General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    Another thing I really think needs to be added (or in this case, taken away) from the game is removing the unit costs of respeccing masteries. We already spend a ton of units to unlock them, it's not fair or necessary to make us spend units to change them around.

    Or keep the cost of changing masteries but reduce it to maximum of 1 unit per point. 3 units or more for a mastery point rearrange is just ridiculous. The total cost of rearranging a mastery setup shouldn’t exceed 20 units.
  • JABBA_2JABBA_2 Member Posts: 99
    A lot of people have been addressing the issue of buffs - but this is not the main issue in why some champions are unusable in cavalier+ content.

    In my opinion, bad champions don't need to be buffed very much, it's just that the content that needs to be cleared has a list of around 20 champions that you are punished for not using, or worse, specific counters. If bad champions get a slight buff, and OP champions get a slight nerf, and content, in general, is scaled down, the problems disappear. You will be able to use less powerful champions in the latter quests of story mode, and the more powerful champions wouldn't be able to get through it too easily. However, endgame content such as the Abyss should not be nerfed - it is there for only the best of players. Story quest isn't.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian

    To the point that's been made already about creativity and fun in game content...we're currently doing yet another iteration of rifts, something that people were already over well before this event. Lots has been said about the rewards not being scaled compared to previous years, etc. I'm currently waiting to give my overall opinion of this event quest because i've been doing the rifts on epic to get a cosmic gem. I can only buy 8 more tier 4 detectors...and so far not once has the cosmic gem appeared. Science has been in the last 4 i've run.

    If the entire point of this was to try and get the awakening gem class of your choice, and I do the entire event at the max times you can, and it doesn't even show up, I'm gonna be really really annoyed and disappointed in the entire thing. Yet another thing in the game left up to RNG that really didn't need to be. But back to the creative aspect of these side events...

    Just saw the announcement for next month's event...and they're doing yet another iteration of Modok labs.


    Seriously. I'm pretty sure the player base told kabam how annoying these were the last time they were repeated. It's a daily slog and just feels stale as an idea for a side quest. It feels copied and pasted. To be fair, maybe the event and the rewards this time will be different than past versions, and I will reserve judgement on it overall until the details come out or we get more information. But does doing another version of Modok labs get me excited? Absolutely not. I've done it multiple months now, as many other players have as well. It doesn't feel fresh or fun or interesting to me. Rifts are the same as well.

    The community LOVED when you did the my little symbiote event. They bring it up all the time, how it was so different and out of the box. You all heard that and...continue to give us rifts and labs, with a new name and rewards slapped on. To me, it feels lazy. It doesn't make me want to log in more every day. It doesn't feel outside the box. It feels like 2017 events just pasted into 2020. I would love some more new side monthly quests/activities that haven't been done before multiple times.

    I would love to see more creativity in the game content as well, but I think we all need to temper our desires for more creativity with the practical limitation that, like it or not, believe it or not, content takes a very long time to design and add to the game. It doesn't matter why, that's the reality at the moment. So every piece of completely original content we get is going to be many other pieces of less original content we won't get at all. If Kabam has X amount of time to design content, and they throw all their time into completely original content, then we might be getting one side quest a year. If they just tweak previously released content, we can maybe get one side quest a month. There needs to be a balance where they spend some time on original content design, and some time on tweaked content, and that means even in the ideal case we're going to have a substantial amount of side quests be variations on a theme. It wouldn't be worth their time to design the structure of the content to only use it once.

    Also, whenever the players say that content A was great but content B is boring, in my opinion that's often heavily influenced by the fact that content A just hasn't been iterated often enough yet. When you say the community loved the symbiote event, that wasn't universal (nothing ever is) but even for the players that loved it, using it as the model for future events could just as easily beat it into the ground and make people bored of it. I've seen that pattern with the other events. Rifts were seen that way initially, and now they are seen as just more of the same by some players. The content we wish the devs would make more of, we might wish that mostly because they haven't made more of yet.

    That's not to say they are at the right balance point now. And that's not to say that creativity can't be focused in more productive directions even with those limitations. For example, if I understand the latest iteration of the Labs in the announcement, I think the lesson from Incursions is players don't want buff deleters, the players want player-side empowerments. Who wouldn't want to run Labs with Buff Cornucopia? Or given the huge amount of various strike back buffs that crop up in the Labs, who wouldn't want one day a week where they could empower their team with Namor's damage absorption mechanic (or its node cousin, Destructive Feedback)? There are probably a ton of players who have never played Incursions yet. Adding some of that flavor could have made Rifts a whole new experience *and* been a way to tease the Incursion experience to players who haven't tried them out yet.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian

    Unio77 said:

    Any of you think that this boycott from those big whale alliances will even last a week?

    I do actually. I think some of them can last a week without playing but some clearly can’t as you can see loads of them have been active in the past couple of hours.

    However, the fact that they’re likely going to whale out for July 4th offers as soon as their boycott is over kind of makes their big brave stand against the evil corporation entirely redundant.

    I hope their actions fix rift rng. >:)

    What do you mean "fix"? There's no problem with rift RNG. I've gotten bad pulls and good pulls from the rift, but I don't think the RNG is "unfair" or "rigged" in any way. It's RNG. The word "random" is literally in the definition.
    He, and to an extent they, are Convinced rng is broken so I was wishing them luck with their boycott’s efforts to correct that which is broken ie fix. You might’ve missed the sarcasm the little devil was trying to convey.
    If someone was demanding to negotiate with me and one of their primary platform points to negotiate was something I knew to be non-existent or impossible to rectify or both, that wouldn't encourage me to come to the negotiating table.

    As to the specific assertion, the odds of pulling the sig stone path seven times out of ten probably sounds extremely low on the surface. They are about 704 to one against. However, the odds of at least one player among the top ten alliances getting that results are not all that low. There are three hundred players in those alliances combined (assuming full alliances) and the odds of at least one having that result are about one in three. In fact, the break even point is about 17 alliances of 504 players. In other words, out of all the players in the top seventeen alliances, random chance says there's a greater than 50/50 chance that at least one of them would have had the result specified.

    You could make the case that the general principle is people shouldn't be subjected to the possibility of having nothing but bad rolls, but the post in question doesn't specify what the other three rolls were; they could have been excellent. And even if they were not, that's why the Chronometer exists: to insure against having nothing but bad rolls. *And* if the complaint was about randomness in general and not whether the RNG was working correctly, there would be no need to emphasize the percentage odds of the signature path being pulled or imply the results were not consistent with that chance.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    They weren't going to. People complained until they did. Which means they changed their minds. I don't think looking a gift horse in the mouth by saying they should have automatically is really appropriate.
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    sest22 said:

    What a mess. 30 minutes trying to get to the boss, used objects, energy and various attempts, so that ... To find a version of spiderman that evaded 99.9% of the blows. The only option is venom. And since I do not have it, I stay stagnant as in the rest of the variant content and act5 and 6. By the time I get the characters in 5 months or 2 years, the rewards will be useless and useless.
    Again you see Kagam with its design for 1%. What a waste of time. this is what play is about. to open 1000 crystals and have the bad luck to continue stranded in the content that should be progressive and continuous. The game is reduced to this, to stay 2 years stagnant for not having luck, the mechanics seemed to me and it continues doing it, a bad way to take advantage of the game. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 star characters. so that so many characters of all the stars if they are not going to be useful at all. Because they did not implement the mechanics of obtaining 1-star characters and increasing their potential and earning stars, skills and statistics, it would have been a more efficient way of improving characters. I'm not expecting you to give me anything, but this form of play is broken. having to play 5 years and not achieving good results is very sad, it must be that I don't pay to play. sure is that. Because my hetprmano has been playing and spending money for a year and a half and I already explore act 6 and variants. what rubbish

    @sest22 don't wait for venom.
    the sym moves like spiderman but he's not tag as #spiderman, so he can still evade.
    try to power through it with other champs.
    maybe Cull can take it (i think he's the only XL champ with True Strike vs all champs)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    edited May 2020
    Carmel1 said:

    sest22 said:

    What a mess. 30 minutes trying to get to the boss, used objects, energy and various attempts, so that ... To find a version of spiderman that evaded 99.9% of the blows. The only option is venom. And since I do not have it, I stay stagnant as in the rest of the variant content and act5 and 6. By the time I get the characters in 5 months or 2 years, the rewards will be useless and useless.
    Again you see Kagam with its design for 1%. What a waste of time. this is what play is about. to open 1000 crystals and have the bad luck to continue stranded in the content that should be progressive and continuous. The game is reduced to this, to stay 2 years stagnant for not having luck, the mechanics seemed to me and it continues doing it, a bad way to take advantage of the game. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 star characters. so that so many characters of all the stars if they are not going to be useful at all. Because they did not implement the mechanics of obtaining 1-star characters and increasing their potential and earning stars, skills and statistics, it would have been a more efficient way of improving characters. I'm not expecting you to give me anything, but this form of play is broken. having to play 5 years and not achieving good results is very sad, it must be that I don't pay to play. sure is that. Because my hetprmano has been playing and spending money for a year and a half and I already explore act 6 and variants. what rubbish

    @sest22 don't wait for venom.
    the sym moves like spiderman but he's not tag as #spiderman, so he can still evade.
    try to power through it with other champs.
    maybe Cull can take it (i think he's the only XL champ with True Strike vs all champs)
    It's been a while, but I think I used Blade and Venom on that fight tag team. Blade can bleed him with parries, and you can try to build energy to either use specials or heal back reflected damage. Venom was slower until you reach true strike range, whereupon he becomes great at the end of the fight.

    Extremely annoying. But I think possible with patience with non-specific champs. Today, I think I would describe that fight as needing Wasp-tactics if you don't have true strike. Also if memory serves you do not want to push him to the wall, nor do you want to get pushed to the wall. You want to fight him in the center of the screen so that if you throw a special and he evades it, you aren't standing next to him when the special is over. I think I found that out using Blade: if you fight in the middle and he evades Blade's SP1, it drives him far enough away that he can't counter attack after the evade. But if you push him to the wall and use SP1 and he evades, you're going to get hit in the face immediately because you'll be too close to him.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,438 ★★★★★
    sest22 said:

    What a mess. 30 minutes trying to get to the boss, used objects, energy and various attempts, so that ... To find a version of spiderman that evaded 99.9% of the blows. The only option is venom. And since I do not have it, I stay stagnant as in the rest of the variant content and act5 and 6. By the time I get the characters in 5 months or 2 years, the rewards will be useless and useless.
    Again you see Kagam with its design for 1%. What a waste of time. this is what play is about. to open 1000 crystals and have the bad luck to continue stranded in the content that should be progressive and continuous. The game is reduced to this, to stay 2 years stagnant for not having luck, the mechanics seemed to me and it continues doing it, a bad way to take advantage of the game. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 star characters. so that so many characters of all the stars if they are not going to be useful at all. Because they did not implement the mechanics of obtaining 1-star characters and increasing their potential and earning stars, skills and statistics, it would have been a more efficient way of improving characters. I'm not expecting you to give me anything, but this form of play is broken. having to play 5 years and not achieving good results is very sad, it must be that I don't pay to play. sure is that. Because my hetprmano has been playing and spending money for a year and a half and I already explore act 6 and variants. what rubbish

    My recollection is that I used Cull and Archangel (heavy) and a handful of revives.

    Dr. Zola
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    I have no idea if you have Venom the Duck or not, but I did make a video back when I cleared that content. Maybe it'll help. Good luck.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    sest22 said:

    What a mess. 30 minutes trying to get to the boss, used objects, energy and various attempts, so that ... To find a version of spiderman that evaded 99.9% of the blows. The only option is venom. And since I do not have it, I stay stagnant as in the rest of the variant content and act5 and 6. By the time I get the characters in 5 months or 2 years, the rewards will be useless and useless.
    Again you see Kagam with its design for 1%. What a waste of time. this is what play is about. to open 1000 crystals and have the bad luck to continue stranded in the content that should be progressive and continuous. The game is reduced to this, to stay 2 years stagnant for not having luck, the mechanics seemed to me and it continues doing it, a bad way to take advantage of the game. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 star characters. so that so many characters of all the stars if they are not going to be useful at all. Because they did not implement the mechanics of obtaining 1-star characters and increasing their potential and earning stars, skills and statistics, it would have been a more efficient way of improving characters. I'm not expecting you to give me anything, but this form of play is broken. having to play 5 years and not achieving good results is very sad, it must be that I don't pay to play. sure is that. Because my hetprmano has been playing and spending money for a year and a half and I already explore act 6 and variants. what rubbish

    Sentinel does ok. He takes damage like a tank and does solid shock/incinerate damage once his charges get built up:
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    They weren't going to. People complained until they did. Which means they changed their minds. I don't think looking a gift horse in the mouth by saying they should have automatically is really appropriate.

    I’m not going to laud Kabam for doing what they should’ve done in the first place. I give Kabam props when they do good and I call them out when they mess up, that’s the most appropriate way to give feedback. And it’s not looking a gift horse in the mouth, that implies that Kabam is doing is a favor by compensating us for their bugged content.
    So basically what you're saying is there is nothing they can do that will warrant acknowledgement. Bit one-sided really. We want communication. We want to be heard. We want them to take our feedback into account. When they do, that's not good enough, should have done it in the first place.
    You're entitled to how you feel on things. That's not my issue. What grinds my gears is when people ask, beg, petition, and even demand to be heard, and when they hear them, it's disrespected. That isn't just disrespecting Kabam. It's disrespecting the process of what we're all here trying to do. We're not just here to get everything we want before we ask for it. We're here to communicate issues and be heard. They're holding up their end of that. We can't make demands for that and throw it back in their faces when they make an effort. I take issue with that because it ruins the process for everyone.
    Note how I started my post by saying thanks. I do appreciate Kabam giving compensation, but I would appreciate it more if we didn’t have to fight so hard to get it.
    On a related note, are you familiar with the Strawman Fallacy? What you just wrote is a prime example of a strawman where instead of addressing my post, you said I said something else and then criticized what you said I said rather than what I actually said. See, what I said is that I give props to Kabam when they do good and don’t when they don’t. What that means is that when Kabam does something good like the Barons War, I thank them and give them positive feedback and when they do something bad like not giving compensation when it’s due, I criticize them and give negative feedback. No matter my opinion I always give as constructive as feedback as I can, though admittedly sometimes I can be hotheaded.
    My issue with the Abyss Sparkles compensation is that this isn’t this first time that we had to fight for compensation when it’s clearly warranted, which means that Kabam has not listened to our feedback on this same situation in the past. You say we want communication and for them to take our feedback into account and I agree, except I want them to keep our feedback in account and not forget it once the same situation arises a few months later.
    You keep communication open by respecting each other. You can say it was warranted because that's how you feel, but until the recent Announcement, they didn't. Which means they etiher gave it to people in lieu of the reactions, or rethought it. In both cases, a simple thanks for hearing us would suffice. Not saying they should have done it in the first place and telling them they should have learned their lesson. That's not communication. That's parenting. It's certainly not respectful. You mention Baron. Well, those Rewards were the result of an abbreviated month. I'm sure many people like getting more Rewards. That's got very little to do with communication. That's just people being happy they're getting something. I would be concerned if they had to give us something everytime we want to be heard.
    I've said pages and pages ago, that pushing too hard creates an inverted U. That's what we run the risk of doing if we have unrealistic expectations, demands rather than suggestions, and a refusal to recognize efforts to make compromise. Some of these demands aren't even realistic. Get rid of RNG completely and create a new game? Change the entire infrastructure overnight? Believe me, I saw this happen with 12.0, and the end result was communication stopped because what was being asked for wasn't possible. Not only not possible, it wasn't even reasonable.
    Communication takes both sides. Not just a list of demands that must be met. When one side does its best to accommodate the other, that needs to be acknowledged and recognized.
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