General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    @ReallyYeah It's obvious you don't agree with anything in this thread. Why do you keep commenting? It's not for anyone's benefit

    In fairness, anyone here is entitled to comment whatever they want, regardless of whether it adds any value or not. You’re only really adding fuel to the fire by responding to it, it’s probably best to just focus on the posters discussing matters you find most pertinent to yourself
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    Pulyaman said:

    @ReallyYeah It's obvious you don't agree with anything in this thread. Why do you keep commenting? It's not for anyone's benefit

    In fairness, anyone here is entitled to comment whatever they want, regardless of whether it adds any value or not. You’re only really adding fuel to the fire by responding to it, it’s probably best to just focus on the posters discussing matters you find most pertinent to yourself
    Ya, good point. I am just curious because I don't usually go out of my way to engage with people I disagree with. To each their own I guess
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Why are people so against targeting champions? I really don’t get it. I am not saying every champion should be gotten easily. For example, If I’m saving for doom it means that I am forgoing other chances at targeting champions in between. I save 6 months means that I miss out on 6 x2 other champions within that month I could’ve targeted. Also paying a higher price means I’m getting less champs than I would’ve if I just went for basics
  • midlevelplayermidlevelplayer Member Posts: 3

    Everyone is complaining about useless pulls and bad rng. I feel like if you had a selector and could choose any champ you want, the game would actually be worse. What's the fun in that? I want corvus, I got him. I want doom, I got him. I want..... I got him/her. What's the point? They have this selector system in marvel future fight, another netmarble game. It sucks. They give you a 6 star on day one. They give you a R2 on something like day 5. You have a maxed out 6 star(top champ in the game), by the end of a week. The game sucks. It's not fun at all because they give you everything for free.
    My point is, RNG is a good thing. Without it, there would be no fun

    I've been playing computer games for 30+ years. Rng has never been the only source of fun *in computer games*.

    It's rarely, in the evolution of games, even been a feature. Occasionally it cropped up, but core architecture across the board? Nope.

    There is only one gaming industry where randomness or luck is equated to fun.


    Computer games, for most of their history, relied on skill or grinding, with research and often copious reloading/restarting to progress. To claim that there is no fun without rng is so tragically wrong, it makes me think you may have missed out on some of the greatest computer games experiences of all time.

    Rng is clearly a commercially viable and successful way to monetise a game. But it does not guarantee fun. It does guarantee to line the pockets of the house/bookie at the expense of the gambler. Which is perfectly legitimate.

    But don't state that it is inextricably linked to fun.
    but....but..... I thought this was a casino game....
    some guy with the almost same username as me got banned? what a coincidence! How do bans work?
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
    I believe the in game progress for players not willing to spend a lot, is too slow.
    The rewards need a massive overhaul.
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    RNG can be good or bad. Both in terms of luck. And as a concept. The problem is that the rewards, even for end game content, are on the low side of the scale. And then RNG becomes an issue.

    I have just explored 6.3 in an attempt to improve my abysmal six star roster. I got 8k shards for full exploration (roughly three iterations worth of easy peasy Uncollected quest) and spent a ton of units. I pull Hood. Other players who have better counters for some fights (e.g Mysterio) due to better RNG luck but whose skills are roughly on par, spent half the units. And pull (add in your favorite champ). Same goes for class catalysts, awakening gems, et cetera.

    If that happens once or twice, you think it’ll all balance out, and shrug it off. But it doesn’t. I personally own about 40 six stars. Two are okay for defense. Two or three I can use offensively at times. One of whom needs max sig (how?) to shine. All the others are literally benched. Either need dupe or, the vast majority, are utter memes. If those ~35 champs all disappeared overnight, I would probably not notice for weeks.

    At the other end of the spectrum are players who own five six stars. And all five are crazy good. We’re talking people I know who have not even dived into act six yet. That’s nice for them, but it doesn’t feel fair. And at some point it takes the fun out of it. Even if you brush that aside, it leaves players with barely any options to turn the tide. Literally, because at some point there isn’t much content left to do! Especially if whatever is left requires specific counters. So what to do? Go back to grinding arena? After five (?) years that becomes kinda stale. Spend a ton or a ton more on RNG? Nah. Step down and call it a day? Sounds much more appealing by the day.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Bulmkt said:

    the best content Kabam have put in this game to date has been Variant 4

    the requirement to use champs from all Star rating levels was excellent and they need more it.

    Except it was so easy that almost everyone with a decent roster can explore it.
    That's the whole point, and it's the number one reason people aren't happy with the Gates. It makes the content not for everyone. Everyone and their dog got through Uncollected. It's not even a challenge now. All people need to do is look up some YouTube and they can do it within a matter of months of starting the game.
    It's also worth pointing out that Seatin makes content that caters to a certain demographic learning how to get through content, and that's most likely a motivating factor for the stance against Gates. However, it's not meant for the average Roster. (I don't even want to get into 2*s in Book 2.)
    There would have been nothing wrong with kabam making 2* viable in Book 2. In fact it would have been entirely consistent with their constant claims of wanting summoners to use more of their rosters and not just in arenas or niche content like variants
    I don't agree with that line of thinking at all. Progression-wise, I don't expect to use lower Champs in progressively higher Story content. While I will agree that the Gates between Act 5 and Act 6 are extreme, I don't see going backwards as something that logically happens. There are many ways to create content for lower, unused Champs. This isn't one of them that I see. To be perfectly honest, it leaves me scratching my head.
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Well this tread seems to keep on going and I wonder if Kabam Stock value is going downhill and how will they push the boulder up the hill to give it back some credibility!

    I agree that this game become's more and more Roster dependent, and that can be frustrating. I am no way an end game player, I am stuck at 6.2.5, cause I am out of units and potion to do the 6.2.6 boss fight!

    Nevertheless I understand that If I want to progress I will need to expend my roster. 99% of the time, I get a new champ as a 5*, 2 years, minimum, after it was released. So for me to get BW(deadly origin) I would have to either spend money or wait for the supposed random RNG to send it my way in 2 years... minimum.

    I have spent over 25000 units on cavalier crystals and 3*-5* crystals at 300unit a pop and got 2x5* and the rest where mostly 3* and a handful of 4*. I can add that it's been more than 5 months I did not pull a decent 5* from crystals!

    At this rate, my roster will never take off and I would need to spend some $$$ to accelerate my progression. Totally acceptable, since Kabam is there to make money and all enterprise should aim taking a piece of your wallet!

    So like many other players I am growing tired of doing AQ, AW, and other quest simply because the ratio of good pull versus the bad pull is so small.

    I have cut out the AW, the AQ keeps on going but really it's more like a chore after more than 3,5 years on this game...

    I have juggle with the idea of quitting this game many time.

    Not being 100% free to play, meaning that I buy from time to time some deals and I am investing a lot of time in this game

    I also wonder why Kabam haven't found a solution, a form of agreement that allows the players to either sell or transfer their account to another player or friend! After all if someone spent a few hundred or thousand dollar$$ on this game, including investing his time, he should own the right to transfert or sell his account!

    Let's hope that Kabam learn's from this crisis and provide's, the current players and futur players, the significant change's that will allow them to enjoy this game at end game level and not feel cheated or deceived on a regular basis.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    My two biggest gripes with the game. Yours may be different, but these are mine:

    1) Bugs take entirely too long to get noticed. They are reported in the proper forum with all the pertinent information only to get passed along to the game team quite a while later. After that, players are really in the dark. Sometimes there's a response in the thread. Sometimes there's an addition to the "Known Issues" thread. Sometimes something turns up in the patch notes. Sometimes nothing happens. Inequity has been broken for 2.5 years. Iron Man Infinity War is currently bugged to the player's detriment. It is supremely frustrating that Kabam doesn't treat bug reports with more priority or respect.

    2) Champion updates are too few and far between. Not every champ needs a huge overhaul. Monthly tweaks to help older champs find relevance would go a LONG way in making players feel like their latest pull isn't completely obsolete. Let Kamala stack furies faster. Eliminate Beast's chain combo cooldown. Let Civil Warrior drain more power on his L2. The list is long! These are little changes that break nothing that allow people to get enjoyment out of champs who are otherwise relegated to "arena fodder".

    If Kabam would address these issues, I'd be a very satisfied player. Currently, I'm frustrated more often than not with the game.

    The reason champ updates are scarce is because they take time. Like I said before in this thread, these things take time, and unless you're willing to sacrifice the progress and quality of content for a better champ, you're just going to have to wait.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I also wonder why Kabam haven't found a solution, a form of agreement that allows the players to either sell or transfer their account to another player or friend! After all if someone spent a few hundred or thousand dollar$$ on this game, including investing his time, he should own the right to transfert or sell his account!

    Because that's not fair to the other players. You could just buy an account instead of working for it. Also, lets say you buy an account for $1000, and spend $1000 on crystals. You won't pull the same champs, which means it's not the same just to spend the money on your own account versus spending money to get someone else's account.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Amadeo01 said:

    As I (and a few others) have mentioned in other posts, some small tweaks really shouldn't take much time. Especially if we're talking about older champs that they have years of data on. Kabam Miike even pointed out that just from the beta test, they got some feedback and just like that, they reduced the attack boost twice already. That's in how many hours/days? It would not be ground-breaking to tweak up the damage or physical resist/armor/block proficiency of some champs just so they have a bit more value or use, imo. Granted, any changes larger than this would (and should) require more time and dedication and that is fully understandable.

    Then they would require betas to test out those small tweaks because they have a potential to become overpowered or just cause some imbalance within the game mechanics. Yes Kabam reduced the attack boost, but we're still in beta aren't we? Act 7 isn't going to be released tomorrow. Tweaks like you mentioned aren't just going to take hours or days, they're going to take months because we have to test them. We have to go through betas if we want reworks or tweaks.
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★

    I also wonder why Kabam haven't found a solution, a form of agreement that allows the players to either sell or transfer their account to another player or friend! After all if someone spent a few hundred or thousand dollar$$ on this game, including investing his time, he should own the right to transfert or sell his account!

    Because that's not fair to the other players. You could just buy an account instead of working for it. Also, lets say you buy an account for $1000, and spend $1000 on crystals. You won't pull the same champs, which means it's not the same just to spend the money on your own account versus spending money to get someone else's account.
    I agree that buying an account makes it easier than working for it, and will give an advantage over other players, unless they also buy an account that is already stacked with a great roster.

    Your account is yours and it represents the "time and money" you invested in it and that as value for anyone who as an account. Kabam should find a solution an agreement with players to allow them to sell that "value".

    Not everyone can agree with this proposition, it is an idea thrown in the mix with many other idea found on this thread.
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  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    I also wonder why Kabam haven't found a solution, a form of agreement that allows the players to either sell or transfer their account to another player or friend! After all if someone spent a few hundred or thousand dollar$$ on this game, including investing his time, he should own the right to transfert or sell his account!

    Because that's not fair to the other players. You could just buy an account instead of working for it. Also, lets say you buy an account for $1000, and spend $1000 on crystals. You won't pull the same champs, which means it's not the same just to spend the money on your own account versus spending money to get someone else's account.
    I agree that buying an account makes it easier than working for it, and will give an advantage over other players, unless they also buy an account that is already stacked with a great roster.

    Your account is yours and it represents the "time and money" you invested in it and that as value for anyone who as an account. Kabam should find a solution an agreement with players to allow them to sell that "value".

    Not everyone can agree with this proposition, it is an idea thrown in the mix with many other idea found on this thread.
    Your account is owned by Kabam no matter how much money you put into it.
  • Amadeo01Amadeo01 Member Posts: 212 ★★★

    Amadeo01 said:

    As I (and a few others) have mentioned in other posts, some small tweaks really shouldn't take much time. Especially if we're talking about older champs that they have years of data on. Kabam Miike even pointed out that just from the beta test, they got some feedback and just like that, they reduced the attack boost twice already. That's in how many hours/days? It would not be ground-breaking to tweak up the damage or physical resist/armor/block proficiency of some champs just so they have a bit more value or use, imo. Granted, any changes larger than this would (and should) require more time and dedication and that is fully understandable.

    Then they would require betas to test out those small tweaks because they have a potential to become overpowered or just cause some imbalance within the game mechanics. Yes Kabam reduced the attack boost, but we're still in beta aren't we? Act 7 isn't going to be released tomorrow. Tweaks like you mentioned aren't just going to take hours or days, they're going to take months because we have to test them. We have to go through betas if we want reworks or tweaks.
    I see what you're saying, but if they have all the data, I do not think that if they took the lowest damage champion in the game and tweaked up his/her attack by 10% that suddenly, they'd be overpowered and cause imbalance. Nor would I suspect that requires beta testing. When they "rebalanced" the champs recently, I don't actually recall any beta testing and those changes were much more significant than the simple things I'm proposing. I was actually thinking that the concern would be on the opposite end, where even if you took the time to tweak up a low-end champ, it probably wouldn't much difference anyway.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    But they don't HAVE to take a ton of time.

    Champion overhauls? Sure. Those will take as much time as making a brand new champ, which isn't insignificant. But this isn't what I'm suggesting.

    All I'm suggesting is that Kabam goes into their data and searches out the least-used old champs, go into their code and tweak some numbers to make them more appealing. List the changes in the patch notes and then monitor the data to see if more people start using that champ.

    Turn a champ's number from 25% to 50%. Or raise attack rating from 2100 to 2300. Or increase duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. Changes like these take no time at all and would breathe new life into obsolete champions.

    Yeah, but how do they know if those changes will change the in-game balance? They don't. That's why they have to do betas, and again, betas take time. If they didn't do betas, those champions have the ability to be too OP. Also, if the players don't get a beta, they won't know if the tweaked champ is good enough. They could take a champ like classic Spidey and tweak it, but make it into another joe fixit, and without the beta, the players wouldn't be able to give feed back and tell Kabam that their reworked Spidey is actually worse than the original.
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