Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    XNickRiv said:

    $100 is ridiculous! That is 2017 prices. It’s ridiculous.

    Voltolos said:

    XNickRiv said:

    Really? After you tell us they’re worthless. This is a slap in the face.

    Act 5, Variant and UC eq still exist and so do players that dont have large 5* rosters who therefore need 4* champs to farm 5* shards
    You're right but its still not about Act 6 so its irrelevant to this disscussion
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Voltolos said:

    XNickRiv said:

    $100 is ridiculous! That is 2017 prices. It’s ridiculous.

    Voltolos said:

    XNickRiv said:

    Really? After you tell us they’re worthless. This is a slap in the face.

    Act 5, Variant and UC eq still exist and so do players that dont have large 5* rosters who therefore need 4* champs to farm 5* shards
    You're right but its still not about Act 6 so its irrelevant to this disscussion
    You could argue that it is relevant if this is how they plan to make 5* shards more available since they are included in the offer
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    Dshu said:

    Voltolos said:

    XNickRiv said:

    $100 is ridiculous! That is 2017 prices. It’s ridiculous.

    Voltolos said:

    XNickRiv said:

    Really? After you tell us they’re worthless. This is a slap in the face.

    Act 5, Variant and UC eq still exist and so do players that dont have large 5* rosters who therefore need 4* champs to farm 5* shards
    You're right but its still not about Act 6 so its irrelevant to this disscussion
    You could argue that it is relevant if this is how they plan to make 5* shards more available since they are included in the offer
    Since events like nick furys intel stuff is how they want to make 5* shards more available this offer doesnt really matter here. Also there is already another discussion going on in another thread
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    It is almost like act 6 should be titled Rebirth. It is like you are starting over with 5 and 6 star champs only.
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    LOL.. soo... I think the community needs to have a sense of humour.. I've posted my thoughts about this 4*/act6 thing.. up to today i thought it was a terrible idea etc etc..Then, today I realized what's going down.. it's actually a joke.. think about it.. skrulls have taken over kabam and are putting out false information.. it's actually pretty clever on kabams part.. although i don't know if they took into account the negative backlash they would receive..

    Why do I think this? Well... any other time we have had 50+ pages of complaints on the forums, kabam have actually done a pretty decent job of responding to the community.. this time.. they have made 2 (maybe 3) announcements which didn't make much sense and actually only made things worse.. they suggested that they were going to allow content creators early access to act 6 to show what it's really like.. they had a beta a while back.. yet no information from that was allowed to be disclosed.. none of the content creators have actually said they have been allowed early access to act 6.. and there has been no content about it released yet (with 2 days before it goes live)..

    Today they released several 4* offers.. at first I saw those and thought WTF.. then after thinking about it and coming to my realization, I had to laugh.. First, if the exclusion of 4*s were true.. then Kabam have just allowed for anyone who buys todays offers to get refunds from apple and google play.. you can't intentionally sell things that people can't use.. never mind the refunds.. they would also be opening themselves up to legal action.. also.. they would have to have a disclaimer stating that 4*s are excluded from certain content.. a lot of people who are concentrating on 4*s would be newer players who probably aren't very active on the forums.. there has been no in game announcement about the exclusion of 4*s..

    Finally, Kabam has made a great game.. I realize they piss us off from time to time.. but overall it's a great game hence we are so passionate about it.. I can't see anyway for a company who can make such a great product to turn around and make such terrible decisions as to intentionally discourage people from playing the game..

    With all that being said.. I'll wait until act6 is live, to make a final judgement.. until then, I gotta hand it to you Kabam.. well played.. well played indeed..
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I guess it is what it is...all the complaining and explanations along with the explaining in the world won’t make any difference, it’s just the way it’s going to be and we either accept it and continue on or quit and call it a day, it’s sad and frustrating to lots of fellow players of the game but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter and I know it should in some way it should. As I found out in the years of change rather good, bad or ugly in the game once a decision is made and put fourth it pretty much set in stone and can’t be undone...a support ticket, mods, community, YouTube reviewers can’t do anything but give input on the situation and that’s about it.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I feel for all the players of the game, new or old. Companies will do what they want with there products rather it be a good or bad...some decisions make it work others put a company out of business, seems about like a employer...there not there to make friends but they want you to think that your a big part of the product but in reality your not...I played a few great mobile games in the past that I really enjoyed then one day they vanished. Sad way things that we love get abused and torn apart...wish there was someway to show we mattered in the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    After listening to Dork Lessons I agree. I understand that not all in the community want 4* banned, but the more I think about it. There are places for 4*, but as the content is added the bar will be raised. I do agree that they should have given more warning so the community had appropriate time to respond and so people could use time and resources on getting and ranking up 5* instead of investing in their four stars. Kabam can't go back in time to change things or go into the Quantum Realm, but do hope there is other good things coming that make this situation better and show they do care for the community at large. One thing I found odd is the recent offer for 4*s it doesn't make sense especially considering they just banned them from Act 6 content.

    Some suggestions I have for Kabam:

    1.) Provide a 5* Basic Arena. This would be helpful and would help people build and expand their 5* roster.
    2.) Provide more 5* shards in Heroic and above monthly quests. Not only this, but have more opportunities at 5* shards in all types of quest; monthly, unique, and story.
    3.) For players of a certain level and in Act 4 and above: provide extra 5* for the content they have completed
    4.) For players of level 40 and above provide in their daily crystal some 5* shards, say 250. Not a lot, but at least another way of obtaining them.
    5.) Reduce the cost of 5* crystals from 10K to 6K.

    These are a few of my suggestions. Kabam please read and consider. Community feel free to comment, but do so in a way that is productive and not attacking.



    One thing I would add is the ability for players to obtain class specific 5* crystals for shards. Continual dilution of the 5* pool makes more 5* shards potentially meaningless.

    Dr. Zola
    I've brought that up before. I'd still support that. Perhaps something similar to the Dungeon Crystals, where they're still RNG-based, but at least give a chance to isolate a bit.
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    I demand we all get a new upgrade gem that turns a 4 star of our choosing into a 5 star :D:p;):D:D:D
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    I demand we all get a new upgrade gem that turns a 4 star of our choosing into a 5 star :D:p;):D:D:D

    5* SW at last!
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★

    I demand we all get a new upgrade gem that turns a 4 star of our choosing into a 5 star :D:p;):D:D:D

    5* SW at last!
    Would be an interesting time to suddenly decide to release certain champs as 5* in special FGMC right before Act 6 opens.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    After listening to Dork Lessons I agree. I understand that not all in the community want 4* banned, but the more I think about it. There are places for 4*, but as the content is added the bar will be raised. I do agree that they should have given more warning so the community had appropriate time to respond and so people could use time and resources on getting and ranking up 5* instead of investing in their four stars. Kabam can't go back in time to change things or go into the Quantum Realm, but do hope there is other good things coming that make this situation better and show they do care for the community at large. One thing I found odd is the recent offer for 4*s it doesn't make sense especially considering they just banned them from Act 6 content.

    Some suggestions I have for Kabam:

    1.) Provide a 5* Basic Arena. This would be helpful and would help people build and expand their 5* roster.
    2.) Provide more 5* shards in Heroic and above monthly quests. Not only this, but have more opportunities at 5* shards in all types of quest; monthly, unique, and story.
    3.) For players of a certain level and in Act 4 and above: provide extra 5* for the content they have completed
    4.) For players of level 40 and above provide in their daily crystal some 5* shards, say 250. Not a lot, but at least another way of obtaining them.
    5.) Reduce the cost of 5* crystals from 10K to 6K.

    These are a few of my suggestions. Kabam please read and consider. Community feel free to comment, but do so in a way that is productive and not attacking.



    One thing I would add is the ability for players to obtain class specific 5* crystals for shards. Continual dilution of the 5* pool makes more 5* shards potentially meaningless.

    Dr. Zola
    I've brought that up before. I'd still support that. Perhaps something similar to the Dungeon Crystals, where they're still RNG-based, but at least give a chance to isolate a bit.
    Right. I mention class because of Miike’s suggestion that there may be class-specific paths or quests coming. Even if I don’t like a Beast or Storm or Iceman, at least I would know that I am getting a 5* mutant that is useable in gated content. Dungeon-type crystals with all classes may as well be full-on basics.

    Dr. Zola
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    I can’t believe I just wasted 15 minutes of my life on this, I mean the sun is shining, it’s nice outside, im picking my mistress up in a few to rank up my 5*...life is good when not behind a computer screen 🤤
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    So I'm sure we've all heard it by now. 4* restrictions on Act 6 are pretty annoying. Frustrating even.
    But I think that all this is is that Kabam had a legitimately good idea and just used it in the wrong way.
    If I was to change the 6.1 restrictions in any way, it would be to also allow MAXED 4* champions. This means that you can still bring 4*s into the new content, but you will have HAD to invest resources into them; you can't just pull a 4* heimdall and that's it you're set for the content. t3 and t4 class catalysts are still not too easy to get for me, and 5/50 is still a big investment. (And yes I invested 3 t4 mutant catalysts into OML. And I don't regret it.)
    Now another idea that I had is that Kabam implements ROSTER RESTRICTIONS on even being able to enter act 6 in the first place. Imagine this. You can't enter act 6 until you have [X] 5- or 6-star champions (I'd personally say something around 15 to 20). This makes it so that Kabam at least knows that you're starting to develop a 5* roster, and whether or not you can do the content isn't based upon whether the 5*s you've gotten are good or not.

    So what do you guys think? How else do you think Kabam could make restrictions on act 6 while still being fair? Do you think there are still problems with the ideas I've suggested? Let's talk!
  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Has backlash like this ever overturned a decision by Kabam? I'm curious how the company has handled it in the past given how they're handling it now..
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    ẞlооd said:

    Has backlash like this ever overturned a decision by Kabam? I'm curious how the company has handled it in the past given how they're handling it now..

    Not overturned completely, but we did compromise on CA and Thor, removal of some new stats like block penetration, and forced the scrapping of gear after the release of 12.0.
  • Erza_ScarletErza_Scarlet Member Posts: 130
    Kabam surely can't go on with this decision after all these feedbacks... I mean,,they can't be that stupid...

    Can they? 🤔
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    tkhan08 said:

    Jtr111 said:

    Seriously? Come on you really can’t be serious. This is actually insulting.

    They really need to fire the guy or team that comes up these deals.
    Something between a hundred times more people and a thousand times more people are at a position in the game where this offer is appropriate than have even heard of Act 6, much less would be in a position to tackle it. Somehow I think it is unlikely the monetization guy is going to get fired for making an offer that targets almost all of the players outside the teeny tiny percentage for whom Act 6 restrictions are relevant. And specifically deciding to focus all of the game's offers and attention on the end game players just because some of them are upset about Act 6 is placing disproportionate importance on those of us at or near the very top of the game. The game continues on, and it does so for all players at all tiers, and that includes players that aren't in a position to care about Act 6, aren't even Uncollected yet, and continue to need lower level resources to move up in the game.
  • ApxpredatorApxpredator Member Posts: 10
    @xNig Of course not. You know that’s not what I’m saying. But twisting it fits your narrative more. didn’t always have ghost. and you took the time to find out what champs of mine you could see, So it hit a nerve. 😉 not sure why it would, since it was not aimed at you.

    What you also know, because you looked, is that I have other very capable champs.

    Anyway.....Just was saying (albeit maybe a bit snarky) is that they are not being transparent in their reasoning for making it so we have to have the 5* version of champs, that is of course, until the paths where you are required to bring 6*’s. What you do know, but want to pretend you don’t, is that this looks like a money grab poorly desguised in word salads.

    And Anyways..., what I WILL do is stop spending more of my time in this forum. Lol.

    I wish everyone the best! I do hope they prove (most of us) us wrong! I have loved the challenges, they have many things very well. I have loved this game and want to continue playing it.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Kabam surely can't go on with this decision after all these feedbacks... I mean,,they can't be that stupid...

    Can they? 🤔

    Depends on how important they believe this change is. Not that these are comparable but I don't think any amount of protest would have kept the leadership mastery or prevented the willpower nerf. People quit the game over that and it turned out good for the game in my opinion. Personally I don't see how this will benefit the game but whatever.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    DrZola said:

    After listening to Dork Lessons I agree. I understand that not all in the community want 4* banned, but the more I think about it. There are places for 4*, but as the content is added the bar will be raised. I do agree that they should have given more warning so the community had appropriate time to respond and so people could use time and resources on getting and ranking up 5* instead of investing in their four stars. Kabam can't go back in time to change things or go into the Quantum Realm, but do hope there is other good things coming that make this situation better and show they do care for the community at large. One thing I found odd is the recent offer for 4*s it doesn't make sense especially considering they just banned them from Act 6 content.

    Some suggestions I have for Kabam:

    1.) Provide a 5* Basic Arena. This would be helpful and would help people build and expand their 5* roster.
    2.) Provide more 5* shards in Heroic and above monthly quests. Not only this, but have more opportunities at 5* shards in all types of quest; monthly, unique, and story.
    3.) For players of a certain level and in Act 4 and above: provide extra 5* for the content they have completed
    4.) For players of level 40 and above provide in their daily crystal some 5* shards, say 250. Not a lot, but at least another way of obtaining them.
    5.) Reduce the cost of 5* crystals from 10K to 6K.

    These are a few of my suggestions. Kabam please read and consider. Community feel free to comment, but do so in a way that is productive and not attacking.



    One thing I would add is the ability for players to obtain class specific 5* crystals for shards. Continual dilution of the 5* pool makes more 5* shards potentially meaningless.

    Dr. Zola
    I've brought that up before. I'd still support that. Perhaps something similar to the Dungeon Crystals, where they're still RNG-based, but at least give a chance to isolate a bit.
    Right. I mention class because of Miike’s suggestion that there may be class-specific paths or quests coming. Even if I don’t like a Beast or Storm or Iceman, at least I would know that I am getting a 5* mutant that is useable in gated content. Dungeon-type crystals with all classes may as well be full-on basics.

    Dr. Zola
    Yes, that would be helpful.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Post was getting too long to quote :lol:

    Sorry i did mean to include the glory store, i'm sure i mentioned AQ and AW though. The point i was making was in regards to how peoples rosters would of shaped up since uncollected and act 5.4 was released. The glory changes do help now, but that's only been introduced now making them more accessible.
    Would you disagree currently the average player can get 1 t2a a month ?
    Also gold is another problem stopping players phasing out 4*

    Yeah i agree we get a lot more shards and chances to pull counters and champions. However bad RNG can't be helped. Like i said its took 2 years from when iceman was released to get him as a 5* or above. In my current roster he is the only one at 5* capable of that abomination fight. Sure i should be able to do the initial completion, just saying that having to potentially wait that long because of bad luck to do a path is not something i would enjoy, and i'm sure others would also feel the same.

    well when i was looking at the difference in stats it seemed to be about 20% better. But even if they are getting the 4* to r4 is alot easier then getting a 5* to r4. But also you have to remember the content as well at that level doesn't require your champions to be able to deal with complicated game mechanics. All you really need to do is parry well dodge specials. So there was never any need to hang onto the 3*. Although people still used that 3* SW or Thor if they didn't have them as 4* back then :wink:

    Yeah maybe there is other reasons, but to be honest their response on the matter has been poor and just added more fuel to the fire since they couldn't really be clear with us on the matter. The fact they can't be clear on the reasons just insinuates that the real reasons aren't good enough.

    I wouldn't say the 3* Loki of Ultron isn't easy, have you tried it ? I managed to get 40% of his health off with one but the block damage etc is so much and 1 mistake and you are dead. Ended up using blade, Hyperion and Sparky to just blitz him with high damage :smile:

    Well that % to pull so and so champion will only decrease since they are always adding champions to the 5* pool. I think a good idea would be if they offered the ability to buy a Class specific crystal such a mystic only or mystic and mutant only. This would allow people to focus on a certain aspect of their roster or targeting classes so they can use those AG or class specific rank up gems they have lying around waiting for a decent champion to use them on. They could even make this something like 12,500 or something a little bit more then the standard crystal.

    Yeah i think the initial completion will be achievable by most. Its just the exploration which could take some people a lot longer due to bad RNG in crystal openings.

    We will see come Wednesday how this all plays out in the reality.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    ẞlооd said:

    Has backlash like this ever overturned a decision by Kabam? I'm curious how the company has handled it in the past given how they're handling it now..

    Not overturned completely, but we did compromise on CA and Thor, removal of some new stats like block penetration, and forced the scrapping of gear after the release of 12.0.
    Kabam did tweak some of the changes to specific champions after 12.0, but they did not remove block penetration (they zeroed out the *base* values of block penetration on pre-existing champions) and no protest shut down gear, as they never had any announced plans to introduce gear. They were exploring gear as an option, but they stated those explorations didn't reach actual development. In fact, they explicitly stated that the kind of gear introduced in the Chinese version of the game was absolutely not coming here.

    The two biggest changes made in 12.0.1 and 12.1 based on player feedback outside of champion rebalancing were lowering the original challenge rating curve (all 5* challenge ratings were initially much higher than their 4* counterparts) and removing Parry bonuses from flat stats (because this incorrectly nullified the benefits of Parry almost completely, so it was an obvious bug).
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
  • _Chaos__Chaos_ Member Posts: 143

    Congrats Kabam. You have ensured I’ll never play this game again. I’ve been playing for four years, and recently walked away because of all the buggy issues. I came back for just four days and it was still buggy after being gone for two months. Now with this recent change I can assure you I’m done. To bad cause I was looking forward to maybe doing 100% LOL, Variant, Act 6. I can’t abide by these kind of narrow minded decisions. Farewell MCOC it was fun while it lasted.


  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★

    Congrats Kabam. You have ensured I’ll never play this game again. I’ve been playing for four years, and recently walked away because of all the buggy issues. I came back for just four days and it was still buggy after being gone for two months. Now with this recent change I can assure you I’m done. To bad cause I was looking forward to maybe doing 100% LOL, Variant, Act 6. I can’t abide by these kind of narrow minded decisions. Farewell MCOC it was fun while it lasted.

  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    all i can say is kabam release deals all the time that are targeted at certain areas of the player base.
    not all deals are meant for everyone.
    this deal is clearly not meant for the already blubbery whales, clearly not meant for those looking at doing act 6.

    I see this deal as kinda like a babies bottle.
    you know when a mum weans a baby off breast feeding and onto the bottle,
    Its the Baby Whale Starter kit, its designed for those who are still young, its a great deal for those lvl 40 accounts just starting act 5 who are only now beggining to learn the ways of the Whale.
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