Implement a pitty timer on your crystals. I think also the current system is hurting you on crystal sales. If i buy 10 cavaliers and receive all 3*, how likely will it be that i will buy anymore down the road? If any 10th pull is a guaranteed 5*/6* people will likely strive to obtain the pitty price.
Why did they stop doing Boss Rushes anyways? I used to love those and they stopped doing them right around the same time my roster got good enough to do the UC difficulty of them.
And they gave 5* sig stones ... this is why I don't get the sigs anymore because those challenges have just gone away
That’s something I don’t understand...
When 5*’s were at the heart of the prestige race, it probably made sense to be stingy with signature stones. But at the top, high level 6*’s increasingly populate players’ top 5. So why still lock the 5* sig stones away?
It kneecaps those of us who just want to get decent 5*’s to a sig level where they are relevant to the content. And the team tends to keep scaling champ sig levels (Exception: Nick Fury) where you actually need a high level to play them effectively Act 6 and beyond.
It feels like this too has been asked for again and again. Is anyone listening?
Why did they stop doing Boss Rushes anyways? I used to love those and they stopped doing them right around the same time my roster got good enough to do the UC difficulty of them.
And they gave 5* sig stones ... this is why I don't get the sigs anymore because those challenges have just gone away
That’s something I don’t understand...
When 5*’s were at the heart of the prestige race, it probably made sense to be stingy with signature stones. But at the top, high level 6*’s increasingly populate players’ top 5. So why still lock the 5* sig stones away?
It kneecaps those of us who just want to get decent 5*’s to a sig level where they are relevant to the content. And the team tends to keep scaling champ sig levels (Exception: Nick Fury) where you actually need a high level to play them effectively Act 6 and beyond.
It feels like this too has been asked for again and again. Is anyone listening?
Dr. Zola
The sig stone drought has reached a stage where I don't value the awakening gems anymore ... what's the point of gem when you cannot add any sigs? I have 3 tech gems and my Darkhawk is still unawakened as he will just be below sig 10.
And to contrast it to the year before that I awakened Void and CapIW and took them BOTH to sig 200. Now I can't even take one champ to sig 100, let alone sig 200.
Right. And the more things like this persist (and I will add the ridiculous number of useless champs in the pool as another example), the more I start to draw the conclusion that this isn’t just an accident or a result of lack of resources.
Please kabam, you don’t hear us. But please hear a person that speak for us.
• stop adding trash champs to 6* pool • stop making wars more difficult, more units, more potion and so meh rewards (from a plat 1 player) • we tired of WS , make a content like ROL for endgame players , we don’t care about 200 6* shards from arena, we don’t want to play arena all day. • change the ratio of champs at cavaliers , there are 3 stars there for people that have end abyss 100% and act 6 100% don’t you think the accessibility of six star should be bigger?
Please , tale care of your playerbase. Really sad to hear that from seatin, but very happy that one guy speak for all of us.
I couldn’t agree more with all of this. I am in a similar boat. Have completed act 6, I guess I would consider myself an end game player, but the game doesn’t seem as exciting anymore. I took a week off of it last week and it was relieving honestly. My feedback would be similar ;
• what’s exciting to me is new champs, but after years of spending units for cavaliers, I have only got a new champ at a useable * two times— sunspot and mr sinister (tells you how far and In between these are). It’s deflating to save up 6k units to purchase cavs and still get 3*s
• secondly with new champs, the new ones so far this year are disappointing. It seems to get high damage hits you have to do all these crazy things then build up a special 2 , which just seems to make the game more complicated. Also I don’t understand why some characters have been asked for for years, and we don’t have them, yet we have so many duplicates of spider man, black widow, etc. I know some of this may be contracted stuff, but there are way too many characters in the marvel universe to pull from to have 3 black widows in this game.
• 6* pool is disappointing. When you save up for a month and a half, maybe two months to get a 6* , then pull someone who isn’t useable at all, it’s so deflating and makes me think what’s the point. Also I still don’t understand why Joe Fixit is not to weak to be a 6* yet SW and Wolverine are somehow too strong to be a 5*. Let us play with characters we actually like.
• alliance wars are too demanding for little rewards (agree with everyone else)
• alliance quest should have 30 min energy timers not one hour. It sucks that you cannot even get 8 hours of sleep and feel like you don’t need to get on the game for AQ if you do higher maps.
• harder content with better rewards (act 7, abyss 100%) just seems to be for whales
But keep skipping over the whole 6.2 gates being bad but it would be "fun and original" to gate Act 7 to lower rarity champs bc it wouldn't affect you personally thing
Just an idea thrown out there. Nothing more
I get that. I think it's a very bad one personally and am pretty surprised the amount of support it has based off the arguments that were put forward against the 6.2 gates. There are still people asking for those gates to be removed today even. Gated content can't only be bad when it's detrimental to you is all I'm saying. It's pretty hypocritical to get upset when you don't have good options for gated content and say it's bad design but then support gating other content bc it wouldn't personally affect you.
What if the folks criticizing the 6.2 gate were different from people suggesting 3*-4* gates for Book 2 Act 1? For example, I dislike the Act 6 gates altogether but am not asking for gates in Act 7 although I have all 3 and 4* champions available.
What you seem to be suggesting is that since some of the players here are now acting selfish, your selfish position on Act 6.2 gates was justified. Is that your point? If yes, I concede and let's move on. That's not the crux of the discontent here. There are more pressing issues some of which have been outlined above. Such as:
--too much RNG in champion and resource acquisition --Actc 6 and 7 being not fun but very punishing --AQ and AW leading to player burnout --Arenas getting stale --Monthly events not getting updated --solo and alliance events being stale
I am sure there are others.
I'd personally rather see gates than the ultra specific nodes counters we needed in 6.3 and 6.4. I was in the severe minority of having that opinion about act 6 however.
All I'm saying is that you can't give Kabam a hard time about high tier gates saying it's bad design and then praise lower tier gates and say they're amazing and fun. It's a mixed message. So I would just rather people keep the same message and stick with gates are bad as a whole so the developers look at different avenues to shake up content design instead of trying to figure out whether or not these specific gates are fun but these very slightly different gates are evil.
I'd honestly rather just see more node design that can both benefit and punish a player. Nodes like backblast and Icarus are two of my favorite nodes in the game. Played correctly or by using the right champions on them they can be massive bonuses for you but if you make a mistake or bring the wrong champion against them, you get wrecked.
I agree with you. I enjoy playing with the stronger champions that I ranked up actually. I don't want to play with especially 4 stars because I no longer rank them past 2 or lower champions either. How about Kabam just doesn't implement gates at all through extreme noding or 4 star and below bans.
Nodes like backblast, icarus are great. I think nodes like no retreat, tunnel vision are hard enough on it own and should stay that way if you're going to have them.
Yeah, I'm at the point in the game where I've done all the content I can do. I can't complete act 6 without the path counters and I don't have them. I don't have enough Skill Champs, I don't have enough Cosmic either to complete the final gates, and I'm just sitting here in act 6.2 with no where to go but LOL which takes week's of preparing for or I am forced to spend. AOL is out of the picture because I can't counter the champs on the path where I'll be forced to spend an additional 1,000 units per fight.
So here's another problem with your progression and the monster of a game you've built. Kudos to you btw, but that's the problem. It's too big and you're doing very little to make it smaller. Say I got a prestige of 9500, clear your uncollected since I was 3500, complete all of your variants, and then reach the point where I am at. Not enough viable champions to get me through a gate. Not a single champion 5* champion who inflicts a poison. Then what am I supposed to use my energy on? How am I supposed to get motivated to play the game, when my chances are limited to get counters and then don't get them time and time again.
And lets make it clear here, I have a lot of counters. I couldn't make it this far without the Over Powered roster I have. I admit that. But basic gates, and niche counters have got to go. NERF ACT 6. Next update. Just do it. Make it fun and compensate the troubles we went/are going through.
Yeah, I'm at the point in the game where I've done all the content I can do. But basic gates, and niche counters have got to go. NERF ACT 6. Next update. Just do it. Make it fun and compensate the troubles we went/are going through.
Of course, the society and friends are keeping us here and also most of us spent too much money here, so it became a huge investment. That is why is even more annoying. Imo, i do not want spend much more time and money, to suffer with abyss, 100% act6 and the others.
I think these two paragraphs describe exactly how the average mid/high tier mcoc player feels right now. I have the same pulse from nearly all my ally members and my in game contacts. Act6 gated out of content progression the casual players. Gates and bs node combinations (6.2 Champion indestructible with no retreat 🤣, which sick mind thought of that combination and assumed it would be an ok fight to release?) need to change asap. Next update. This whole thing ain’t about act7, that was the cherry on the cake. Game is supposed to be fun, no plain bs with the coverage of “high end” content. And believe me Kabam, people will continue spend and they will spend more, as long as they have fun with the game 😉
I saw some tweets from CCP members, anyone know when they will announce the changes to us? Not sure why they want to keep those a big secret....
It's funny.. one of the CCP posts was praising the openness of kabam.. but considering only a select few are being given information.. i wouldn't call that very open or as kabam likes to call it.. transparent..
I saw some tweets from CCP members, anyone know when they will announce the changes to us? Not sure why they want to keep those a big secret....
KT1 has a video up about it on YouTube. Apparently the CCP members were given a huge presentation about upcoming changes that have them all very excited. Of course they aren’t at liberty to discuss anything. Interesting that even those who are normally critical of kabam like Katy kandy were impressed by the presentation
I saw some tweets from CCP members, anyone know when they will announce the changes to us? Not sure why they want to keep those a big secret....
KT1 has a video up about it on YouTube. Apparently the CCP members were given a huge presentation about upcoming changes that have them all very excited. Of course they aren’t at liberty to discuss anything. Interesting that even those who are normally critical of kabam like Katy kandy were impressed by the presentation
I saw some tweets from CCP members, anyone know when they will announce the changes to us? Not sure why they want to keep those a big secret....
KT1 has a video up about it on YouTube. Apparently the CCP members were given a huge presentation about upcoming changes that have them all very excited. Of course they aren’t at liberty to discuss anything. Interesting that even those who are normally critical of kabam like Katy kandy were impressed by the presentation
If CCP, like Katy Candy are impressed.. I'm pretty stoked for the upcoming changes!
Why did they stop doing Boss Rushes anyways? I used to love those and they stopped doing them right around the same time my roster got good enough to do the UC difficulty of them.
And they gave 5* sig stones ... this is why I don't get the sigs anymore because those challenges have just gone away
That’s something I don’t understand...
When 5*’s were at the heart of the prestige race, it probably made sense to be stingy with signature stones. But at the top, high level 6*’s increasingly populate players’ top 5. So why still lock the 5* sig stones away?
It kneecaps those of us who just want to get decent 5*’s to a sig level where they are relevant to the content. And the team tends to keep scaling champ sig levels (Exception: Nick Fury) where you actually need a high level to play them effectively Act 6 and beyond.
It feels like this too has been asked for again and again. Is anyone listening?
Dr. Zola
The sig stone drought has reached a stage where I don't value the awakening gems anymore ... what's the point of gem when you cannot add any sigs? I have 3 tech gems and my Darkhawk is still unawakened as he will just be below sig 10.
And to contrast it to the year before that I awakened Void and CapIW and took them BOTH to sig 200. Now I can't even take one champ to sig 100, let alone sig 200.
Yeah Sig stones definitely need to be easier to obtain. 10 Sig stones a month is pretty useless. The only way to get a decent amount is by spending.
We need aq and aw 30mins timers permanently. For finish it faster and have more quieting in real life
What I have seen happen in many alliances is people getting all worked up and pushing others to login more frequently to get AQ and AW done earlier, which will disrupt real life more.
1 hour timers are fine given the length of AQ, as long as everyone is responsible and do their part. One login every 4-5 hours for 5 mins is not much to ask for.
You can keep waiting 1 hour with your alliance then even after time reduce
Yeah we do that even with 30 min timers. We get done with map 6 around 9pm my time regardless of timers. Lol
Ok but this isn't mean you need object to this request, either time change or not nothing will change for you but some people busy and cant login every single hour
Not objecting to it. Personally, I just find that it’s not required. I can put forth an argument that AQ energy should be 1 min per energy with 20 energy cap so people can sit down, have a 10 person mass org... and clear it in one sitting then go about with real life.
Thing is, if people can’t commit to one login per 5 hours (which is the bare essential for Map 5), then they shouldn’t be doing Map 5 in the first place. Map 4 requires around one login per 6-7 hours, Map 3 even less, once every 8-9 hours.
True, some people might have last min emergencies but it is not going to be a regular occurrence. In the worst case scenario, where someone has to go off for Map 6 Tier 3 because he has to catch a flight or something, I’m sure 1 less Map 6 crystal will not make or break the entire alliance.
All in all, it just requires clear communication to, and understanding from, every single player in the alliance that sometimes things just don’t go the ideal route and everyone should make do and understand that it is not that particular player’s intention to sabotage the entire alliance.
And even starting of aq, we starting with 3 energy and this game isn't playing only in USA im living in Turkey and im not sure but i guess its start like 11 pm in my country so we spend 3 energy waited 2 hours and make 5 energy then most of us have to sleep after that, we wake up morning and prepare to work, road to work, already more than 10 hours wasted now you can do math imagine playing d6 or 7 and imagine you are busy on work, am i playing game for relaxing or to be more anxious?
That’s true as well. It’s up to the officers to plan the paths and BGs well so everyone gets to play during their active timings.
I have 2 guys in one of my BGs that are from US (3 US and 1 UK in total in my alliance). The bulk of us are GMT+8. With proper planning and pathing, we still get AQ Map 6 done early, and no one needs to sleep after 10pm if so they choose.
Also, if the game is making you anxious, you might wanna consider stepping down a little lest you burn out. A lot of that happening nowadays.
Why don't we allow Kabam the make the simple 30 min time adjustment since the majority is asking for it and then you can look right when people come on the forums and complain about completing AQ too fast?
I'd bet you my Aegon that post wouldn't happen and have community agreement.
I saw some tweets from CCP members, anyone know when they will announce the changes to us? Not sure why they want to keep those a big secret....
KT1 has a video up about it on YouTube. Apparently the CCP members were given a huge presentation about upcoming changes that have them all very excited. Of course they aren’t at liberty to discuss anything. Interesting that even those who are normally critical of kabam like Katy kandy were impressed by the presentation
Would we have been heard if it wasn’t for seatins video ?
It seems like a lot of this feedback has been swirling around for a while, but why did it take a whale Spender with lots of followers to be heard? I wish there was better feedback loops.
Because now if Seatin does quit the game, how could we hope for feedback to be heard if he’s gone?
Would we have been heard if it wasn’t for seatins video ?
It seems like a lot of this feedback has been swirling around for a while, but why did it take a whale Spender with lots of followers to be heard? I wish there was better feedback loops.
Because now if Seatin does quit the game, how could we hope for feedback to be heard if he’s gone?
I dont think thats how it works in this game with cavalier crystals or really any offers. Almost everyday there are complaints about offers and how out of touch they are, but the prices rarely budge. Its whales that they cater to when selling offers. At least thats what Ive heard and seen.
That's because the correct price for most offers is one that most people will complain about.
This is an important F2P balance thing. Every thing you sell offers paying customers an advantage over people who spend less or are free to play. You have to offer them an advantage or they won't spend. But if you offer them too much of an advantage everyone else will say the game goes too far into pay to win territory and you'll lose players, both large numbers of lower spenders that collectively spend a lot, and free to play players that are your future spenders. This is problematic.
Whatever price you set for anything, *someone* will buy it. The lower the price, the more people who will. The higher, the fewer. But the lower the price, the more value you offer, the more you'll alienate everyone else who doesn't buy, and the more pressure you'll put on people to spend to keep up. That's the balance you have to strike.
Everyone who says the offer sucks and they won't buy it are making the correct decision that Kabam wants you to make. Implicitly, you're saying the offer is one you can pass up on, because you are passing up on it. And that subtly sends the message to you and everyone else that the offers are no big deal; that you can ignore them if you want. And that's a very important message to send. It is a small price to pay for everyone to think you don't know what you're doing when you set prices, when you know exactly what you're doing and want people to think your offers can be ignored. The whales spend, everyone else thinks the whales aren't getting all that much for their spending (whatever they might claim), and everyone goes on with their lives.
The alternative is everyone thinks all the offers are great, they all have great value, and omg we can't afford to let any of them go by because anyone who doesn't spend is a chump who is missing out on these wonderful A+ offers. Which is actually very destructive to the game in the long run.
When 5*’s were at the heart of the prestige race, it probably made sense to be stingy with signature stones. But at the top, high level 6*’s increasingly populate players’ top 5. So why still lock the 5* sig stones away?
It kneecaps those of us who just want to get decent 5*’s to a sig level where they are relevant to the content. And the team tends to keep scaling champ sig levels (Exception: Nick Fury) where you actually need a high level to play them effectively Act 6 and beyond.
It feels like this too has been asked for again and again. Is anyone listening?
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
I couldn’t agree more with all of this.
I am in a similar boat. Have completed act 6, I guess I would consider myself an end game player, but the game doesn’t seem as exciting anymore.
I took a week off of it last week and it was relieving honestly.
My feedback would be similar ;
• what’s exciting to me is new champs, but after years of spending units for cavaliers, I have only got a new champ at a useable * two times— sunspot and mr sinister (tells you how far and In between these are). It’s deflating to save up 6k units to purchase cavs and still get 3*s
• secondly with new champs, the new ones so far this year are disappointing. It seems to get high damage hits you have to do all these crazy things then build up a special 2 , which just seems to make the game more complicated.
Also I don’t understand why some characters have been asked for for years, and we don’t have them, yet we have so many duplicates of spider man, black widow, etc.
I know some of this may be contracted stuff, but there are way too many characters in the marvel universe to pull from to have 3 black widows in this game.
• 6* pool is disappointing. When you save up for a month and a half, maybe two months to get a 6* , then pull someone who isn’t useable at all, it’s so deflating and makes me think what’s the point. Also I still don’t understand why Joe Fixit is not to weak to be a 6* yet SW and Wolverine are somehow too strong to be a 5*. Let us play with characters we actually like.
• alliance wars are too demanding for little rewards (agree with everyone else)
• alliance quest should have 30 min energy timers not one hour. It sucks that you cannot even get 8 hours of sleep and feel like you don’t need to get on the game for AQ if you do higher maps.
• harder content with better rewards (act 7, abyss 100%) just seems to be for whales
Just my 2 cents.
Nodes like backblast, icarus are great. I think nodes like no retreat, tunnel vision are hard enough on it own and should stay that way if you're going to have them.
So here's another problem with your progression and the monster of a game you've built. Kudos to you btw, but that's the problem. It's too big and you're doing very little to make it smaller. Say I got a prestige of 9500, clear your uncollected since I was 3500, complete all of your variants, and then reach the point where I am at. Not enough viable champions to get me through a gate. Not a single champion 5* champion who inflicts a poison. Then what am I supposed to use my energy on? How am I supposed to get motivated to play the game, when my chances are limited to get counters and then don't get them time and time again.
And lets make it clear here, I have a lot of counters. I couldn't make it this far without the Over Powered roster I have. I admit that. But basic gates, and niche counters have got to go. NERF ACT 6. Next update. Just do it. Make it fun and compensate the troubles we went/are going through.
Not sure why they want to keep those a big secret....
Dr. Zola
The only way to get a decent amount is by spending.
I'd bet you my Aegon that post wouldn't happen and have community agreement.
Would we have been heard if it wasn’t for seatins video ?
It seems like a lot of this feedback has been swirling around for a while, but why did it take a whale Spender with lots of followers to be heard?
I wish there was better feedback loops.
Because now if Seatin does quit the game, how could we hope for feedback to be heard if he’s gone?
This is an important F2P balance thing. Every thing you sell offers paying customers an advantage over people who spend less or are free to play. You have to offer them an advantage or they won't spend. But if you offer them too much of an advantage everyone else will say the game goes too far into pay to win territory and you'll lose players, both large numbers of lower spenders that collectively spend a lot, and free to play players that are your future spenders. This is problematic.
Whatever price you set for anything, *someone* will buy it. The lower the price, the more people who will. The higher, the fewer. But the lower the price, the more value you offer, the more you'll alienate everyone else who doesn't buy, and the more pressure you'll put on people to spend to keep up. That's the balance you have to strike.
Everyone who says the offer sucks and they won't buy it are making the correct decision that Kabam wants you to make. Implicitly, you're saying the offer is one you can pass up on, because you are passing up on it. And that subtly sends the message to you and everyone else that the offers are no big deal; that you can ignore them if you want. And that's a very important message to send. It is a small price to pay for everyone to think you don't know what you're doing when you set prices, when you know exactly what you're doing and want people to think your offers can be ignored. The whales spend, everyone else thinks the whales aren't getting all that much for their spending (whatever they might claim), and everyone goes on with their lives.
The alternative is everyone thinks all the offers are great, they all have great value, and omg we can't afford to let any of them go by because anyone who doesn't spend is a chump who is missing out on these wonderful A+ offers. Which is actually very destructive to the game in the long run.