Battlegrounds Rewards Revealed! Solo/Alliance Events, Victory Track, Gladiator’s Circuit and More!



  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,593 ★★★★★
    So, you can buy EM to get points for the second level, but to reach this second level is still a mess, since it's so hard to have 3 wins in a row, because if you don't, u go back to zero in your bracket. That's the more annoying part for me, you can spend hours and hours and still end this season without even reaching Diamond level.

    Are these points transferrable to next season at least? Because I already lost interest after all this frustration.

    The only "good" part in all of this, is watching skilled youtubers play the mode for 2+ hours and still remain in Bronze 2, and this way you don't feel like **** and the worst player in the world.
  • ShivacruxShivacrux Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    The company has to make money,I get it
    But if you can provide atleast 30 elder marks daily(which is not so much btw) would help casual players and who are pushing for higher ranks can still get them from units or progressing through tiers
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,615 ★★★★
    And Kabam missed a golden opportunity to gift all summoners say 75 elder’s marks to give the new battlegrounds a go but no.
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,596 ★★★★★
    There are many problems with battlegrounds:
    1. Monetization is worse than almost any game I’ve ever seen. You’re going to lock all the best rewards behind paywall, and for those who don’t want to pay they can grind arena endlessly and spend all those units on elders marks
    2. Multiple energy types is awful. We’ve already seen confusion from folks using quest energy to play and not getting progress in solo or alliance event. It makes the grind so much worse. And if you’re going to put the best rewards behind premium energy, have the decency to give us some for free to get us enticed to play. The motivation for (conservatively) 90% of the playerbase goes to 0 if they don’t have a free taste of the new mode.
    3. The alliance event is a terrible decision. It forces people to be in competitive alliances for a mode that is based on solo participation. Just get rid of it all together or move most of the rewards elsewhere
    4. The paywall for extra decks is insane. I honestly think they should be free, but I understand a bit of payment to access them. But 4000 units for two extra decks? Absolutely insane.
    5. The strategy for battlegrounds is horrible. It encourages tanking fairly often to beat up on lower players in order to climb, and then tank again.
    There are more problems, but I’ve chosen to highlight the most egregious ones. Hopefully you can rectify these mistakes and make the game mode good
  • Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Member Posts: 670 ★★★★
    Why not get rid of elder marks, make all matches towards solo events.

    Participation- 500
    Round 1 - 500
    Round 2- 500
    Round 3 - 500

    If either person wins round 1 and 2 they gain the round 3 points by default.
  • DR89DR89 Member Posts: 5
    The thought process behind this is at least stupid. Finishing 94% hp you lose to someone finishing with 75% hp because they ended the fight 20s earlier.
    This has no real logic. There is no field where something like this would ever apply. If you come back healthy from a fight, they say it's better to end it fast and lose 2 limbs in the process. Promotes quantity over quality mentality as well and just facing tanks on every single match-up.
    Time should only be used as a deciding factor between 2 very similar hp left (within the 3% range) imo.
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Not sure what is going on... other than the BG fight itself which was also changed a bit, nothing is even close to how it looked in the beta..
    I'm happy to see that you add a layer of alliance and solo event but was it really necessary to make it so confusing?
    elder marks? token? relics? Circuit? too many new terms all at once... feels like diving into completely different game (vs new game mode)
    The more complicate a new mode in the game is, people will find way to exploit it. It need to be MUCH simpler

    I was also surprised to find out that you weren't really honest (or clear) about some of the changes you announced before the weekend:
    - You said you'll allow to save different set of mastery with every deck and it will be free to switch decks with their associate mastery but you failed to mention that it will cost a lot of units to buy a 2nd and 3rd deck (not that I care personally because I never switch mastery)
    - you said you heard our feedback from the beta and added a new "currency" to enter BG instead of energy, but you failed to mention that this currency will be available only in the BG store for units (again, a lot of units) or after winning many matched for still using energy. At this point I rather spend my energy on quests which is more fun just because of the ratio between the rewards and the how easy it to understand what is going on.
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    FunnyDude said:

    IMO, this game mode is going to end MCOC, it simply change the game to a full time job. Imagine the hours and money you have to spend in the game if you want to attend AQ+AW+BG+Monthly event, this is ridiculous.

    Kabam, what are you doing?

    I don't like this sentence: "If you don't like it, don't play it."
    But in this case it is just true.
    Nobody needs BG in this way and most of us are still addicted to the game after years (thanks to Game launcher I know that I played over 4.400 hours yet). It's just a mode that will vanish because of the bad decisions Kabam made.

    So what now? We still have enough game-modes - more than we can play. The update for incursions will come and maybe Kabam learns from it's mistakes. I would be glad if I could help.
    Our Team of J.A.R.V.I.S. represents a lot of German players, we have close to 7k using our helpbot for tips and tricks, a Youtube-Channel with close to 1k frequent viewers, a Instagram-acc with 1k follower and help-groups in Facebook and more and more.

    We wanted to be in the CCP and tried it a lot, but no chance. I'd like to be the players voice (always in mind that Kabam isn't a non-profit-organisation) and gell Kabam in detail where the problem is - and use my time to make a better game and better experience- but you don't even get an answer...
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,947 ★★★★★

    If we want to address feedback, we need to know WHY you're feeling the way you do, not just HOW you feel.

    That's pretty much what the comments have been about. Just interpret them, it's easy to know WHY the community is pissed about this.
    Not to mention, what were the multiple betas for? So much just so you guy's ended up releasing something totally different, untested, not asked by anyone. You should already know that "surprises" from this game are, most of the times, unnapreaciated by everyone and actually really bad.

    But to start things off, and you won't like this one:

    - Remove monetization.
    There, is that simple. Already a huge step forward. Don't pretend you don't know that this is an issue, and don't expect to make up any excuses in order to leave it there. Just do what it needs to be done.


    Now, about those Elder Mark's:

    -Get rid of them.
    No one asked for a P2W feature here. Especially since this will eventually just be spammed across multiple "battleground offers" in the future.

    However, if you want to keep this feature, then you could rework it and turn it into something different. Turn them in to a Battleground Scoring Mark. This will work similar to an energy system.

    What I mean by it is that, in order to score in the solo and alliance event's, you would need to spend Elder Mark's in a match. You can still play as much as you want by using quest energy, but you won't be scoring anything in the events. You will only score if you start a match with an Elder Mark. Let's say for simplicity, 1x Elder Mark to be able to start a match that will actually award points.

    Now, this isn't much different from the current system. But now here's the catch: These Elder Mark's are not purchasable or obtainable in any way, shape or form. Yeh let's not go that route.
    Instead, they are automatically added to your inventory every X hours, or every day. For simplicity, let's say you get 1 Elder Mark per day, and the max you can hold is 5.

    You start the Battleground season with 5/5 Elder Mark's. Similar to a energy system in which you start with it at max. Now, you can use Elder Mark's to start a match and contribute points toward the solo and alliance events. Or you can just test the water's and use quest energy instead, without contributing points for the events. Once you have spent an Elder Mark, you will have to wait for the next day to get +1 Elder Mark.
    So if you were at 0/5 Elder Mark's, the next day you would have 1/5. And considering you haven't used it, you would have 2/5 on the following day. This will allow player's to have free time to do anything else in the game and hold the Elder Mark's for a few days, before they cap at 5/5. If they stay cap for the next day then it's one less opportunity to score in the events, just that.

    And if you want to keep playing BG for fun, but you don't have any Elder Mark's left, you can just use quest energy instead. You won't score for the events though, but you can still score in the solo objectives this way. Which BTW, add one or two more there to incentivize playing while at 0 Elder Mark's left.

    With this you would likely need to rework the scoring system and change some other stuff here and there once again, but that's on you for changing it first prior to fix the various problems with the mode in the first place.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,004 ★★★★★
    The game of battlegrounds is amazing, the development have done a great team.

    But I don’t know which team decided on the entry and rewards system but they couldn’t have done a worse job if they tried. I honestly don’t think I’ll bother with season 1 at all, if ever with the mode. I played all the betas, hit all the milestones. The implementation of this mode makes me feel total apathy towards the whole game. I genuinely don’t understand how you can get something this wrong.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    If we want to address feedback, we need to know WHY you're feeling the way you do, not just HOW you feel.

    That's pretty much what the comments have been about. Just interpret them, it's easy to know WHY the community is pissed about this.
    Not to mention, what were the multiple betas for? So much just so you guy's ended up releasing something totally different, untested, not asked by anyone. You should already know that "surprises" from this game are, most of the times, unnapreaciated by everyone and actually really bad.

    But to start things off, and you won't like this one:

    - Remove monetization.
    There, is that simple. Already a huge step forward. Don't pretend you don't know that this is an issue, and don't expect to make up any excuses in order to leave it there. Just do what it needs to be done.


    Now, about those Elder Mark's:

    -Get rid of them.
    No one asked for a P2W feature here. Especially since this will eventually just be spammed across multiple "battleground offers" in the future.

    However, if you want to keep this feature, then you could rework it and turn it into something different. Turn them in to a Battleground Scoring Mark. This will work similar to an energy system.

    What I mean by it is that, in order to score in the solo and alliance event's, you would need to spend Elder Mark's in a match. You can still play as much as you want by using quest energy, but you won't be scoring anything in the events. You will only score if you start a match with an Elder Mark. Let's say for simplicity, 1x Elder Mark to be able to start a match that will actually award points.

    Now, this isn't much different from the current system. But now here's the catch: These Elder Mark's are not purchasable or obtainable in any way, shape or form. Yeh let's not go that route.
    Instead, they are automatically added to your inventory every X hours, or every day. For simplicity, let's say you get 1 Elder Mark per day, and the max you can hold is 5.

    You start the Battleground season with 5/5 Elder Mark's. Similar to a energy system in which you start with it at max. Now, you can use Elder Mark's to start a match and contribute points toward the solo and alliance events. Or you can just test the water's and use quest energy instead, without contributing points for the events. Once you have spent an Elder Mark, you will have to wait for the next day to get +1 Elder Mark.
    So if you were at 0/5 Elder Mark's, the next day you would have 1/5. And considering you haven't used it, you would have 2/5 on the following day. This will allow player's to have free time to do anything else in the game and hold the Elder Mark's for a few days, before they cap at 5/5. If they stay cap for the next day then it's one less opportunity to score in the events, just that.

    And if you want to keep playing BG for fun, but you don't have any Elder Mark's left, you can just use quest energy instead. You won't score for the events though, but you can still score in the solo objectives this way. Which BTW, add one or two more there to incentivize playing while at 0 Elder Mark's left.

    With this you would likely need to rework the scoring system and change some other stuff here and there once again, but that's on you for changing it first prior to fix the various problems with the mode in the first place.
    Or just have elder marks that act like aq/aw energy. “Gain 1 for X amount of time”. But the fault in your method would be that the max points anyone can get is equal to the same as someone else. There has to be something that separates people besides wins/losses because with such few elder marks it’s easier to pin-point a must win fight. So better yet to have elder marks like an energy bar that fills 1 every 5 mins, 1 to enter the fight for points but you can buy refills. There is separation from time and whales can whale out if they want to spend all day there.

    I’d also suggest that energy/elder marks both generate points for goals but one is less then the other enticing people to maximize their points/time by using elder marks but then the casual player can use both if they craved out an hour to play them.

    Also, add gold to matches. 50k for win, 25k for loss. Promotes grinding for a reason, so win or lose at least we are gaining something to help us in the game.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,363 ★★★★
    Mauled said:

    I’ve had a bit of time to mull over this over the last couple of days and will try to be constructive in this post.

    I’ve loved the idea of BG since their inception and outside of mods, which I appreciate are difficult to tackle and will always be a retrospective action by definition anyway, there were only two ways that BG could fail:
    1. The rewards and reward structure either weren’t sufficient or there was no real recognition of skill - a BG equivalent of a masters title for instance.
    2. The cost of entry prohibited low/non spenders, and reduced the contest to a few die hards who save their units for entry and big spenders.

    Unfortunately it seems that both of these have been hit firmly on the head.

    An energy cost associated with BG is fine IMO, though I’d have preferred it to be akin to AW/AQ energy so the player doesn’t have to choose between game modes. A starting energy point of ~5, recharging at a similar pace to AQ would allow most players to be able to pick up BG pretty much whenever they wanted and unless they were playing for an hour straight they’d probably not run out of energy.

    The Good:

    The Victory Track leading into the Gladiator Circuit is a good idea IMO, it wets the toes of the novices and allows them to work on their decks as they progress before reaching the big time, where hopefully they’ve got a good idea of where they want their BG decks to be.

    The decks and mastery load outs are a win, as is the interface. There’s a lot of information that’s pretty well organised and accessible.

    The game mode itself: the healthpools are back and reward clean play over bursting damage a bit more

    The Bad:

    The reward structure is still all wrong IMO. It should be built into the season rewards at the end as this places all of the emphasis on winning, rather than grinding. The placement method employed in the beta was perfect, you knew where you were ranked and how far/close your rivals were from you.
    Applying brackets to this scoring system is all that was required:
    - Podium
    - Top 100
    - Top 300
    - Top 600 (Approximate ‘masters’ level based off AW)
    However the various cutoffs are organised is beside the point, but that’s where the rewards to lie, and there should certainly be title recognition for those who place highly, or go on the longest streaks etc.

    I think that an element of alliance reward isn’t a problem, but it should be bonus rewards - refills, perhaps a few shards or currency. Something to entice lower level players/alliances into just having fun in the victory track while they develop their skills and rosters.

    The Ugly:

    The Elder’s marks system is totally flawed and has the potential to kill the game mode in its tracks. There should be no unit/financial cost of entry, certainly not to access the higher rewards.

    There should be no barrier to entry, certainly not for a fresh game mode that for the first time allows players to finally see who is the most skilful in the contest. I realise that this is a business and that an element of monetisation is what keeps the food on the table and the lights on at the HQ but the real monetisation from this game mode comes from players spending on offers and deals to develop their rosters to be able to compete at the highest level.

    The Solution:

    1. Remove Elder’s marks completely.
    2. 90% of the rewards should be in season rewards, not grind-based milestones.

    With this game mode, Kabam has the potential to actually make genuine e-sports a thing with MCoC. That is where the monetisation potential comes in: players will spend to stack their rosters and compete for access to tournaments. We’ve all seen the LoL, CoD tournaments streamed globally, there’s huge sponsorship, prize pools etc. available.

    Please take a long view on this and see the potential and you’ll realise it’s not worth a short term influx of cash that kills the mode when you can breath life back into a game that, let’s be honest, hasn’t exactly been glowing with vitality recently.

    I would say it’s just my 2c, but this has become a DNAesque length post.

    I appreciate posts like this that not only appropriately critique the problem, but also highlights good points and provides a solution to help resolve the issue/problem.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    If we want to address feedback, we need to know WHY you're feeling the way you do, not just HOW you feel.

    That's pretty much what the comments have been about. Just interpret them, it's easy to know WHY the community is pissed about this.
    Not to mention, what were the multiple betas for? So much just so you guy's ended up releasing something totally different, untested, not asked by anyone. You should already know that "surprises" from this game are, most of the times, unnapreaciated by everyone and actually really bad.

    But to start things off, and you won't like this one:

    - Remove monetization.
    There, is that simple. Already a huge step forward. Don't pretend you don't know that this is an issue, and don't expect to make up any excuses in order to leave it there. Just do what it needs to be done.


    Now, about those Elder Mark's:

    -Get rid of them.
    No one asked for a P2W feature here. Especially since this will eventually just be spammed across multiple "battleground offers" in the future.

    However, if you want to keep this feature, then you could rework it and turn it into something different. Turn them in to a Battleground Scoring Mark. This will work similar to an energy system.

    What I mean by it is that, in order to score in the solo and alliance event's, you would need to spend Elder Mark's in a match. You can still play as much as you want by using quest energy, but you won't be scoring anything in the events. You will only score if you start a match with an Elder Mark. Let's say for simplicity, 1x Elder Mark to be able to start a match that will actually award points.

    Now, this isn't much different from the current system. But now here's the catch: These Elder Mark's are not purchasable or obtainable in any way, shape or form. Yeh let's not go that route.
    Instead, they are automatically added to your inventory every X hours, or every day. For simplicity, let's say you get 1 Elder Mark per day, and the max you can hold is 5.

    You start the Battleground season with 5/5 Elder Mark's. Similar to a energy system in which you start with it at max. Now, you can use Elder Mark's to start a match and contribute points toward the solo and alliance events. Or you can just test the water's and use quest energy instead, without contributing points for the events. Once you have spent an Elder Mark, you will have to wait for the next day to get +1 Elder Mark.
    So if you were at 0/5 Elder Mark's, the next day you would have 1/5. And considering you haven't used it, you would have 2/5 on the following day. This will allow player's to have free time to do anything else in the game and hold the Elder Mark's for a few days, before they cap at 5/5. If they stay cap for the next day then it's one less opportunity to score in the events, just that.

    And if you want to keep playing BG for fun, but you don't have any Elder Mark's left, you can just use quest energy instead. You won't score for the events though, but you can still score in the solo objectives this way. Which BTW, add one or two more there to incentivize playing while at 0 Elder Mark's left.

    With this you would likely need to rework the scoring system and change some other stuff here and there once again, but that's on you for changing it first prior to fix the various problems with the mode in the first place.
    Or just have elder marks that act like aq/aw energy. “Gain 1 for X amount of time”. But the fault in your method would be that the max points anyone can get is equal to the same as someone else.
    Correct. That would get solved with some changes to the scoring system.
    Not via any monetizable or purchased method though, The intention is to about those at any cost
    The expectation for them to develop this and not have it be monetized at all is a pipe dream. Also everyone keeps talking about how this system is p2w and doesn't reward skill but then wants marks to just be given to them. That's why I suggested being able to earn them through winning matches with energy. That way if you're good enough you can earn enough to actually compete in the solo/alliance events.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,947 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    If we want to address feedback, we need to know WHY you're feeling the way you do, not just HOW you feel.

    That's pretty much what the comments have been about. Just interpret them, it's easy to know WHY the community is pissed about this.
    Not to mention, what were the multiple betas for? So much just so you guy's ended up releasing something totally different, untested, not asked by anyone. You should already know that "surprises" from this game are, most of the times, unnapreaciated by everyone and actually really bad.

    But to start things off, and you won't like this one:

    - Remove monetization.
    There, is that simple. Already a huge step forward. Don't pretend you don't know that this is an issue, and don't expect to make up any excuses in order to leave it there. Just do what it needs to be done.


    Now, about those Elder Mark's:

    -Get rid of them.
    No one asked for a P2W feature here. Especially since this will eventually just be spammed across multiple "battleground offers" in the future.

    However, if you want to keep this feature, then you could rework it and turn it into something different. Turn them in to a Battleground Scoring Mark. This will work similar to an energy system.

    What I mean by it is that, in order to score in the solo and alliance event's, you would need to spend Elder Mark's in a match. You can still play as much as you want by using quest energy, but you won't be scoring anything in the events. You will only score if you start a match with an Elder Mark. Let's say for simplicity, 1x Elder Mark to be able to start a match that will actually award points.

    Now, this isn't much different from the current system. But now here's the catch: These Elder Mark's are not purchasable or obtainable in any way, shape or form. Yeh let's not go that route.
    Instead, they are automatically added to your inventory every X hours, or every day. For simplicity, let's say you get 1 Elder Mark per day, and the max you can hold is 5.

    You start the Battleground season with 5/5 Elder Mark's. Similar to a energy system in which you start with it at max. Now, you can use Elder Mark's to start a match and contribute points toward the solo and alliance events. Or you can just test the water's and use quest energy instead, without contributing points for the events. Once you have spent an Elder Mark, you will have to wait for the next day to get +1 Elder Mark.
    So if you were at 0/5 Elder Mark's, the next day you would have 1/5. And considering you haven't used it, you would have 2/5 on the following day. This will allow player's to have free time to do anything else in the game and hold the Elder Mark's for a few days, before they cap at 5/5. If they stay cap for the next day then it's one less opportunity to score in the events, just that.

    And if you want to keep playing BG for fun, but you don't have any Elder Mark's left, you can just use quest energy instead. You won't score for the events though, but you can still score in the solo objectives this way. Which BTW, add one or two more there to incentivize playing while at 0 Elder Mark's left.

    With this you would likely need to rework the scoring system and change some other stuff here and there once again, but that's on you for changing it first prior to fix the various problems with the mode in the first place.
    Or just have elder marks that act like aq/aw energy. “Gain 1 for X amount of time”. But the fault in your method would be that the max points anyone can get is equal to the same as someone else.
    Correct. That would get solved with some changes to the scoring system.
    Not via any monetizable or purchased method though, The intention is to about those at any cost
    The expectation for them to develop this and not have it be monetized at all is a pipe dream. Also everyone keeps talking about how this system is p2w and doesn't reward skill but then wants marks to just be given to them. That's why I suggested being able to earn them through winning matches with energy. That way if you're good enough you can earn enough to actually compete in the solo/alliance events.
    I'm sure they won't remove the monetization aspect of it. Still just wanted to give my 2 cents I guess.
    Gain Mark's via winning matches could be a possibility, but maybe only if they are obtainable via the objectives or events, and is a limited ammount of them. Otherwise we'll have people spamming energy refils to get an unlimited ammount of them
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    If you're not willing to put in the time or money, why should you be at a competitive level?

    Well it’s not being competitive if it’s locked behind a rare currency that can only be obtain two ways. Buying it or working through the victory track. Firstly, that VT is extremely difficult and time consuming to get through with minimal incentive to do it. Zero competition required for the VT except to monetize it, this is where casual players should be but because there is very little incentive to burn energy it’s easier to pass on it altogether. The real competition is beyond VT and into gladiator circuit. So it’s not really a “why should you be at a competitive level?” But more “why is there two competitive levels being monetized?”.

    Limited ftp in the gladiator circuit makes sense, I can see your statement being true here.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited September 2022

    If you're not willing to put in the time or money, why should you be at a competitive level?

    I can see what you’re saying, but the issue here is that unless you’re dropping serious money or serious hours for the privilege to play, you can’t. This is a mode that should be monetised by through its rewards and kudos - people spend on their roster for the purposes of placing high in BG. The more successful the mode is, the more likely people are to spend.
    Even you have said you curtailed your spending in recent months. Would you not have been more likely, or keen, to spend to get certain champions for the mode, rather than simply the right to enter?

    I think that the post I made further up explains my thoughts quite well.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    There is nothing wrong with putting the elders mark as a way to keep people from just playing matches to lose. My compliant is we get 0 to start unless we spend units or money for units. The dumbest thing they could have done. Start us with 300 elders mark and then we work our way through. If we don’t progress with the 300 then that’s on us to but with money or units. Not start us at 0
  • EricZachary1977EricZachary1977 Member Posts: 38

    Hey everybody,

    Let's try and move this conversation back into a more constructive place. To be really honest, it's getting difficult to distil feedback because I'm getting a lot of... well... above. If we want to address feedback, we need to know WHY you're feeling the way you do, not just HOW you feel.

    So, let's try this again. I know this launch didn't go the way many of you expected, but Why? What is the thing that you don't like.

    Here's what I've been able to gather:

    • Elder's Marks currency is a necessity to gain rewards in Solo and Alliance Events
    • Elder's Marks are difficult to obtain without spending Units
    • Biggest rewards in the mode are still somewhat based on participation and not competitive play - Wins are more valuable after recent changes but are still not the only way to progress in Solo/Alliance event.
    • Without Relics, Gladiator's Circuit and Victory track are still not as enticing as the Solo and Alliance Event rewards
    • Solo and Alliance Event Rewards are not enticing for the participation required(I know these two contradict each other, but different players will have different feedback)
    • Trophy Tokens seem more difficult to come across than they used to be in the Beta
    If you have more to add, please do. We are going to start cleaning up posts that are not constructive because it makes finding constructive feedback or continuing constructive conversations more difficult.
    Not sure what you mean by "above."
    As to WHY I feel so disappointed and disheartened is because the game mode y'all rolled out is completely different than the one in the betas, at least economically. In the betas the only cost was Energy (which is STILL an outrageous expense in my opinion) and champ refreshes. Y'all got the feedback that everyone hated the champ refresh cost and removed it, which was a step in the right direction, but now with the mode live, y'all have decided that it still must be so heavily monetized that free to play players are left out. It's not possible to even get all the milestones without spending, let alone have any hope for ranked rewards.

    I understand that you're in business to make money, And the spenders are how you make that money, but I just wish Y'ALL would understand that without free to play players, your player base is (just guessing here IDK the numbers) 1/4 or what it is? 1/5? 1/10? Point being that without the free to play players, there is no game. Please recognize that as a fact. You don't need to monetize EVERYTHING. Let the whales buy their cav crystals. Heck, I'm fine with whales having an advantage in battlegrounds as well, but to make it impossible for non spenders to even complete the milestones? I have to ask, what is the point of playing the mode as a free to play player?
  • nilaebrannilaebran Member Posts: 106
    Seems like kabam's main mission is to make game as complicated as it can be, monetization comes second..

    Simple is the keyword, mcoc is already a complex game, people already spend hours in lectures whenever a new story act, aw or aq rework come by, we have countless items, stores, materials, currencies.. Why, oh why did you have to add more? Let people focus on playing and spending, not search forums or spam line chats with confused and confusing questions. If you'd add up the time people spent on reading and writing only in this thread you'd realize that's wasted money, all these people could grind BG, achieve some stuff and look up for more, spend to get that more, some, not all, but still..

    It would've been soooo simple to make money out of this release still make everybody happy that i really don't get it.. Participation upon energy spending was the starting point. Champions refresh timers was 2nd. Add solo events that award points for participation and wins with prohibitive milestones for cheap peasants but appealing for hard grinders/whales. Weekly rank rewards. If you wanna add an ally event which i believe is only stressful, nothing else, make it an extra, no rank rewards, just a few decent prizes, like nexus cavs or something.. On top of that add monthly rankings if you wish. Put out offers with ⚡ and refresh tokens. You'd make more money out of it than any other area of the game.

    Reward structure i'm talking about is somewhat similar to arena, i know, but this is different, people are not willing to grind arena cause it's boring af, this is something else, best content in 8 years, community would actually have fun grinding this mode rather than arena because they have to (for prestige, to get a new defender no one has or a counter to a node that stops their progress, whatever)..

    There's nothing wrong in copying rewards structures from other areas, content is new, why would everything related to it be the same?! Keep it simple!
  • D0ctor_SD0ctor_S Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2022
    I just don't know who this rewards system was designed for and as @nilaebran mentioned there are myriad ways in which Kabam could have made money from this game mode.

    Elders Marks & the alliance/solo event structure disincentives F2P, progressing players, and minimal spenders (your money is better spent on Cyber weekend or Daily Cards), whilst the rewards are not sufficient for big spenders.

    Why would a whale alliance demand that all 30 of its members spend multiple Odin's and the time it takes to do 600+ BG matches- for a chance of mats (alliance event) that they can buy cheaper in other offers?

    Which whale is going to go ham (money and time) on the solo event for 6* shards and an AG they probably don't really need when it's quicker to buy cavs?

    I understand that the game has to make money but this just seems poorly thought out all around and surely it would be more profitable to cast a wider net and encourage participation than the current system.

    My suggestions would be:
    - Make scoring for the alliance event energy based. That means everyone can participate and get something back for contributing. The EM earned from that can then be used for the solo event.
    - Up the number of Elders Marks available through playing (Alliance Event or BG ranks) to cover hitting the solo event milestones.

    That doesn't stop people spending to go beyond that and would give a reason for the rest of the player base to participate.
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