Regarding Brian Grant’s Most Recent Video



  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Mars___ said:

    BG :: States opinion on game.

    Players: Discuss said opinion on the game forums

  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    They are more likely to recommend a friend as well.

    Me: Hey check out this game I play simultaneously on 3 different devices for 6 hrs a day for 45 days so I can have an advantage in a 14 day event which will be obsolete in another 2 months

    Friends: WHAT THE F***
    You can take it out of context , but my point is when people enjoy something they are more likely to recommend it. I have a buddy who came back from a 2 year hiatus and has loved the changes Kabam has made and he already has 5 5* champs and had enough units to tackle the collector.
    I'm specifically addressing the point you made about recommending friends. Whenever I tell anyone I played this game for 6 years they just look sad for me.

    I'm definitely not going to be sharing how I grinded on 3 separate devices
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,638 ★★★★★

    Texas_11 said:

    Texas_11 said:

    They are more likely to recommend a friend as well.

    Me: Hey check out this game I play simultaneously on 3 different devices for 6 hrs a day for 45 days so I can have an advantage in a 14 day event which will be obsolete in another 2 months

    Friends: WHAT THE F***
    You can take it out of context , but my point is when people enjoy something they are more likely to recommend it. I have a buddy who came back from a 2 year hiatus and has loved the changes Kabam has made and he already has 5 5* champs and had enough units to tackle the collector.
    I'm specifically addressing the point you made about recommending friends. Whenever I tell anyone I played this game for 6 years they just look sad for me.

    I'm definitely not going to be sharing how I grinded on 3 separate devices
    Lol, I feel that 100% , but usually my buddies ask me what I'm playing and they kinda know the game I'm playing and want to join.
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike Any chance we can get input from you and the team?
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,416 ★★★★★
    It would make more sense to do two accounts a week every week of the year. Let it replace your arena grind time.
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,531 ★★★★★

    Make level 40 or something the requirement for gifting.

    That is clearly the best solution. I think level 40 is too low. Maybe 55. If you are so new to the game you are a low level you have no business getting the content from GGC. Clearly the number of people who disagree with your post means it is a good idea. People are mad they wouldn't be able to abuse it.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Ok so hear is my take on it.
    As long as they are doing it legit without bots, that's on them.
    Time is money, and if players are willing to take time out of their day to do it, that's their decision.
    Plus, the beginner xp boost is gone, making it harder to level up without doing harder content.
    Before, you had to get about halfway in Act 2 before unlocking the gifting badge.
    And, Kabam added the tons and tons of units to the beginning acts while heavily cutting down the story.
    I'm surprised they didn't think about this ahead of time.

    If they really want to do something about this, there's four solutions:

    1. Only Uncollected or higher can gift one another
    2. Level limit from 25 to 45.
    3. You cannot gift if your account is made December 1st or later.
    4. Actually crack down on bots including the arena bots

    There is another possibility which occurred to me after thinking about the thread further, but as I've discussed this off the forums with other players I'll acknowledge this is not a unique or original idea: I'm basically stealing it from my old timey MMO experience, and other players have come up with similar ideas in these discussions.

    For context: Kabam wants to give new players a boost as part of their low game revamp. This has unfortunately included a boost to units they can earn in the early Acts, which is a good thing when used by new players to help them progress but can be exploited in things like the gifting event. We don't want to penalize new players, but we do want to minimize the disruption these resources can cause when wielded by people other than new players picking up the game.

    The solution is to create a new currency, which I will call Credits just because I can't think of a better name at the moment. This currency would behave like units in all respects except one: in any situation where units can buy things that can be gifted, donated, exchanged, or otherwise convert to resources usable by another player, Credits will not work in place of normal units.

    With two currencies, Kabam can now freely give away any amount of "units" they want without hurting the wider game economy. Such unit awards would only be useful to the player who gets them. The big unit rewards in the early Acts could be converted to Credits, where they would help new players but be impossible to use in things like the gifting event. You could even go farther and have new players that have only been playing for a short period of time earn Credits instead of Units from things like the Calendar, so that people cannot use alt accounts to harvest that stuff, but actual players playing the accounts can still use them for everything else.

    As far as I can tell, this is the most reasonable compromise possible. It preserves the benefits of early units for players actually playing those accounts, but eliminates the ability for those resources to be funneled into other accounts.
    This is the best option I've read so far. This way, there is 0 change to the gifting event's structure, it doesn't pose any level restrictions, gifting restrictions or otherwise affect the event.

    There could even be a similar amount of units as before the changes, so that players who used to grind alts for gifting at a reasonable rate could continue to do that. The additional units added by the update to act 1-3 could be made up of these credits, meaning the situation is exactly as it was before the update. Then anyone complaining, would just be complaining that they couldn't get more stuff.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    I think an alternative solution will be to create different tiers of GGCs, that contain different items.

    So a GGC gifted from a Cav account will contain items that benefit mainly Cavs (eg 5* shards, smaller T5b amounts, T2A etc 5* roster progression items).

    TB GGCs will contain larger T5b portions, T6b, T3A, 6* shards etc items that focus on 6* roster progression.

    So even using such farming methods, because the account will at most be Conquerer, the items gifted out will be mostly useless to main accounts that are Cav and above, ie indirectly curbing the exploit.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    I think an alternative solution will be to create different tiers of GGCs, that contain different items.

    So a GGC gifted from a Cav account will contain items that benefit mainly Cavs (eg 5* shards, smaller T5b amounts, T2A etc 5* roster progression items).

    TB GGCs will contain larger T5b portions, T6b, T3A, 6* shards etc items that focus on 6* roster progression.

    So even using such farming methods, because the account will at most be Conquerer, the items gifted out will be mostly useless to main accounts that are Cav and above, ie indirectly curbing the exploit.

    What about revives and refills etc? I know your suggestion would cover a lot of the problem, by stopping the GGC exploit, but it doesn’t solve all.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    I think an alternative solution will be to create different tiers of GGCs, that contain different items.

    So a GGC gifted from a Cav account will contain items that benefit mainly Cavs (eg 5* shards, smaller T5b amounts, T2A etc 5* roster progression items).

    TB GGCs will contain larger T5b portions, T6b, T3A, 6* shards etc items that focus on 6* roster progression.

    So even using such farming methods, because the account will at most be Conquerer, the items gifted out will be mostly useless to main accounts that are Cav and above, ie indirectly curbing the exploit.

    What about revives and refills etc? I know your suggestion would cover a lot of the problem, by stopping the GGC exploit, but it doesn’t solve all.
    There’s a limit to revives and refills usage imo (ie content to use them in + natural expiration of stashed items).

    At most, you’re looking at V8/A7.3 energy costs, which is roughly, give or take, 40 refills and maybe 30-40 revives. Anything extra goes into stash and is subjected to natural expiration.

    Considering the “unlimited” nature of GGCs, the small issue of revives/refills is something I’m willing to accept to curb the gifting exploit.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Not to mention, limiting GGCs to different tiers also avoids players excessively overpowering past their current progression level.

    Eg. A fresh UC farming 120k units and gifting himself all the GGCs, which will result in insane amounts of 6* shards, Cats etc, which will likely allow him to get multiple R3s and even R4s.
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    they should just make ggc uncollected and up only.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021
    DNA3000 said:

    xNig said:

    I think an alternative solution will be to create different tiers of GGCs, that contain different items.

    So a GGC gifted from a Cav account will contain items that benefit mainly Cavs (eg 5* shards, smaller T5b amounts, T2A etc 5* roster progression items).

    TB GGCs will contain larger T5b portions, T6b, T3A, 6* shards etc items that focus on 6* roster progression.

    So even using such farming methods, because the account will at most be Conquerer, the items gifted out will be mostly useless to main accounts that are Cav and above, ie indirectly curbing the exploit.

    This is problematic because while it tackles some of the exploits, it creates problems for the players who are using the gifting event "normally." If I as a Thronebreaker exchange gifts with an Uncollected player, then weirdly they would be getting TB rewards and I would be getting UC rewards, which a lot of people will perceive to be unfair. More importantly, it could add friction to gifting between non-exploiters, which is the last thing we want to do.
    That’s true. On the other hand, there are other benefits such as;

    1.If you’re in an alliance, it’s likely everyone is roughly in the same level/progression tier. So trading within negates the complication of “trading up/down”. (Mantra of “trade with people you know”)

    2. Reduces scamming of newer/unknowing players on global because the odds of trading “down” is a lot higher for scammers than trading “up”.

    3. Friction between non-exploiters won’t exist because titles can be clearly seen on anyone’s’ profile.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Oh yes, forgot to mention this in my earlier post.

    There is no loss to Kabam in terms of profit because these units are farmed and not bought. So it doesn’t affect their bottom line.

    The only thing that will be affected is the “new players/accounts created” statistics that will show a true number, instead of an artificial growth due to dummy accounts created (which I might add, will never be used again once this gifting event is over).
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Oh yes, forgot to mention this in my earlier post.

    There is no loss to Kabam in terms of profit because these units are farmed and not bought. So it doesn’t affect their bottom line.

    The only thing that will be affected is the “new players/accounts created” statistics that will show a true number, instead of an artificial growth due to dummy accounts created (which I might add, will never be used again once this gifting event is over).

    I mean, if someone can grind out 10-20k pretty easily, why would they spend any money getting extra?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Oh yes, forgot to mention this in my earlier post.

    There is no loss to Kabam in terms of profit because these units are farmed and not bought. So it doesn’t affect their bottom line.

    The only thing that will be affected is the “new players/accounts created” statistics that will show a true number, instead of an artificial growth due to dummy accounts created (which I might add, will never be used again once this gifting event is over).

    I mean, if someone can grind out 10-20k pretty easily, why would they spend any money getting extra?
    Yup exactly.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited November 2021
    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Oh yes, forgot to mention this in my earlier post.

    There is no loss to Kabam in terms of profit because these units are farmed and not bought. So it doesn’t affect their bottom line.

    The only thing that will be affected is the “new players/accounts created” statistics that will show a true number, instead of an artificial growth due to dummy accounts created (which I might add, will never be used again once this gifting event is over).

    I mean, if someone can grind out 10-20k pretty easily, why would they spend any money getting extra?
    Yup exactly.
    No I mean that, someone like me who would generally consider spending £100 or so on gifting.

    To replace that £100 I will now just go and grind out 2 accounts (which is 12 hours over the next 45 days, so about an 15 mins a day), and get myself 3k units. That’s £100 Kabam lose out on. I’m not going to then spend £100 for 3100 units more, when I could just grind some more accounts

    And yes, I know not everyone has the time to make up that difference. But some will, and that means that this will affect Kabam’s bottom line if it continues.
This discussion has been closed.