Super Daily Event AFFECTS FTP



  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66

    I use the following resources:

    • Gold = Helps rank more 6* & 5* champs for the grind in order to increase the amount of rounds you can do in one push. This also helps roster building. Gold aquired through current game content is used on 7*s. It's not a good idea to use that destined gold into 6* & 5*s if you're trying to stay competitive.

    • Solo crystals shards = Opening these crystals give yellow, green and red boosts 10%, 15% and 20%. For grinding you ideally want to have all 3 of these boosts active, their duration are the following: 15min, 20min, 30min, 40min depending on the boost size. In a 2h push you use 8 lesser boosts or 4 Boosts on average. In a day you use around 32 lesser or 16 boosts. In 3 days 96 lesser or 38 boosts of all 3 types so that # multiplied by 3 different boost types = total of 288 lesser boosts or 114 Boosts. But wait, sólo crystal shards are RNG based with 38 and 35%. How many shards do we need? 1 Supreme solo crystal costs 10k shards, times 3 for RNG let's say 30k shards for 1 boost average. We need at least 288 lesser boosts = 8,640,000 shards for 1 featured champ. There are two per month 17.2mil a month, SDE gives 3.3mil a month.

    • Boosts = Helps aquire more points and speeds fights in arena. The amount of points earned significantly increases with the number of fights done throughout the grinding. This can also be seen as less hours played in arena.

    If I grind all featured champs, (which I do) this is how it impacts my account:

    1) Opening 6* basics at 10k value instead of featured for 15k value because I already have those champs.
    2) Opening more 6* crystals means more sig levels for my champions which indirectly means I don't need to look for 6* awakening gems or sig stone resources.
    3) Having more 6* champs at max sig level means I can get max sig level crystals at a faster pace so when duping a 6* I'll get double the amounts of 7* shards.
    4) Earning 7* shards at a faster pace means opening more 7* crystals which equals more champs, more dupes and more Titan shards.
    5) All this also allows me to awaken more 7* champs not having the need to chase for some awakening gems or 7* sig stones, etc.

    This is called STRATEGY, you build up your account with the least amount of possible resources and instead of chasing newer resources through content your account provides them for you at unlimited cuantities with older resources.

    This is the best way to stay competitive in the game if you are FTP or low spender. So after all this explanation, if they reduce the grinding resources for arenas you loose the chance to compete in that game mode which takes away the basis for an account build up.
  • Mixtapevol02Mixtapevol02 Member Posts: 89
    CesarSV7 said:


    I use the following resources:

    • Gold = Helps rank more 6* & 5* champs for the grind in order to increase the amount of rounds you can do in one push. This also helps roster building. Gold aquired through current game content is used on 7*s. It's not a good idea to use that destined gold into 6* & 5*s if you're trying to stay competitive.

    • Solo crystals shards = Opening these crystals give yellow, green and red boosts 10%, 15% and 20%. For grinding you ideally want to have all 3 of these boosts active, their duration are the following: 15min, 20min, 30min, 40min depending on the boost size. In a 2h push you use 8 lesser boosts or 4 Boosts on average. In a day you use around 32 lesser or 16 boosts. In 3 days 96 lesser or 38 boosts of all 3 types so that # multiplied by 3 different boost types = total of 288 lesser boosts or 114 Boosts. But wait, sólo crystal shards are RNG based with 38 and 35%. How many shards do we need? 1 Supreme solo crystal costs 10k shards, times 3 for RNG let's say 30k shards for 1 boost average. We need at least 288 lesser boosts = 8,640,000 shards for 1 featured champ. There are two per month 17.2mil a month, SDE gives 3.3mil a month.

    • Boosts = Helps aquire more points and speeds fights in arena. The amount of points earned significantly increases with the number of fights done throughout the grinding. This can also be seen as less hours played in arena.

    If I grind all featured champs, (which I do) this is how it impacts my account:

    1) Opening 6* basics at 10k value instead of featured for 15k value because I already have those champs.
    2) Opening more 6* crystals means more sig levels for my champions which indirectly means I don't need to look for 6* awakening gems or sig stone resources.
    3) Having more 6* champs at max sig level means I can get max sig level crystals at a faster pace so when duping a 6* I'll get double the amounts of 7* shards.
    4) Earning 7* shards at a faster pace means opening more 7* crystals which equals more champs, more dupes and more Titan shards.
    5) All this also allows me to awaken more 7* champs not having the need to chase for some awakening gems or 7* sig stones, etc.

    This is called STRATEGY, you build up your account with the least amount of possible resources and instead of chasing newer resources through content your account provides them for you at unlimited cuantities with older resources.

    This is the best way to stay competitive in the game if you are FTP or low spender. So after all this explanation, if they reduce the grinding resources for arenas you loose the chance to compete in that game mode which takes away the basis for an account build up.

    Dude thought you were going to give up?
    The gap you think you are closing is delusional. While you are getting these feature 6*s your competitors are getting 7* versions. The only point that you have proven is that you enjoy grinding arenas.

    The game is free to play, whether you spend or not. So basically everyone is a free to play player. Spending provides you a service or an item, which doesn’t not necessarily translate to winning.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66

    Dude thought you were going to give up?
    The gap you think you are closing is delusional. While you are getting these feature 6*s your competitors are getting 7* versions. The only point that you have proven is that you enjoy grinding arenas.

    Another opinion that states it is impossible to compete as a low spender...
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 337
    I wonder what would happen if they kept all the weekly calendar stuff that you get daily plus ranked rewards. Now that would be nice
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66

    Here are some SS of my feature grinding for minimum milestones. Started recording at 5 streak and ended at 45 streak. Took me 1h to grind this. Used two 15% attack boosts, three 10% green boosts and four 15% red boosts, 9 boosts in total.

    Only have four 7* r3s, twenty 7* r2s and thirty four 7*s r1, rest were 6* champs.

    Anyone can benefit from these boosts even when only grinding milestones. More points per round equals less grinding time even if players aren't competitive or hard arena grinders.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 7,892 ★★★★★
    Funny how this entire thread of super event affecting ftp players is created and promoted by a person who himself is not Completely free to play.

    Sigil to play guys are still spenders. Include yourself in the casual spenders community. You aren't ftp.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66

    Funny how this entire thread of super event affecting ftp players is created and promoted by a person who himself is not Completely free to play.

    Sigil to play guys are still spenders. Include yourself in the casual spenders community. You aren't ftp.

    Loool already answered that, not spending time explaining this nonsense again, check earlier posts ;)
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 337

    Funny how this entire thread of super event affecting ftp players is created and promoted by a person who himself is not Completely free to play.

    Sigil to play guys are still spenders. Include yourself in the casual spenders community. You aren't ftp.

    I'm just gonna say this. Sigil players are not really spending. They only spend what 5 bucks a month? Not spending as much as per say me who spends on some daily crystals here and there because I'm hoping to pull someone lol. Big difference. I believe sigil are still technically ftp but with a benefit from sigil store and weekly solo stuff.
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 337
    But then again. I haven't seen a post that had like 192 comments on it. Can someone direct me?
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    There is a
    Dorky said:

    But then again. I haven't seen a post that had like 192 comments on it. Can someone direct me?


    There is a problem related to the amount of grinding resources FTP and low spenders have compared to the amount of spending resources increased in game making the gap between accounts get larger every day. New events like trader outpost and SDE have no impact to grinding resources, which on the contrary, also gives easy access to spenders player base. Events like Omega days, Deadpool Front row, Caps Commissary Event, etc do impact spending resources increasment. Not only are our grinding resources not being increased at a 1-1 ratio with these events, they have increased the amounts to buy out stores with units like July 4th and Cyberweekend by 100% value. I wouldn't be surprised if we see another Omega type event right before Cyberweekend offers...

    All this makes FTP and low spending players unable to compete in mocc game modes at an already unbalanced game system.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    You’re a low spender. You aren’t supposed to be competitive with high spenders, no matter how much you wish it were true.

    Your biggest challenge isn’t the dumb solo event rewards. The challenge is that units used to be the prime asset in the game, but after the evolving merchandising strategy from Kabam, cash is king and it’s not even close. The big semi-annual sales used to be maxed at 18K units, now it’s 36K. They are selling premium seven stars for $750. The fantasy that low spenders can keep up is dead, you should take pride in your hilariously rigorous efforts and then accept the fact it’s over. (If it was ever possible for you to keep up at all.)
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66

    You’re a low spender. You aren’t supposed to be competitive with high spenders, no matter how much you wish it were true.

    Your biggest challenge isn’t the dumb solo event rewards. The challenge is that units used to be the prime asset in the game, but after the evolving merchandising strategy from Kabam, cash is king and it’s not even close. The big semi-annual sales used to be maxed at 18K units, now it’s 36K. They are selling premium seven stars for $750. The fantasy that low spenders can keep up is dead, you should take pride in your hilariously rigorous efforts and then accept the fact it’s over. (If it was ever possible for you to keep up at all.)


    You're actually proving my point, there is a problem and it needs to be addressed. That's the reason this post was created, to make awareness of this situation.

    Either they add 1-1 grinding resources compared to the # of spending events released (at a reasonable value), they uptime unit adquisition (explain that to DNA000 who tells me 100k units a year should be enough), or there will be repercusions to this game at the long run.

    Low spenders are a great part of this community, only reason they are not being heavily impacted ATM is because ascensions were a thing. Once 7* r4s are available 6*s will be dead and that's when they'll understand my point. They are blinded right now by the fact of aquiring things easier through game, not understanding that those events also help increase the situation of this problem.

    Once they realize this and time hits their face, they will be able to do nothing about it which will translate into despair, frustration, Anger and stop spending or quit the game. Same will happen to FTP players which some people here still don't understand.

    But still I have comments thinking this problem is only my problem, as if FTP and low spending community weren't being affected and not a large group of the player base.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    What people here need to understand is that Events like Traders Outpost or Super Daily Event DO NOT help them increase their competing possibilities against spending players. Yes, it gives them easier resource adquisition but it also gives this same adquisition to their spending opponents which helps them in NOTHING competitive wise.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,834 ★★★★★
    CesarSV7 said:

    What people here need to understand is that Events like Traders Outpost or Super Daily Event DO NOT help them increase their competing possibilities against spending players. Yes, it gives them easier resource adquisition but it also gives this same adquisition to their spending opponents which helps them in NOTHING competitive wise.

    Most people understand that. They also understand that low spending or non-spending players are not intended to compete with spending payers.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,211 ★★★★★

    CesarSV7 said:

    What people here need to understand is that Events like Traders Outpost or Super Daily Event DO NOT help them increase their competing possibilities against spending players. Yes, it gives them easier resource adquisition but it also gives this same adquisition to their spending opponents which helps them in NOTHING competitive wise.

    Most people understand that. They also understand that low spending or non-spending players are not intended to compete with spending payers.
    Fr. Bro thinks everyone but them are stupid
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    Not at a decreased level they are used to compete with. Players who spend higher amounts but could still benefit themselves off of grinding arena milestones in order to buy out semi anual sales at 18k rate and still stay competitive will also be impacted with Kabams merchandising strategy. This will probably lead to the sentiment of not being awarded enough for what they are paying for.

    They are not going to be able to keep up with bigger spenders amoungst their tiers with 36k unit semi anual sales + 2 New sales worth of $750 dollars not counting Banquet.

    This game will end up in a completely pay to win race, with no hope what so ever to close the gap in terms of competitiveness.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    I'm really looking forward to next Banquet where 7* r4s start becoming available (my guess) and all this situation really impacts the player base. There will be non stop posts of how this game is locked behind spending.

  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,300 ★★★★★
    I am confused cause 45 matches unboosted without ouchies masteries gives me more points than what OP is showing with boosts...
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    You probably have a bigger roster
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    @BringPopcorn Lool bro that doesn't even make sense, I grind ever aspect of this game ... You really made me laugh
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,300 ★★★★★
    CesarSV7 said:

    @BringPopcorn Lool bro that doesn't even make sense, I grind ever aspect of this game ... You really made me laugh

    You think you are the only grinder out there?..
    Basically by making a crazy ammount of arena grinding and using boosts you are getting less ammount of points than I am. Meanwhile your excuse is I have a bigger roster. I have a bigger roster because I don't waste them to r4 or r5 6*s that you claim lets you stay competitive in Arena.
    All this while hoping you can get a 7* Bullseye, Onslaught and RS when they get into the basic pool. Meanwhile you already have them as 6* since you grind them...
    It seems to me maybe you should reevaluate if your grind is actually worth the time spent and resources used.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    Looool. You have a bigger roster because I haven't opened a single 7* crystal in 6 months and I have over 200 25% t6cc and 4 r4s to make. If you know how arena point system works, you wouldn't be arguing that. Unless you spend more than just sigil you won't be getting higher amounts of points compared to me when I use those resources.

    I have no need to open or rank champs for 6* featured grinds, I can do that with my current roster and hit milestones in 1h which is fine with me.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,300 ★★★★★
    CesarSV7 said:

    Looool. You have a bigger roster because I haven't opened a single 7* crystal in 6 months and I have over 200 25% t6cc and 4 r4s to make. If you know how arena point system works, you wouldn't be arguing that. Unless you spend more than just sigil you won't be getting higher amounts of points compared to me when I use those resources.

    I have no need to open or rank champs for 6* featured grinds, I can do that with my current roster and hit milestones in 1h which is fine with me.

    Who is even talking about ranking up for arenas? Are you tunneled visioned?
    The 6* rank ups are to stay competitive in BGs as YOU CLAIMED, unless you are telling me you are taking R1-R3 and saying you are staying competitive that way.
    Hey at the end of the day you do you... On paper on 45 matches as you screenshot I get more points without boosting 🤷
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    Yes I rank 6* r1-r3 in order to uptime my arena grinding which I only use for featured grinds. Why would I use those champs for milestones?

    Other 6*s I take to r6 help out in BGs

    Like I said you are benefitting from a roster I currently can not compete with because I haven't made a lot of rank ups and those rank ups are 7* rank ups which you use while grinding milestones.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    On top of that, I do not use a mastery setup that provides me with the highest prestige possible, it gives me the fastest fight time possible with the highest prestige regarding that fight time impact because I not only use 7*s or 6*s, I also use 5*s if they are needed. This said I can grind nonstop without waiting for champs to refresh because I still use 5*s that give me more points rather than having the highest prestige setup.

    All this to explain the impact of my arena grinding strategy is not to make more points in fewer matches, it's to make more matches in less time. So the values you are comparing your grind to mine are meaningless to me at a milestone comparison.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,300 ★★★★★
    CesarSV7 said:

    Yes I rank 6* r1-r3 in order to uptime my arena grinding which I only use for featured grinds. Why would I use those champs for milestones?

    Other 6*s I take to r6 help out in BGs

    Like I said you are benefitting from a roster I currently can not compete with because I haven't made a lot of rank ups and those rank ups are 7* rank ups which you use while grinding milestones.

    And as I said before, you probably could compete if you didn't concentrate so much on grinding 6* 🤣; but your whole emphasis is just on arena.
    You don't need every new champ to compete in BGs, you just need to have strong counters for the new champs and know how to fight them.
    You are playing a constant game of catch up when you could be at par.
  • CesarSV7CesarSV7 Member Posts: 66
    Grinding 6*s purpose is for not having the need to open featured crystals while also grind units and Battlechips.
    CesarSV7 said:


    I use the following resources:

    • Gold = Helps rank more 6* & 5* champs for the grind in order to increase the amount of rounds you can do in one push. This also helps roster building. Gold aquired through current game content is used on 7*s. It's not a good idea to use that destined gold into 6* & 5*s if you're trying to stay competitive.

    • Solo crystals shards = Opening these crystals give yellow, green and red boosts 10%, 15% and 20%. For grinding you ideally want to have all 3 of these boosts active, their duration are the following: 15min, 20min, 30min, 40min depending on the boost size. In a 2h push you use 8 lesser boosts or 4 Boosts on average. In a day you use around 32 lesser or 16 boosts. In 3 days 96 lesser or 38 boosts of all 3 types so that # multiplied by 3 different boost types = total of 288 lesser boosts or 114 Boosts. But wait, sólo crystal shards are RNG based with 38 and 35%. How many shards do we need? 1 Supreme solo crystal costs 10k shards, times 3 for RNG let's say 30k shards for 1 boost average. We need at least 288 lesser boosts = 8,640,000 shards for 1 featured champ. There are two per month 17.2mil a month, SDE gives 3.3mil a month.

    • Boosts = Helps aquire more points and speeds fights in arena. The amount of points earned significantly increases with the number of fights done throughout the grinding. This can also be seen as less hours played in arena.

    If I grind all featured champs, (which I do) this is how it impacts my account:

    1) Opening 6* basics at 10k value instead of featured for 15k value because I already have those champs.
    2) Opening more 6* crystals means more sig levels for my champions which indirectly means I don't need to look for 6* awakening gems or sig stone resources.
    3) Having more 6* champs at max sig level means I can get max sig level crystals at a faster pace so when duping a 6* I'll get double the amounts of 7* shards.
    4) Earning 7* shards at a faster pace means opening more 7* crystals which equals more champs, more dupes and more Titan shards.
    5) All this also allows me to awaken more 7* champs not having the need to chase for some awakening gems or 7* sig stones, etc.

    This is called STRATEGY, you build up your account with the least amount of possible resources and instead of chasing newer resources through content your account provides them for you at unlimited cuantities with older resources.

    This is the best way to stay competitive in the game if you are FTP or low spender. So after all this explanation, if they reduce the grinding resources for arenas you loose the chance to compete in that game mode which takes away the basis for an account build up.

    6*s I consider worthy of R6 for BGs I do so but it's not the main purpose. When I talk about competing I mean at a top 200 level that's what is becoming harder and harder. 201 and down I can do no problem, where are you landing in your competitive game?
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