparable to the points earned for actually killing nodes.

    You can say that in AW 16.0 alliances will get 1000 points for every Luke Cage they place in defense, but that's just a tie breaker. But only if you don't care what words mean.

    Defender rating is a tie breaker. Even though it's decided before the war is started. It's the only point that isn't tied up. EVERYTHING ELSE IS AN ABSOLUTE TIE. Every alliance has the capability of scoring the exact same points in every catagory except rating. That will always be different

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say. A tie is when both sides score the same amount of points. It is not when both sides *could* score the same amount of points. That's fundamental to the definition of a tie.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    khehmist wrote: »
    I don't understand why there should be any effective strategy for a much weaker team to win. Fix the match system to reduce the number of blowouts and let the better team win. Literally nobody would have a problem with that. A system that leaves people guessing as who the better team was, even after all the fights have been fought is plainly ridiculous.

    The problem is how do you define the "weaker" team. Even in 14.0, it was not always true that the alliance with the more skilled players always won. In 14.0, the "stronger" team was a combination of the alliance with the more skilled attackers, the players possessing the stronger defenders in their rosters, and the alliance willing to spend the most resources.

    Even in 14.0 people complained that the "best" alliance didn't consistently win, for their personal definition of "best." The only reason why people aren't complaining about those things now is because 15.0 is perceived to be so much worse.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.
  • XroxfistXroxfist Member Posts: 18
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.

    And what single point would that be. Nothing? Because it’s correct? Please don’t post meaningless drivel. There is no variation that can gave someone with a lower rating win vs a person with a higher rating and max diversity etc. so your lack of a point about hyperbole wasted all our time.
  • XroxfistXroxfist Member Posts: 18
    More amusingly even if you put 145 defenders in (which hurts your rating yes) the attacker kill points is still the exact same so both teams lose the same amount of points rendering everything besides rating the same
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,511 ★★★★★
    I never said I wouldn't speak. I'm being selective on what conversations I'm having. Certain aspects of the debate become tense and it really isn't prodictive to go back and forth like that, so if something is getting repetitive or animated, I back off.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Why don't they transfer this diversity nonsense to all the competitive aspects of the game ? Make legend runs dependent on the number of champs you use to win fights. Make arena based on who uses the largest number of champs to reach milestones. Make AQ scores dependant on the total diversity of champs used over 5 days.

    This is supposed to be a contest. It seems more like a football game that is played for four quarters then at the end the team who used the most players, all 53 on the roster, the win would be decided by the combined weight of the team. Players would all drink as much water as they could to get the win. It wouldn't matter who scored the most or gained the most yards, as these were.capped.

    Now if one of those players had an accident on the sideline and couldn't get in to play, that team would already lose. The team would still be forc d to go through the motions but they would have no chance at winning.

    I am not completely against diversity, but I really believe the cap on points should be reached at less than the maximum number of defenders. This would allow a 9 man bg to have a chance, and it would also allow more than one player to fight the same champ. And since this is a competition, there needs to be some metric that can affect outcome based on skill. Since defender kills discourage spending, that aspect has been lost. It is no longer a competionn, it's just a weight competition like the football game I described earlier. The heaviest team always wins. It just amazes me that the developers won't accept this fact and keep pushing there flawed mode.

    Sometimes people have to step back and admit they are wrong. In this case it is the developers new scoring system. It is easily exploited and goes against everything the game has stood for in the past, and it really only affects the middle and lower tiers the most. It is the perfect reason for shelling. Just keep yourself in a tier that you easily outweigh your opponents and rake in the rewards. There would be no risk of loosing. If that is the goal of this new system then the people the change was made for are going to suffer more now.
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    Save the arguments for those that deserve it. Let's focus people.

    New plan.

    Every time @GroundedWisdom says that he's not gonna say anymore...and then says more...we have to drink.

    And every time @Kabam Miike says that they've added some meaningless change that will make AW fun and engaging...for conscientious objectors...we have to drink.

    Who's with me?

    Everyone would be in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills make a difference because that is the only thing that makes sense as a tie breaker in alliance war. The defining metric when placing a defense should be how effective it is and not how diverse it is. I can't predict the future but I think it's safe to assume people will still 100% maps whether by skill or spamming items.

    I've suggested it in this chat before but making defender kills the same amount of points as diversity seems like a great alternative. It gives the players a choice of whether they'd take the guaranteed 50 points from diversity or risk it if they think they'll get more than kill.

    How can 1 group win a war where the other group has a more effective defense but spams items to get through it?

  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.

    And what single point would that be. Nothing? Because it’s correct? Please don’t post meaningless drivel. There is no variation that can gave someone with a lower rating win vs a person with a higher rating and max diversity etc. so your lack of a point about hyperbole wasted all our time.

    Don't be a twat. I've been in 2 wars where some players on the opposing side didn't show up, so they didn't even make it to the boss and they lost the wars. So since your point is, "defender rating is the only variable 100% of the time", those 2 examples render your point invalid. If there are 2 exceptions, then obviously it cannot be 100% of the time.

    DNA3000 is giving good advice. You don't have to take it, but responding impolitely to one of the most lucid, sensible and patient posters in this thread because you don't have the patience or capacity to understand his point does not make you look good.
  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    As we’ve collected data, and gathered your feedback, we have been making adjustments as we’ve gone along, each time getting closer to our goals that we’ve made for Alliance Wars, which are to make the mode more varied, fun and engaging.

    I know I'm asking a question unlikely to be directly answered, but by what possible metric could you be thinking that the war is getting "closer" to anything?

    Why, they are getting closer in the fourth dimension, of course! They are getting closer... in time!
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    What is kabams mission statement on AW ? What is it exactly that they are wanting to do with this change ? So far the only objectives they have stated is to encourage diversity and to make players feel that by dying and reviving they are not hurting their team.

    But what if you have a highly skilled player with a relatively small roster, and in order for your alliance max diversity and defender rating they have to bench other players stronger champs because they have a larger roster of r5s that can be used instead.

    Call the guy with the smaller roster player A. He has magik at r4 sig 20 5*, Dormammu r5 sig 12 4*, Mordo r5 sig 20 4*, hood r5 unduped 4*, and Juggs, r3 sig 20 5*. He has 6 other champs that are at the same rank he uses for attack, let's say iceman, AA, starlord, Dr. voodoo, CM, and Black Panther. That is all his 5/50 or better champs.

    Now player B has the same champs as player A, but higher sig levels. He also has more champs at high level. So instead of player B placing his 4/55 sig 120 magik, he has to place psylocke as the combined rating of his psylocke and player A's magik is greater than player B's magik and a 4/40 from player A.

    Eventually, the alliance will decide player A needs to be replaced by someone with him sig Spider Gwen, Luke Cage, Iron Patriot, etc.. so that the alliance can raise it's defender rating. This player C isn't as skilled as player A, but he still gets the spot and Player A is left without an alliance and has to join a lower rated one where his champs give that team a better advantage.

    Sounds pretty logical I'm sure, I'm just wondering what exactly the goal of the new iteration of AW is. I want to see an official statement from Kabam laying out their vision of how this will improve gameplay for as wide of a player base as possible. So many have shown how flawed the system is, but there has been nothing but silence from Kabam on their design parameters. It just feels cobbled together and an attempt to maybe level the playing field a bit, but it's so far failed.

    I know we won't get any answer from the horses mouth, but maybe some others can make educated guesses as to what they are trying to accomplish with this system and how it makes anything more interesting, skill based, or strategic.
  • OneslydoggOneslydogg Member Posts: 35
    @Kabam Miike You guys need to bring back points for defense kills. Let alliances figure out how to balance diversity and duplicates of tough defenders. Otherwise what’s my incentive to rank up any new champs I get?

    If someone in my BG already has an R5 Hyperion and I pulled one, why would I awaken and rank him up??? It’s only going to cost my team points.

    Also remove the ability to see defenders class and rating in higher tiers... that’s rookie **** right there. Maps will continue to be dominated with 100% exploration if we know every fight we’ll have the class advantage and NEVER put ourselves in a disadvantage.
  • XroxfistXroxfist Member Posts: 18
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.

    And what single point would that be. Nothing? Because it’s correct? Please don’t post meaningless drivel. There is no variation that can gave someone with a lower rating win vs a person with a higher rating and max diversity etc. so your lack of a point about hyperbole wasted all our time.

    Don't be a twat. I've been in 2 wars where some players on the opposing side didn't show up, so they didn't even make it to the boss and they lost the wars. So since your point is, "defender rating is the only variable 100% of the time", those 2 examples render your point invalid. If there are 2 exceptions, then obviously it cannot be 100% of the time.

    DNA3000 is giving good advice. You don't have to take it, but responding impolitely to one of the most lucid, sensible and patient posters in this thread because you don't have the patience or capacity to understand his point does not make you look good.

    Don’t be an idiot that doesn’t qualify for maxing out everything including diversity does it. Once again. If the higher rating MAXES OUT EVERYTHING. There is no chance of winning that would be zero percent. Not showing up doesn’t really qualify for the discussion. Post more meaningless **** like what if only one person placed. Obviously diversity and rating would suffer though attacker kills and defenders placed on alternate sides would still equate to the same amount of points.

    Your response as does his adds nothing to the discussion simply points out alternatives that have nothing to do with the point being made.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    linux wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.

    And what single point would that be. Nothing? Because it’s correct? Please don’t post meaningless drivel. There is no variation that can gave someone with a lower rating win vs a person with a higher rating and max diversity etc. so your lack of a point about hyperbole wasted all our time.

    It's easy for Kabam to find wars (esp out of T1-T3, but including T3 too) decided by something other than defender diversity and defender rating -- in particular, 4/55 bosses and minibosses can be hard to clear (Spidey, Magik, etc) for some players. So your claim is in a literal sense obviously false, make it too easy for someone to disregard the fact that diversity an defender rating decide far too many wars, especially in T1-T3. (I don't know what it's like below that, but I'd imagine that even with the current map not all alliances clear all 3 BGs every time.)

    Most of the time when there aren't 3 boss kills it's because the alliance is discouraged by the fact that even if they spend to revive and get the kills, they have already figured out they would lose anyway based on diversity or defender rating. There is no reason to spend for the rewards received for losing. Sometimes it's not even worth it to spend when it will get you a win. You can just save that money for the next offer that comes up for a $30 4* or t4 cats.

    For more competitive alliances that are skilled and clear maps without items, it's a slap in the face to lose when you have outplayed your opponent but lose to defender rating. Think about it, your team faced a harder defense, gave up less defender KO's, but still lose, if this was like aq, the higher rated defenders would give more points and you would come out ahead. At it's most fundamental point, AW is no longer skill based.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,171 ★★★★★
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.

    And what single point would that be. Nothing? Because it’s correct? Please don’t post meaningless drivel. There is no variation that can gave someone with a lower rating win vs a person with a higher rating and max diversity etc. so your lack of a point about hyperbole wasted all our time.

    Don't be a twat. I've been in 2 wars where some players on the opposing side didn't show up, so they didn't even make it to the boss and they lost the wars. So since your point is, "defender rating is the only variable 100% of the time", those 2 examples render your point invalid. If there are 2 exceptions, then obviously it cannot be 100% of the time.

    DNA3000 is giving good advice. You don't have to take it, but responding impolitely to one of the most lucid, sensible and patient posters in this thread because you don't have the patience or capacity to understand his point does not make you look good.

    Don’t be an idiot that doesn’t qualify for maxing out everything including diversity does it. Once again. If the higher rating MAXES OUT EVERYTHING. There is no chance of winning that would be zero percent. Not showing up doesn’t really qualify for the discussion. Post more meaningless **** like what if only one person placed. Obviously diversity and rating would suffer though attacker kills and defenders placed on alternate sides would still equate to the same amount of points.

    Your response as does his adds nothing to the discussion simply points out alternatives that have nothing to do with the point being made.

    You should try to get your point across better then.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    Greywarden wrote: »
    Defender kills make a difference because that is the only thing that makes sense as a tie breaker in alliance war. The defining metric when placing a defense should be how effective it is and not how diverse it is. I can't predict the future but I think it's safe to assume people will still 100% maps whether by skill or spamming items.

    I've suggested it in this chat before but making defender kills the same amount of points as diversity seems like a great alternative. It gives the players a choice of whether they'd take the guaranteed 50 points from diversity or risk it if they think they'll get more than kill.

    The problem isn't necessarily that Kabam has introduced points for diversity to encourage players to place a more interestingly variable defense. The problem is that it is an all or nothing change. For a given war situation, a given tier say, there's a certain (generally very high) probability of any defender being defeated. That means either the defender is going to be defeated and replacing that defender with a unique diverse defender will always score more points, or the defender is not going to be defeated and it is worth placing more than one of. In some tiers for some alliances the calculation is such that the second situation basically never happens at all, or too rarely to matter, and no defender is worth duplicating. There's no tradeoff possible for strong vs weak. It is all or nothing.

    But even in tiers where defenders are more likely to be defeated than zero, experience tells me that champions do not run the gamut from very difficult to kill to easy to kill. There is a tier of nasty defenders (for a given tier), and then everyone else. There isn't enough gray area to create any interesting decisions, and once again it is all or nothing. Either the defender is good enough that it is worth placing many, or the defender is not good enough and it is never worth placing more than one.

    This all or nothing property is what makes defender diversity such a nasty change, and why changing the points surrounding it don't create interesting situations. There needs to be situations where one is great to place, two is worth the point cost, but three is not worth it, for example. And that requires that the penalty for placing duplicates is different for placing two vs placing three vs placing four. That gives players options. That needs to be combined with a way to judge how hard a defender is to kill, and defender kill points were one way to do that, but there are other ways. I mentioned a couple: reduce the attacker points for each attacker that attacks the node, modify the attacker points based on the total amount of time it takes to defeat the node across all attackers, give the defense points for every revive the attacking side uses to revive attackers. All of those options judge the performance of the attacking side not just in terms of overall map exploration but also in terms of how they perform against each individual defending node.

    To make war competitive in an interesting way, we need to be able to say who were the good attackers and who placed the best defenders. We can give points for unusual or surprising defense maps, but we have to make sure that the ability for the node to stop attackers is also part of the equation. Kabam can claim that defensive kills were discouraging players from attacking, but there are many ways to judge defensive nodes that do not discourage players from using live attackers. Defensive points for revives is one such way, and there's no good reason not to explore these options to give players back what they want while still doing exactly what they said they set out to do.

    The fact that Kabam can get everything they claimed to want while still giving the players pretty much everything they are asking for, at least the ones interested in competition, is a bit frustrating. We don't have to randomly change point scores over and over again until players just get tired of complaining about the variations, and we don't have to randomly guess what will solve the problem. There have been many good ideas discussed in this thread that would solve all of Kabam's stated problems while addressing most of the biggest gripes. We don't have to choose between what we want and what Kabam says they want.

    Just to address your suggestion directly, Kabam stated that defender kills were removed because they were discouraging players from attacking nodes they believed they were not likely to kill. So defender kills that are worth any meaningful value would be something Kabam could claim did not address that problem. But as I said, there are ways to reward defender kills without rewarding defender kills in a way that discourages attacking. We can get what we want without Kabam being able to claim it runs contrary to what they are trying to do. We don't actually have to compromise here. We can even do better than what 14.0 was doing.
  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Snizzbar wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Xroxfist wrote: »
    Voluntaris wrote: »
    Twunt wrote: »
    The end all summary of this will be that you are making Defender rating and Diversity the two tie breakers. Doesn’t matter how you allocate the points. If both teams explore 100%, no skill required. The one with the higher Defender rating (now you lowered diversity points) will win. How can you have two variables to determine winners? That’s a sloppy formula.

    The point of the map changes is that we want you guys to emphasize your Defenders again. Prevent the other team from getting 100% exploration.

    ...and those upgraded nodes do not do that. We'll still easily 100% the map.

    Removing Defender Kill Points has removed skill from Alliance War. Resulting in a boring, uncompetitive alliance quest 2.0.

    I can see where you're coming from.

    If the idea is that you think you'll still be able to 100% clear this map as it is now, how would defender kills have made a difference?

    I can take that information to the team and see what they think.

    Defender kills points adds more points to the more effective team. As it is right now even upgraded both teams still clear and defender rating only variable meaning higher rated alliance wins. Period. Every time. Period. 100 percent. Period. Not 50. Not 70. Not 90 not 99>> 100. Thanks for playing.

    I am compelled to point out that this sort of hyperbole doesn't help anyone's cause. If your argument is that literally 100% of all wars are decided by the higher rated alliance, a single counterexample disproves the argument and renders it worthless.

    And what single point would that be. Nothing? Because it’s correct? Please don’t post meaningless drivel. There is no variation that can gave someone with a lower rating win vs a person with a higher rating and max diversity etc. so your lack of a point about hyperbole wasted all our time.

    Don't be a twat. I've been in 2 wars where some players on the opposing side didn't show up, so they didn't even make it to the boss and they lost the wars. So since your point is, "defender rating is the only variable 100% of the time", those 2 examples render your point invalid. If there are 2 exceptions, then obviously it cannot be 100% of the time.

    DNA3000 is giving good advice. You don't have to take it, but responding impolitely to one of the most lucid, sensible and patient posters in this thread because you don't have the patience or capacity to understand his point does not make you look good.

    Don’t be an idiot that doesn’t qualify for maxing out everything including diversity does it. Once again. If the higher rating MAXES OUT EVERYTHING. There is no chance of winning that would be zero percent. Not showing up doesn’t really qualify for the discussion. Post more meaningless **** like what if only one person placed. Obviously diversity and rating would suffer though attacker kills and defenders placed on alternate sides would still equate to the same amount of points.

    Your response as does his adds nothing to the discussion simply points out alternatives that have nothing to do with the point being made.

    You should try to get your point across better then.

    To be fair, not everyone speaks English as a first language so maybe he's unable to make sense even though he thinks he is.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    defender kills have to come back.

    it continues to get more and more clear that removing defender kills and lowering the difficulty is kabam's way of tempting the masses into using more items because they're so close to 100% completion.
  • Kennyskillingu_1Kennyskillingu_1 Member Posts: 3
    How about they tapp out on this failure of a new map and roll back to the old map...seeing ally’s crumbling left right and center...members losing interest.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    Diversity Parade "War" defense nodes appear to have been upgraded some ... but the chart/list does not match up with the node numbers in AW.

  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    A few of the prominent YouTubers at New York City Comicon expressed to the devs many of the issues we have with the current state of Alliance War, especially the lack of competitiveness/skill and strategy based play (including Defender Kill Points).

    Gives me a little hope that we'll see AW brought back to a fun/competitive state.
  • DonybDonyb Member Posts: 125
    For the new updated for wars both my and the opposing alliance 100% which means the victor will come down to defender rating. Imo defenderkills need to be reintroduced as a secondary tie breaker for skill
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