Worknprogress ★★★★★
Technically they wouldn't have to. Really all you'd need to do is add Paragon objectives that run on the same schedule as arenas that give shards from arena fights. Will they do that? Highly unlikely, but they definitely don't have to change the actual arena rewards or arenas themselves
No, just need to be old
Yeah I've hated power boosts ever since Ghost and Corvus showed up. Just another example of how they rarely address the actual problems when it comes to game balance
Of course not. They should have nerfed Herc ages ago, but that would take some backbone. They'd rather just kick the can down the road just like they did with Quake and Ghost.
Nope, but he's the most efficient to do so with BY FAR, as not only does he resist dying, he also has massive DPS and goes unblockable. The closest to Herc cheesing we've had in the past was Corvus timeouts and that was limited to AQ basically. Herc has single handedly allowed players that are flat out terrible at the game…
Revive spamming only really works as well as it does bc they let Herc loose busted as all hell. A 20% revive with no pots doesn't get you very far most of the time unless you just so happen to have a champ that goes immortal and unblockable for a minute or two at a time. Probably should have looked at that first...
They should have just come out and said what they really meant. "Revive spamming has become far too efficient at finishing content, bc we massively screwed up and released Herc as he is. Since we're far too cowardly to address the actual problem, that we also created, we will instead create yet another problem and make…
Hard to choose between Quake or Herc.
I don't think anything after act 6 is fun at all. It's just longer slower EQ. That was actually the beginning of this move to annoying and slow over difficult content design. Outside the chapter bosses which actually are fun it's just grindy easy nothing. Act 6 was actually difficult and every chapter that released I had…
Harder? No not really. Incredibly annoying? Absolutely. That's just par for the course for their current content design philosophy though. Making anything difficult or punishing is super taboo now unless it's one of challenge content. Instead they just make their game annoying and frustrating to play. Seems like a wise…
While it's fine and more than likely smart to "dip your toes in" first, it doesn't help that it takes so long to get something that in actuality does very little to nothing out of the box in most cases. Then on top of that, it takes even longer to acquire alloy to rank those relics so that the very little they do could at…
There are multiple ways to stop him on defense, he's fine.
And the like I said, debuff or reversal champs either shut down or kill him with his own regen...
He's fine on defense as well. You can shut off his modes by heavy countering alternating specials and he has no heal reversal protection so heavy debuff champs with despair or reversal champs either turn of or kill him with his regen.
Only if you're delusional about the actual purpose of champ buffs
Oh I agree completely. Without something fully laid out there's a high propensity for people to either ignore or refute almost anything said about this game. I did just want to clarify where the information actually came from and that I wasn't just guessing.
@Magrailothos as far as confirmation and how I even knew in the first place, (besides it being obvious opponents gained more power) was it was mentioned by DLL on stream recently.
What level war did you plan? What timezone are you in? If that timezone falls where war starts in the middle of the day, are you fortunate enough to have a job that you can just stop everything you're doing at work for hours multiple times a week for a video game? Bc I've spent a few years (with some breaks in between) in…
Oh I understand the trade off and I wouldn't be wholly against the proposed change personally bc as you said, there is still an element of strategic choice. I was mostly just stating that it's probably far less rare than you were originally suggesting that some and possibly even lots of high win rate players do in fact win…
Will be for solo content if I had to guess but I'm also not 100% sure
Attackers will be locked for the amount of time they're on the map with the boss up just like always I'd assume. Unless you're joining attack right at the start of the first day and not getting the boss down until the end of the second (why would you do this?), don't see what's changed as far as attackers. Also not sure…
CCP members have confirmed that the defender lock out will be removed all together
I would assume the lockout will only pertain to solo content. Not sure why this would be a problem either. If you can do other days of AQ without someone you place on defense, you can do the rest 🤷
You're wildly incorrect if you think that planning isn't a massive issue. Just the fact that lots of people have to stop in the middle of their work day and hurriedly get a plan out so that a BG can actually start a war is a problem regardless of "having it down to a science" or not. That completely eliminates lots of…
The scoring works based on attack bonuses. There are 3 available bonuses per node on the map. If you beat a defender without dying you get all 3 bonuses but can only lose the 3 that were available so they are right that after the third death you can no longer get any points for that node so further deaths don't affect…
This is why I suggested a tiered start based not just on where you finish but how quickly you get to that point. A player that hits GC the first week every season and a player that gets to GC towards the end of the final week are still VASTLY different player types.
It's less rare than you'd think honestly. I win A LOT of matches 2-1 by throwing the first round to remove their hardest defender or best attacker bc I know I have much higher odds to more easily win rounds 2 and 3. I probably COULD win a decent amount of those by going all out the first two rounds but in a lot of…
The lockout is being removed for defenders. Already been confirmed by CCP members
Defenders will no longer be locked out of solo content