New Carrina's challenges thoughts?



  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    ... lol oh boy

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,463 Guardian
    BigBlueOx said:

    Avnish said:

    I would love to play WOW... don't want to waste so many revievs for just 7* crystal and that 7* selector...after 2-3 month these will be outdated...will do these when I have nothing left to do...with revive orr they are going to expire...

    For now WOW is much bigger thing than these garbage reward..

    And offcourse these objectives and garbage rewards not on the lagacy, karatemike, fintech..they just did their thier part..m

    If we talk about fintech objective i have to complete EOP all 16 annoying defender and then Thanos with jabari and tigra...I don't even know how much resources it will cost me..for single objective then i will get 5k 7* shards...

    What a joke...

    You do not have to do anything that you don't want to do, and this is not content that is required to progress. Sure, you may feel you need to do one for the Deathless King Groot piece, but you have plenty of time to do that because this is permanent content.

    This content is meant to be hard; it's meant to take time and cost you resources or be a hard skill check. We have never said that content needs to be done itemless, and we don't design content on that basis. If you want these rewards, you're either gonna have to be really skilled or be ready to use your stash of revives and potions.

    There are plenty of times that you will get rewards for doing absolutely nothing in-game. A pretty juicy Valentine's Day calendar is doing that right now. If you look at this content, which is completely optional and is permanent content that you can take on whenever you want, and think it's not worth your time or resources, then you aren't required to do it.

    The game will always have extremely difficult content, just like there always has been. Realm of Legends was completed with 3 and 4-Star Champions with extremely basic abilities. Labyrinth had people using 5-Stars, but the Champions that did it at the time weren't much better. Both of those were done before Revive farming was ever a thing, and having that Everest content, that insane challenge ahead of you, was and continues to be a good thing for the game. It's the same for WoW. People have built their skills and rosters for a while, and they should have something to challenge them and reward them for all of that work.

    I get that you might feel that "extremely challenging" should fit a certain description, but that's not really fair. We will always be pushing the envelope on what content can be, whether it's more difficult, or meant for more and more players, or just something whacky and zaney, and it will not always fit your ideal picture of what it could be.
    Why does hard have to be defined as a resource black hole of the 8th circuit? Show people doing this with a reasonable spend maybe.
    That would prove nothing, and you know it. The goalposts would just be moved to "you expect the average player to have those skills?"

    Hard is not defined as "spend." Hard is defined as "hard" and it is players who choose to spend or not spend. For every level of difficulty, there are *thousands* of players who can only do it by spending a ton. Players say that about the Collector - the 5.2 one. They say that about Act 6. If players spend thousands of units clearing Act 6, does that make Act 6 a "resource black hole?" Because it is for them.

    Act 6 was designed to have a certain level of difficulty, and players who can do that level of difficulty won't have to spend much. Players who can't, but still want to do it now rather than spend time collecting stronger rosters and practicing higher skill will spend. But that's their choice, not the defining characteristic of the content.

    I think I can do Lagacy's without spending a ton. KMs and Fins are probably out of reach for me without spending a ton. But that's a statement about me, not the content. The content is not a cash grab or a resource pit just because *I* can't do it without spending.

    The problem is so many people are willing to say "git gud" when it comes to Act 5 or Act 6, or Thronebreaker difficulty, because those are things *they* can do, so everyone else needs to come up their level. But when it is them that is behind the line, that's a problem because they "earned" the right to call themselves a top tier player and nothing should be above their heads. To me, that's a them problem, not a game problem. Its all fun and games when "hard" is what we can do and others can't. But when it is what we can't do, the game's broken and we're all victims.

    I'm definitely going to do Lagacy's challenges. I'll *think* about doing Mike's. You have to probably put a gun to my head to get me to attempt Fin's. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. Why can't things just be difficult, period?

    I believe there should be something for everyone, that there should be a range of things in the game that appeal to all different kinds of players, and I believe the game has to do the most to ensure that the fewest players are left behind the core progressional path of the game. And I believe you should never allow emotions to get the better of your judgment. But there are days, and challenge content release days like today are usually among them, when I feel regret in ever advocating for things like Act 6 difficulty to be moderated. That maybe if it still had the original difficulty, that would reduce the level of entitlement in the upper tiers of the game. That's wrong: the vast majority of players don't even come to forums to complain about anything. They just play the game, and they deserve a game that has the appropriate spread of difficulty across its content. But a part of me still feels a deeper frustration than I can express that I put my thumb on the scale, and maybe I put it on the wrong side of it.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★

    Hey where is the guy who pulled Jabari 2x from his 2 Titan Crystals.... Should be happy with Fintechs challenge....

    To use her for the synergy ? Lol
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    xLunatiXx said:

    Hey where is the guy who pulled Jabari 2x from his 2 Titan Crystals.... Should be happy with Fintechs challenge....

    To use her for the synergy ? Lol
    Its gonna be a revive fiesta anyway.. might as well chip some HP...
  • blackdragonightblackdragonight Member Posts: 118 ★★
    ahmynuts said:

    ahmynuts said:

    Hey all,

    You are welcome to discuss the challenges and have your thoughts on them, but I want to be very clear, attacking any one of our creators directly will not be tolerated. Nobody "betrayed the community" by doing exactly what was asked, to create extremely hard content.

    We will not tolerate any form of personal attacks, and we will take action on your game account if we think that it is necessary.

    I'm not gonna fight the jailing as my cell is pretty cushy but everyone that agreed with me should also technically be jailed or at least warned with this logic.
    You should be jailed for your name alone
    It's not my fault everyone's dirty minds skips over peanuts and to a different kind of nuts when they read my name
    Yea cause everyone just says "ahmynuts" randomly
  • blackdragonightblackdragonight Member Posts: 118 ★★
    edited February 2024
    DocWest said:

    The revive farm was removed and as a result, content got harder. Meanwhile we were lead to believe content would be more practical now that people didn’t have access to infinite free revives. They got us lol

    It feels like this game is no longer for regular players. It’s just for those with insane skills that have no problem spending a lot of money at every new event. I think a lot of us are holding on because of the sunk cost fallacy and it’s sad to see the direction this game is going.

    The thing is kabam thinks the meaning of difficult content and endgame is this but there's a difference between being able to not spend at all based on your skill or required to spend a lot just because it is really hard to beat.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,719 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024
    Lagacy's seems to be the easiest. Karatemike's is second and Fintech's probably the most difficult. Luckily you only have to complete one for the deathless piece
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,155 ★★★★★
    Oldiee said:

    Keonex said:

    I believe only content creator that deserves credit here is Lagacy, the other 2 don’t really deserve to he content creators as they definitely don’t relate to the community.

    Yep. 100%. Mike even said on stream that he is having fun and he doesn't care if anyone else is. It was all about creating something that he wanted to do, not anyone else.

    How hard would it have been to restrict it to the 4* or 5* versions and find paths that would be challenging with those champs? NOBODY wanted to rank up Black Widow, Ant-man or Hawkeye.
    Last time I checked the name of the game was to rank up as many champs as possible. Just because you don't want to rank up those 3 doesn't mean plenty of other people don't want to either. Many people enjoy those champs.
  • HeattblasttHeattblastt Member Posts: 254 ★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    Please explain to me how this is a fair challenge for any skill level. I’ll wait. Mojo has no immunity or resistance to either debuff type AND he will constantly consume Xbones furies.

    This isn’t hard it’s literally how many resources do you have. THIS IS why people are upset. Don’t tell me a rigged deck is a challenge.

    Moja needs to do only till Dragonman.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,463 Guardian
    Crcrcrc said:

    If kabam or any of the content creators who made these challenges would like to put out a video of any single player clearing it itemless, at any star level or rank, I’ll eat my words and get to practicing.

    Until that happens (which it won’t because at least 2 of them are straight up impossible itemless), I think we as a community need to just put our foot down and not participate. Necropolis and Act 8 were fun, but I do not want to support any of this garbage revive pit content we’ve seen recently, and I don’t want anyone to think it was a good idea to release.

    If you only want to do content that can be done itemless, that's entirely your choice. Just like the vast majority of players only do what can be done for free, because the vast majority of players do not spend and never will spend. However, just because most players will only participate in the parts of the game that are free, doesn't mean the game will stop selling things. And just because you want to only do things that can be done itemless, doesn't mean the game has an obligation to only release content that can be done completely itemless. The game contains resources for a reason, and if you choose not to use them, that's a personal choice.

    But if you want to rally players to not do the content under that rationale, I fully encourage you to attempt to do so. The devs see the data. We all vote with our play. If you can convince the vast majority of players in the target audience of the content to deliberately avoid it, that would send a very strong signal to the developers not to make such content again, and I would fully support that decision. But conversely, if all attempts to do so fail, and in spite of the complaints on the forums exactly the number of people the devs expected to attempt the content actually do the content, that will encourage them to do more of this, and the people who tried to rally the players to avoid it should accept that the players don't agree with them, even if it sounds like they do.

    Either way, I'm fine with it.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,793 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    Please explain to me how this is a fair challenge for any skill level. I’ll wait. Mojo has no immunity or resistance to either debuff type AND he will constantly consume Xbones furies.

    This isn’t hard it’s literally how many resources do you have. THIS IS why people are upset. Don’t tell me a rigged deck is a challenge.

    Moja needs to do only till Dragonman.
    lol my bad, who goes let to right anyways 🫣
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