You honestly believe all they've given is a teeny bit of acknowledgment?
Yes, quite literally. The roadmap directly and constructively adresses maybe 10% of the issues presented in this thread.
And as I said, they made a huge step backwards a few days after sharing said roadmap.
I'm sure you believe they're doing a great job so far, huh? Why am I even asking.
Are you listening? The road map has little to do with feedback yet you think it’s a response to feedback. It’s another opportunity for you to give feedback. Ffs
As for the subject at hand, everybody is welcome to their own opinions, and there's a lot of great feedback in that video, and in your responses. Building new content in this game is not easy, nor is it quick. We're always looking at what you guys have to say, and where possible, we plan it into our roadmaps down the line. We planned on giving you guys a glimpse of what's on the horizon in a week or two, but I can see about moving that up.
I don’t know what’s going on but upon examination it isn’t rational.
Are you tired again? Yes, the roadmap didn't respond to our feedback. That and the overall lacking communication is exactly my point when I said they've given us too little acknowledgment so far.
If you want to step into an ongoing conversation, try to understand what's going on first.
This is how your condescending snarky posts read.
Oh you’re drunk and belligerent, awesome! Against my better judgement and knowing your state of mind I will reply in an attempt to get through to you because you appear to be in a state of irrational distress, regardless.
The roadmap wasn’t meant to respond to this feedback, that was the point of quoting Miike. I swear you don’t even bother to read, Your lizard brain just starts firing and the fingers begin typing out insults.
The roadmap is what they were planning prior to this feedback and they will be updating that roadmap in early June based on this feedback.
If you fail to see how the roadmap you are referencing does include things they have previously received feedback on then you again have not been paying attention; give the lizard brain a rest.
If it helps, the attention the community and this thread have received are evidenced by the amount of orange text proliferating the forums.
Funny how you accuse me of resorting to insults while directly insulting me 2 times in one comment, 1 of those times in the exact sentence in which you accused me of insulting others.
All that after you replied to one of my comments without comprehending the context of what I said.
I did not say, I did not even imply that the roadmap we got so far was supposed to acknowledge our feedback. I merely stated it didn't in response to someone challenging my statement of kabam so far giving the feedback in this thread very little direct acknowledgement as an example for said lack of direct acknowledgement.
Again, if you can't follow a conversation, if you can't figure out the context of what's being said, just have a good night's sleep and come back when you're able to focus a bit. That's not meant to be insulting, it's genuine advice.
I'm currently looking after my 9 months old nephew. When he's tired he also doesn't understand what's happening around him. He flails his arms and if he could he probably would also resort to insults. We're all just humans. Good night, coaty. Get some rest.
Did you miss the mea culpa at the start of the post where I said I was writing as if I were you? But anyways thanks for solidifying my point by continuing to resort to insults and belittling others by addressing them as children, clown. Sober up.
“Yes, quite literally. The roadmap directly and constructively adresses maybe 10% of the issues presented in this thread.
And as I said, they made a huge step backwards a few days after sharing said roadmap.
I'm sure you believe they're doing a great job so far, huh? Why am I even asking.”
What I do not get most is the hype from the CCP. I know that the CCP members knew this was not something to respond to all the feedback but I genuinely do not understand why everybody was tweeting about it like it was insanely good. Don’t get me wrong some are good improvements, some are controversial but still decent improvements however why this amount of hype was built to make it seem like it was the next big thing is beyond me. Everybody was like “Kabam gave a CCP presentation!!!! 👀👀👀” and it led up being this, no offense CCP fellas but what did get you people to be excited like this?
We can’t trust the CCP to give accurate hype around announcements. It’s their job to get views and more people are likely to view it if it is perceived as positive.
Actually in most cases it's not their "job" at all. Most of the CCP are just players that have careers/jobs outside of the game that got into YT, podcasts, etc... bc they love the game too.
Some of you have some ridiculous expectations from them. Also you have no idea what sort of discussions are actually had daily between them and the devs. If you think it's just them bootlicking constantly you're one jaded individual. They can give whatever feedback they want to the devs but that doesn't mean any of it will be acted on. Just bc a change hasn't been made in game doesn't mean it hasn't been asked for repeatedly.
And a few tweets about keeping an eye out for some upcoming changes is hardly what I call hype. Every single time I see people complaining about "hype" here, the only people to blame are the players bc they read into everything and let their own ridiculous expectations run wild. That's on you guys not kabam or the CCP.
< And now you just directly insulted me again lol. Genius move, really shows your moral and intellectual superiority here.
You are insulting in every post you call me coaty or ask if I’m tired. You even admitted it by explaining that’s how you treat a 9 month old. How ridiculous can you be to then pretend I’m not joining you in the pig stye for a wrestling match?
And it’s not just me, it’s almost anyone you disagree with or who disagrees with you and you’ve been doing it since you joined this forum.
@UmbertoDelRio to be fair when he said "your lizard brain" he wasn't calling you lizard brain he was referring to your brain stem. It's responsible for primitive emotions (aggression, fear) and the fight or flight response. You probably missed the reference because you had your hackles up and weren't thinking straight.
< And now you just directly insulted me again lol. Genius move, really shows your moral and intellectual superiority here.
You are insulting in every post you call me coaty or ask if I’m tired. You even admitted it by explaining that’s how you treat a 9 month old. How ridiculous can you be to then pretend I’m not joining you in the pig stye for a wrestling match?
And it’s not just me, it’s almost anyone you disagree with or who disagrees with you and you’ve been doing it since you joined this forum. Troll.
You can gave the last word if you like, but please try to be polite for a change.
And this is rich, coming from you. You are easily the rudest poster on this forum.
@UmbertoDelRio to be fair when he said "your lizard brain" he wasn't calling you lizard brain he was referring to your brain stem. It's responsible for primitive emotions (aggression, fear) and the fight or flight response. You probably missed the reference because you had your hackles up and weren't thinking straight.
Err... Our stem brain is responsible for the baseline functionality of our system. Fear for example comes from our cortex. Most emotions come from our limbic system iirc.
Our lizard brain is what allows you to take a deep breath to then rethink what you just said lmao.
Cool story bro, but if I'm taking a deep breath then that's under my conscious control and not performed by my lizard brain.
@UmbertoDelRio yeah we haven’t been putting up with this for the past two days, I was trying to put a mirror to you. And they are correct about the lizard brain; fight or flight.
There are your posts n the past ~36 hours. The explanation of you equating me to an infant is particularly sweet since it puts your past posts in context so thank you for that.
“ To be fair, though, sometimes my nephew reacts the same way when he's hungry as when he's tired, so maybe you should have a snack before taking a little nap? Again, not saying you're a child, especially not a baby, although your insults make you look a bit like a toddler at this point. We're human, our brains need a certain baseline nourishment and energy level to function appropriately.
There's no difference there between us as adults and my little nephew as a baby. He was merely a good means for comparison, since he's a bit more honest when he's needy and grumpy.”
“Again, slowly, carefully, don't turn off your brain after the first few words:“
“I'm currently looking after my 9 months old nephew. When he's tired he also doesn't understand what's happening around him. He flails his arms and if he could he probably would also resort to insults. We're all just humans. Good night, coaty. Get some rest.“
As much as I love drama, let's get back to the issues. Please don't use this thread to vent your frustration in non-constructive ways. We want constructive feedback, not comments highlighting how much you want to quit, or posts with threats aimed at Kabam. Remember, regardless of what your stance on this issue is, your opinion matters.
I'll share one of my ideas. Since there is a lack of Signature Stones available to players and even more to F2P players, what I suggest is to put 1 Class Sig Stone on each path of the Daily Class Catalyst Quest. Easy–2 2* Sig Stones Medium–2 3* Sig Stones Hard–2 4* Sig Stones Expert–2 5* Sig Stones *I don't feel that 6* Sig Stones are necessary right now to the majority of players, so I didn't include them. On Sunday, in the Grandmaster Free-for-all, there are only 3 difficulties. Easy–2 3* Sig Crystals Medium–2 4* Sig Crystals Hard–2 5* Sig Crystals
This change is relatively easy (correct me if I'm wrong), and not only does it make 5* Sig Stones more available, it also increases player traffic into the Daily Quest region. Honestly, how many post-Uncollected players play the Catalyst Quest daily? I, for one, rarely ever go into the Daily Quests because they serve no purpose for mid to endgame players.
Some people just like to argue..even when there's no argument to be had.
Back on topic - I really hope Kabam are working overtime on directly addressing the most commonly brought up issues in here by the start of June. TO me that's a reasonable amount of time to address things (which doesn't necessarily mean providing a solution, but acknowledging the issues).
Providing that the outbreak has calmed down by then. We want to be reasonable, even if Kabam hasn't been.
Err... Why? Considering how big of an outrage it needed to have them acknowledge that there even are issues that need to be addressed, I think the last thing we should be thinking about should be concentrate on being the bigger person.
So it's justified for us to be whining like needy children, incessantly complaining? We gave our opinions, and that's it. Telling Kabam employees to work overtime in such a time is frankly insensitive. I trust that Kabam has heard us. I don't need to constantly vent or give ultimatums. Yes, many of us are frustrated, and yes we want these changes quickly. I get that. But giving Kabam an ultimatum isn't going to do anything. We've seen that they listened since they've gone back to the drawing board with Act 7. We've also given them a lot to think about, so reading through all of these 74 pages of complaints is going to take a bit of time. What we do now is wait. We can confidently say that Kabam's going to consider our opinions in their plans and acknowledge our issues since this whole thing was caused by an uproar from the player base.
I'd say being the bigger person further highlights how Kabam's been the opposite. It gives a message, telling them to "step it up".
Acting like Kabam is going to get us nowhere.
That first sentiment was completely uncalled for, I'll leave it at that.
As to the rest, they looked at act 7 as a result of this outrage. They're hopefully looking at all the other issues as a result of this outrage.
In the meantime they rushed out a change to the whole aq system and they'll yet again only consider and talk about our feedback after the fact.
So far they showed absolutely nothing that suggests that we could comfortably sit down and stay calm in justified hopes of actual improvement, especially regarding their communication with the community.
Of course you are entitled to let them be. I for once do not think they did enough or even promised enough to even think about letting them be.
People are and have been on the verge of quitting since this thread started, many even before that, because of issues presented here. That is not an ultimatum, that's simply the current status quo for those people. And for them nothing changed so far.
Additionally, if we acted like kabam, then we wouldn't communicate our thoughts, problems and concerns. We'd simply take action and quit the game. We as the community have been the bigger person since this thread started, even before that, and have shown immense rationale and understanding so far.
I'm sorry, but painting us the way you do is nothing but an insult to the problems we have and/or see with this game we invested a lot of time and/or money into.
Despite the time this thread has been active, despite kabam's communication being a main issue for many summoners, it's still same old same old.
The devil doesn't need yet another advocate.
Oh no, don't think I disagree with the feedback that you've been giving. I agree with some of the player base's sentiments. I'm frustrated too, don't get me wrong, but unlike some people, I know that repeatedly venting is not going to do anything. People are acting as if not getting these changes would end their life. Newsflash, it's Kabam that's going to die if they don't sort out their problems. Yes, they looked at Act 7. And now they're going to look at the rest of the issues we presented.
Furthermore, your last statement illustrates the first line in my previous comment. Calling someone a Devil's advocate just because they don't agree with you really does emphasize one's childishness. Furthermore, the way you phrased it, one could take it as saying "we don't want your opinion anymore." Hmmm. Does censoring remind you of anyone?
Just to recap. I don't disagree with the changes you want to make to the game. I'm all for that. My problem is in the way that the solutions are conveyed. Kabam is already feeling the pressure. No need to put more on them. They might just explode.
Again, "repeatedly venting" is literally the only reason we even got the teeny tiny bit of acknowledgment we've gotten so far.
You've been participating in this thread since the very beginning, how do you not understand that?
Kabam has already taken a massive step backwards with how they went about the aq treasury changes. In all this time they didn't even bother to improve their immediate communication. How should that in any way make us feel comfortable with sitting back and letting them sort all of this out?
As to that censoring nonsense, if your opinion consists of belittling others and calling them childish, then by all means. Take your opinion somewhere else.
Its funny how soon people forget that act 6.4 rewards got a buff due to venting and complaining. They're still not even good enough by the way. Even Gw stopped saying our complaints won't lead to anything after being proven wrong so many times. It is just not true.
Nah. He keeps saying that. Its like a broken record. Always the same stuff. Always spam. Always expert opinion on topics he has not even played. At this point the ignore button is your best friend.
You can even ignore ppl from mobile. Just click on PC settings and you can "mute" everyone that spams. Its very nice
For me I’m just waiting for aegon. I have everything done besides abyss. Got sick of waiting to do lol so I did it with All with ghost. The chances I get aegon at this point is so rare that it’s very demotivating to do anything in game anymore...I’ve grinded, I’ve spent a bunch of money on aegon crystals and cavs and I’m just done with this junk. It’s such a waste of time to grind and spend money to keep duping 2015 champs and pulling useless 6*’s. 17/19 of my first 19 6*’s were 2014/2015 champs or dupes. I don’t look forward to opening 6*’s at all, I dread it. Since the first 19 I’ve pulled a few decent 6*’s but I’m sitting on three 1-2 gems with 30 6*s and absolutely no one worth ranking. It’s such a non sustainable business model. Out of my 30 6*’s I use 1 on a regular basis, the rest just collect dust having absolutely no use in any part of the game.
They should buff the act 6 rewards honestly because it arguably much harder and much more roster dependent than abyss. If you’re lucky enough to have aegon and a few others you are set, not very hard just long. There is much more BS in act 6. For me I 100% it and felt no accomplishment, just was glad to never have to touch it again and for all that I have nothing to show for it, my account barely changed and I was forced to rank a bunch of characters I didn’t want our need because of all the resources going straight to overflow.
To think that road map was released due to community outrage is a joke. They just laid out what they already had planned for next few months and spun it like it was due to our feedback and moved up variant a little. I don’t feel community feedback was listened to.
I hope they can do something because I can barely force myself to log in anymore for AQ/AW and only do epic EQ, everything is so incredibly unoriginal and stale. This game needs a complete overhaul, starting with addressing the roughly 125 champs that have absolutely no use in game. I’m definitely boycotting spending on this game. There is no guaranteed value in anything in this game anymore.
Boycotting is not spending to make a statement when you otherwise would've spent money, because although you perceive you would get your money's worth on some deals, and/or want to support the game financially, but refuse to bc you dislike how the current game state is. You have every right to do so!
I've mentioned in the past that Kabam needs to update goals and milestones for players. New content is nice, but it doesn't solve the unappeal of outdated and/or specific rewards.
In the beginning for players, there are an abundance of materials, champions, rankups, and things (like masteries) and content to unlock. As time goes on, the appealing things to pursue drops.
For late end game players, there is very little progress to make. Opening a 6* basic would give them only give them ISO (or no improvement) 90%+ of the time. Grinding a week (logging in 7+ times a day) for 2% t5class catalyst. When tier 6 basic comes people can grind 2% a week? This, with no other sources that provide more immediate/guaranteed value, makes AQ/AW a worsening chore.
Either Kabam adds more incremental value for the playerbase, and update such incremental value at a faster pace (not yearly, not ignore mastery revamp), or they will need to continue to rely on new playerbase to replace the retiring players.
What I do not get most is the hype from the CCP. I know that the CCP members knew this was not something to respond to all the feedback but I genuinely do not understand why everybody was tweeting about it like it was insanely good. Don’t get me wrong some are good improvements, some are controversial but still decent improvements however why this amount of hype was built to make it seem like it was the next big thing is beyond me. Everybody was like “Kabam gave a CCP presentation!!!! 👀👀👀” and it led up being this, no offense CCP fellas but what did get you people to be excited like this?
We can’t trust the CCP to give accurate hype around announcements. It’s their job to get views and more people are likely to view it if it is perceived as positive.
Actually in most cases it's not their "job" at all. Most of the CCP are just players that have careers/jobs outside of the game that got into YT, podcasts, etc... bc they love the game too.
Some of you have some ridiculous expectations from them. Also you have no idea what sort of discussions are actually had daily between them and the devs. If you think it's just them bootlicking constantly you're one jaded individual. They can give whatever feedback they want to the devs but that doesn't mean any of it will be acted on. Just bc a change hasn't been made in game doesn't mean it hasn't been asked for repeatedly.
And a few tweets about keeping an eye out for some upcoming changes is hardly what I call hype. Every single time I see people complaining about "hype" here, the only people to blame are the players bc they read into everything and let their own ridiculous expectations run wild. That's on you guys not kabam or the CCP.
I didn’t say they were bootlickers, in fact it’d be pretty hard to try to make that argument for most of them. All I said was that we can’t trust them to give accurate hype around announcements. As far as I’m aware, some of the most popular members of the CCP do YouTube as their jobs (I don’t listen to MCOC podcasts or read blogs so I don’t really know about those ones) and they get more views if they hype up whatever information they get, even if it just click baiting the title. And that’s fine, I understand why, but it makes it hard to trust any of the hype they tried to build at times. To make it more annoying, Kabam has them sign non-disclosure agreements, so they can’t even talk about whatever they see unless they have explicit permission which is why people “read into everything” they make.
My thoughts on the roadmap are as follows: They don't really address anything in terms of general game feedback. It was good to see that Act 7 will be looked at, but we already knew from a previous post that Act 7 content will be reviewed and fine tuned. Everything else that was addressed in the roadmap was either giving us a heads up on some QoL improvements to the game (bg assignments and profile top champs) or telling us about upcoming changes/content (alliance tickets, aw modifiers, variant 5) that were undoubtedly already in the pipeline. While still good information to have, again, the roadmap did not address MOST of the feedback that kabam have received in recent days. Most of the roadmap told summoners about features and updates that have been planned for the last few months, not the past two weeks when this tsunami of feedback all started. I am still patiently waiting for a REAL update regarding the niche and un-fun content that is Act 6, the issue regarding most champions in the game being unusable, easier acquisition of usable champions, and many other points that have been discussed in this post.
What I do not get most is the hype from the CCP. I know that the CCP members knew this was not something to respond to all the feedback but I genuinely do not understand why everybody was tweeting about it like it was insanely good. Don’t get me wrong some are good improvements, some are controversial but still decent improvements however why this amount of hype was built to make it seem like it was the next big thing is beyond me. Everybody was like “Kabam gave a CCP presentation!!!! 👀👀👀” and it led up being this, no offense CCP fellas but what did get you people to be excited like this?
We can’t trust the CCP to give accurate hype around announcements. It’s their job to get views and more people are likely to view it if it is perceived as positive.
Actually in most cases it's not their "job" at all. Most of the CCP are just players that have careers/jobs outside of the game that got into YT, podcasts, etc... bc they love the game too.
Some of you have some ridiculous expectations from them. Also you have no idea what sort of discussions are actually had daily between them and the devs. If you think it's just them bootlicking constantly you're one jaded individual. They can give whatever feedback they want to the devs but that doesn't mean any of it will be acted on. Just bc a change hasn't been made in game doesn't mean it hasn't been asked for repeatedly.
And a few tweets about keeping an eye out for some upcoming changes is hardly what I call hype. Every single time I see people complaining about "hype" here, the only people to blame are the players bc they read into everything and let their own ridiculous expectations run wild. That's on you guys not kabam or the CCP.
I didn’t say they were bootlickers, in fact it’d be pretty hard to try to make that argument for most of them. All I said was that we can’t trust them to give accurate hype around announcements. As far as I’m aware, some of the most popular members of the CCP do YouTube as their jobs (I don’t listen to MCOC podcasts or read blogs so I don’t really know about those ones) and they get more views if they hype up whatever information they get, even if it just click baiting the title. And that’s fine, I understand why, but it makes it hard to trust any of the hype they tried to build at times. To make it more annoying, Kabam has them sign non-disclosure agreements, so they can’t even talk about whatever they see unless they have explicit permission which is why people “read into everything” they make.
That's the best way to have it. NDAs prevent inaccurate hype and premature reactions.
They have put intel in the store. Seriously, people were joking that this was going to happen, and it actually did. Seriously, what the heck. They put the max earnable intel on the event description, but they add intel into the store for people to buy with real money? wow.
They've done the same for past Events. It's not that groundbreaking.
In every decision Kabam has done in the last 2 years at least, it is so obvious that they just want to suck out the money out of you. The decisions and changes are so clearly not for making the gaming experience better, but to close the smallest loop hole the player base have found at a blink of a moment, but one the other side to milk all the disadvantages the player have to an extreme - where just a player base outrage and not even sound reasonings make you reconsider what your even doing (just the latest: She Hulk, MS, Corvus, but there are a lot more that did not get the recognition: e.g. Hood..). Dedication to the game does not matter anymore. All that matters is the money. Solidarity over the years, dedication over the years, skill on the game.
You don't listen, or at least pretend that you are not listening. Well, at least I understand that a little bit. I wouldn't answer the people I scammed, too. But this abundant threading, calling out problems - just so the threads get deleted - it gets saddening and frustrating. The player base just gets disconnected from you. This whole thread is full of proposals that have been each in at least 10-20 to threads. And now your again pretending to change something, but you wont as always.
You are doing at again. Pronouncing huge betterment, but what you are actually doing is nothing. Even if Seatin, despite not able to say it out loud- not to burn bridges with kabam, who buys a house by playing your game, cant take it anymore. What you are trying to do, is to sell the minimal changes you would have done anyway - which aren't really any improvements at all for the player base - as a reaction to us. It is none. You have not caught up anything from this thread or from the hundreds of threads in the last few months. You haven't learned anything and try to blindsight us again.
I really hoped something good would come out of this situation. That you have learned and really would try to improve - fast! But the recent policy (information for units - LOL), non answering and minimal changes have just proven that you obviously just care about the 0,01% spending huge amount of money in this game. We as a player base, could talk to wall instead. No Difference.
Nothing exciting for you, perhaps. It's impossible to make everyone happy. In fact, some are just resentful and won't be satisfied with anything that comes out. That's the problem. Discontent breeds discontent.
“Yes, quite literally. The roadmap directly and constructively adresses maybe 10% of the issues presented in this thread.
And as I said, they made a huge step backwards a few days after sharing said roadmap.
I'm sure you believe they're doing a great job so far, huh? Why am I even asking.”
Some of you have some ridiculous expectations from them. Also you have no idea what sort of discussions are actually had daily between them and the devs. If you think it's just them bootlicking constantly you're one jaded individual. They can give whatever feedback they want to the devs but that doesn't mean any of it will be acted on. Just bc a change hasn't been made in game doesn't mean it hasn't been asked for repeatedly.
And a few tweets about keeping an eye out for some upcoming changes is hardly what I call hype. Every single time I see people complaining about "hype" here, the only people to blame are the players bc they read into everything and let their own ridiculous expectations run wild. That's on you guys not kabam or the CCP.
And it’s not just me, it’s almost anyone you disagree with or who disagrees with you and you’ve been doing it since you joined this forum.
You probably missed the reference because you had your hackles up and weren't thinking straight.
There are your posts n the past ~36 hours. The explanation of you equating me to an infant is particularly sweet since it puts your past posts in context so thank you for that.
“ To be fair, though, sometimes my nephew reacts the same way when he's hungry as when he's tired, so maybe you should have a snack before taking a little nap? Again, not saying you're a child, especially not a baby, although your insults make you look a bit like a toddler at this point. We're human, our brains need a certain baseline nourishment and energy level to function appropriately.
There's no difference there between us as adults and my little nephew as a baby. He was merely a good means for comparison, since he's a bit more honest when he's needy and grumpy.”
“Again, slowly, carefully, don't turn off your brain after the first few words:“
“I'm currently looking after my 9 months old nephew. When he's tired he also doesn't understand what's happening around him. He flails his arms and if he could he probably would also resort to insults. We're all just humans. Good night, coaty. Get some rest.“
You are so eager to be contrarian it's just pathetic to be frank. Neither were we restricted to nor were we advised not to over-donate to our treasury in order to save up for future aq costs. This is a fact.
"B-b-b-b-b-ut tHe oPpoSiTe wAsn'T tHe cAsE eIthEr!"
Go to sleep coaty, you're obviously tired.
Look, if you're tired or something, just go to bed.
That's just such a silly leap in logic you made there just to make your contrarian position look intellectual
Let's try this again, slowly:
We are completely f*cked over by this.
Your comment however is exceptionally worthless in any regard.
Your perspective on this is just really weird to me, not going to lie. Almost grounded weird.
Great job guys. Real proud 👍🏻
On sale for only 15000 units.
I'll share one of my ideas.
Since there is a lack of Signature Stones available to players and even more to F2P players, what I suggest is to put 1 Class Sig Stone on each path of the Daily Class Catalyst Quest.
Easy–2 2* Sig Stones
Medium–2 3* Sig Stones
Hard–2 4* Sig Stones
Expert–2 5* Sig Stones
*I don't feel that 6* Sig Stones are necessary right now to the majority of players, so I didn't include them.
On Sunday, in the Grandmaster Free-for-all, there are only 3 difficulties.
Easy–2 3* Sig Crystals
Medium–2 4* Sig Crystals
Hard–2 5* Sig Crystals
This change is relatively easy (correct me if I'm wrong), and not only does it make 5* Sig Stones more available, it also increases player traffic into the Daily Quest region. Honestly, how many post-Uncollected players play the Catalyst Quest daily? I, for one, rarely ever go into the Daily Quests because they serve no purpose for mid to endgame players.
Its like a broken record. Always the same stuff. Always spam. Always expert opinion on topics he has not even played. At this point the ignore button is your best friend.
You can even ignore ppl from mobile. Just click on PC settings and you can "mute" everyone that spams. Its very nice
I've mentioned in the past that Kabam needs to update goals and milestones for players. New content is nice, but it doesn't solve the unappeal of outdated and/or specific rewards.
In the beginning for players, there are an abundance of materials, champions, rankups, and things (like masteries) and content to unlock. As time goes on, the appealing things to pursue drops.
For late end game players, there is very little progress to make. Opening a 6* basic would give them only give them ISO (or no improvement) 90%+ of the time. Grinding a week (logging in 7+ times a day) for 2% t5class catalyst. When tier 6 basic comes people can grind 2% a week? This, with no other sources that provide more immediate/guaranteed value, makes AQ/AW a worsening chore.
Either Kabam adds more incremental value for the playerbase, and update such incremental value at a faster pace (not yearly, not ignore mastery revamp), or they will need to continue to rely on new playerbase to replace the retiring players.
While still good information to have, again, the roadmap did not address MOST of the feedback that kabam have received in recent days. Most of the roadmap told summoners about features and updates that have been planned for the last few months, not the past two weeks when this tsunami of feedback all started.
I am still patiently waiting for a REAL update regarding the niche and un-fun content that is Act 6, the issue regarding most champions in the game being unusable, easier acquisition of usable champions, and many other points that have been discussed in this post.
The main problems are:
In every decision Kabam has done in the last 2 years at least, it is so obvious that they just want to suck out the money out of you. The decisions and changes are so clearly not for making the gaming experience better, but to close the smallest loop hole the player base have found at a blink of a moment, but one the other side to milk all the disadvantages the player have to an extreme - where just a player base outrage and not even sound reasonings make you reconsider what your even doing (just the latest: She Hulk, MS, Corvus, but there are a lot more that did not get the recognition: e.g. Hood..). Dedication to the game does not matter anymore. All that matters is the money. Solidarity over the years, dedication over the years, skill on the game.
You don't listen, or at least pretend that you are not listening. Well, at least I understand that a little bit. I wouldn't answer the people I scammed, too. But this abundant threading, calling out problems - just so the threads get deleted - it gets saddening and frustrating. The player base just gets disconnected from you. This whole thread is full of proposals that have been each in at least 10-20 to threads. And now your again pretending to change something, but you wont as always.
You are doing at again. Pronouncing huge betterment, but what you are actually doing is nothing. Even if Seatin, despite not able to say it out loud- not to burn bridges with kabam, who buys a house by playing your game, cant take it anymore. What you are trying to do, is to sell the minimal changes you would have done anyway - which aren't really any improvements
at all for the player base - as a reaction to us. It is none. You have not caught up anything from this thread or from the hundreds of threads in the last few months. You haven't learned anything and try to blindsight us again.
I really hoped something good would come out of this situation. That you have learned and really would try to improve - fast! But the recent policy (information for units - LOL), non answering and minimal changes have just proven that you obviously just care about the 0,01% spending huge amount of money in this game. We as a player base, could talk to wall instead. No Difference.