6* Featured Crystal Error [Merged Threads]



  • Outsider75Outsider75 Member Posts: 61
    Do we have a solution yet?
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    All quiet on the Western front!
  • ms629ms629 Member Posts: 4
    Nothing yet
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    Appreciate the time to look into this. While there have been many potential solutions offered, what was the error exactly in the crystal? Was the error caused by a particular champion in the crystal? I'm not looking for a freebie but a fair clean shot at what is in the 6* feature crystal. 15,000 shards doesn't come easy or cheap, even for the C.O.W. For a typical player, it is around 6 months of EQ Uncollected. Sure you can additional get 6* shards from dup'n 5*s, win some 3 BG wars, etc but 15,000 shards is a big time and/or money investment. Please make this right Kabam.
  • Ezekiel2517Ezekiel2517 Member Posts: 21
    This is for those who believe that Kabam gives the same drop chance for all the champions. I only saw reports of this bug with the best champions.
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2018
    The problem from alot of the communtiy posts is there are 2 groups of people
    1. Those that opened and got a bad champ and are trying to claim that they had no chance at pulling a good champ. Which i dont think is what happened or the problem being investigated. Thats just what they pulled.
    2. Those like me and others who posted at the start of this thread, in which the spinner stopped on a champ and got an error appear, then once reopenning got a different champ. Which is the issue being looked at.

    and frankly people that fall in the first catagory are slowing it down and jeopordising potential compensation from those truly affected due to trying to avoid a bad pull which just happens sometime.

    If it does compromise that would be devistating as it takes a crazy amount of time to earn those 15k shards.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    GBus94782 wrote: »
    The problem is there are 2 groups of people
    1. Those that opened and got a bad champ and are tryig to claim that they had no chance at pulling a good champ. Which i dont think is what happened or the problem being investigated. Thats just what they pulled.
    2. Those like me and others who posted at the start of this thread, in which the spinner stopped on a champ and got an error appear, then once reopenning got a different champ. Which is the issue being looked at.

    and frankly people that fall in the first catagory are slowing it down and jeopordising potential compensation from those truly affected due to trying to avoid a bad pull which just happens sometime.


    3. People like me who spun and didn't tap waiting for it to spin out and auto-select. I posted the full video earlier in thread - at the time when it auto-selects and starts to stop I got the error and my crystal was going to keep spinning indefinitely. I closed out and re-spun and it stopped on JF.

    I don't know what is a justifiable solution because we don't even know what the problem was with the crystal. Was I going to land on IMIW and it bugged out, in my case I don't know. JF pull stinks really bad (like a rotten-egg stinky fart) but did I get a fair shot at the feature 6* pull? It seems not.
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2018

    3. People like me who spun and didn't tap waiting for it to spin out and auto-select. I posted the full video earlier in thread - at the time when it auto-selects and starts to stop I got the error and my crystal was going to keep spinning indefinitely. I closed out and re-spun and it stopped on JF.

    I don't know what is a justifiable solution because we don't even know what the problem was with the crystal. Was I going to land on IMIW and it bugged out, in my case I don't know. JF pull stinks really bad (like a rotten-egg stinky fart) but did I get a fair shot at the feature 6* pull? It seems not.

    Edit: fixed quote issue

    Yeah true, it’s about finding the error and helping those that had the error occur. I know how you feel, if you read my first post mine stopped on imiw got the error then tried again and got loki. So I feel your pain on the bad pull. But the fact it stopped on such a good champ and screwed me, followed by such a bad one makes me truely annoyed. Took 5 months to get that crystal.
    If I opened it and just got loki I understand I have to live with bad pulls. But initially it didn’t which is the probs.
    I know I’m just talking in circles but it’s a big hit me and a lot of others have taken
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    Hopefully we get some kind of response today
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey everybody,

    Thanks for your patience. We've just posted regarding this issue here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/75907/regarding-june-19th-6-star-featured-hero-crystal
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    Now that's a good answer! Clearly they listened and are trying to make everyone happy.
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    Hey everybody,

    Thanks for your patience. We've just posted regarding this issue here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/75907/regarding-june-19th-6-star-featured-hero-crystal

    It says to submit a ticket if you encountered the error. I have already done this yesterday when the error occurred. Will I need to submit another ticket?
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    i would just in case.
  • SkinnyfitSkinnyfit Member Posts: 37
    Really stupid question...how do i submit a ticket?
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    Go to support tab in settings menu and it will direct you to the site.
  • SkinnyfitSkinnyfit Member Posts: 37
    Beatlerao wrote: »
    Go to support tab in settings menu and it will direct you to the site.

    Thank you
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    GBus just thought about it. You would have to submit a new ticket since they said it is a choice if you want a new crystal so they are not automatically going to take away the character you received unless you ask.
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2018
    @Kabam Miike when do you think we can expect the refunded crystal?
    Edit: also will it be a full crystal or 15k shards refunded?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    GBus94782 wrote: »
    Hey everybody,

    Thanks for your patience. We've just posted regarding this issue here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/75907/regarding-june-19th-6-star-featured-hero-crystal

    It says to submit a ticket if you encountered the error. I have already done this yesterday when the error occurred. Will I need to submit another ticket?

    @Beatlerao is correct. Please submit a new ticket, and let the team know that you would like to exercise this option.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike How will recovering a champion impact champions who have been placed on defense in aw?
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    @Kabam Miike little worried that when the champ is removed it’ll take the whole champ not just the dupe I got. Will I still keep the unawakened version?
    Also how long will it take? and will it be a full crystal or 15k shards refunded?
    Thanks for fixing the issue also, no offence but you guys have a shaky past with some issues lol, this goes a long way in our eyes. Thanks.
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  • CamaroCamaro Member Posts: 45
    @Kabam Miike thanks for the information. If we have already used gold and iso to rank the champion we are requesting be removed, will this be refunded?
  • Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    correborre wrote: »
    Everyone who spun a crystal before it got taken down should be getting 15k shards back and the champ they got removed, if any one have used any resources to level or rank said champion up they should get it reinbursed. It kind of takes the piss, i ended up with a Karnak instead...


    What about the people that respun and got Corvus, or Sabretooth? Should they lose their champ because somebody else respun and got jane foster? No.

    It does suck for the people that feel like they got jobbed, but you can't take every champ away and have everybody respin.

    They best thing to do is give compensation. 5000 6* shards would be ideal, but probably only 1000 at most if anything. What if you got the error when you were going to get deadpool xforce and ended up with YJ the next time? Does that deserve compensation ? Na...

    What happens when you respun got YJ and get your shards back, lose YJ, spin again and get jane foster, or DP x force? Would you be happy? Na, probably be on here yelling at kabam for rigging your spin. Lol

    Note: when I say "you" i don't mean anybody specific, just the generalized term.

  • Icecold2099Icecold2099 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    Hey everybody,

    Thanks for your patience. We've just posted regarding this issue here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/75907/regarding-june-19th-6-star-featured-hero-crystal

    This is perfect fix for this issue...

    Hats off to kabam on this one. Everybody affected has the CHOICE to go again.

  • Scottiev923Scottiev923 Member Posts: 8
    It would save Kabam lots of time and just give everyone 15k 6* shards.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    I am also recieiving the same canned reply as yesterday. Not very promising.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Reminder, if you do contact support about this issue please be patient when waiting for a reply as the team works through the issue. Also, we aren't going to be able to address individual situations or answer questions about your accounts on the forums. And please do not post any private correspondence with support, as that is against the forum rules. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
  • GBus94782GBus94782 Member Posts: 11
    Could we get a rough estimate at least. Are we talking hours, days or weeks for the refunded crystal?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    DoctorJ wrote: »
    I am also recieiving the same canned reply as yesterday. Not very promising.

    When did you send in that ticket? Was it following this announcement?
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