New Carrina's challenges thoughts?



  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★

    gohard123 said:

    This will be the 1st content in the history of mcoc that i will be skipping (except for the sparky stuff to get the KG piece). Last content i didn't do was the Coulson challenge ,i tried but couldn't do it. That was 8 years ago

    Are these challenges worse than 4* starlord that you did even before Carina’s challenges were ever a thing?
    Much worse ya, are you talking about LOL?
    Sorry, but these challenges are not worse than the Labyrinth challenges from vol 1. No fight in the 4* labyrinth challenges was soloable- those were legitimate revive dumps that nobody could out-skill. These on the other hand (even fins) can be done for very cheap with proper knowledge and execution. People complain about this new batch as if its tuned just the same as those labyrinth ones, when they are in fact significantly more player-friendly and skill focused (fin made sure every single fight in his challenges were soloable).
    I know that being better than the vol 1 labyrinth challenges is a low bar, but these pass that bar easily, despite the complaints that its a mandatory resource drain.
    Well no everyone is a fin regardless you’re pointing out how great he is but keep forgetting the rest here feel like it wasted of time personally I don’t care a lot of the carain I never done most of those I haven’t done is the review ones where if it over like 10 then it a no go for me simply I no way near msd skills
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    FunnyDude said:

    Im also really tired of hearing “Its optional” as a response. Using hercules to cheese content is optional yet I dont see a free 7 star herc waiting in my inbox. The reason is because something being “optional” has nothing to do with whether or not you should balance it. All content is optional- why bother balancing anything? Its absurd to state put loud and even worse from the comm team. At this point biting the bullet and saying we want an increased revenue flow would be the MOST defensible position you could take.

    To crashed: you mentioned being happy with a lot of content being available- what content? BGs is in such a poor state reward wise the 5 time top player has complained about the rewards for at least 4 seasons+ and it STILL hasn't seen an update. Incursions is a bug riddled mess with the latest in black screen technology. AW, WOW, RAIDS and the latest and greatest Carinas challenges are all subject to AI woes that haven’t been addressed, ALL got overtuned somehow, and (if they happened to be in a good state reward wise) it was because of a literal bug which gave us excess glory. The side quests have practically been dead for months if not a year with the occasional heartbeat. Necro was amazing- but frankly those glasses are probably rose tinted because we had a REVIVE SOURCE that wasnt garbage or took months round out a stash. You mentioned you didnt use units to explore it… please tell me you didnt revive farm. Because the implication isnt that necro wasnt difficult enough, just that there was an option to not spend your way through it which is the quiet part you all keep teasing but bending into knots to not say out loud.

    The comfort you offered to us “about having changed something” behind the scenes is just as easily read: “we have something so overtuned in the works we had to bite back because we almost made another oops”. The fatigue this cycle illicits is copious

    The game itself is optional, none of players will die or lose their job w/o this game, so “optional” is am invalid way of defending these new contents.
    To those famous names in this thread, please remember, Kabam does make mistakes, this is so true in the last a couple of months, you know this and I know you know and you know I know you know, so stop defending and start to think if there is something fundamentally wrong when you create or help Kabam to create new contents.

    Please remember, devs are happy is NOT the most important thing!
    A lot of people have said here "Challenge too hard, mediocre rewards", it is optional since the mediocre rewards will not affect the trajectory of your account. Personally, I have completed Lagacy's set, I'll try KarateMike's and if I have surplus revives and maybe learn tigra, I'll do FinTech's. At the end of the day it is only a two 7* champs and a couple of shards I am missing out on. It will not affect my account in any way. Stop thinking that you should participate in every event. You arent being forced to.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    One thing I think about a lot is how Kabam and now the creators of their challenges say this content isn’t for everyone, it’s designed for a specific subset of people. That’s perfectly fine, make it for the MSDs, the Fintechs, and the KarateMikes. But to say it’s optional and to tell people to just skip it if they don’t want to do it when there might be rewards people want doesn’t seem right.

    The 7* shards are meh for the effort put in (except Lagacy’s, those are nice). But putting exclusive 7* behind this feels rough. Personally, I’m ok with skipping and not getting Spidey 2099, Sparky, or Masacre as a 7* but I know there’s a ton of people where those champs are some of their favorites and they feel so demoralized by not being able to get them. I mean, maybe we’re overreacting and you’ll put them in the basic 7* pool next month. Who knows. We wouldn’t know until it happens. There’s also a 7* R2 gem that would be really nice to have but still not worth it.

    Why not make the rewards for the top 1% of summoners more braggy? Why not give a 7* selector for completing half the challenges and if you complete them all, you can get an exclusive title, emote, or profile pic. Or all 3? I wasn’t around when Grief Incarnate first came out so maybe more rewards were given out to those who completed it, but the only reward I see is 1g and a profile pic. Couldn’t you incorporate that more and still let summoners have a challenge and get some of the nice rewards like exclusive 7* champs instead of gating them for the top 1%? I don’t know, just thoughts running through my head.

    P.S. I may really disagree with Fintech’s and KarateMike’s challenges and would never see myself even attempting it because I personally think it’s not a fun challenge and I don’t want to waste precious resources on ranking champs I’ll never use again, but I think everyone should still be respectful and kinder to them. There’s absolutely no reason for personal attacks and rude comments.

    That means everyone who can’t 100% Necro should be demoralised since they can’t get 7-star Maestro.
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    My guy feeling is that Kabam wanted 3 different skill levels here but aren't saying it. That way people could still get the KG piece without robbing the bank. The problem is, though, there is so much else going on that it feels like we're being slammed (at least this is permanent).

    Really fricking hard
    Insanely hard

  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    The war global made me hate war, but you might make me quit. I assume it’s payback for the wilson jokes, so fair enough lol
    @danielmath rightfully so. CJ Stroud is a stud, though.

    Let's ride!
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    I'm curious

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    I didn't even get to that Domino which I don't even know how you would kill with Zemo.

    20 Gauntlet fights with Zemo alone? Come on...
    Look at this whole thread, there's a reason most people aren't happy about it.
    Zemo can take Domino down in one go just by using Special 1's - the Power Shield boosts his bleed from the special by 400% - so after a few Special 1's, she absolutely melts. There's a strategy for him to take every fight in there.

    Zemo was designed to be used in long form content where you have the freedom to bring 3-5 Zemo’s on the team, due to his House of Zemo synergy (which is the name of the title obtained).
    Each Zemo increases his bleed potency by 50% - hence, why there was a 2 star Zemo in the Avengers challenge.
    One cycle of SP2>SP1>SP1 leaves the defender taking a permanent 15,000 bleed damage per second.

    There aren't many quests where you can bring 5 of one Champion - but Gauntlet is the perfect place to bring 5 Zemo’s on your team. There isn’t a single fight in the quest that he can’t handle. Lots of thought was put into that objective, and I made sure he was able to effectively take every single fight in the quest - so naturally, it's very frustrating & disheartening when I see people saying that myself, or Fin, didn't put any thought into these challenges before they even make an attempt - or that we're "out of touch" with the game, or community.

    I understand your, and everyone else's, view here.
    I understand that it's very difficult, but these challenges were designed specifically to be very challenging and geared towards the players who have been craving this type of challenge to be made again.
    Because of this, they are optional permanent objectives (with rewards that aren't account changing), and revisit quests that were released 3+ years ago.
    I will admit, I caught the tail-end of MSD's Zemo run (Domino onward), and while the odds of me replicating all that and the AI functioning in my favor aren't guaranteed, I was able to see some little tricks and strategies that worked in Zemo's favor depending on the fight. As a r5 Zemo owner, I'll definitely be down to try it, but not until I can get the 2* Zemo to complete the team, and unfortunately I never got him when he was in the collector's crystal, so for now Avengers seems my only way :#
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40

    Motorola said:

    Motorola said:

    Motorola said:

    I would have loved the same difficulty with having to rank up 8 (5stars) to max, instead of having to rank up 8 (6 or 7 stars) and use sooooo many end game resources on irrelevant champs that you will never use again. When you are a valiant player who is trying to keep up with the other valiant/paragon players (especially in Battlegrounds), we have to choose our rank ups very carefully. Ranking up black widow/antman/thor/hawkeye/jabari panther/mojo really hurts our accounts. Tigra/ironman/zemo are the only champs that are easier to spend the rank up resources on. This is why Lagacys challenge was GENIUS, even if it was exactly the same difficulty as Fintechs and Karate Mikes, players would NOT mind it as much because maxing out 8 5stars is reasonable for some side/OPTIONAL challenges, and we wouldn't feel like we are taking away from our end game/battlegrounds rosters (top 30 champs) so much (except for gold and ISO of course).

    So rank up your 5* versions instead of the 6/7* versions and use them.

    Nobody said you can't use 5* champs.
    If you dont know why people would not want to use 5stars for EOP and Gauntlet, then IDK what else to tell you.
    Dude... to quote EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID:

    I would have loved the same difficulty with having to rank up 8 (5stars) to max, instead of having to rank up 8 (6 or 7 stars) and use sooooo many end game resources on irrelevant champs that you will never use again.

    Then go on to tell me if I apparently don't know why nobody would want to use 5 stars, you don't know what to tell me? Haha

    If you can't see your own completely contradictory statement there, then I don't know what to tell you, my dude.
    Lets see if i can break it down a little better for you.

    If the difficulty was the same and we could do it with ranking up 5stars, it would be much better. THE DIFFICULTY, not the challenge being the same. If they could come up with a challenge that was just as hard, but we dont have to rank up 8 6stars (mostly unworthy champs), it would be better.

    does that help you understand???
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40

    Motorola said:

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    I didn't even get to that Domino which I don't even know how you would kill with Zemo.

    20 Gauntlet fights with Zemo alone? Come on...
    Look at this whole thread, there's a reason most people aren't happy about it.
    Zemo can take Domino down in one go just by using Special 1's - the Power Shield boosts his bleed from the special by 400% - so after a few Special 1's, she absolutely melts. There's a strategy for him to take every fight in there.

    Zemo was designed to be used in long form content where you have the freedom to bring 3-5 Zemo’s on the team, due to his House of Zemo synergy (which is the name of the title obtained).
    Each Zemo increases his bleed potency by 50% - hence, why there was a 2 star Zemo in the Avengers challenge.
    One cycle of SP2>SP1>SP1 leaves the defender taking a permanent 15,000 bleed damage per second.

    There aren't many quests where you can bring 5 of one Champion - but Gauntlet is the perfect place to bring 5 Zemo’s on your team. There isn’t a single fight in the quest that he can’t handle. Lots of thought was put into that objective, and I made sure he was able to effectively take every single fight in the quest - so naturally, it's very frustrating & disheartening when I see people saying that myself, or Fin, didn't put any thought into these challenges before they even make an attempt - or that we're "out of touch" with the game, or community.

    I understand your, and everyone else's, view here.
    I understand that it's very difficult, but these challenges were designed specifically to be very challenging and geared towards the players who have been craving this type of challenge to be made again.
    Because of this, they are optional permanent objectives (with rewards that aren't account changing), and revisit quests that were released 3+ years ago.
    I dont disagree with most of this, my main question is did the fact that players would have to rank up MANY UNWANTED champs ever come up as a possible problem, or is that something that you thought would be fun for players, or was it just something overlooked?
    Assuming you're referring to the Avengers challenge - I actually did most of the testing there with Rank 3 Champions, and I think Iron Dude at Rank 4.

    I keep seeing "who wants to Rank 5 these Champions?!?!?!" being thrown around.
    Gauntlet was released before Rank 4's even existed.

    I was going to leave Widow & Ant-Man at rank 3, but I decided to take them to Rank 4 as a souvenir for the challenge. There's nothing that can't be done with them at Rank 3.

    To the players that this challenge was geared towards, taking those Champions to rank 3 would not be much of a burden at all. If you're still in the stage of the game where rank 3 resources for 6 stars are scarce, it might not be time to tackle it yet - and that's 100% okay, and also why it's permanent. The hope is that over time, players will have a 2>3 gem in their overflow, not know where to use it, and have a reason to toss it into Thor.

    There's a group of players that miss the need to rank specific Champions to get through challenge content.
    The truth of the matter is, not everyone wanted Act 6 to be nerfed & story content to get easier as time went on.
    However, just because a small group of players feel that way, it doesn't mean that's what is best.
    For the overall health of the game - I agree with the current trajectory of Story content & the way that Necropolis was designed. I don't think anybody should be locked out of any mainline content, and it should be realistically achievable by anybody without too much stress.

    That's what I think so many people are missing here - these challenges are there for the players who miss ranking specific Champions for different very difficult challenges. For the insane handsome bald people who enjoyed doing pre-nerf 6.2 itemless, and would grind arena for Champions to rank to finish a random lane in 6.2.4, instead of popping a single Revive that expires in 25 minutes.

    I guarantee you, I know enough about the game & the player base to come up with over 50 challenges that are meant for everybody - and if I'm asked to design an objective in that style, you could feel comfortable betting your net worth on it being attainable by the entire community.
    That's not what this objective was for.

    Specific Rank Up Gems for those characters would have been a solid idea, it's not something I thought of at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, looking back at it I should have pushed for that, but it didn't cross my mind based on who the challenge was geared toward. As time goes on, those resources are only going to get more & more common, and i hope when that time comes, you dip your toes into the quests.
    I see where you are coming from on some of this. I have been working on them. I thought the plan was to have hard content for the top 1%, this is the first im hearing that it is meant to be hard and for players that miss ranking up specific (ie unwanted) champs. I think the biggest problem is the amount of rank ups needed, even rank 3. Besides the catalyst, everyone knows about the gold/iso drought. There is 9 champs besides stark spidy in these challenges, and only a couple that players might already have ranked up (obviously some people have random rank ups too). If you add up all the catalyst/gold/iso/gems/etc along with the revives/units and compare them to the rewards, its kinds MEH. And I do agree that these challenges should cost revives, in some cases many revives. I diddnt mean to get you worked up, Just echoing the community at large, and giving my insights on possible fixes/changes in future content.
  • MotorolaMotorola Member Posts: 40

    Motorola said:

    Motorola said:

    Rasilover said:

    I have no why people are dooming on the creators like they betrayed us or something 🤷‍♂️

    Maybe cause two of them designed challenges that are extremely frustrating to complete? They obviously don't care about fun.
    @ItsClobberinTime Have you actually tried them before coming to this conclusion? Genuinely asking.
    You said earlier you haven't logged on in 2 weeks.
    I didn't even get to that Domino which I don't even know how you would kill with Zemo.

    20 Gauntlet fights with Zemo alone? Come on...
    Look at this whole thread, there's a reason most people aren't happy about it.
    Zemo can take Domino down in one go just by using Special 1's - the Power Shield boosts his bleed from the special by 400% - so after a few Special 1's, she absolutely melts. There's a strategy for him to take every fight in there.

    Zemo was designed to be used in long form content where you have the freedom to bring 3-5 Zemo’s on the team, due to his House of Zemo synergy (which is the name of the title obtained).
    Each Zemo increases his bleed potency by 50% - hence, why there was a 2 star Zemo in the Avengers challenge.
    One cycle of SP2>SP1>SP1 leaves the defender taking a permanent 15,000 bleed damage per second.

    There aren't many quests where you can bring 5 of one Champion - but Gauntlet is the perfect place to bring 5 Zemo’s on your team. There isn’t a single fight in the quest that he can’t handle. Lots of thought was put into that objective, and I made sure he was able to effectively take every single fight in the quest - so naturally, it's very frustrating & disheartening when I see people saying that myself, or Fin, didn't put any thought into these challenges before they even make an attempt - or that we're "out of touch" with the game, or community.

    I understand your, and everyone else's, view here.
    I understand that it's very difficult, but these challenges were designed specifically to be very challenging and geared towards the players who have been craving this type of challenge to be made again.
    Because of this, they are optional permanent objectives (with rewards that aren't account changing), and revisit quests that were released 3+ years ago.
    I dont disagree with most of this, my main question is did the fact that players would have to rank up MANY UNWANTED champs ever come up as a possible problem, or is that something that you thought would be fun for players, or was it just something overlooked?
    Assuming you're referring to the Avengers challenge - I actually did most of the testing there with Rank 3 Champions, and I think Iron Dude at Rank 4.

    I keep seeing "who wants to Rank 5 these Champions?!?!?!" being thrown around.
    Gauntlet was released before Rank 4's even existed.

    I was going to leave Widow & Ant-Man at rank 3, but I decided to take them to Rank 4 as a souvenir for the challenge. There's nothing that can't be done with them at Rank 3.

    To the players that this challenge was geared towards, taking those Champions to rank 3 would not be much of a burden at all. If you're still in the stage of the game where rank 3 resources for 6 stars are scarce, it might not be time to tackle it yet - and that's 100% okay, and also why it's permanent. The hope is that over time, players will have a 2>3 gem in their overflow, not know where to use it, and have a reason to toss it into Thor.

    There's a group of players that miss the need to rank specific Champions to get through challenge content.
    The truth of the matter is, not everyone wanted Act 6 to be nerfed & story content to get easier as time went on.
    However, just because a small group of players feel that way, it doesn't mean that's what is best.
    For the overall health of the game - I agree with the current trajectory of Story content & the way that Necropolis was designed. I don't think anybody should be locked out of any mainline content, and it should be realistically achievable by anybody without too much stress.

    That's what I think so many people are missing here - these challenges are there for the players who miss ranking specific Champions for different very difficult challenges. For the insane handsome bald people who enjoyed doing pre-nerf 6.2 itemless, and would grind arena for Champions to rank to finish a random lane in 6.2.4, instead of popping a single Revive that expires in 25 minutes.

    I guarantee you, I know enough about the game & the player base to come up with over 50 challenges that are meant for everybody - and if I'm asked to design an objective in that style, you could feel comfortable betting your net worth on it being attainable by the entire community.
    That's not what this objective was for.

    Specific Rank Up Gems for those characters would have been a solid idea, it's not something I thought of at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, looking back at it I should have pushed for that, but it didn't cross my mind based on who the challenge was geared toward. As time goes on, those resources are only going to get more & more common, and i hope when that time comes, you dip your toes into the quests.
    I didn't mean to get you worked up, Just echoing the community at large, and giving my insights on possible fixes/changes in future content.
    You didn't get me worked up at all! Nothing you said here was viewed poorly by me, in the slightest.
    The question sparked me wanting to get some of my own thoughts on the situation out as well 🙂
    OK cool, either way thanks for taking the time to make them.
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