6* Featured Crystal Error [Merged Threads]

So opened my 6* featured and it was stopping on Cap IW and I then got an error message and had to reopen crystal. Second time around it stopped on Rocket Racoon. Any thoughts?

Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
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I think it’s a curse with caps
We're trying to figure out what might be happening here. We'll get back to you with more information as soon as we have it!
EDIT: We are disabling this Crystal until we can find out what's going on.
I have a 3* corvius and I can beat most master matches once I've built up his power love him for questing just simple kill mutant, tech, special after evade and an avenger I guarantee that 6* will absolutely kill anything in his path just jammy luck well done on your pull
So happy right now 😭. Been saving for months for this moment and this is what I pull from the featured 6 star crystals.....this is just pure evil at work!
This needs to be fixed, and more importantly those affected need to be talked to by the game devs. This took months of grinding to save for.
@Kabam Miike
i am happy
ouch RIP 6* shards.........
I have enough to open a featured but I'm a little scared to do so. They have been SCREWING me hard core on other crystals lately. I might save for September and get a little more value as I'll be able to open two basic crystals then.
The fact that any bottom tier trash (DP X-Force, Jane Foster, etc...) is in any 6 star crystal is pretty infuriating and unacceptable in my opinion. These 6 stars will be nearly impossible to dup any time soon and they take a ton of resources to get and rank up. The starting pool and these featured crystals should have average but useable characters as the worst options that you could pull. Pulling something like DP X-Force just sets you behind everyone else that was lucky when it comes to progression.
They don't all need to be God tier, but they shouldn't be bottom tier trash either.
What idiot LOLed at this comment? He's absolutely correct. You spend that extra 5000 (which is extremely time consuming to get at this time for 6 stars) and you expect to have a chance at that champion. Not having a fair shot is ABSOLUTELY grounds for compensation.
I think they took the crystal down to fix whatever issue people are reporting.