6* Featured Crystal Error [Merged Threads]



  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    I agree with the poster about just return shards and remove champ fro everyone who opened the crystal! We deserve a chance using a clean crystal, even if we get bad champs, as long as it’s bug free! Let’s go Kabam, make the right decision!
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    When this happened with the initial release of the basic 6* crystal Kabam pretty much said too bad so sad everyone got the right champs. Why is it different this time?
  • SnakepSnakep Member Posts: 362 ★★★
    At least they acknowledged that they are still discussing this so maybe something will be done about it. It happened to me and I ended up with Thor Jane Foster, if that is who I should have got then i will have to accept it but I’m hoping some kind of fix will let me try again.
  • zeebo50zeebo50 Member Posts: 9
    in the end i think where all losers here, i opened a 6* featured and had no problem with it and pulled a 6* x-force (r.i.p.), so i would love to have another chance. but we gotta think at the same time is it fair to the people who pulled proxama midnights, corvus, doc oc, dominol, etc. to have them taken off there account? the real problem here is kabam not having control over there game with all these bugs. at the end of the day someone is gonna be mad with the decision kabam makes, but this issue shouldnt have even been possible in the first place.
  • GaaabeMGaaabeM Member Posts: 33
    I opened a 6* featured this morning right when it came out. Everything was fine and I pulled a Proxima. I swear if Kabam takes her away from me due to their incompetence I’m gonna be so pissed.
  • edited June 2018
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  • ChoimoChoimo Member Posts: 13
    Seems like a subset of players hit this bug who were suppose to land on a new feature. As we know it’s predetermined once you click open or spin and click.

    Give those affected by this bug a new crystal to spin or choose one of the new champs.
    The ones that didn’t get the bug but land a new feature keep their champs as is.

    If kabam can’t figure out how to compensate giving the right champ just return the shards
  • WatanabieWatanabie Member Posts: 5
    If the crystal was bugged for “X” amount of people and was removed then it was bugged for everyone. Any and all who popped a featured crystal should be refunded their shards and given the chance to open a crystal without said bugs. Clean slate... take all the champs back and do it over.
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    Yeah this happened to me too. Got WS on the second go round. Sure hope something happens here as saving 15k for 6* is no laughing matter. I purposely held them and to get an error then a basic champ se me a little rigged.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    I spun it soon as it came out and it landed on proxima. Glitched out and got the crystal back, respun and got jane foster. I can live with a bad pull, but this is just plain sketchy.

    Ofc i expect our kabam overlords to do nothing about it.
  • DallasChampsDallasChamps Member Posts: 1
    Was wondering what the deal is with the 6* Featured could not find it in the vault, Thought I would check the forum. So Kabam disabled it. Was really looking forward to opening one. tomorrow I hope! fingers crossed.
  • DisasterD41DisasterD41 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2018
    Enjoy your pots and and lvl 2 alliance revives 🙄. Because we won’t be compensated. Rip killmonger
  • edited June 2018
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  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    You guys notice that a good spin always turns out to be a bad spin the second time ? Look at all the examples of someone getting a good champ then suddenly spin 2 is a bad champ. Rigged system?
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  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    A lot of people are also happy with what they got. Hard to see a solution in this... good luck!
  • RagepoolRagepool Member Posts: 16
    That's why people should have a choice like ISHLORD suggested. Some will just keep what they got, some will try again and get screwed with an even worse Champion some will be lucky and get sth. better and some will even get the same champion again....
  • GozGoz Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018
    Logo que foi lançado o novo cristal destacado de 6 estrelas eu já fui abrir, inclusive eu gravei a tentativa de abertura, deu este erro ao tentar abrir pela primeira vez, pouco tempo depois eu tentei novamente e veio rocky raccum!
    Me senti injustiçado nisto! Pois claramente iria quebrar o cristal e vir um outro campeão.
    Mandei ticket, aguardando resposta.
    Espero que achem uma solução justa para todos.
    Edit: o cristal continuou girando eternamente após o erro, apertei na mensagem de erro e voltou para tela de cristais depois.
  • Ingi_FreyrIngi_Freyr Member Posts: 11
    I wish we would be offered to reopen my 6 star....I got Xpool....the worst of the worst. I mean why is this champion even in there?? This makes me wanna quit the game.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,144 ★★★★★
    Ingi_Freyr wrote: »
    I wish we would be offered to reopen my 6 star....I got Xpool....the worst of the worst. I mean why is this champion even in there?? This makes me wanna quit the game.


    u took the risk knowing what champs are there...
    rip 6* shards,
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,144 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    remember what u can get....

  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    There's one issue I have with 'compensation', and that's WHAT compensation.

    I'm betting money most of the spinners who got the error won't be able to prove what champ they would have landed on. Everyone will say 'IMIW!' or 'CapIW!' or 'Corvus!' even if they landed on DPX the first time, too. So will this give people who got screwed the first time a champ they didn't actually spin?

    Or option 2...shard compensation. If they get to keep the 6* they spun, that's an entire featured crystal they basically got for free. So by getting a glitch, you get ahead in the game...an exploit unfair to us who didn't want to get screwed by a bug.

    I think the most reliable option would be to remove the 6* most recently spun and refund the shards. No compensation, just a redo. Then whatever you spin, you get, no takebacks. That way those who got a glitch don't unfairly get an advantage just because something messed up.

    Of course, you could always give it to ALL of us....
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    ISHLORD wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike i have a Suggestion. The best way to resolve this is by giving everyone an option inside game to convert their Featured 6stars champs into Shards. Another way is to send everyone Tickets for Featured 6star into shard conversion.
    And bring back 6star Featured Section once these Tickets expire.

    Disagree for one major reason...

    Say I spun IMIW from my featured, but was given a ticket anyways. Oops! I decided to convert my Guillotine instead. Now I can dupe my IMIW!....
  • RagepoolRagepool Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2018
    YoMoves wrote: »
    ISHLORD wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike i have a Suggestion. The best way to resolve this is by giving everyone an option inside game to convert their Featured 6stars champs into Shards. Another way is to send everyone Tickets for Featured 6star into shard conversion.
    And bring back 6star Featured Section once these Tickets expire.

    Disagree for one major reason...

    Say I spun IMIW from my featured, but was given a ticket anyways. Oops! I decided to convert my Guillotine instead. Now I can dupe my IMIW!....

    This could be handled i guess. Should be possible to convert only the champion(s) from this crystals and not the earlier ones.
  • Queen7Queen7 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018
    Hey @Kabam Miike, since the crystal is bugged when I purchased the moment the new 6* featured went live; we should get back our 15k shards and have another go once the bug’s fixed. Months of saving wasted on a bugged crystal. It’s infuriating.
  • TitanPunchTitanPunch Member Posts: 60
    If there was a system error causing people to not open their very rare 15K 6* crystal properly, the only right thing to do for Kabam is to give people the option to reopen again. No loss to Kabam and customers will appreciate it.
  • CamaroCamaro Member Posts: 45
    TitanPunch wrote: »
    If there was a system error causing people to not open their very rare 15K 6* crystal properly, the only right thing to do for Kabam is to give people the option to reopen again. No loss to Kabam and customers will appreciate it.

    I think the concern is that proving you got screwed. I didn’t take a screenshot of anything but the error - didn’t video record it, so i can’t prove it landed on IMIW. If your Kabam, how do you know I’m not lying because I disliked the champ I got? Maybe I landed on IMIW Andy it errored out, maybe I landed on lady Thor? Just playing devils advocate.

    It’s unfortunate we are all in this scenario and I’m hopeful I get another spin, but I’ll go into it with the same knowledge that my odds of pulling IMIW are equal to getting YJ (again).

  • RomankarlikRomankarlik Member Posts: 25
    Wanna join the team guys I got karnak...
  • RomankarlikRomankarlik Member Posts: 25
    Cant wait for the answer from kabam... would love my hardly grinded 15k back and they can take away the karnak...
  • ms629ms629 Member Posts: 4
    I’m becoming very impatient kabam!
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