So how exactly are they going to fix this mess?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★

    "Listen, I appreciate the sentiment, but as I said. Sometimes you have to leave well-enough alone."
    *Also GW the next day*
    "I'm not stopping anyone."

    Yes, and that's called an opinion. Which means you can agree or disagree. I'm not stopping anyone. I don't have that power. I also never told anyone to stop commenting, or leave the Thread.
    For someone who is claiming I'm derailing their Thread, you're sure trying to make it about me.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★

    We have evidence they've taken action in removing things. This persistent demand for details is what's awkward.

    I mean how dare you ask for details in a competitive game. It's awkward and weird you know! Eeeeww
    You mean details about the actions they take on other Accounts?
    I realize Kabam has made efforts with transparency lately, and that's great, but it's also done in a general sense.
    The OP was monitoring individual Accounts and expecting answers on that, which is excessive. All this talk about being more advantageous to cheat, and expecting some kind of compensation for this, and demanding Kabam answer for themselves based on investigating Accounts is, for lack of a better word, obscenely awkward.
    Yes I mean those very details. Kabam should have a running list of accounts that are banned (even temp banned). I wouldn't want such a person in my alliance. Transparency would be good for the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★

    We have evidence they've taken action in removing things. This persistent demand for details is what's awkward.

    I mean how dare you ask for details in a competitive game. It's awkward and weird you know! Eeeeww
    You mean details about the actions they take on other Accounts?
    I realize Kabam has made efforts with transparency lately, and that's great, but it's also done in a general sense.
    The OP was monitoring individual Accounts and expecting answers on that, which is excessive. All this talk about being more advantageous to cheat, and expecting some kind of compensation for this, and demanding Kabam answer for themselves based on investigating Accounts is, for lack of a better word, obscenely awkward.
    Yes I mean those very details. Kabam should have a running list of accounts that are banned (even temp banned). I wouldn't want such a person in my alliance. Transparency would be good for the game.
    That's not transparency. That's lambasting. I don't share the same view. That would encourage much more negativity than help the situation.
    Also, you would have to argue with their legal team about that one. Best of luck.
  • kraioszerokraioszero Member Posts: 148

    I’m pissed that people could have used these new champs to gain more points in the BG event and jump people who were playing fairly. I’d hate to lose out on higher rank rewards because of this exploit.

    I wouldn't get too worried. It's unlikely most of them had enough resources to do anything with the champs.
    Sorry to say it but it was crystal opening enough to dup champions so to rank up singularity for starters, then you have the resources you get by precisely dupping, then you have the champions you get from the shards that come precisely from dupping.
    It is not like there are 1000 characters so far so chances for dupping were pretty sure
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Coppin said:

    Lol legal team..
    All riseeee... Presenting to the court the case of Awesome Spidey vs Kabam... 🤣

    No. As in they don't have a say if their legal team instructs them not to divulge that kind of information. It isn't just some whim of a moral judgment. They have guidelines to adhere to, and there is very little someone on the Forum can do to change that.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,560 ★★★★★

    If taking away the champs cannot or will not be done, put all of those accounts into negative shards until they earn them back legitimately. 6*, 7*, all of them.

    This actually wouldn't be a bad idea. Unfortunately I doubt they'll do anything considering they've been giving us the silent treatment the whole week but I suppose discussing and tagging them won't hurt anybody.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian
    Coppin said:

    Lol legal team..
    All riseeee... Presenting to the court the case of Awesome Spidey vs Kabam... 🤣

    The source of this is probably me. I raised the issue of disclosing account disciplinary actions to alliances several times with Kabam, and in 2018 through an intermediary I was told that the policy of not disclosing that information publicly was a corporate policy decision either originating with or supported by Kabam’s legal team. Their position, expressed to me at the time, was that given the complex and varied nature of privacy and other regulations across all the jurisdictions the game operates within, in their judgment the reasonable safe course of action was to act cautiously and conservatively, and err on the side of protecting such information from public disclosure.

    Since then, that basic position has been reiterated to me on multiple occasions over the years, so I have no reason to believe this position has changed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian

    If taking away the champs cannot or will not be done, put all of those accounts into negative shards until they earn them back legitimately. 6*, 7*, all of them.

    I mentioned this to Kabam a while back as an emergency stop gap option if a similar problem occurs in the future. The point though was not that negative shards or gold actually matters, and more so that if the game supported negative balances then all the currency-based rewards could be revoked immediately without worrying about whether any of them had been spent. If the player still had them, they could be revoked in their entirety, but if they spent some of it all the remaining stuff could still be safely removed and the remaining penalty applied as a negative balance, until the account could be hand corrected. We wouldn’t have to worry about penalties being impossible to apply due to player usage.
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 551 ★★★
    I didn’t watch the livestream, but i’m guessing this topic wasn’t mentioned?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    Nuke said:

    GW is obviously an alt Kabam account. Ridiculous really. You made your point. Noted. Got it. Move on. I would just like to hear an Official statement from Kabam. Everything else is just argument. Round and round. Its good to keep things in the public eye but until we hear official word, wtf? One way or another. Just say something. Jeez.

    No, I'm not. Surprisingly you're not the first to make that accusation. They don't have Alts on here, and I'm sure if I worked for them, I'd be more reserved in my opinions.
    Not every Thread is going to get an official response.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,560 ★★★★★
    Thomildo said:

    I didn’t watch the livestream, but i’m guessing this topic wasn’t mentioned?

    Nope, it seems they're just going to ignore everything completely.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    Ban them until the accounts can be sorted, even if it's one at a time.

    Roll the accounts back to the day prior to them taking the Mythic Crystals - unban the accounts.

    It removes all champions and crystals, removes all progress, removes all secondary/tertiary gains from the crystals and also punishes them in ways that if they've completed content since, got good pulls (even unrelated) etc, that's all undone.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    As others have time this happens, why wouldn't you take advantage?
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    edited August 2023
    I feel bad. I know someone in game who opened some of them and I advised them not to level them up or touch any new champs they got or risk losing shards and rank up materials from what I read on forums.

    I hope they didn't listen to me...
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Sadly, all of this is going to increase the likelihood that MORE people exploit stuff like this.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,991 ★★★★★
    I'm sorry, but I disagree. This was a situation that was unplanned, but had an extreme effect. This certainly isn't something to bank on as being a good idea.
    In fact, that's what happens anytime someone exploits something. They take the chance that they can get away with it, at the expense of their Account.
    This should never be normalized, and it's not a situation to put in our pockets for future use. I wouldn't have much sympathy for anyone who was banned this time, and I equally wouldn't in the future for anyone who decides to try it again.
    They opted to remove them rather than ban people. We can argue until the cows come home about that being a poor choice, but it's the one they made. They did that to the best of their reasonable ability.
    When this whole Thread began, I suggested that perfection may not be possible and that there may be some collateral damage. That was the case. It's unfortunate, and some people ended up with a rabbit's foot, but that response is even more rare than the bug that released the Crystals. It should never be considered a strategy for getting Rewards, and if someone is ballsy enough to try it in the future, their consequences will be on them just the same.
    We all have passionate ideas about fairness, and I don't have time for cheating either, but at the end of the day it's not my call, and it's not anyone else's here. One thing is for certain. If you think Kabam is going to allow people to do it again, you're not aware of the process of learning.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★

    I'm sorry, but I disagree. This was a situation that was unplanned, but had an extreme effect. This certainly isn't something to bank on as being a good idea.
    In fact, that's what happens anytime someone exploits something. They take the chance that they can get away with it, at the expense of their Account.
    This should never be normalized, and it's not a situation to put in our pockets for future use. I wouldn't have much sympathy for anyone who was banned this time, and I equally wouldn't in the future for anyone who decides to try it again.
    They opted to remove them rather than ban people. We can argue until the cows come home about that being a poor choice, but it's the one they made. They did that to the best of their reasonable ability.
    When this whole Thread began, I suggested that perfection may not be possible and that there may be some collateral damage. That was the case. It's unfortunate, and some people ended up with a rabbit's foot, but that response is even more rare than the bug that released the Crystals. It should never be considered a strategy for getting Rewards, and if someone is ballsy enough to try it in the future, their consequences will be on them just the same.
    We all have passionate ideas about fairness, and I don't have time for cheating either, but at the end of the day it's not my call, and it's not anyone else's here. One thing is for certain. If you think Kabam is going to allow people to do it again, you're not aware of the process of learning.

    What about the efforts to refund them generic gems for the catalysts they used and still get them BG season rewards? That’s not just doing the best they could in a bad situation and moving on. That’s actively working to help the people that exploited this. That’s the part I really don’t understand. How do you rationalize that part?
This discussion has been closed.