With Battlegrounds just a few hours from launching, we wanted to share some scoring changes that are coming to our Solo and Alliance objectives. As a reminder, we will be making changes in two waves. These changes are to address the less competitive nature of "Completing Matches" vs. Winning them in these two events, and further changes will be implemented for Seasons 2 and beyond, but we need player Data to analyze before we can complete those.
Solo Event Scoring:
Match Won: 1250 Points Match Complete: 800 Points
This means winning a match will grant 2050 points (1250 from winning, 800 from completion), while a Loss still grants 800 points. This tuning is likely to change after we see what the new behaviour is in-game.
Alliance Event Scoring:
Player Drafts a [TAG] Champion: 25 Points Player Assigns a [CLASS CHAMPION] Attacker: 50 Points Player Assigns a [CLASS CHAMPION] Defender: 50 Points Match Won: 1200 Points Matches Complete: 600 Points
This one suffered from an HTML error that hid the "TAG" and "Class Champion" info in the original information, but also now includes points for winning matches, instead of just completing.
We also know that there have been conversations about the Rewards in the Events vs the Gladiator Circuit and Victory Track. As you may remember, our original idea for BGs was to launch with Relics, but with Relics being delayed, we weren't able to include those. You can expect Relics to feature more heavily in the rewards for future seasons!
Lastly, we've seen players ask why we can't delay Battlegrounds to get more time in for further changes. It isn't only time we need to address further changes, but also data and player experience. We can't confidently make changes to Battlegrounds without Players getting their hands on the mode and starting to play.
Thank you once again for your feedback, and we look forward to continuing these conversations and continuing to improve the Battlegrounds experience.
Imma be frank with ya...the issue isn't the event scoring, its the events themselves. They have much more rewards than the rank rewards for season. That's what we are upset about. The solo event and alliance event shouldn't be better than placing high in the season.
A competitive mode should give rewards for playing competitively, not for farming points in a solo event. Why do you have to make it so complicated
I'm glad I didn't hold my hopes up for this one. Still disappointing to see that barely anything meaningful got changed.
This is so sad
I guess it’s an ok start considering they had 3 days to do it. Hopefully the 5 weeks they have before the next season will be more impactful
If the gameplay and data shows how badly designed the structure is and Kabam don’t change it then for season 2, that’s when I’ll be incredibly disappointed.
3 days is not a lot of time when two of them are the weekend (though that should just really teach Kabam to stop announcing things on a Friday that will launch on a Monday).
I'm glad I didn't hold my hopes up for this one. Still disappointing to see that barely anything meaningful got changed.
This is so sad
I guess it’s an ok start considering they had 3 days to do it. Hopefully the 5 weeks they have before the next season will be more impactful
If the gameplay and data shows how badly designed the structure is and Kabam don’t change it then for season 2, that’s when I’ll be incredibly disappointed.
3 days is not a lot of time when two of them are the weekend (though that should just really teach Kabam to stop announcing things on a Friday that will launch on a Monday).
Correct. Although I'm also not expecting them to change much more on season 2. If anything, I just think they'll make some minor tweaks in order to make the "problem" itself less problematic. But let's see how things will turn out.
At least it can't get worse than season 1 ... right?
Q: If the best way to get good rewards is to score points in the solo event, whats to stop me from tanking matches so i can get easy wins for more points
A: Nothing cuz the rank rewards for season are horrible
Q: If the best way to get good rewards is to get points spending elders marks, what's to stop someone from getting better rewards than a better player by simply buying marks with units
A: Nothing, spending units is the best way to "earn rewards"
Q: For a gamemode that was initially called the "solo competitive mode" why are the rewards for being competitive so much worse than the rewards in Alliance and solo events
A: Because you can't monetize a mode that requires skill otherwise
Welcome to arena 2.0! Where farming matches will get you your rewards!! Unfortunately now you have to win to get substantial points, but don't worry, just like arena, where you can lose your streak to get easy matches, in Arena 2.0 you can just tank your rating to do the exact same thing! Yippie! Get your units ready summoner, because if you want the REAL rewards of Battle Grounds, you're gonna have to spend your units to "earn them". (FYI don't bother with season placement, we just put those rewards there for the FTP players, the real rewards can be bought for units from our solo and alliance events )
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
then why aren't the rewards buffed until they are?
So you just adjusted some points but have not changed anything about how rewards are distributed? Still, the whole game mode's rewards are based on the unlimited grind and buying special energy for units. Even after this change, it's still possible to lose all matches but still get N1 rank rewards, it just matter how much you want to spend or if you have just a bot account. So disappointing.
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
When can we expect to hear more about what exactly relics will do? As I’m sure you can understand there’s a lot of speculation about the direction you’ve taken with them. What are the current plans for when we’re going to get confirmation of how they’ll impact our champions?
This is still awful. All the arena grind elements remain. Except now kabam basically will encourage tanking and then bullying weaker players.
Step 1 get to gladiator circuit Step 2 use elders marks to win till it gets harder Step 3 use regular energy to tank down(quit matches as they wouldnt contribute to events anyways) Step 4 use elders marks to enter matches and beat up lower tier players till it gets hard again Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make sure you win all/most matches using your elders marks because those are only matches that matter.
Only fix to this is if actual rank rewards to gladiators circuit are meaningful!
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
We are playing this game today, not for future prospects. Don't you think that if you cannot add something today you have to replace it with something similar value? How this supposedly solves anything, that in the future you are planning to add something? what about season 1 that starts today? Why you made it completely irrelevant if someone is top 10 or top 100 players in this mode?
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
We are playing this game today, not for future prospects. Don't you think that if you cannot add something today you have to replace it with something similar value? How this supposedly solves anything, that in the future you are planning to add something? what about season 1 that starts today? Why you made it completely irrelevant if someone is top 10 or top 100 players in this mode?
If they’d added something of similar value in this season (say 6* shards) that was then replaced next season for relics you’d quite possibly be complaining that they’d removed rewards in season 2.
Could we get an option to just buy the rewards for units??? I know we basically already have that but I'm sure people would pay a bit extra to skip the brainless grind
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
"Going to be very important" Doesn't this mode come out today?
How out of touch can you guys be from the community???
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
We get they aren't ready yet. But please release how they will work and everything (or as much as possible). This way we can give you feedback and you can release them properly, not this mess that BGs was.
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
We are playing this game today, not for future prospects. Don't you think that if you cannot add something today you have to replace it with something similar value? How this supposedly solves anything, that in the future you are planning to add something? what about season 1 that starts today? Why you made it completely irrelevant if someone is top 10 or top 100 players in this mode?
Exactly. That the rank rewards aren't the best is a massive disappointment. You basically destroyed the competition of the mode you created before it even started.
Can we expect arena rewards to be updated? Get alliance rewards for the 6* featured. Makes just about as much sense for the reward structure of this mode. How about incursions, is that your big overhaul you’ve been announcing? From now on we get alliance rewards for top zones? Just get rid of all solo elements
I just find it insane you are actually promoting tanking rating so you can then go and win with elder marks. Boggles the mind. Rewards should have always been off rank. There was no need to add a grind component. This is not crappy arena.
I simply don't understand why you guys had to ruin what you spent so much time fine tuning.
Battlegrounds is the ultimate competitive mode….TREAT it like such. Its really not hard. You have rankings - best ranks get best rank rewards. Get out of your own way for once.
Main problem wasn’t addressed where grinding is rewarded more over good gameplay. Why is gladiator circuit rankings so undervalued in rewards. Buff that not the events.
Gladiator's Circuit is going to be very important for Relic acquisition. Those just aren't ready for distribution yet.
We are playing this game today, not for future prospects. Don't you think that if you cannot add something today you have to replace it with something similar value? How this supposedly solves anything, that in the future you are planning to add something? what about season 1 that starts today? Why you made it completely irrelevant if someone is top 10 or top 100 players in this mode?
Exactly. That the rank rewards aren't the best is a massive disappointment. You basically destroyed the competition of the mode you created before it even started.
In addition they created massive incentive to tank with energy and beat up smaller accounts with elders marks. So its about as bad as before for many and worsefor people with smaller accounts
I'm fine with the reward structure and look forward to having fun with BG.
This thread does not worry me because I've been here long enough to know that there are ALWAYS people who are never satisfied, never happy, and play the part of Chicken Little at every step.
This is so sad
A competitive mode should give rewards for playing competitively, not for farming points in a solo event. Why do you have to make it so complicated
If the gameplay and data shows how badly designed the structure is and Kabam don’t change it then for season 2, that’s when I’ll be incredibly disappointed.
3 days is not a lot of time when two of them are the weekend (though that should just really teach Kabam to stop announcing things on a Friday that will launch on a Monday).
If anything, I just think they'll make some minor tweaks in order to make the "problem" itself less problematic. But let's see how things will turn out.
At least it can't get worse than season 1 ... right?
A: Nothing cuz the rank rewards for season are horrible
Q: If the best way to get good rewards is to get points spending elders marks, what's to stop someone from getting better rewards than a better player by simply buying marks with units
A: Nothing, spending units is the best way to "earn rewards"
Q: For a gamemode that was initially called the "solo competitive mode" why are the rewards for being competitive so much worse than the rewards in Alliance and solo events
A: Because you can't monetize a mode that requires skill otherwise
Get your units ready summoner, because if you want the REAL rewards of Battle Grounds, you're gonna have to spend your units to "earn them". (FYI don't bother with season placement, we just put those rewards there for the FTP players, the real rewards can be bought for units from our solo and alliance events
Step 1 get to gladiator circuit
Step 2 use elders marks to win till it gets harder
Step 3 use regular energy to tank down(quit matches as they wouldnt contribute to events anyways)
Step 4 use elders marks to enter matches and beat up lower tier players till it gets hard again
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make sure you win all/most matches using your elders marks because those are only matches that matter.
Only fix to this is if actual rank rewards to gladiators circuit are meaningful!
Still trash.
Doesn't this mode come out today?
How out of touch can you guys be from the community???
I simply don't understand why you guys had to ruin what you spent so much time fine tuning.
Battlegrounds is the ultimate competitive mode….TREAT it like such. Its really not hard. You have rankings - best ranks get best rank rewards. Get out of your own way for once.
This thread does not worry me because I've been here long enough to know that there are ALWAYS people who are never satisfied, never happy, and play the part of Chicken Little at every step.